Shinto Dantei

Chapter 843 Killing Su Jinnan

"It seems that you really understand me and know that I want to kill you."

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth curled up.

At the very least, Su Jinnan is not stupid.

"Do you really want to kill me? What good will you gain by killing me? Anyway, the God-breaking Spear is in your hands, and I have no way to threaten you anymore. Why don't you spare me a way to live? From now on, I will never I don’t dare to continue to be right with you!”

Su Jinnan's heart thumped, and he realized that Ye Chen never cared about rules.

He said he wanted to kill himself, but he really wanted to kill himself!

Unless someone stronger than him is here to suppress him with combat power.

Otherwise, no one can stop him!

"I remember you once said that you wanted to kill my whole family... I am a very vengeful person, and I will never forget this kind of thing. You have a grudge against me, and if you want to kill me, how can I let it go? You? I don’t believe in promises, I only believe in dead people.”

Ye Chen took a step forward and looked at Su Jinnan playfully.

Su Jinnan's pupils shrank violently.

It's over, I'm really going to fail here today!

"Dad, save me!"

Su Jinnan suddenly roared, very miserable.

There was fighting from all sides, and the roar was constant. Everyone was locked in a bitter fight, and no one could care about themselves.

Even if they come, they won't be able to help.

Unless an emperor-level powerhouse arrives, no one can stop Ye Chen.


Ye Chen suddenly stepped on the crook of Su Jinnan's leg, and there was a clear sound of bone cracking. Su Jinnan screamed miserably, as if he was killing a pig, his whole body was shaking with pain, and he almost fell into coma several times.

"This armor looks very tough!"

Ye Chen stepped forward, and at some point, a sharp knife made of spiritual energy appeared in his hand.

"Ye Chen, just wait to die. Kill me and you will die soon!"

Su Jinnan laughed miserably, realizing that he was not immune.


The sharp knife in Ye Chen's hand stabbed Su Jinnan between the eyebrows with great precision.

Pierced through his body and soul as well!

Su Jinnan's pupils opened angrily, and he closed his eyes forever without even letting out the last scream.

The young master of the Yin-Yang Sect, a super genius with great strength, completely perished.

In the distance, some practitioners saw this scene, and they were trembling with fear.

For a long time, I couldn't say a word.

"Quick, stop looking and turn your head away."

"It has nothing to do with us, unless you want to die too!"

Those cultivators immediately turned their heads away, pretending they didn't see anything.

Ye Chen took off Su Jinnan's Najie and wanted to peel off his armor, but found that the armor must be activated by the Yin and Yang Qi in conjunction with the secret method of the Yin and Yang Sect. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to stop.

Anyway, with my own physique, even if I wear an extra piece of armor, it won't improve much.

On the other side, Xiao Xuan and Ouyang Longqi were fighting fiercely.

The two of them noticed at the same time that Su Jinnan's aura disappeared.

They stopped in unison.


A flash of shock flashed in Ouyang Longqi's eyes.


Xiao Xuan had many emotions.

Ye Chen's combat power may have increased to a level that he could not imagine.

He is stronger than anyone else despite the seven transformations of life and death!

They were not the only ones who noticed that Su Jinnan was killed, but also Huo Jiaoer.

Huo Jiaoer felt a chill and glanced sideways, just in time to see Ye Chen picking off Su Jinnan's ring.


Many images suddenly flashed through her mind.

Scenes of Ye Chen's previous fierce battle fell into her eyes.

This is a secret method of the Moon Worshiping Sect that can look back on what happened dozens of breaths ago.


Huo Jiaoer gasped, feeling cold from head to toe.

Ye Chen's strength far exceeded her imagination!

Su Jinnan took out all the trump cards he had prepared for the great battle, but what was the result?

Still couldn't shake Ye Chen!

Instead, Ye Chen counterattacked and dodged with the magic gun.

"Great monk, stop!"

Seeing that Monk Mingxin was going to continue to attack her, Huo Jiaoer shouted, "Stop fighting, I will not accompany you anymore!"

"Amitabha, the female benefactor will be saved when she comes back."

Monk Mingxin clasped his hands together with a sincere look on his face.

"Get back to you!"

Huo Jiaoer cursed in her heart, if Ye Chen hadn't been too strong, how could she have turned back?

"I stop, let's cease fighting!"

Huo Jiaoer looked at Monk Mingxin warily, fearing that he would suddenly attack.

This monk has a lot of bad intentions and weird methods. In previous battles, he almost succeeded several times.

"What does the female donor mean by this? Don't you believe the little monk?"

Monk Mingxin glared, he had already stopped, but Huo Jiaoer kept chattering.

This woman is really wordy!

Huo Jiaoer's figure flashed and flew towards the outside.

In this battle, if the three great emperors cannot gain absolute advantage together, then the Hundred Kingdoms will definitely win!

The six great emperors are fighting fiercely, and it will be impossible to tell which one is stronger and which one is weaker for a while.

However, the many geniuses who stayed in Zhantianqiu can tell the winner!

Even if three super sects join forces and countless geniuses come, they are still no match for the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.

This... is really incredible!

Therefore, Huo Jiaoer was very smart, no matter what others did, she would stop first.

What if Ye Chen turned around and dealt with himself after killing Su Jinnan, it would be really tragic.

Su Jinnan was no match for Ye Chen. Even if he had the Lihuo Emperor Body, it would be difficult for him to withstand Ye Chen's attack!

Therefore, retreating from the rapids is the wisest choice.

Monk Mingxin glanced across the field, his figure like lightning, and continued to rush towards another elder who had undergone seven transformations of life and death.

"How dare you kill the young master!!!"

There was a loud shout in the void.

The three elders of the Yin and Yang Sect surrounded him in anger, their pupils filled with blood.

After they saw Su Jinnan's body, they felt that the sky and the earth were spinning and the sky was falling.

Damn it... the young sect leader actually died in Ye Chen's hands.

what to do?

When the sect leader returns and finds this scene, people like him will definitely not be able to live with it!

While there is still a chance to remedy the situation, Ye Chen must be captured alive!

After capturing him alive, he was tied up and brought before the sect leader, waiting to be punished.

He must be cut into pieces to relieve his hatred!

The three elders looked at each other, and they could all see the determination in each other's eyes.

Now, apart from this one method, there is no other way.

"Let's take action together to capture him!"

"Yes, we can't give him a chance to use the Divine Spear."

"Stop hiding it, let's all show our trump cards."

The three elders roared angrily, with angry expressions on their faces. They raised their hands to gather terrifying power and charged towards Ye Chen.

"Use the God-breaking Spear to deal with you?"

Ye Chen looked disdainful, "Don't worry, I won't be that stupid, because you guys alone are not worthy of letting me use the God-breaking Spear!"

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