The injuries he had sustained were extremely serious. If it weren't for the scabbard's continuous recovery that saved his life, he would have been eliminated in the explosion.

But he wouldn't last long. He would have been easily eliminated after a while.

Arthur couldn't help but smile bitterly.

If Achilles' spear had really hit him, he would have been eliminated.

At the moment when Achilles' spear was about to stab Arthur, Achilles disappeared completely from the spot as if he had been transferred by space.

At that moment, Arthur also realized what had happened to Achilles.

"He was summoned back by his master."

However, this also made Arthur breathe a sigh of relief. At least he didn't have to face Achilles's impetuous spear and could concentrate on facing the treasure released by Spartacus beside him.

The terrifying energy was pouring out like sea water. Even Arthur, who had such a high magic power, felt a strong sense of crisis.

If he took such a blow head-on without any defense, he would probably only be the first servant to leave the Holy Grail War.

But the desperate situation he faced was far more than that. The absence of Achilles only meant that Arthur had a chance to survive in a dead end, but it did not mean that he could survive such a terrifying explosion.

Not to mention, there was a red beam approaching from a distance that was extremely threatening to him.


The light of the holy sword also emitted a very dazzling light in his hand, and the treasure was released in his hand again.

He could only sigh secretly, fortunately the magic power was so sufficient, otherwise he would not be able to release the treasure twice in such a short time.

You know, the magic power required for an EX-level anti-city treasure is not something that ordinary magicians can afford.

Admit that you must fight for survival.

Admit that it must be a one-on-one battle.

Admit that you must not go against humanity.

Admit that you must not be an enemy of the elves.

Four sounds rang out in a time that was almost paused, and the terrifying golden light spurted out from the golden sword in Arthur's hand like a spring, colliding with the terrifying explosion at a very close distance.

Compared with the previous three liberation oaths, the liberation power of the four oaths was more powerful. The dazzling light completely engulfed the entire area at the moment it collided with the violent impact of Spartacus.

The dark red beam also followed, and after a roar that resounded through the sky.

The world became silent.

In the dark night, with the help of the moonlight, it was vaguely possible to see that in this explosion, a figure flew out and crashed into the depths of the forest.

Even though Arthur's treasure was so powerful, it was different from the situation facing Atalanta's treasure.

On the one hand, Atalanta's treasure was from far to near, and the two would not collide at such a close distance.

On the other hand, Atalanta's Noble Phantasm is made of arrows, and Arthur's Noble Phantasm will directly devour it without colliding with it to cause an explosion.

And Spartacus's Noble Phantasm is released in the form of an explosion, and it is still at such a close distance.

Even if the impact of the two can be offset, Arthur cannot completely avoid such damage.

Arthur lay on the ground, feeling his body unable to move, looking at the light coming through the leaves, with only a bitter smile.

Suddenly, Arthur seemed to feel something and turned his head to look at the golden sword beside him.

An extremely dazzling light burst out from it.

Shirou Emiya's idea is very simple, that is, to do his best to make Arthur recover.

Instead of thinking about it, he chose to call Arthur back to his side and let the black side make a decision.

At that moment, Shirou Emiya did not have so many ideas. Even if there were so many thoughts, Shirou Emiya would still choose to invest all the command spells in Arthur's recovery.

Magic is called magic because modern technology can basically do what magic can do. If the Command Spell can't make Arthur recover, what's the use of healing magic?

Shirou Emiya has communicated with Arthur, and he knows why he can summon the [Knight King]. Naturally, he also knows that there is a scabbard on the sword on Arthur.

Arthur also told Shirou Emiya all his information, and Arthur didn't hide anything about it.

Almost all of Shirou Emiya's questions, as long as Arthur knew them, were answered one by one.

Arthur trusted Shirou Emiya so much, and Shirou Emiya also returned the same trust. Without the slightest hesitation, the power of the Command Spell was reflected in Arthur.

Arthur only felt the holy sword beside him flashing an extremely dazzling light, and a warm power flowed into his body, and his body, which had been fragmented, gradually glued together.

Arthur gradually became aware of his own body, but before he could stand up, the second Command Spell was cast almost at the moment when the flashing light of his scabbard was about to disappear.

Chapter 175: Encounter with Mordred

The Command Spell itself contains the power of miracles. It not only provides a large amount of magic power to the followers, but also allows the followers to do things that cannot be done under normal circumstances.

For example, the transfer of space and the recovery of the body are all within the scope of what the command spell can accomplish.

Not to mention that Arthur himself possesses a restorative Noble Phantasm.

Under the stimulation of the command spell, Arthur's bloody body slowly returned to its original state in just a moment of breathing.

Basically, there was nothing serious, but Arthur could still feel a strong sense of weakness.

It only took half a day to recover, and Arthur felt that he could fully regain his strength.

After all, he is now in a state where there is no shortage of magic power, and his recovery speed will naturally increase several times.

