Shinto Dantei

Chapter 596 Please enter the urn

The next trip to Beixing Sect went smoother than expected.

After Ye Chen threw out Wu Cheng's head, the leader of the Beixing Sect immediately expressed his surrender without saying a word.

You knelt down before I even spoke?

Far water cannot quench near thirst.

In this area, whoever has the biggest fist is the undisputed overlord.

And Beixing Sect belongs to the weakest.

So their sect leader was smart. When he heard that Wu Linzong had been destroyed, he knelt down without waiting for Ye Chen to say anything.

There is no need for you to speak, I will kneel down first, so that you can appear majestic!

After conquering the two major sects without bloodshed, Ye Chen did not rush to the Mingyu Sect, but decided to rest in the Beixing Sect for a few days.

The leader of the Beihang Sect ordered people to clear out a hilltop specifically for Ye Chen and others to live in.

"Young Master, there is only one Mingyu Sect left, why don't you make an effort?"

Ning Anran asked softly while squeezing Ye Chen's shoulders.

"Mingyu Sect is different from these sects because... he is in the territory of Yin Yang Sect."

Ye Chen raised his eyes and chuckled, "After all, the Yin and Yang Sect is a super sect with a deep foundation and is not something we can easily fight against. Although Brother Xiao said he would help withstand the pressure, we must also consider the current situation... First Not to mention the Lingjian Sect’s attitude, even if they are willing to help, the matter is already settled by the time they arrive at such a long distance.”

"However, we must capture Mingyu Sect, otherwise, this dragon vein will not be complete."

Ning Anran frowned slightly.

"This is natural, but it needs to be done in a different way."

Ye Chen closed his eyes and began to think.

It is definitely not possible to just come to the door without saying anything.

This is unreasonable.

Once things get serious, the Yin Yang Sect will definitely not let it go.

In a reasonable way, even if the Yin and Yang Sect suffers a hidden loss, it can only swallow it in the stomach.

"Brother Ye, I'm afraid it won't take long for Wu Linzong to be exterminated throughout this area. Even if you have the Bagua Pan as a cover, there will definitely be some clues left behind. The Yin and Yang Sect will not sit idly by and ignore it."

Monk Mingxin looked serious. In fact, he also wanted to see how Ye Chen would deal with the next situation.

It's okay to take down the Mingyu Sect by force with combat power, but you have to think about the revenge of the Yin and Yang Sect next!


If the news about the Dragon Vein is leaked, will the Yin Yang Sect give you a chance to outwit it?

Therefore, Monk Mingxin wanted to know Ye Chen's countermeasures.

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it in a few days."

Ye Chen laughed and went back to his room to rest.

He already had a rough idea in his mind on how to deal with the next situation.

It is indeed a bit risky, can there be a foolproof plan in this world?

Ye Chen stayed in Beixing Sect for three full days.

In the past three days, various news has already spread to the outside world.

Wu Linzong was exterminated, Baohe Sect, and Beixing Sect all surrendered to Tiandao Sect and were willing to bow their heads.

All this is like a rock suddenly falling into the calm lake!

Stir up a thousand waves!

Most people's impression of Tiandao Sect still remains at that time.

The small sects at the bottom of the first-class sects are almost on the verge of being demoted. If they are not careful, they may not be able to keep their place as a first-class sect and be demoted to a second-class sect.

Wu Linzong, who had a feud with them, tried his best to suppress them and wanted to annex them.

However, everyone belongs to the Lingjian Sect, and some things cannot be done too ugly.

You must take into account the Lingjian Sect’s face and take action slowly.

Unexpectedly, after the Tiandao Sect changed its appearance, Wu Linzong was the first to be destroyed!

Although there is no conclusion as to who the murderer is, everyone knows who else could it be besides Tiandaozong?

In this area, many forces are in panic.

As for the inside of the Yin and Yang Sect, they were even more angry.

In the main hall, Su Jinnan looked at the people in front of him expressionlessly, "So, do you think that the incident at Konghu Mountain was probably done by Tiandao Sect Ye Chen? I gave you time to investigate for so long, but you can't even come to an accurate conclusion. If you don’t even come out, why are you feeding a bunch of people in vain?”

The people in front of him fell to their knees in fear.

"Young Sect Master, what happened in Konghu Mountain was really hidden and no evidence was left behind. We even used the time and space retrieval method. However, there is always a force in the dark that interferes with the direction of the results, so we can only rely on some clues. To analyze and judge..."

"That's right, Young Sect Master, Ye Chen is probably responsible for this. He destroyed three ancient families in succession without leaving a single person alive. This is enough to prove that he is cruel and ruthless, and Leng Jian is the only surviving member of the Leng family. Heir, with his character, how can he spare Leng Jian’s life?”

"About Wu Linzong, it is easier to understand. Apart from Tiandao Sect, who else here can shake Wu Linzong? I heard that Ye Chen seized a magic weapon from the ancient Chen clan, called the Bagua Pan, which can control the world Shrouded in silence."

You say something to everyone, and I say something.

I have to say that the people around Su Jinnan are really capable.

After just a few sentences of analysis, they are almost indistinguishable.

"So, what do you think about this matter?"

Su Jinnan was in a slightly better mood.

"This matter cannot be looked at simply. It must be combined with the matter of Dongjiang Pavilion."

A counselor said solemnly, "Dongjian Pavilion suddenly rose up a few days ago, overwhelming the two giants and establishing its leadership position among the first-class sects. Soon after, Tiandao Sect also began to annex other sects. He He is also very ambitious, but because of his weak foundation, he can only go step by step."

"From this matter, we can see the ambition of the Lingjian Sect! It seems that they separated Xiao Qinglin and Xiao Xuan and let them fend for themselves. In fact, it was a good move. The real evil genius can only be free and unrestrained. Only in this environment can you fully display your talents! ”

Su Jinnan nodded, which coincided with his thoughts.

There isn't much to fight for in this area.

Baohe Sect and Beixing Sect are just small shrimps among the first-class sects. They are insignificant and naturally cannot talk about the so-called overall situation.

Even if Wu Linzong was destroyed, Su Jinnan would not feel sad.

It's nothing more than a lost dog.

The key point is that all of this happened within the sphere of influence of the Lingjian Sect. No matter how excessive it was, it had nothing to do with their Yin Yang Sect.

"Young Master, please see that the other sects in this area have been controlled by Tiandao Sect, but there is still one last one left."

The counselor reached out and pointed at the position of the Ming Yu Sect, "This Ming Yu Sect is the territory of our Yin Yang Sect, and it is also a relatively important terrain in this area. If the Tiandao Sect is really ambitious, what will he do next? I think this is a good opportunity for us to take action against Ming Yuzong.”

"go on."

Su Jinnan said calmly.

"Of course we can't just watch the Tiandao Sect take shape, especially the one named Ye Chen, who is even more abominable! Killing three ancient tribes in a row, and then going deep into Konghu Mountain to kill Leng Jian and two elders is too arrogant and domineering, If they are arrogant, why don't we indulge them and let them feel swollen and enter the Mingyu Sect, and then we will have a reason to take action. "

"Third Young Master Xiao has a distinguished status and we can't touch him. But except for him, everyone else can be killed. As a super sect, the Lingjian Sect will definitely not break up with us just because of a few disciples."

The counselor pointed his finger and sneered, "This is called catching a turtle in a jar!"

Everyone said something to each other and quickly reached a consensus.

They all viewed Tiandao Sect's move as a spur-of-the-moment expansion.

Therefore, they will dig a hole in Mingyu Sect next and invite you to enter the urn!

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