I saw a flash of silver light, and the kitchen knife placed on the kitchen shelf was picked up by Emiya Shirou and swung through the air in a perfect arc, and was finally firmly grasped by his right hand.

Then Emiya Shirou quickly placed the vegetables he had washed on the cutting board. With an extremely rhythmic sound, the vegetables turned into extremely regular strips.


Emiya Shirou took out the pot from the cabinet below, cleaned it, filled it with water, and put in the seasonings he had just mixed. After the water temperature was about right, he put the vegetables in batches, stirred them evenly, and added some salt and seasoning.

“It tastes good!”

Emiya Shirou took some of the soup with a spoon, put it on a small plate and took a sip. The salty taste was very moderate. Now he only needed to boil it to bring out all the flavor of the vegetables.


Emiya looked to the side and saw the sound of steaming rice.

He gently opened the lid, and a refreshing rice fragrance emanated from it.

"Let the rice cool for a while."

Emiya Shirou was thinking this, but there was some movement behind him.


Shana seemed to be awakened by the sound of cooking. She got up from the bed in a daze and looked around with a confused expression.

It's still very early now, only half past six. Obviously, this is not the time when Shana is normally awake.

Emiya Shirou quickly took off his apron and placed it on the stage. He walked in front of Shana, pulled up the pajamas that had slipped off her body and fastened them tightly.

While Shana was still confused, Emiya Shirou somehow skillfully grabbed the underside of her shoulders, lifted them up, and placed the slippers on the side at her feet.

Then he quickly took it to the bathroom, took out a new toothbrush, and squeezed toothpaste onto the fluff.

Pulling her arm, she held the toothbrush in her hand and brushed foam around her mouth.

At this time, Shana didn't know why, her whole spirit seemed to be completely released, without any resistance.

After letting Shana spit out the mouthwash, Emiya Shirou mixed freshly heated hot water and cold water, put a new towel in, and carefully cleaned her face.

Then he took out a comb from nowhere and faced the mirror on the sink to comb Shana's hair that had become messy due to sleep.

After doing these things, Emiya Shirou suddenly remembered that he was still cooking miso soup.

He quickly took Shana out of the bathroom and placed her on the mat next to the low table.

On the low table, Shana's clothes were neatly placed.

I'm afraid that when I was arranging the bedding when I got up, I saw the clothes that were scattered in a mess and sorted them out.

Even Alastair was placed neatly next to Shana's clothes.

Emiya Shirou quickly turned off the pot that was cooking the miso soup, took out a small spoonful and put it on a small plate, blew on it and tasted it gently.

A rich fragrance with a slight sweetness filled Emiya Shirou's entire mouth.

"The time is just right."

Emiya Shirou nodded, then looked at the rice aside and stretched out his hand to feel the temperature. It was no longer as hot as before and the temperature had dropped.

After putting on his gloves, Emiya Shirou moistened them with boiling water, took a pinch of salt mixed with white sesame seeds, and covered the entire palm with salt flowers. After that, Emiya Shirou took a bowl of freshly cooked rice. Spread on the palm of your hand and gently knead into a ball.

After a while, Emiya Shirou placed the miso soup and rice balls in front of Shana who had just changed her clothes.

"I'm starting"

"I'm starting"

After Emiya Shirou finished speaking, Shana also followed suit and started eating.


A steady voice came from in front of Shana.

Alastair quickly accepted the name Shana gave him. Even though he had lived for a long time, when he saw Shirou Emiya doing all the cleaning of Shana with an expressionless face, to be honest, he It was indeed quite a fright.

Not to mention why Emiya Shirou was so proficient in these things, the fact that Shana showed no resistance from the beginning to the end made Alastair not know how to express it in words.

On the one hand, Shana can take care of herself. She can do things like washing herself without the help of others. She can understand and apply a lot of common sense.

The second aspect is that with Shana's character, how could she be manipulated by Shirou Emiya like a doll? Anyway, Alastair didn't really believe his eyes.

The even stranger thing is that the things Shirou Emiya did, plus urging Shana to wash up and dress up, this behavior felt normal to it.

You must know that he is just a 15 or 16-year-old high school student. Is this a very common thing in modern society?

Alastair began to fall into deep thought. It was because he had not had a new contractor for too long to see the outside world. Has humankind become different from his own understanding?

Is it my problem?

Alastair gave up thinking.

Chapter 236: A fight over breakfast?

"Ah!!!!!!! I'm going to kill you!!!!"

After finishing breakfast, Shana suddenly became much more alert. She looked at Emiya Shirou who was clearing away the dishes and tidying up his bedding, and suddenly remembered what had just happened.

A bright red flame burst out from her body, and everything around her turned to stillness at this moment, except for Emiya Shirou in front of her.

At this time, Shana was holding the flaming Odachi in her hand.

Hot fire powder was flying around.

The black hair turned crimson the moment the power was exerted, and fluttered in the air.

A piece of clothing rippled in the air.

A pair of eyes like burning flames stared at Shirou Emiya with shame and anger.

His face was instantly filled with blush.

He held the Odachi sword in his hand and planned to slash Emiya Shirou.

"Hey! What are you going to do!!! It's very dangerous to kill someone casually like this!"

Emiya Shirou put down the quilt in his hand and turned sideways slightly, dodging Shana's sudden slash.

This slash didn't have much power, it was just Shana's casual swing. Even if it hit Emiya Shirou, it would only cause a scratch, and even a normal person would recover within a few days.

