No matter what, it is impossible for Black to win this Holy Grail War.

Darnic had anticipated this situation early on. He knew from the moment he learned that Astolfo was the only one left on his side that the probability of the black side defeating the red side was almost zero.

The gap between the two sides is so big that one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

The red team only used one day to arrange the situation and the black team had no way to invade.

This is what the red side can do.

He rushed directly into the church and was bound by chains. He lost any power of resistance and could only be eliminated in the end.

This is what Black can do.

No matter who you are, you will make the right choice here.

"But, I refuse."

As if he was afraid that Semiramis might not hear clearly, Emiya Shirou responded with his firm eyes.

And the hand holding the knight's sword tightly raised it again, pointing at Semiramis standing in front of him.


Semiramis murmured, her face full of displeasure, and returned to her previous position, with countless magic light arrays unfolding from behind her.

In almost an instant, the entire church was filled.

"If there's a reason why, it's that humans don't need to be saved!"

Faced with such an attack that was impossible to dodge, Emiya Shirou did not hesitate at all, holding the knight's sword and stepping forward.


"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Terrifying bombardments rained down from the sky, aimed at Shirou Emiya and Astolfo, and poured in without any reservation.

The power of the magic light array this time is even higher than the light cannons in the town.

It is not as good as the EX level light cannon of the Sky Garden, but each hit has reached A level in the Holy Church.

Such a terrifying outpouring of light cannons was simply not something Shirou Emiya and Astolfo could withstand.

Perhaps Astolfo's Noble Phantasm can ignore such attacks.

But now his whole body is chained up, and he cannot control his mount. Let alone releasing the Noble Phantasm, Astolfo cannot even dodge.

He could only watch as Shirou Emiya rushed in front of him, facing the countless light cannons that destroyed everything without any fear.

Job placement skills

Position construction: EX

As a magician, create a position that is beneficial to you. By collecting specific materials, a "sky garden" that transcends the "temple" can be formed.

Even without the Sky Courtyard, Semiramis still has an EX-level position construction, not to mention she is an extremely powerful magician.

Under the construction of Semiramis, the entire Holy Temple Church became an extremely strong magic workshop, which also contained the last line of defense against the protection of the Great Holy Grail.


Amidst the deafening roar, the wall behind Semiramis suddenly collapsed like a collapsed mountain torrent.

Behind that wall.

A huge altar was suspended there.

A spherical altar, like a small celestial body, exuding soft light, was suspended in the air.

Opposite the soft and radiant spherical altar was the terrifying purple-black poisonous gas that suddenly emerged.

The moment the wall collapsed, the purple-black poisonous gas, which made you feel your life passing just by looking at it, poured in the direction of Emiya Shirou and Astolfo.

And a giant snake also appeared next to Semiramis after the wall collapsed.

The giant snake has two brightly colored horns and a pair of forelimbs as sharp as claws. Its open fangs seem to be coated with venom. Just dripping on the ground corrodes and melts the ground, causing bursts of venom. The fog and smoke filled with deadly poison rose up and turned into mist of evaporating air, scattered in this space.

Corroded by the giant snake's saliva, bursts of poisonous gas continued to rise from the ground.

I saw it hovering its body and hanging its huge head.

A pair of eyes full of violence stared directly at Shirou Emiya.


The neighing sound that shook the human eardrums was released from the mouth of the giant snake.

The neighing sound could almost infect the air it touched, causing it to tremble violently.

Chapter 203: Creatures that even gods fear


That is the name of a mythical monster.

According to legend, in Mesopotamian mythology, there was a goddess.

She is the goddess who dominates the ocean, and she also created all things in the world, which is the incarnation of the original chaos. She also gave birth to the gods and became the mother of the gods. She is called the original mother-in-law.

This goddess is named Diamat.

While Diamat gave birth to the gods, he also gave birth to monsters that could be hostile to the gods.

The number of monsters is eleven, and each one is a terrifying existence that can compete with God.

Among them, there is a poisonous snake.

According to legend, the poison of this poisonous snake can melt gods, and its rank is not inferior even to that of the Dragon God.

Legend has it that the moment this venomous snake was created in the ocean, the ocean it was immersed in instantly turned into a deadly sea.

The gods did not dare to approach this terrifying snake, so they asked Diamat to seal it away.

As the oldest poisoner, Semiramis has the right to summon this terrifying monster that even he himself does not dare to summon or even touch.

This is the poisonous snake summoned by "Red" Assassin Semiramis through the power of "Sikera Usum".

Even Semiramis couldn't summon this thing completely in an instant, so only the upper body was shown.

But facing someone like Emiya Shirou who could create miracles with Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, Semiramis had no reservations. Perhaps she was angry because Emiya Shirou rejected her, but at this moment, she exerted all her strength and only To deal with the threats that appear here.

Therefore, the great monster in Mesopotamian mythology, the poisonous snake named Bashum, who was feared by even the gods, was summoned at this moment.

Those light cannons also arrived in front of Shirou Emiya at the moment Bashum appeared.

At this moment, Astolfo saw a red light flashing on Emiya Shirou's left hand that originally had no command spell.

