Shinto Dantei

Chapter 830 Weird Cave (7 updates)

When facing Sun Ci, Xiao Changqing's voice was extremely firm.

This is completely different from before.

Sun Ci's pupils shrank, never expecting that Xiao Changqing would have such an attitude.

He didn't know if it was because of a misunderstanding, but he always felt that Xiao Changqing had changed a lot in recent days.

In the past, he was Xiao Yunmang's disciple. Although he was a little arrogant, he still knew etiquette.

No matter where we meet, we will always be respectful and have the proper etiquette.

But during this period, Xiao Changqing's temperament had undergone some changes.

No matter who he treats, he is very blunt.

His eyes were stern and arrogant, as if he didn't care about anything in the world.

All in all, it has indeed been a while.

From the moment Xiao Yunmang announced his retreat and handed over all power to Xiao Changqing, it seemed that Xiao Changqing's attitude began to change.

Could it be that the power was suddenly handed over to him, which inevitably caused him to feel a little bloated?

Or is there a deeper reason for this?

"Not even me?"

Sun Ci had no expression on his face and asked again.

"Master's original words are, no one... can do it."

Xiao Changqing did not betray Sun Ci's face at all, and his tone became harder and harder.

"You are presumptuous!"

Lei Bao, who had the most bad temper, got furious and said, "Pay attention to your status. You are just the young sect leader. When facing your master, you must know how to be humble and polite. Don't think that you have the power for a few days and your tail will be raised." It’s gone to heaven!”

Not only Lei Bao, but also Yun Qing said coldly, "How did you get the position of the young sect leader? I don't think anyone knows better than you. Since you came from a wrong place, you should be more low-key in doing things. Before you ascend to the position of sect leader, Don’t be too proud before.”

Even Chen Mo and the old Taoist priest frowned.

Obviously, they all dislike Xiao Changqing.

"Haha, fellow masters and uncles, Chang Qing was too anxious before and did not consider your feelings. This is Chang Qing's fault. Chang Qing apologizes here. But in the final analysis, Chang Qing is still obeying Master's orders. Master After all, he is the sect master, and his orders cannot be disobeyed."

Xiao Changqing's words seemed to be an apology to several people, but in fact they were a secret threat.

This is the order of the sect master. Even if you people are of superior status, don’t think about being too arrogant!

This is the Spirit Sword Sect after all, Xiao Yunmang's Spirit Sword Sect!

Sun Ci turned his head and glanced at the four people.

The four of them also looked ugly.

It's okay to refuse, but this is too tough. It doesn't matter if you don't save face, but you are so arrogant that you ridicule him face to face.


Lei Bao clenched his fists, furious.

He couldn't wait to take action right away and teach this guy who doesn't know how to be humble!

Sun Ci put a hand on Lei Bao's shoulder, then smiled and said, "Okay, since the sect leader has made a decision, we naturally have no choice but to abide by it and say goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Ci left first.

The remaining four gritted their teeth, clearly not wanting to leave, but after thinking twice, they still left here.

Although it is not clear what Xiao Yunmang is thinking, he is the sect leader after all.

There is no other choice but to obey the orders of the suzerain.

Unless...rebellion from the sect!


Xiao Changqing looked at the backs of the five people, with a smile on his lips, with a hint of ridicule.

"What's going on?"

Lei Bao quickly chased after him and couldn't help but said, "The sect master's personality has changed so much over the years. I won't go into details about why even Xiao Changqing has changed so much. He looks like a different person inside and out! Is it true that power has changed so much? Can it really corrupt people’s character?”

Yun Qing, Chen Mo and others all looked cold and shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know.

Sun Ci said calmly, "Maybe it's because the mind has been eroded, or maybe it's due to other levels."

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the scene when he met Ren Qingyun in Ye Chen's room.

At that time, Master's attitude was very ambiguous.

He didn't make his words too clear, and even wanted to restrain his thoughts.

At that time, Sun Ci had almost guessed something.

It's just that for so many years, I haven't had any evidence, so it's hard to have an attack.

This time, he really felt that his mood was sinking into the bottom little by little.

It always feels like there is a haze hanging over the Spirit Sword Sect.

Since when?

Sun Ci closed his eyes and thought carefully.

If I remember correctly, it should have started when... Xiao Qinglin and Xiao Xuan were "driven out" one after another.

It didn't matter that Xiao Qinglin fell. When he left, he took away a large amount of cultivation resources, which was considered decent.

But Xiao Xuan went too far that time!

It was clear that he had defeated Xiao Changqing, but with Xiao Yunmang's support, it was Xiao Changqing who finally ascended to the position of Young Sect Master.

That time, Sun Ci felt something was wrong.

Why exactly?

Xiao Changqing is not as good as Xiao Xuan, and it is Xiao Xuan who wins. This is all obvious.

Why was Xiao Xuan driven away in the end and Xiao Changqing took over?

You know, Xiao Xuan is your biological son!

Could it be...

A bold guess took shape in Sun Ci's mind.

His pupils contracted violently, and his heart suddenly skipped half a beat.

This guess is too bold, even a little... disrespectful!

If the speculation is true, I am afraid that the entire sect will be subverted.

"Four of you, come with me."

Sun Ci spoke in a deep voice. Regardless of whether this guess was true or false, he could no longer hide it.

It is necessary to explain to the four people quickly and exchange information with each other.


The four people nodded, they were also angry and needed to vent their anger.

Just like that, the five of them rushed towards the inner gate Qingyun Peak.

At the same time, Xiao Yunmang was in retreat in the cave.

Various runes gathered inside, forming formations one after another, layer upon layer.

Each formation exudes a good aura, and its purpose is to prevent the internal aura from leaking and hiding it from the outside world.

On the mountain wall inside the cave, there are many fish-like runes swimming around. It is these runes, together with the formation, that form the inner meaning of this cave.

In the center of the formation, Xiao Yunmang was sitting cross-legged.

However, he looks ferocious now.

Two chains hung down from the top of the cave, one on the left and one on the right, deeply embedded in his shoulders, which was shocking.

These two chains seemed to have locked the aura in Xiao Yunmang's body.

Tsk tsk tsk!

There was a surging black energy rising from the soles of his feet, floating inch by inch, gradually covering his figure.

At this moment, he didn't look like a human emperor, but more like... a strange evil demon!

This scene is so weird that people can't even think about it.

It's no wonder that Xiao Changqing previously refused to let the five people in no matter what.

If this falls into the eyes of others, can we still get it?

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