Shinto Dantei

Chapter 636 Our human race will never be destroyed

Now, the Barbarian Bear King has been promoted to the Barbarian Bear King, and Ye Chen has also reached the realm of the Emperor of Life and Death.

Their confrontation once again touched everyone's heartstrings.

As a result... the Barbarian Bear Emperor was defeated once again!

Everything is the same as the original battle.

If we look into it carefully, we can see that they have different approaches but the same purpose.

The physique that the demon clan is proud of is simply not worth mentioning in Ye Chen's opinion.

You use the most tyrannical means to collide with others, but in the end you are still unable to defeat others. How can you win after fighting like this?

The Barbarian Bear Emperor is not the most powerful being among this group of monsters. There are also several monster emperor-level experts traveling with him.

When they saw the Barbarian Bear Emperor being defeated by Ye Chen once again, unbelievable anger flashed in their pupils.

This is impossible!

However, the facts are right in front of you, you can’t help but believe it.

"I said, the record I set last time wasn't fun or satisfying enough. This time, I, Ye Chen, want to refresh the record I set with my own hands. How about killing...a hundred monsters?"

Ye Chen's voice was filled with murderous intent and arrogance.


With a sudden movement, Ye Chen used the Chixiao heavy sword and rushed into the demon group.

The Chixiao heavy sword in his hand was swung wildly, like a powerful barbarian wielding a mountain!

The body that the demon clan was proud of looked so fragile under the impact of the Chixiao heavy sword.

No matter who it is, as long as it comes into contact with the Chixiao heavy sword, it will be knocked away.

Swing all the way, rampage all the way, and fight all the way!

Dozens of monsters were defeated by Ye Chen, and they were unable to put up any decent resistance.

All the geniuses of the race saw this scene in front of their eyes, and excitement filled their hearts once again.

Ye Chen is indeed the savior of the human race in the ethereal world!

When the Barbarian Bear King dominated the initial land and the Holy Realm area, many strong men were unable to do anything to him. They could only watch the Barbarian Bear King being arrogant and domineering, oppressing the human race in various ways. It was the appearance of Ye Chen that brought the Barbarian Bear King to Defeated and slaughtered dozens of monsters by himself, and set a record!

This time, the demon clan united with various foreign races in the virtual spirit world and once again united.

It was Ye Chen who stepped forward again and issued the 'Demon Slaying Order' in front of all the geniuses, and rushed to the front, regardless of personal safety, and set an example.

The cultivators who can come to the virtual spirit world are all geniuses from all walks of life. They all have the blood of the human race, and there is absolutely no coward!

In the past, there was no organization and they did not dare to attack the enemy with an egg.

Now, under the leadership of Ye Chen, the passion in the hearts of all the geniuses surged up.

In the face of racial justice, you can put aside personal hatred first!


"Senior Brother Ye is so popular in killing, we can't hold him back."

"It's really too strong, keep up, brothers."

"Kill all these monster bastards!"

The genius of the human race worked hard and continued to take action.

Talents from both sides continued to join the battle, and the fight expanded from the initial scale of two to three hundred to nearly a thousand!

"What the hell, the demon clan is coming fiercely, brothers, wait for me, I will go and ask for help!"

"Brothers, hold on, I'm going to ask for help, I have to kill them all."

Some geniuses saw that there were more and more monsters, and they rushed out to ask for reinforcements.

They all come from various major forces and have extremely wide connections.

Lingjian Sect, inner sect.

"Hurry, brothers and sisters, hurry up, our human race and the demon race are fighting in the virtual spirit world. The leader is my sect's senior brother Ye Chen. Now the number of demon race's geniuses is increasing, I'm afraid of senior brother Ye Chen It won’t last long, come on, come with me into the ethereal world to kill the monsters!”

A disciple rushed to the martial arts arena frantically and shouted loudly.


"My human race is fighting with the demon race?"

"These damn demon bastards really think that our human race is weak and cannot be bullied!"

For a time, many voices sounded, with a lot of anger.

Although Ye Chen has left Lingjian Sect and nominally became an elder of Tiandao Sect, many inner disciples still regard him as a fellow sect member. Especially what Ye Chen has done in recent years has made them even more excited.

Now, many inner disciples were angry when they heard that Ye Chen was leading the fight against the demon clan.


"Let's go!"

Without saying a word, the inner disciples directly activated the lines on their wrists and entered the ethereal world.

At the same time, such things also happen in other super sects and forces.

When facing the monster clan, everyone can temporarily put aside their prejudices and kill the monsters together!

This is the blood of the human race!

The virtual world, the initial place.

The war became more intense.

On the side of the Monster Clan, groups of geniuses appeared one after another, endlessly.

Ye Chen was the first to kill without retreating at all.

Covered in blood, he still had no intention of stopping.

But around him, there were fewer and fewer human cultivators.

There are simply too many demon clans, too strong in body, and too powerful in combat.

In the middle of a melee, their close combat skills can be fully demonstrated.

Except for the physical and sword cultivators who can compete with the demon clan in terms of combat power, it is difficult for other cultivators to take advantage in frontal battles. Over time, they will naturally die of exhaustion.

Although Ye Chen was terrifying and powerful and rushed to the front, he could not care about the overall situation.

Seeing that the genius of the human race was in a critical situation and was about to be wiped out, suddenly the light flickered.

"Disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect have come to join the battle and lend a helping hand to Senior Brother Ye!"

With a loud shout, more than a dozen figures walked out of the light curtain and appeared on the battlefield together. Without saying a word, they directly took out their magic swords and joined the fighting.

"It's the Lingjian Sect, the super sect has joined the battle!"

Some of the geniuses of the human race made excited sounds.

Immediately afterwards, the light flickered again, and some stone tablets exploded into the sky.

This means that many geniuses who have left records in the original land have arrived on the battlefield.

Sure enough, hundreds of figures stepped out of the light one after another.

"Disciples of the Moon Worshiping Sect are here to help Senior Brother Ye!"

"The disciples of Tianlong Mountain are here to help Senior Brother Ye!"

"Disciples of the Yin and Yang Sect come here to help Senior Brother Ye!"

Every sound that sounded represented a super disciple joining the battle.

At this point, all four super sects have participated in the battle.

"They, they're all here!"

"Hahaha, my human race cannot be bullied, and my human race cannot be humiliated!"

"You little demon bastard, come here and die!"

After hearing this, many of the geniuses of the human race were even more excited, as if they had been injected with blood.

Every sound was like a shot in the arm to them.

Help me up so I can fight again!

As the saying goes, those who are enlightened will be helped much!

Our human race is like a prairie fire, endlessly growing!

With an order, the geniuses of the human race from all over the world came to reinforce.

What do you monsters do to fight us?

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