Because Vian asked Bumblebee to go ahead.

The three ship girls drove their warships to speed up in advance and gave directions to Vian and Yukikaze in front.

However, even if the Vesta had pulled her power to the maximum, it was only 16 knots, and she couldn't go fast at all.

The reputation and Bumblebee in front also continued to sail at a speed of 15 in order to prevent the Vesta from falling behind.

At the same time, they observed the Yukikaze behind.

But in this short time of looking back, they were surprised to find that the speed of Yukikaze had reached 20 knots.

The speed continued to increase.

When Yukikaze sailed to them, it had reached a speed of 25 knots.

Elizabeth, who had been staying on the Yukikaze ship, also clearly felt how fast Yukikaze accelerated.

Finally, Reputation and Bumblebee communicated, Reputation continued to follow the Vesta, and Bumblebee accelerated to follow Yukikaze.

After all, according to their thinking, the speed of a warship as big as Yukikaze should not be as fast as before.

Most destroyers are at the fastest speed of 35 knots, and some are even slower at 30 knots.

According to the previous speed of 38 knots of Yukikaze, it is already amazing to be able to reach 32 knots now.

But fortunately, as an aircraft carrier, Hornet is naturally more fast than most ship girls.

Because their aircraft carrier will generate deck wind during navigation, if the wind speed is fast enough, it can provide additional lift for carrier-based aircraft.

Therefore, aircraft carriers have considerable requirements for cruising speed.

Therefore, as an aircraft carrier, the ship girl has a faster speed than most ship girls.

So after Hornet started to accelerate, Renown and Vesta were quickly left behind.

When it accelerated to 30 knots, the distance between them was already quite far.

But at this time, Yukikaze had caught up and was keeping pace with Bumblebee.

"This speed!"

Several ship girls realized at the same time that they had reached 35 knots!

However, after accelerating to 35 knots, Xuefeng's speed had not yet stabilized. She still wanted to continue to release the power of the battleship!

The Hornet, who was still accelerating, was hit by Xuefeng. Overtaking each other, and gradually pulling away from each other in the subsequent acceleration.

For this reason, in order to continue to observe Yukikaze's data, Hornet launched its carrier-based aircraft [F4F Wildcat] in order to observe Yukikaze from multiple angles. This time, Bumblebee directly launched five planes, surrounding Xuefeng from above.

But precisely because of this, Bumblebee and Elizabeth, who were on the battleship, discovered that the originally stable battleship began to appear on the sea. Breaking through the waves!

The speed has exceeded 36,37....Still accelerating.

It was not until the reputation and the Kitchen Goddess had been left far behind that Bumblebee and Elizabeth discovered that Xuefeng's speed had reached an unheard of 40 knots.

What is the concept of a battleship comparable to a battleship with a speed of 40 knots?

There are very few destroyers that can outrun this battleship, let alone larger and bulkier heavy cruisers, battleships, etc.

Even for a battle cruiser that pursues high speed, what is the fastest 35 it can reach?

In Wei An's impression, the Yasuo (Iowa), the representative of high-speed battleships, has a fastest speed of 33 knots when fully loaded, and can run about 35 knots when the load is small.

This is still 6 knots behind Yukikaze.

When Wei An was designing the battleship for Xuefeng, he was rushing to carry it fully loaded. If Xuefeng had a smaller load, the speed could be increased a little.

But it's also more difficult. The power system has already taken up a lot of Xuefeng's ship space.

But even so, the snowy wind had already shocked Elizabeth and the others.

In this world that values giant ships and cannons, warships can gain an advantage by increasing their speed.

Have the initiative to fight.

Just like Prestige felt that Yukikaze's main gun was incompatible with the battleship, when Yukikaze's main gun was upgraded again, it was faster than the expulsion and had stronger firepower than the ordinary battle cruiser.

With enough combat initiative, it is not easy for you to be hit back.

One word flashed through Elizabeth's and Bumblebee's minds at the same time.

【Monster] obviously can't see any other obvious advantages of this battleship, but when the speed of other battleships is not outstanding, it is to take advantage of it.

Finally, after accelerating to 40 knots, Xuefeng's little face began to turn rosy, as if the blood in his body began to burn.

She didn't finish her warm-up exercise until after 40 knots. The previous one was called walking.

"Sister, there is nothing wrong with your health."

Looking at Xuefeng's rosy face, Wei An asked worriedly.

It was also the first time for him to see a ship girl flying a battleship, so he didn't know how Xuefeng was doing now.

"I have never felt so refreshed! Xiao Wei, let's start the next item."

The rapid speed means that Xuefeng has arrived at the designated shooting area ahead of time.

Small islands stand scattered on the sea.

Through the telescope, you can clearly see the distance signs erected on each island from this side.

The closest ones are 2 nautical miles, and the farthest ones are 20 nautical miles.

However, 40 nautical miles has exceeded the maximum distance of most naval guns, and it really depends on luck to hit them.

So this time Xuefeng needs to test the artillery fire of 3-8 nautical miles, which is 5-15 kilometers when converted into kilometers.

It is also the distance for conventional battleships to engage in combat.

However, after the previous artillery fire of Xuefeng, Wei'an had a general understanding of the hit rate of Xuefeng's artillery fire.

In order to better test the artillery fire, the route sailed over happened to be the side of the battleship facing the target direction after arriving.

It is also the strongest posture for the battleship to pour out firepower.

"3 nautical mile target"

"Preparation for school shooting"


Because Xuefeng's hit rate is relatively good, he needs to calibrate his shooting aim in advance.

"boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of continuous shelling spread from the front deck to the rear deck.

But Wei An didn't care about this. Instead, he immediately picked up the telescope and began to observe the impact point of the shells.

It's a pity that Xuefeng 11's training combined with the knowledge of this hull Unfamiliar, only one of the nine main guns hit the target, and the problem was that the range of this round was less than 3 nautical miles.

At the same time, Wei An decided to let Xuefeng Duoduo. practice shelling

"Sorry, Xiaowei, I didn't do it well."

Seeing the empty bombardment from such a distance, Xuefeng apologized and said to Wei An

"It's okay, sister. If we can't hit the target, we just need to practice more. Besides, you are not familiar with the ship yet."

"Preparation for the second round of school shooting"


After the first calibration, Xuefeng observed which of his main guns hit the target, and made slight adjustments.

"boom! boom! boom!"

This time Wei An saw the traces of explosions on the target through the telescope.

A total of 7 rounds successfully hit, and 2 rounds fell into the water while grazing the edge of the island.

Wei An nodded calmly to this.

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