After all, Danic was also among the magicians who adjusted the bodies of the androids. He was the patriarch of the Yugdomirenia clan, so Gold naturally lacked confidence.

However, he adjusted all the androids in a very short time, which made Danic look at him with new eyes.

Although his personality was a bit bad, his talent as a magician was indeed excellent.

Although Danic could also adjust the androids, he could never do it so easily and quickly.

The king has the king's talent and the chef has the role of the chef. Only the old thing's purple hermit——————cough! Cough!

Danic didn't have much thought about Gold's behavior that was a bit of a guest taking over the host. After all, he was nearly a hundred years old and was still open-minded about many things, except——————

At this time, accompanied by the sound of the wheelchair turning, under the push of Colles, Fiore found Shirou Emiya in the corridor.

"Mr. Emiya!"

"Senior Emiya!"

Colles and Fiore greeted Shirou Emiya.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can do for you?"

Shirou Emiya also responded politely and asked.

Coleth also had a brief conversation with Shirou Emiya, and it was a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze. At least in Corless's opinion, Shirou Emiya was not suitable to be a magician.

Although he was older than Shirou Emiya, considering that his magic attainments were already able to fight with the servants head-on, Corless still called Shirou Emiya a senior.

As for Fiore, in the eyes of the Yugdomrenia clan, it can be said that she was basically confirmed as the next head of the Yugdomrenia clan.

What's more, many decisions about Yugdomrenia were made by her, so she naturally couldn't call Shirou Emiya a senior.

At least, if Danic didn't intend to continue to let himself live like this, Fiore would undoubtedly be the next head of the Yugdomrenia clan.

This was also what Danic acquiesced to.

"We are here to help Senior Emiya open the remaining magic circuits!"

Chapter 186 Opening of Magic Circuits

"Thank you very much--"

With the help of Colles and Fiore, Shirou Emiya successfully opened 27 magic circuits in his body, although according to Colles, it was impossible for Shirou Emiya to open all 27 magic circuits because his other arm was missing.

But since it has been opened, Colles naturally has no way to question it. However, he assisted Fiore in opening Shirou Emiya's magic circuits while taking notes, which made Shirou Emiya a little embarrassed.

I always feel like I have become a lab rat.

But after feeling that his magic power has increased a lot, Shirou Emiya thanked them from the bottom of his heart.

After all, when it comes to magicians, Shirou Emiya can only be said to be a complete half-baked one, and he doesn't understand it at all.

As for the way to open the magic circuit, Colles also explained it to Shirou Emiya, but Shirou Emiya did not conceive of opening the magic circuit.

Because Shirou Emiya has long been able to switch his magic circuits freely, under the habit of his constant fighting, Shirou Emiya will basically automatically open the magic circuits as long as he uses the breathing method.

And when he stops using the breathing method, the magic circuit will be closed accordingly.

There is no need to imagine a switch about the magic circuit again.

"No, Mr. Emiya, you have helped the Yugdomrenia clan a lot, so there is no need to thank us like this."

Fiore shook her head. Although they had the idea of ​​threatening Shirou Emiya and had implemented it to a certain extent.

But Shirou Emiya has been helping the Yugdomrenia clan from beginning to end, whether it is fighting the red side with Arthur, or risking his life to save the androids on the battlefield.

If Shirou Emiya is indeed an outsider, Fiore will regard him as a member of her own Yugdomrenia clan.

However, the magic circuits on Shirou Emiya also surprised Fiore. After all, 27 high-quality magic circuits are rarely seen by her.

"May I ask who your father is?"

Fiore wanted to know which family Emiya Shirou was from. After all, under normal circumstances, only a family would have such a large number and quality of magic circuits.

"Emiya Kiritsugu——"

Emiya Shirou showed a nostalgic look, but still answered Fiore.

As for whether this is a parallel world, whether Emiya Kiritsugu adopted him, or if he is still alive, Emiya Shirou did not think so much.

He also did not want to contact people he knew in this world.


Fiore took the surprise in her eyes. Although she found Emiya Kiritsugu when investigating the information, there was no information showing that Emiya Shirou had any relationship with Emiya Kiritsugu.

And Emiya Kiritsugu had never married or had children, so it was basically impossible for him to have his own children, and the children were so old.

You have to know that Emiya Kiritsugu has been active in the magic world and has never stopped. It is impossible for him to marry and have children.

She originally thought that Emiya Shirou was just using a pseudonym, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Fiore also greatly admired people like Shirou Emiya, and from his tone, there was no trace of lying.

"Is he my biological father?"

Since it is a parallel world, Kiritsugu Emiya has not died yet, so Fiore naturally would not think that the person she was asking about, Shirou Emiya, was her adoptive father Kiritsugu Emiya, and that he had actually died a long time ago.

"Adoptive father——"

Shirou Emiya's eyes showed a little sadness, after all, he and Kiritsugu had only been together for a short period of time.


Colles pushed open the door and walked out with Fiore.

He was also somewhat interested in Shirou Emiya's life experience, but not as much as Fiore, after all, he didn't know who Kiritsugu Emiya was.

"What are you doing?"

When the door was opened, Jeanne came over from one side of the corridor.

"Ms. Jeanne, hello."

Fiore greeted Jeanne who came over.

And Jeanne also responded politely.