Shana just wanted to teach Emiya Shirou some lessons.

Of course, the lesson was secondary. The main thing was that Shana couldn't ignore the endless shame and anger in her heart and had to vent.

And Emiya Shirou is the best target for her to vent her anger.

Although this was just a casual slash, there was no way for ordinary people to dodge it.

Shana suddenly remembered the sword arrows shot by Shirou Emiya that were faster than bullets that she had seen before. She had forgotten that the human in front of her was not an ordinary human, but a human with the power to fight the Red Demon King.

"I told you, come and fight with me!"

Shana inserted the Odachi sword in her hand into the floor and said to Shirou Emiya with a stern expression.

Emiya Shirou, who was about to accuse Shana of inserting the Odachi into the floor, was also stunned.

However, seeing her serious expression, Emiya Shirou did not choose to refuse. He also wanted to know what the strength of the girl in front of him was.

Misaki City, on the banks of the Shinan River.

Beside the slowly flowing river, Emiya Shirou and Shana came here after tidying up the house.

The closest place that is wide and devoid of pedestrians is the one next to the Shinan River.

If it's sunset, there will be many couples enjoying the shade on the grass here.

There will also be literary girls who come here to express their emotions, or fantasize about some wonderful encounters.

As long as the half price of potato chips in the supermarket doesn't happen, everything will be fine.

However, this is not a situation where there is a gentle breeze at dusk, but in the morning when the sun is rising. Everyone is basically going to work or school on the main road, and not so many people pass by here.

Shana stretched out her hand under the cloak-like black clothes.

That piece of black clothing is actually not an ordinary item, but a unique treasure of the Fire Mist Warrior who made a contract with Alastair, named Ye Li.

It can synchronize with the user's will, can change at will within the scope of cognition, and also has the functions of defense and storage of items.

This is why Shana can pull out her weapon Zhidianzhana anytime and anywhere.

It is a pity that the set of holy remains on Emiya Shirou does not have such a convenient function. Although they are all in the shape of a cloak, they are very different in function and form.

"Trace on"

The reverse blade appeared in Emiya Shirou's hand. This was a weapon forged by Emiya Shirou himself. It was also Emiya Shirou's only weapon that was not intended to hurt people.

Seeing that the blade of the katana in Shirou Emiya's hand was reversed, Shana couldn't help but ask.

"Why is the edge of your knife facing you?"

"When people are killed, they will die. Whether it is to protect themselves or to resist evil, there is no way to change what has been done."

It is to atone for one's sins, and to prevent oneself from harming others just because of survival.

Shirou Emiya still couldn't forget the eyes of those soldiers who wanted to devour him on the battlefield, nor could he forget the eyes of those he killed who hated him.

"Everyone has a past that they cannot talk about."

A calm voice came from Shana. Alastair expressed his understanding to Emiya Shirou and let such a heavy topic go.

Hearing Shirou Emiya talk about these things, Shana felt upset for some reason. She didn't understand what kind of emotion Emiya Shirou was showing at this time.

She had never seen someone's emotions be so complicated, and what annoyed Shana was not because of the emotions Emiya Shirou expressed, but because she was annoyed that she couldn't understand such emotions.


The sword-to-sword confrontation is the catharsis of emotions and the best way to communicate emotions.

At least, that's what Shana thinks.


Shana suddenly stepped on the ground, and a ball of flames rose from the soles of her feet. Her entire body was like a flaming meteor, leaving a faint fiery red trace in the space and shooting towards Shirou Emiya at an extremely fast speed.


With a crisp clashing sound, the reverse blade and the sword collided heavily, and sparks flew out between the two.

In fact, the reverse blade's hardness is comparable to some low-level Noble Phantasms, not because of how magical Emiya Shirou's forging technology is, nor because of how hard the empire's minerals are.

Rather, this weapon was forged by Emiya Shirou himself. He was more familiar with and more proficient in this weapon than any other weapon he projected.

After being completely familiar with it, the weapons projected by Emiya Shirou will become somewhat different.

Because Shirou Emiya can know what kind of adjustments will not cause the projected weapon to collapse, or what kind of changes can make this weapon more powerful.

Just like the [Gan Jiang Moye] in Red A's hands, they can not only turn into long knives that grow wings, but Black A can even transform them into almost impossible pistols.

Naturally, the reverse blade in Shirou Emiya's hand could not break when Shiro Amakusa Tokisada fought, and it was also because Shirou Emiya had partially modified it.

Emiya Shirou and Shana just collided with each other, kicked the ground with their feet, and quickly retreated behind them.

Shana naturally followed closely, carrying fire powder flying all over her body, and pursued Emiya Shirou at a speed comparable to bullets.

Chapter 237 The Terrifying Flame

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!"

Fierce collisions continued to occur in the air. Not only were sparks flying, but even the air around them was trembling.

Obviously, Shana, as a Fire Mist Warrior, is stronger than Emiya Shirou. The sound of impacts and vibrations are enough to prove her strength.

But he was stopped extremely easily by Emiya Shirou.

Even Shirou Emiya resisted it without spending much strength.

Shana has never systematically learned sword skills, nor is she like Emiya Shirou who has collected hundreds of sword skills to educate herself, so as to understand the moves that are most suitable for her.

Shana's attack method was straight forward, without any subtlety at all, but it was not simply waving the sword in her hand.

Because Emiya Shirou could see that the direction and trajectory of Shana's swing were the most labor-saving and quick way, full of strength and crispness.

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