Shinto Dantei

Chapter 822 Feelings heat up

Upon hearing this, many members of the Black Gold Heavenly Snake tribe showed excitement.

"where is it?"

"Is it the Kingdom of Beasts?"

"Is it the news from the main line that you are ready to accept us?"

Looking at the expectant expressions on the faces of many tribesmen, Kuimu shook his head and said with a smile, "It is not the Kingdom of Beasts, but it is a better place than the Kingdom of Beasts. It is known as the No. 1 Cave Paradise in the Qinglian Realm. It’s a holy land, a fairyland, and our lineage can definitely live there forever and continue to thrive!”

After hearing Kuimu's words, many tribesmen showed eager expressions.

"Is there such a place?"

"Clan leader, please tell me, we are impatient to wait."

Kuimu laughed and said, "I wonder if you have heard of the Land of Hundred Kingdoms!"

"Land of Hundreds of Kingdoms?"

"Hiss, there, I've heard about it, the spiritual energy is revived, it's an absolute fairyland!"

"It's a fairyland with countless treasures of all kinds!"

"It would be great if we could get a home there."

Upon hearing this, all the clan members' eyes flashed with excitement.

Kuimu nodded, "Do you still remember the young master I told you before? The entire Hundred Kingdoms is his territory. This time he also took the initiative to accept us to live here."

"Thank you, young master!"

"Long live young master!"

A group of tribesmen were extremely excited.

Kuimu was also very happy. Originally, they were going to the Kingdom of Beasts, but this place was too far away from the Kingdom of Beasts. With the world in such chaos, no one could guarantee safety on the road, but the land of Hundred Kingdoms was different.

The Land of Hundred Kingdoms is not that far away from here. If you travel with all your strength, you can get there in one day.

There are dozens of clansmen in my own lineage, and it’s easy to tell.

"Clan leader, when do we leave?"

Some tribesmen asked impatiently.

"I'll give you half an hour to pack your things, and leave immediately after half an hour!"

Kui Mu is also decisive enough. The Tiandu Forest is no longer safe. Monsters may attack anytime and anywhere. You must escape before they arrive. Otherwise, the monsters will come at will. A person with seven changes in life and death can kill his own clan.

All the clan members set off and rushed to pack their things.

Kuimu looked up at the sky with emotion.

Sure enough, there is no way out, but there is another village with dark flowers and bright flowers!

In less than half an hour, all the clan members had packed their things and were ready to set off.

Dozens of black gold sky pythons finally turned around and glanced at the Tiandu Forest, a land where they had lived for thousands or tens of thousands of years.


Following Kuimu's order, all the tribesmen began to migrate.

Beyond the land of hundreds of countries, the Helian family.

"Clan leader, emergency!"

An elder rushed over quickly and wanted to enter the room, but was stopped by He Lianjue outside the door. "Elder, my father is refining medicine in seclusion. If you have anything, just tell me."

"Young Patriarch, outside... there are dozens of terrifying giant pythons outside, and they are entrenched outside our family."

The elder was a little anxious.

"A bunch of pythons?"

When Helian Jue heard this, he knew what was going on.

Ye Chen had previously told himself that he had issued an order to move all the Black Gold Sky Python clan in Tiandu Forest.

At this moment, they should have arrived.

"Take me there."

Helian Jue smiled and said, "No need to be nervous, these black gold sky pythons are friends of Mr. Ye."

"I see."

The elder breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I will lead the way for the young sect leader."

Helianjue came to the outskirts of the family and saw dozens of huge black gold sky pythons in front of him. They exuded a good aura and were very powerful. The fierce aura coming towards their faces made it difficult to open their eyes.

"I am He Lianjue, the young patriarch of the Helian family. Mr. Ye ordered me to be here to await your arrival!"

He Lianjue stepped forward and cupped his hands.

Kui Mu took the lead and walked forward, grinning and saying, "It turns out to be Young Master Helian. My name is Kui Mu, and I am the clan leader of this lineage. Previously, the young master sent a message to me, asking us to move to the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, but I Look, why are you all stationed outside?"

Helian Jue explained, "Beyond the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, there is a regular barrier guarding it. Even the powerful emperor cannot break through it, so we can only live on the periphery for the time being. When this light barrier disappears, Mr. Ye will be the first Time brings us into it.”

"That's it, haha."

Kui Mu grinned, "Then during this period, we will be in trouble for Young Master Helian."

"No trouble, come with me."

He Lianjue took the initiative to lead the way. The auras of these dozens of black gold sky pythons were all very good.

Although Kuimu, the strongest one, only has six transformations of life and death, they are better because of their overall strength!

There are dozens of black gold pythons in total, and none of them are below the level of the Emperor of Life and Death. After they join the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, they will also bring about a wave of improvement.

In this way, the Black Gold Sky Python clan headed by Kuimu first settled in the territory of the Helian family.

Although it is not as free as the Tiandu Forest, it is better because the cultivation atmosphere is good and people and monsters can coexist harmoniously. In addition, there are countless pills for them to take.

This was something that was unthinkable in the past!

During the time that Ye Chen lived in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, he always stayed with Jing Zhongyue.

Jing Zhongyue is used to being alone. If others are around, she will feel very annoyed and annoying.

Especially the opposite sex made her want to kill someone.

However, when facing Ye Chen, she didn't have this feeling.

She didn't know why, but she didn't have any dislike for Ye Chen.

No matter how the other party joked, she would not hate him, but... there was a wonderful feeling.

This feeling was hard to explain.

Sometimes, when Ye Chen was not around, she couldn't help but miss him.

Although Jing Zhongyue didn't say it, she knew in her heart that she might... have fallen in love with Ye Chen.

This feeling was really very strange.

Jing Zhongyue never thought that she would fall in love with someone else, but once the feelings were born, they were irresistible.

In the blink of an eye, another three months passed.

This time, in the courtyard.

Jing Zhongyue was still dressed in a red dress and wearing a mask, sitting in the pavilion, making tea by herself.

Her slender hands were the hands that held the sword and the hands that killed people, and she had never done such work.

Making tea was indeed not an easy thing for her.

She clumsily put the tea leaves into the teapot, used the spirit energy to create the flame, and had to control it carefully, the temperature could not be too high or too low.

"Yueyue, I heard you were looking for me?"

Ye Chen walked in with a big laugh, holding some snacks in his hand, "I bought some snacks, all your favorites."

Suddenly inviting me to my home, has Jing Zhongyue changed her personality?

"Sit down."

Jing Zhongyue picked up the teapot and poured two cups of hot tea.

Although I couldn't see her pretty face under the mask, I could feel that she was a little nervous at the moment.

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