"We are helping Mr. Emiya open his magic circuit."

"Excuse me, Miss Jeanne?"

"I want to ask Shirou Emiya something."

Jeanne answered Fiore.

She came here to ask Shirou Emiya about the Holy Grail War.

After all, his servant has already left the scene, and he is not a member of the Yugdomrenia clan, nor is he employed by the Yugdomrenia clan like Shishi Jieli.

In theory, Shirou Emiya can actually withdraw from the Holy Grail War and no longer care about the things here.

So Jeanne wanted to ask Shirou Emiya's thoughts. Even if she needed help, she would not force anyone. She thought she needed to ask Shirou Emiya's opinion.

At this time, a cyborg hurriedly ran over from the other side of the corridor, attracting everyone's attention.

"There is no food in this villa."

The cyborg reported to Fiore. Although the head of the Yugdomrenia clan is Danic, since Fiore came, he has basically become a hands-off boss, and basically all matters, big and small, are handled by Fiore.

This is also one of the reasons why the magician of the Yugdomrenia clan believes that she will be the next head of the Yugdomrenia clan.

After a brief thought, Fiore looked at Jeanne and Shirou Emiya.

"Can you please help me go out and buy some food?"

After all, this villa is the backup location of the Yugdomirenia clan, and no one has come to visit for a long time, and Danik has not stored food in it.

So the warehouse of this villa can be said to be empty. If it weren't for the androids who happened to sort it out in the warehouse, perhaps no one would have noticed that there was no food here.

They can only starve for one night, and Jeanne might faint from hunger again. You know, because of the continuous outbreak of battles, Jeanne has forgotten to eat again.

Her expression has also become serious.

As for why Fiore chose Jeanne and Shirou Emiya to buy food.

Just moved into the villa, there are a lot of things waiting for her to deal with. Whether it is the androids or the magicians of the Yugdomirenia clan, they can't spare their hands now.

Although they have been using "men" to express, not many magicians of the Yugdomirenia clan survived that battle.

At this time, the Yugdomirenia clan was extremely short of manpower. Just tidying up the villa and setting traps and barriers was already very busy.

Fiore didn't want to contact the necromancer Lion Jiejieli, and it was impossible for her to make such a request to someone older than herself.

So Fiore thought about it and only Shirou Emiya and Jeanne could go to help them buy food.

Chapter 187: Feeling happy for the happiness of others

Jeanne touched her abdomen. Although she couldn't feel her hunger now, she didn't eat yesterday, so she had to eat today.

Otherwise, that kind of thing would happen again.

Jeanne seemed to remember something, and her face was slightly red as she looked at Shirou Emiya on the side.

After all, if it weren't for Shirou Emiya, she might still be in a coma.

Shirou Emiya naturally had no reason to refuse this.

What's more, buying food was something he was good at. Staying in the villa of the Yugdomirenia clan, he couldn't help with anything, which made Emiya feel very uncomfortable.

He wanted to help the androids clean up the villa but was rejected by the androids.

According to their words, it was————

"We can't let our saviors work so hard————"

Emiya really couldn't refuse such kindness. Now that he could help, he was naturally very happy.

"It just so happened that Miss Jeanne seemed to have something to say to Mr. Emiya. You can also communicate during this period if you go together."

As the decision maker, Fiore would of course do it as quickly as possible. With Jeanne's physique as a heroic spirit and Shirou Emiya's physique as a nearly heroic spirit, it was enough to gather and carry the food for the entire villa for the past few days.

So, the two walked out of the villa of the Yugdo Mirenia family and headed towards the town of Tulifas.

And Tulifas was still the same as before, with no abnormal phenomena.

Although a terrible war that was unknown to the public had just happened not long ago.

There were even countless terrifying and deafening explosions.

But because the vicinity of Mirenia City was originally private land, and because of some strange rumors over the years, no one was willing to get close to it.

In addition to the various concealment methods arranged by the people of the Yugdomirenia clan, no one knew that the city of Mirenia had been destroyed, and the war was so close to them.

Of course, this was also due to the fact that there were many assistants of the Yugdomirenia clan in Tulifas, as well as the gas explosion reported on TV news.

This major event was buried in the dark.

Therefore, no ordinary residents in Tulifas discovered this abnormality and continued to live their ordinary lives.

Under such circumstances, Shirou Emiya and Jeanne came to the street.

"Come here and take a look!"

"Don't cheat, we definitely have a lot of items worth buying!"

"Dear tourists, please come and take a look, these are treasures that only existed in the Middle Ages!"

"Romanian specialties, it would be a waste if you don't taste them!"

From time to time, a few stalls would appear between the surrounding buildings, shouting to Shirou Emiya and Jeanne passing by.

As a place that maintains the medieval style, such a prosperous town is also a tourist attraction. In addition to some very elegant-looking stores, there are also stalls like this one that are casually built.

This does not give people a sense of hustle and bustle, but instead reflects the appropriate liveliness.

Although Shirou Emiya and Jeanne did not know where the ingredients were, it was still early for lunch, so they did not need to rush to bring the food back.

The villa of the Yugdomrenia family did not urgently need to eat now.

After a while, Shirou Emiya and Jeanne came to the stalls with all kinds of fresh vegetables, fruits and food.

Jeanne was also very concerned and looked at the ingredients very carefully.

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