Shinto Dantei

Chapter 838 Is it even now?

The person who came was none other than Emperor Xiang, who was wearing linen clothes and holding a flag.

Mayi’s divine fortune teller!

He was still dressed in the same slovenly manner, his beard had not been trimmed for who knows how long, the linen clothes he wore had several holes, and he was wearing a pair of straw sandals under his feet, which was very simple and ordinary.

If you didn't know him, you would think he was some kind of charlatan.

"Haha, you're a little late."

The Prime Minister grinned at Ye Chen and immediately looked towards the sky.

There, the five emperors were fighting fiercely.

Many cultivators looked at Xiangdi, with a hint of curiosity flashing in their eyes.

Who is this person?

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to want to participate in this battle between the Great Emperors.

No, who does he think he is?

This is the world's top battle between great emperors. Every ray of breath that comes out can make practitioners in the realm of life and death unable to eat. If you want to intervene in a battle of this level, you can only say that your heart is a little too big. .


Ye Chen was in awe and quickly bowed his hands to Emperor Xiang to show his respect.

"We meet again."

The Prime Minister smiled.

Then, he glanced at Jing Zhongyue not far away and nodded slightly.

Jing Zhongyue's body shook violently, and the delicate face under the mask was full of shock.

Isn't this man the sloppy old man who raised him for a while?

It was he who warned himself to wear a mask at all times and not to take it off easily to show his true face.

It was he who taught himself how to practice and pulled himself out of the abyss.

Who is he, and why does he appear today?

"This is……"

On the other side, Su Jinnan, Huo Jiaoer, Ouyang Longqi and others were stunned in place as if they had been hit hard.

A figure was floating in their minds, gradually overlapping with the figure of the Prime Minister in front of them.

Looking at the past and present, there is only one person with such a dress and such bearing!

It shouldn’t be!

Didn’t Emperor Xiang disappear for many years?

Why come back today?

"Leave the battle above to me,

The Emperor Xiang didn't hesitate. His figure flickered once and turned into a stream of light, crossing the void and rushing into the battle of the Great Emperor.

His joining shocked all five emperors.

"Xiangdi, it's you!"

Su Nu was extremely shocked, and immediately roared, "Have you not been missing for many years? Why did you suddenly appear? Where have you been all these years, and who is Ye Chen to you?"

Not only Su Nu, but also Xue Yi and Ouyang Mutian were in disbelief.

They had previously said that it was no longer possible for the Emperor to come to rescue them, but they did not expect that not long after they finished speaking, Emperor Xiang appeared miraculously and joined the battle.

"Have you figured out the situation? What are the benefits to you of fighting us?"

Su Nu was filled with emotion, "This land of hundreds of kingdoms is a place where spiritual energy is revived, where people are outstanding. After the earth changes, no one knows how many opportunities and fortunes there are. Don't you feel attracted to it? Don't you want to get a share of it?"

"Yes, Emperor Xiang, I really don't understand why you want to go against us."

Xue Yi said in a deep voice, "The land of the Hundred Kingdoms is enough for us to share. How about sitting back and enjoying the gains together?"

Emperor Xiang chuckled, "I understand what you are thinking. We are all great emperors, and we all want to transcend our original realm and pursue higher. You think the answer lies in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, so you will go to all the trouble to attack here. The reason why I helped Ye Chen was because I found my own path to transcendence!"

"Your path to transcendence?"

Ouyang Mutian frowned, "Why don't you tell us what kind of path it is!"

"It's not enough to treat outsiders."

Emperor Xiang waved his hand, "In order to embark on this road, I have paid a lot and sacrificed a lot. Helping Ye Chen is also part of the experience on this road. Therefore, each of us has our own persistence. Say more. Useless.”

"In this case, if you continue to talk, it will only be nonsense!"

Su Nu waved his hand and said coldly, "Then let's have a vigorous battle with the Great Emperor!"

The shocking battle involving the six emperors has completely begun!

Between heaven and earth, the void exploded continuously, trembling with extraordinary force. Large areas of the void cracked, and divine patterns of the great avenue emerged under the feet. They collided with each other, forming a world-shattering attack. They fought each other, crushed each other, penetrated the heaven and the earth, and lasted forever!

However, they obviously also knew what kind of waves of air would burst out when the Great Emperor fought. While fighting, they stayed away from the Sky-cutting Chasm and headed towards the other side in the void.

But in front of Zhantianqiu, all the turbulent auras finally calmed down.

"Now, in terms of the number of emperors, are we even?"

Ye Chen smiled and cast his gaze on Su Jinnan, with a hint of amusement on his lips.

He loved the teasing feeling.

Previously, Su Jinnan insisted that he would lose because he did not have enough emperors on his side.

Now that the number of emperors is equal between the two sides, what really determines the outcome of this battle is no longer the top combat power, but the mid-level combat power of both sides.

The battle between the Great Emperors, if there were no big surprises, would definitely end in a tie.

The strength of both sides is almost the same, and no one is stupid enough to really fight for it.

"So what if it's even, let me kill you first!"

Su Jinnan couldn't hold back, and two rays of light, one yin and one yang, bloomed all over his body. As the spiritual energy around his body rose, the two-color light suddenly turned into a battle armor and was worn on his body.

There was a flash of extreme confidence in his eyes.

During this period of time, Su Jinnan put all his effort into developing this armor.

He used the weapon refining method to carve many runes on the armor, and poured his own understanding of the avenue into it. Only then was he able to completely refine the armor. It can almost be said that the defensive power of this armor is amazing. , no less inferior to the emperor's fifth-grade magic weapon.

And this is one of Su Jinnan's trump cards!

He knew that Ye Chen was physically strong and would suffer heavy losses if he started fighting.

Therefore, he wanted to rely on this armor to fight with the opponent.

At the very least, you can't suffer any physical losses.

The rest is up to you.

Su Jinnan has always been very confident about his own abilities. He believes that the reason why Ye Chen is strong is simply because of his strong physique. As long as he does not suffer physically, it should not be difficult to defeat him.


Ye Chen's pupils were boiling with strong fighting spirit.

At this moment, he showed all the aura in his body and took the lead, charging towards Su Jinnan.


"Follow the crown prince and kill together!"

"Defend our home together!"

Here in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, all the cultivators roared with anger and used their own methods.

In the void, there are colorful colors and violent force tearing the heavens apart!

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