But before Arthur could move towards the castle of the Yggdomirenia clan, the arrival of the third command spell directly restored Arthur's health.

"Thank you very much, Master."

Arthur expressed his heartfelt thanks in the direction of the castle of the Yggdomirenia clan. Such use of the command spell without any hesitation also made Arthur feel the trust Shirou Emiya had in him.

Night came just as Arthur was about to arrive at the castle of the Yggdomirenia clan.

It's not because Arthur is far away from Black, but when he went to the castle of the Yggdmillennia clan, he met a blond girl and her master who were sitting in a restaurant eating like a bottomless pit. .

This pairing is naturally the lion Jie Jieli and Mordred.

Mordred, who was eating, seemed to feel something and looked at Arthur standing on the street.

Arthur, who had been discovered, naturally did not stand there blankly, but walked over.

He sat down at the dining table of Lion Jie Jieli and Mordred.

"Hey, you guy!"

A dark red sword appeared in Mordred's hand instantly, and he wanted to hit Arthur on the head.

Because Arthur is not his real father, Mordred's attitude is also extremely casual.

"Pay attention to your image, you are a member of the Knights of the Round Table."

Lion Jie Jieli has obviously mastered how to communicate with Mordred, and if he tries to persuade her directly, he will definitely be scolded by her.

Through the connection between Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Lion Jie Jieli persuaded Mordred in this way.

Then Mordred thought about it. If King Arthur from another world knew that the Knights of the Round Table in this world had such virtues, wouldn't he look down on his father?

That is absolutely not possible.

Mordred shook his head, put down the sword in his hand, and sat back on the chair.

"What's the matter with you?"

Mordred asked Arthur angrily.

It was a rare day in a good mood, and it started to end when I saw Arthur.

It was daytime now, and the Holy Grail War was in a state of truce at this time. Naturally, Mordred would not be asking for trouble by looking for Arthur. After all, there was Ruler in this Holy Grail War.

Although she is not afraid, it is very annoying to provoke him, but so far she has not seen the Ruler in this Holy Grail War.

I don't know if there was an accident.

It's best if an accident happens, so that you can fight however you want.

Mordred thought like this in his mind and swallowed another bowl of rice.

Lion Jie Jieli looked at Arthur beside him, trying to see the surprise in his eyes.

After all, the first time he saw Mordred's terrifying food intake, he was shocked for a long time.

Being able to eat most of the cash you prepared in one meal is not something that ordinary people can do.

And since Mordred is a Servant, he shouldn't need to eat.

But this is the answer Mordred gave.

"I eat potatoes cooked by Gawain every day. If I don't start a rebellion, I'm afraid I will die in Gawain's hands. Now that I finally see food other than potatoes, of course I will eat it to my heart's content."

Lion Jie Jieli regarded this as a cold joke among the Knights of the Round Table.

But he was still looking forward to seeing the expression on Arthur's face that his [daughter] from another world had such a terrifying appetite.

But his idea failed, and the expression on Arthur's face did not change.

Instead, he looked at Mordred who was eating crazily with a serious face.

"There is one thing that I care about very much - what is your wish to be summoned by the Holy Grail?"

Arthur looked at Mordred who kept eating and asked aloud.

Although they had just experienced a fierce battle with each other last night, and even Mordred's Noble Phantasm almost took away Arthur's life, the two of them obviously didn't care about this matter.

[Nearly] means that if Arthur had not been blown away and Spartacus's Noble Phantasm was still in place after eating it, he would have been directly destroyed by Mordred's Noble Phantasm.

But in fact, Arthur never ate Mordred's Noble Phantasm at all.

And Arthur wants to know why Mordred in this world wants to obtain the Holy Grail and what kind of wish he wants to make.

The entire dining table suddenly became quiet.

Lion Jie Jieli's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

Arthur was extremely gentle in everything he said and did, and Mordred did not confront him tit-for-tat, making him forget about it.

Mordred was the rebellious knight who killed King Arthur.

A drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead. Although he knew what Mordred's real wish was, he was not sure what Arthur would say.

Just like now.

Mordred slowly put down the bowl in front of him, his eyes revealed an extremely serious look, staring at Arthur.

"I want to challenge the sword of the king!"

Mordred looked at Arthur with her tenacious eyes, hoping to get the answer from his words.

The whole time seemed to freeze, and Lion Jie Li could only pretend that he did not exist and froze to the side.

"Maybe the truth is not what you think, but - you can't pull out that sword."

As soon as the words fell, only a waving sound could be heard from in front of Arthur.


The people in the restaurant had all left when Mordred drew out the long sword. At this time, only the whole wall behind Arthur seemed to be cut into two sections and collapsed to the ground.

"You————Say it again!!!!!!!"

Lion Jiejieli and Arthur could see the visible anger on Mordred's body, and the armor also appeared on her body.

Even though it was daytime, Mordred was ready to fight Arthur.

Chapter 176 Unchangeable Fate


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