The characteristic of this city is that it is very well-organized.

In the north and south of the city, there is a river flowing through the center of the city.

The east side of the river is a commercial area with dense urban functions.

The west side of the river is a residential area with many houses.

And connecting the two urban areas on the east and west sides is a rather spectacular large iron bridge.

This iron bridge is called Misaki Bridge.

As for the name of the river, it is called Manami River.

Of course, after learning this information from the locals, Shirou Emiya almost immediately confirmed one thing, that is, he did not return to his own world.

Instead, he came to another strange world.

Shirou Emiya suddenly became confused. Why didn't he return to his own world this time? You know, he only experienced one world before and quickly returned to Fuyuki.

Although that experience cannot be used as a standard, including this world, it is already the third world, which is too strange.

Then Shirou Emiya calculated and found that it seemed, it seemed, it should be a matter of time.

He didn't stay in the Empire for a long time. Including the time he spent with Esdeath on the isolated island, it was only about a month.

And when he came to the parallel world corresponding to himself, from the beginning to the end of the Holy Grail War, it was only four days.

It was probably only a month in total.

And Shirou Emiya had spent two months in the world of the Taisho era, so Shirou Emiya could only conclude that the time was not up yet.

However, the things he experienced in that parallel world made Shirou Emiya feel that time was particularly long, and he felt that he had lived longer than the time he had spent in the world of the Taisho era.

It was mainly because of his own powerlessness. After all, even now, it was difficult for Shirou Emiya to say that he could participate in the battle between the Heroic Spirits.

Another aspect that made Shirou Emiya feel bad was the strange feeling that this world gave him.

Rather than saying that this world gave him a strange feeling, it was better to say that the people in this world gave him a deep sense of strangeness.

Just like what was happening in front of him.


A white-collar worker in a suit was knocked to the ground by the students who were walking towards him. Those students continued to walk forward as if they didn't see it, and they were still communicating with each other.

Whether it was an apology or help, those students did nothing and just walked past the white-collar worker.

The people around him seemed not to see it either, and no one lent a hand to the white-collar worker.

The white-collar worker did not have the expression that a bullied person or a person who was hit should have.

But he stood up silently and moved forward mechanically, as if what happened just now did not happen to him.

Although Shirou Emiya has a low comprehension ability, is not familiar with the subtleties of emotions, and is very slow to respond to kindness and hostility, he has a strong ability to observe.

This is not the first time that such a thing has happened on this street.

When Shirou Emiya saw such a thing happen for the first time, he found that he did not instinctively step forward to help.

And his memory of what happened just now became extremely vague.

At this time, Shirou Emiya felt that something was wrong.

He couldn't imagine that he would subconsciously ignore the person who was hit in front of him and didn't go forward to help him up.

It was as if the existence of that person gradually disappeared, making it impossible for people to notice it.

As long as Shirou Emiya was not careful, his sight would be diverted to other places, and his mind would be blurred about what he had just seen.

If Shirou Emiya had not experienced Jack the Ripper, he would naively think that these were just his illusions.

But through Jeanne telling him that Jack the Ripper had the ability to erase information, Shirou Emiya would pay attention to such things that made his memory blurred.

However, Shirou Emiya still resisted the diversion of his attention and went to help the white-collar worker up.

And the white-collar worker just replied to Shirou Emiya coldly with a thank you, and then walked forward as if no one was around.

Just like a puppet, without his own consciousness, only the simplest judgment.

After helping the white-collar worker up, Shirou Emiya went to ask the student who knocked him down, or the shop owner who should have seen the white-collar worker being hit.

And their answers were unexpectedly the same.

"I didn't feel that I hit anyone"

"I didn't see anyone being hit"

It's not that they are cold-blooded, but they really didn't notice the existence of the white-collar worker.

This made Shirou Emiya even more confused.

Moreover, Shirou Emiya found that on this street, it was not only the white-collar worker who could not be noticed.

The strong sense of weirdness made Shirou Emiya clench his fists tightly. This world may not be as beautiful as it seems.

Chapter 217 Weird Memory

It's very strange.

It's really very strange.

Shirou Emiya leaned against the wall of the alley and thought about what had just happened.

He didn't understand what he was doing just now?

Yes, Shirou Emiya didn't know why he was standing in the center of the street. He seemed to have forgotten something, but his memory told him that he had not forgotten anything.

It's not that Shirou Emiya couldn't remember what happened just now, on the contrary, it was from the time Shirou Emiya came to this city to when he walked to the street that Shirou Emiya's memories were consistent.

There is no unforgettable part in the middle.

But Shirou Emiya felt as if he was suddenly possessed by a demon and walked towards the street, because he didn't understand any reason for coming here.

As if to visit this city that attracts many tourists, I walked from one neighborhood to another.

According to my own memory, shouldn't the first thing I do in this world now be find a job and a place to live?

With no money and no penniless, the first thing I did was to find a way to find a job that could fill my stomach.

