Shinto Dantei

Chapter 826 Buddha cannot see the suffering of all living beings

The young man's voice was so excited that it even sounded a little hoarse.

After he finished speaking, the woman suddenly stopped what she was doing, raised her head, and stared at Monk Huineng with a pair of eyes.

Not only her, but many disaster victims around her also raised their heads, their eyes were eager and eager.

In an instant, all the sounds between heaven and earth seemed to disappear.

Only the sound of the disaster victims swallowing their saliva remained.

Monk Huineng walked on the main road, not looking sideways.

Although he had a high level of cultivation and was not afraid of these hungry people rushing over to attack, he was still a little scared in his heart.

He was not scared for his own dangerous situation, but for the situation of these hungry people.

These were the most ordinary people. If the capital was prosperous, they would live and work in peace and contentment, and lead an ordinary and happy life. But now, they were like hungry wolves, with longing in their eyes, just for a bite of food, just to survive.

Whose fault is this?

"Quick, catch him, don't let him run away!"

"He's white and fat, his meat must be very tender and delicious."

"Yes, haha, it's so white, you don't even need to wash it, you can eat it directly!"

Many victims jumped up, and they didn't know where they got the strength from, and they rushed towards Monk Huineng.


Monk Huineng lowered his head, his face was very gloomy.

Buddhism has always been known for saving all living beings, but look at the people in front of you, who... comes to save them?

All the monks in Qianfo Mountain have been staying on the mountain and rarely go down the mountain.

You don't even go down the mountain, how can you see the sufferings of the world clearly?

How can you understand and save all living beings?


The two victims rushed to Monk Huineng, and without saying a word, they bit him directly.

There was a thin layer of light curtain around Monk Huineng, and the two victims could not touch his skin no matter what.

"Hurry, come together, this monk knows magic!"

One of the victims yelled, his pupils were bloodshot.

He was obviously very hungry, and had not eaten fresh meat for a long time.

Another group of victims rushed over, trying to knock Monk Huineng to the ground.

Monk Huineng did not fight back, his heart was completely torn, and he was trembling with pain.

Is this the world today?

The Buddhist creed, saving the common people and saving the world, is it just empty talk in the end?

He felt that the faith he had been adhering to for all these years was wavering.

Monk Huineng did not stop and kept walking forward.

Even if a dozen victims were chained to him, he still walked forward step by step as if nothing happened.

He walked barefoot on the snow, leaving a series of footprints.

"You damned monk, why don't you release your protective aura and let us eat?"

Some victims shouted angrily, "Don't you monks care about saving all living beings? If you don't go to hell, who will? Now, in order to fill our stomachs, you release your protective aura and give us food. Is this wrong? You can be regarded as saving us!"

"Yes! You damned bad monk, let us eat!"

"Hungry! I'm starving to death!"

"Sacrificing you can keep so many of us alive. This is an immeasurable merit!"

The victims shouted loudly. They had lost their most basic humanity and just wanted to have a full meal.

Of course, it was not their fault.

In this world!

Monk Huineng knew all this, so he didn't blame these people.

He didn't push them away.

He just walked forward slowly.

Although his steps were extremely light, Monk Huineng felt extremely heavy in his heart.

The weight of these people was as light as a feather to him.

But Monk Huineng felt as if a mountain was pressing down on his shoulders, which was so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

After a few hundred steps, the victims finally ran out of strength and fell in the snow.

They stared at Monk Huineng's back with wide eyes, roaring angrily, "You are a bad monk, you won't save us!"

"In ancient times, the Buddha cut meat to feed the eagle, can't you let us eat it?"

"Yes, even if you cut off a few pieces of meat for us, it will be fine!"

"Ah, mother, I'm hungry!"

"Bad monk, bald donkey!"

The shouting and cursing of these people became smaller and smaller.

Monk Huineng continued to walk in the snow, his eyes calm, without sadness or joy.

But only he knew what kind of pain he had experienced in his heart.

In this chaotic world, is there really no one who can do anything to set things right?

The monks of Qianfo Mountain are so high above, do they really not care about the sufferings of the world?

In the end, are these ordinary people only going to starve to death?

Every time he thought of something, his heart twitched.

He didn't know how long he had walked, but he walked through countless human cities.

The scenes he saw in each place were similar.

He had seen people eating corpses, exchanging children for food, and cooking with bones.

In some temples, he saw many monks cooking human flesh to eat, and even wanted to share a bowl with him.

He saw the city guards gathered together, eating meat and drinking wine.

He saw people who refused to eat human flesh before dying and eventually starved to death, and he also saw people who were hacked to death for fighting for food...

There are countless sentient beings, and all kinds of sentient beings.

All of this fell into the eyes of Monk Huineng.

Every scene made his heart sink a little.

At the end of the Tao, he murmured to himself, "It is said that the Buddha can save the world. Where is the Buddha? May I ask where the Buddha is? In the past, we have been on Qianfo Mountain, eating well and wearing warm clothes, chanting scriptures, and want to go Understanding Buddhist scriptures and teachings... But the world is so miserable, what's the use of understanding it? Can it save the world? Can it save people?"

At the end of the sentence, Monk Huineng began to roar, roaring at the world.

He hates it so much!

As a strong man who has undergone the Seven Changes of Life and Death, looking at the entire Qinglian world, they are also among the next best.

But still, there is no way to save the common people!

Just like that, the Buddha in his heart began to collapse.

When he walked for ninety-nine and eighty-one consecutive days, he suddenly had a great enlightenment.

Buddhist scriptures cannot save suffering, but food can.

As long as there is food, the world will be peaceful and the people will be stable.

So, he burned all the scriptures in Najie, personally carved out dozens of barren mountains, and used his magical powers to plant food in them.

He brings water from spiritual springs, and the food matures in seven days!

Then he recruited many helpers to provide porridge and disaster relief in various places.

Spring passes and autumn comes, and the next year comes.

There were numerous good harvests of food.

Most of the victims survived on this food.

After a few years, the food became more and more abundant.

There are hundreds of countries around, the granaries are full, and there are no more disasters.

Monk Huineng single-handedly saved the common people!

It was at that moment that he began to understand that the Buddha was so high that he could not see the suffering of all sentient beings.

But I can.

As long as you do it yourself to save the common people.

Then I am the Buddha in the eyes of this world!

He is the savior in the eyes of the people!

After figuring this out, Monk Huineng had a profound enlightenment, and when the first ray of morning sun shone down, he followed the trend and merged the fate of all living beings... On this day, he successfully attained enlightenment to the Great Emperor!

There you have it, today’s Buddha!

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