"In the name of the Command Seal, appear in front of me! Ruler!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"My Lord is here!!!!"

As Emiya Shirou finished speaking, a harsh female voice sounded from in front of Emiya Shirou.

A flag of iris flashed with an extremely holy white light, protecting Shirou Emiya and Astolfo at the moment when the light cannon was about to fall.

This is how Joan of Arc converts the EX level's resistance to magic power into defense power including physical attacks by revealing the Holy Flag. It is the embodiment of the legend of waving the flag on the battlefield and winning with almost no injuries to the end.

The magic power that has reached the EX level cannot penetrate its defense no matter how bombarded it is by those terrifying light cannons.

Even the purple-black poisonous mist was blocked by it.

"Shirou, Ruler!"

Following the sound, I saw that the masters of Lion Jie Jieli and Astolfo had arrived at the Holy Church at some unknown time.

Shirou Emiya, Astolfo's location is not far from the entrance of the Holy Church. After all, Semiramis was at the door of the Holy Church when he summoned Shirou Emiya and did not go in deeply.

And they also arrived at the Holy Church the moment Emiya Shirou stood in front of Astolfo.

Joan of Arc's protection also enveloped them.


Astolfo struggled to break free from the chains and climbed up from the ground with his mount.

Because Semiramis summoned "Basium" and used magic power to continuously control the light cannon to fire, she was temporarily unable to devote her energy to restricting Astolfo's movements.

What's more, with "Basium" existing, she doesn't need to continue to restrict Astolfo.

As long as she leaves Joan's defense, Astolfo will die of poisoning.

Even Mordred, who had A-level magic power, would have died the moment she inhaled the poisonous gas if it hadn't been for Shi Jie Jieli's command spell.

Surrounded by such terrifying poisonous gas, Semiramis didn't have to worry about their actions.

Because all actions are in vain.

Semiramis did not believe that Joan of Arc could withstand these attacks indefinitely.

As long as she keeps releasing magic light cannons, it will only be a matter of time before these people die.

"It turns out that the way to summon Jeanne here from such a far away place was to sign a contract with Shirou!"

Astolfo, as the first witness at the scene, immediately understood why Joan of Arc was able to arrive at the scene so quickly and helped Shirou Emiya resist the attack.

After all, the only thing that can achieve time and space teleportation is the Command Seal.

Everyone looked along Shirou Emiya's left hand and saw the only remaining Command Seal. Everyone present knew that Shirou Emiya no longer had any Command Seals, but now he suddenly had only one more Command Seal. Maybe it was given by Joan of Arc.

"Everyone, now is not the time for small talk. I cannot withstand such attacks indefinitely."

When Joan of Arc heard Astolfo running in the wrong direction, she couldn't help but remind her that the current situation was extremely urgent and she needed to hurry up every second.

While the Holy Flag is raised, Joan of Arc will be unable to carry out any attacks. And the flag itself will continue to accumulate the opponent's attack damage.

Her defense does not have the ability to withstand infinite city-level Noble Phantasms.

"The Holy Grail is right there!"

Emiya Shirou stretched out his knight sword and pointed at the spherical altar suspended in the air in the distance.

Although there was no evidence, Shirou Emiya's intuition told him that this was the goal of their trip and what they wanted to capture.

"But now we have no way to break through the layer of poisonous fog outside."

Astolfo's Master asked the most difficult question they were facing now.

After all, everyone present, except for Joan of Arc, who has EX level magic resistance, would probably die on the spot if they came into contact with the poisonous mist outside. They would not even be able to touch Semiramis, let alone the Holy Grail.

"Trace on"

One after another, long swords with chains appeared on the ground.

"Rider, the armor formed by this sword can block the spread of poisonous gas in a short period of time. If you use the Noble Phantasm, can you get close to Semiramis?"

When Astolfo released his treasure, he could constantly switch between "non-substantial existence" and "substantial existence", and could escape all attacks in the world.

However, for this kind of poison that would kill people if they were only slightly exposed to it for a moment, Astolfo would probably die at the moment when he released his treasure, when his substantial existence appeared.

So if there was no way to deal with this poisonous fog, Astolfo would not be able to fight Semiramis even if he released his treasure.

Chapter 204 The Last Battle

The entire cathedral church was very noisy, with the roar of venomous snakes, the sound of magic activation, the sound of light cannon shooting, the sound of holy light excitation, and the extremely terrifying sound of venom corrosion.

Compared with the silent forest outside, the cathedral church with such a small building can be said to be very lively.

But in such an extremely noisy environment, such a crisp gunshot was heard.


Two bullets made of fingers passed through the terrifying purple-black poison gas and reached Semiramis at a very fast speed.


A mirror made up of several hexagons appeared in front of Semiramis, blocking the attack of Lion Jiejieli's finger bullets.

"Inferior necromancer!"

Semiramis cursed in a low voice. If there was anyone she despised the most, it would be modern magicians. Both their methods and ideals were too low.

For the attacks launched by modern magicians, Semiramis's eyes were full of disdain.

But facing the finger bullets fired by Lion Jiejieli, she had to block them. Although she was a master of magic and a heroic spirit, it did not mean that she could be completely immune to the attacks of magicians.

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