Whether it is equipment damage, the need for manpower for an event, or the sorting of objects, Emiya basically responds to every request.

Because he is very familiar with these things, his work efficiency is very high, and coupled with his very attractive appearance, many residents often seek Emiya's help when he goes out.

Over time, most people in the town know the existence of Emiya, a person who is willing to help others without asking for anything in return.

The geishas in the flower street also often ask Emiya to help make some exquisite small objects to increase their own charm. Basically, all the residents on the street know Emiya.

Of course, there are also many people who regard Emiya as a free laborer, but Emiya does not care about this. As long as he can help others, Emiya feels very good.

Chapter 18 The girl who disappeared in the flower street (Part 1)

"Huh! It's so itchy"

Emiya felt that his waist seemed to be scratched by someone.

Looking back, I saw a girl who looked not very old in a kimono standing at Emiya's feet, holding a candied haws in one hand, and the other hand stretched out her index finger like a machine and kept stabbing at Emiya's waist.

"Hiss! What are you doing?"

Emiya turned to avoid the finger of the girl beside him and asked her with a puzzled look.

"I see you seem to be very bored, why don't you take me for a walk."

The girl gently took a bite of the candied haws in her hand and pulled Emiya's clothes with an innocent look.

Half-crouching, Emiya could see the face of the girl in front of him clearly at this time. The black hair was like soft silk, petrified, and naturally fell from both sides of her.

A pair of emerald green eyes and a rosy and tender face.

Emiya could clearly conclude that this girl must be very beautiful when she grows up. According to the saying of the flower street, when she grows up, she must be an oiran here.

But her height only reached Emiya's waist, her arms were thin, her cheekbones were protruding, and her ten fingers were like a bunch of dry bamboo branches, as if they would break if bent. She was very thin and looked light.

Emiya, who put his hands on her, could even see some bruises on her arms from being beaten, and it was obvious that she had been treated cruelly.

Emiya put away his slightly solemn expression and looked at the girl in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I don't know how to call you."

"My name is Asakusa Xianghui, I heard that my sisters all call you Shirou, can I call you that too?"

Emiya stood up and held her skinny little hand, chatting with her casually as they walked.

"Then I'll call you Xianghui, which store are you from? How come you have time to go shopping today?"

"Today, sister Lixia is going to have an oiran parade, so Tokitoya is busy now, and I sneaked out during the chaos!"

Xianghui took another bite of the candied haws in her hand, her cheeks chubby and she confided to Emiya with indignation.

"It would be great if the courtesan I serve was as gentle as Sister Lixia. She takes it out on me every time she encounters something unpleasant!"

"Are all the scars on your body caused by her?"

"Of course, in fact, it's not as bad as Sister Lixia. At least don't mess up the room every time. It takes me a lot of time to clean up every time, and most of the time it still makes her dissatisfied, and then I suffer again."

Xiang Hui bit the candied haws in her hand angrily, venting all her resentment about the things she had suffered on it.

"How can she become a courtesan with such a personality? It's a pity that those customers can tolerate her personality!"

Thinking of this, she stomped her feet in anger again.

"Does the boss lady care about this kind of thing? I remember that the bosses here have good personalities and should not let their subordinates suffer such a fate."

"The boss lady seems to be afraid of her too————"

Xiang Hui's words have not been finished yet, her tall nose trembled twice, as if she smelled something that Emiya did not smell.

Suddenly, there was no sound, and she kept pulling Emiya's hand and walked in one direction.

"What's wrong?"

Emiya was at a loss when she dragged him like this. Although she should not be able to drag Emiya, he couldn't use force on a child, so Emiya could only be dragged away by the child so easily.

"Shirou, I want to eat that!"

As if they had arrived at the destination, Xianghui's eyes suddenly turned into dazzling stars and began to release boundless light.

Even Emiya, who was standing next to him, was so dazzling that he couldn't help but cover his eyes.

"Shirou, buy it quickly, buy it quickly!"

Emiya couldn't stand such an eager look, so he had to take her to the store.

Although even if there was no such eager look, Emiya would still go over to buy it for her.

"Boss, give me three skewers of octopus balls."

"Emiya, you kid, why did you come here without saying hello? Come and try the octopus balls I made to see how they taste!"

The boss who was making octopus balls was surprised to see Emiya appear, but gradually became pleasantly surprised and patted Emiya's shoulder eagerly.

"Boss, didn't I only order three skewers of balls? Why did you give me five?"

Seeing the boss hand over five skewers of balls directly, Emiya took out money from his pocket to pay for the five skewers of balls.

"Hey, no need. You helped me so much before, and I haven't thanked you properly yet. I treat these five skewers of meatballs as a treat for you and the little girl next to you."

"What's the matter? I'll still pay five strings of money."

With that said, Emiya put the money on the table.

Then he picked up five skewers of octopus balls and walked out of the store.

"Hey! This kid!"

The boss sighed and could only accept the money Emiya left.

"Well! It's delicious. Well, I've always wanted to eat this, but today I finally have the chance!"