Why did he walk to the street like this? What happened that made him involuntarily walk towards the street like this.

He is not an assigned staff member, and he does not know what to do every time he comes to a strange world.

Emiya Shirou just always followed his heart.

It's not that Emiya Shirou wants to get involved in those events, it's just that just like stand-ins are attracted to each other, special people are also attracted to special things. From the moment Emiya Shirou steps in, he can't Live a normal life in another world.

Emiya Shirou, who has experienced too many special events, would not think like ordinary people that he just walked here because his head was hot.

Whether it was the strange feeling he felt when he first came to this world, or the strange situation that happened now, Emiya Shirou felt a sense of crisis in the entire city.

A sense of crisis that he might die at any time.

Emiya Shirou believed in his instincts and firmly believed that he would not come to this street for no reason.

He is not a local and is not familiar with various parts of the city. It is impossible for him to come to this street to find a job.

Because in Emiya Shirou's memory, he never asked passers-by about how to find a job.

But it seemed that he had asked passers-by about something.

Emiya Shirou vaguely remembered that he had asked those students something.

"Did you hit anyone?"

Emiya Shirou leaned on the wall and touched his head, thinking about why he asked those students such questions at that time.

Obviously, they didn't hit anyone, right?

Emiya recalled the situation at that time. Those students passed by there, and no one was hit at all.

"No! No! No! This is unreasonable, this is unreasonable!"

Emiya Shirou banged his head on the wall, sweat gradually falling from his forehead.

So strange.

So weird.

It was as if a huge shadow was surrounding him and the city. This unspeakable feeling made Emiya Shirou feel extremely depressed.

He had never thought about such a thing in such detail.

Why, why would I ask the student if anyone had been knocked down, and why would I ask the boss if anyone had been knocked down.

"Unless then, at that time, I actually saw someone get knocked down."

After thinking about it, there was only one such situation, but in Emiya Shirou's memory, he clearly told himself that no one was knocked down at all at that time.

And the student didn't seem to have any physical shaking caused by hitting someone.

Maybe most people would think that they were just dazzled and saw something wrong, but for Emiya Shirou, dazzled?

Emiya Shirou would rather believe that there is something wrong with his memory than question his eyes, because in this matter of observation, Emiya Shirou has the absolute right to say.

"Hey! Boy! Get some money to spend!"

Before Shirou Emiya could think of a result, a very angry and disdainful voice came from the depths of the alley.

A man wearing a gray and black vest, with yellow hair like a hedgehog, several missing teeth, and a butterfly knife in his hand emerged from the darkness.

Behind him, there were young men with evil smiles one after another. They looked at him with extremely greedy eyes.

No matter which city you are in, there will always be many moths like this that eat others.

Emiya Shirou only hesitated for a moment before stepping forward.

If it were Fuyuki City, Emiya Shirou would choose to learn about those bad backgrounds or talk to their parents.

In this strange city, the bad guys would not listen to Emiya Shirou's preaching.

As there was no way to resolve the problem through words, Emiya Shirou could only use methods he didn't want to use.

That's violence.

Emiya Shirou would not choose to escape, because letting these bad guys go would lead to more innocent people being harmed by them.

He didn't know how many outrageous things these delinquents had done, but since Emiya Shirou knew that they were delinquents, he would not let them go.

"Bang——! Bang——! Bang——!"

In a very short period of time, these delinquents lay scattered on the ground, sighing.

Even those bad guys who wanted to escape were stopped by him.

Emiya Shirou put down his clenched hands and slowly stood up straight.

But there was still one person who had not fallen.

Shirou Emiya looked at the white-haired delinquent who had not fallen down in a daze. Did he ignore him?

He should have defeated all the delinquents.

The next second, a ball of fire ignited from the body of the white-haired delinquent, and devoured him in an instant like a hungry beast.

Everything that existed in that delinquent boy disappeared at that moment, and everyone in the world forgot the existence of such a person.

Even Shirou Emiya, who was standing in front of him at this moment, had his memory changed at this moment.

Shirou Emiya slowly turned his head and said indignantly to the delinquents whose bodies were scattered all over the alley.

"I don't like to use violence to solve problems, but as long as I am still in this city, I will never let you harm others."

If those delinquents can obey his teachings without using fists, Shirou Emiya will never use violence to suppress them.

After all, there are indeed many delinquents who are forced to become delinquents because of family reasons or because of what happened in school. Shirou Emiya is willing to understand them one by one and save them.

But in this world, time does not allow Shirou Emiya to do this. He can only use the simplest and crudest way to stop them.

That is, violence against violence, but Shirou Emiya and Shinji did similar things in Fuyuki City.

When they met unreasonable people, Shirou Emiya and Shinji could only show their fists to suppress them.

But for some reason, Shinji became so twisted and disgusting afterwards.

But don't worry that those delinquents will have deep sequelae. Shirou Emiya has also fought before. He always held back on those delinquents. The most seriously injured boss only suffered superficial injuries.

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