Xiang Hui suddenly stuffed the octopus balls in her hands one by one as if she was reincarnated from starvation. Her whole cheeks were swollen, but her face was filled with happiness.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, no one will grab it!"

Emiya could only gently pat the back of Koe who seemed to be choked, and persuade her softly.

“But it’s really delicious.”

Xiang Hui was still chewing quickly, but suddenly she seemed to remember something and looked at Emiya.

"But it's still not as delicious as the one you made, Shirou."

Xiang Hui nodded in affirmation, raised the hand holding the octopus ball with great difficulty, and barely extended a thumb.

Emiya's head was covered with black lines.

"Will you be scolded or beaten when you go back like this?"

Emiya asked cautiously.

"It's just a beating. I'm used to it. Being able to eat such delicious food, so what if I get a beating?"

"Quickly, while there is still plenty of time now, I want to eat all the delicacies in this street, otherwise I will be caught by that old woman and there will be no next chance!"

With that said, Xiang Hui, who quickly finished destroying the balls in her hand, once again took Emiya's hand and walked in the other direction.

"I'll take a look then."

Emiya is familiar with the bosses and proprietresses in Flower Street. After all, a helpful person like Emiya has helped them a lot. In addition, sometimes when they plan to celebrate, the food is basically contracted by Emiya, so they are familiar with the boss in Flower Street. The communication between people is also very close.

The main reason is that the place where Emiya works and lives is right next to Flower Street, so it's hard to think about it if you're not familiar with it.

"Listening to what you said, you seem to have a lot of opinions about me!"

A sound that made Xiang Hui's heart stop came from behind her.

At this time, her whole body was completely stiff, and cold sweat was pouring from her forehead.

"What's wrong?"

Emiya was confused when he saw Koe suddenly stopping.

She looked back, but didn't see that person in the crowd, and she couldn't help but feel relieved.

With a smile on his face, he looked at Emiya standing aside.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about what I want to eat later."

At this time, Emiya and Koe completely didn't notice a piece of pink silk emerging from the ground and sticking tightly to the back of Koe's neck.

Chapter 19 The girl who disappeared in Flower Street (Part 2)

"You eat so much. Didn't you have a good meal at Renya?"

Looking at the large and small bags of food in Xianghui's hands, Wei Gong couldn't help but feel ashamed. This was the first time he saw someone who could eat so much food. If it weren't for the fact that he had earned a lot of money from his part-time job in the past month, Wei Gong felt that She really may not be able to support her expenses tonight.

"Well, I have a big appetite. When I was in Renya - well, I always ate at their normal food intake."

Xiang Hui sat on a chair on the street and ate the food in her hand while answering Emiya's questions.

"So you haven't actually had enough to eat all this time?"

Looking at her very weak arms, Emiya couldn't help but fall into deep suspicion.

Originally, he thought it was because Ren's house had restricted her diet, and she was starved for nine meals in three days, but the result was completely different from what he imagined.

This is because its demand for food is very large, but it can only eat the amount of an average person at a time, although in terms of results, it is almost the same as starving for nine meals in three days.

The children were so hungry that they went crazy.

However, Emiya saw that she basically finished the food that was as tall as him easily, and her abdomen did not swell at all. This can only be said to be miraculous among miraculous.

"No wonder we ate like that when we were in the house."

He suddenly felt that he couldn't blame the owner of the house at that time. Now he didn't know whether Xianghui was full or not. Anyway, his wallet was at its bottom tonight.

Emiya looked at his almost empty purse and fell into deep thought.

If the amount of food she eats per meal is at least Emiya's monthly salary, then no family can afford to support such a foodie.

Having three meals a day and spending three months a day, who can withstand this?

"Li Xia Oiran! It's Li Xia Oiran!"

Just as Xiang Hui was eating crazily, there was a trembling commotion from the surrounding crowd.

"Shirou, don't you go and take a look?"

Koe, who still had food in her mouth, looked at the unmoved Emiya with confusion.

"No, I still like places where people are more relaxed."

Emiya shook his head. He was not very interested in things like oiran parading through the streets. If it weren't for the restaurant owner's rigid request, Emiya should stay in his residence and train his magic and breathing skills, or maybe go out on the streets. Help everywhere.

Anyway, I won’t accompany Xiang Hui around the streets.

"That's it, then come with me to buy some more food."

Xiang Hui nodded in understanding, but when Emiya was stunned for a moment, the hill next to her that was the same height as her disappeared.


"I wasn't distracted for a long time just now!"

Emiya doubted his eyes.

How long has passed, just a few breaths, the mountain of food has been wiped out like this, Saber can't eat it so quickly!

Wait, who is Saber?

Before Emiya could react from the shock, Koe jumped down from the chair.

"I finally found a meal ticket. My goal today is to eat all over this street!!!!"

She pointed to the sky and shouted as if she was pursuing a great dream.

"Meal tickets?"

Xiang Hui stuck out a small piece of her tongue, and then placed her right hand on her head.


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