"If those torches turned into Mystis, theoretically speaking, would they regain consciousness and be able to live like humans?"

Emiya Shirou wanted to save those torches, but he also didn't want the torches he saved to live like walking zombies or dolls. There would be no difference between saving them or not.

"Theoretically, it can be done, but where can we find so many of them——"

Alastair fell silent for a moment, and then answered the hypothesis put forward by Shirou Emiya. He originally planned to deny Shirou Emiya's hypothesis. After all, the Noble Phantasm is extremely rare, and most of the Red Demon King and None of the Fire Mist Warriors hold Noble Phantasms.

Being able to possess a Noble Phantasm is basically due to various coincidences.

But it immediately thought that the human in front of it might not be lacking in Noble Phantasms.

Chapter 243 The Second Fire Mist Warrior


Alastair suddenly stopped what he wanted to say next as if he felt something.

Shana quickly turned her head and looked in a distant direction.

"Other Fire Mist Warriors are coming."

Alastair quickly made a judgment on the aura he suddenly felt.


Under the tremor of the air, a circle of waves that could not be caught by the naked eye passed over the entire Misaki City like ripples, just like water droplets dripping on the water surface of Misaki City, causing the ripple-like fluctuations to expand in all directions.

That was a fluctuation that Shirou Emiya couldn't feel. Only those who were proficient in using the power of existence could clearly feel the trembling from the air.

This is why Shana can suddenly feel the aura of other Fire Mist Warriors. Shana is not able to easily detect that other Fire Mist Warriors are approaching the city.

"Searching method of freedom?"

Alastair reminded Shana.

"For such a large-scale free-flowing method, the other party must be a free-flowing master who is very good at free-flowing methods, but I don't know what the purpose of her coming is."

"It should have been able to feel my breath after using the search-type Free Technique, but it did not leave. Instead, it continued to use the Free Technique unscrupulously."

Shana calmly felt the vibrations in the air and analyzed it softly.

Under normal circumstances, there will only be one Fire Mist Warrior in a city. This is not some kind of rules and regulations, but the tacit practice of the Fire Mist Warrior.

In most cases, Fire Mist Warriors who can act alone have the ability to defeat the Red World Apostles head-on, and there are not many powerful Red World Demon Kings in the world.

Basically, one Fire Mist Warrior in a city is enough to solve all situations, and even after solving it, they will choose to move on to the next city. After all, compared to the number of cities in the world, the number of Fire Mist Warriors is also very small.

If it is discovered that there are other Fire Mist Warriors in this city, then the Fire Mist Warriors who come to this city will naturally choose to leave.

Because other places need them more, so under normal circumstances, if other Fire Mist Warriors sense Shana, their first choice will definitely be to leave, rather than continue to stay here unscrupulously.

Unless there is a special situation, or the Fire Mist Warrior is a being who likes to invade other people's hunting grounds.

But no matter what the situation, Shana should go and say hello.


With a sound like the air being crushed, a ball of fire powder exploded all over Shana's body, turning into a fiery red stream of light, rushing out and rushing towards the destination.

"Did you really forget that there are other people here?"

Seeing Shana's impetuous behavior, Emiya Shirou didn't mind much, he just complained a little about Shana's behavior.

He immediately put away his armor and jumped between buildings.

With Emiya Shirou's current physical fitness, he can easily travel between such buildings even without using [Evil Haunting].

Although Shana's acting style is hot-tempered, she doesn't think about everything. It can even be said that Shana's thinking is also very careful.

If Shirou Emiya hadn't stopped it, actually destroying those torches would be a profitable and harmless thing. Moreover, when she went to prepare to deal with the torches, she also hid her aura and lowered her concentration. own sense of existence.

The reason why he was discovered was because Emiya Shirou had a very strong sense of existence, and Shana was also discovered.

And now she chose to head directly towards the target position, because she also considered that Emiya Shirou could keep up with her speed.

Moreover, being able to use the free method of searching the whole city can also help them find the location of Faliagni.

Shana will not give up seeking help just for her own vanity. She is indeed not good at auxiliary free methods and does not have the ability to search for Faliagni's location in this way.

She would openly admit this matter. It was not a big deal, just like the battle with Emiya Shirou. Although she had many trump cards that she had not used, a loss was a loss. She was not convinced, but He will not deny the fact that he lost.

So this time I went not only to say hello to the Fire Mist Warrior, but also to see if I could get his help.

On the other side, a mature British woman with a model-like figure and beauty, chestnut hair tied in a ponytail, blue eyes, glasses, and a tall and good figure, stepped on a book and retracted her fingers. The totem that expanded with the fingertips as the center instantly retracted with fluctuations that could not be captured by the naked eye.

Finally disappeared above her head.


The book under her feet suddenly shouted.

The woman quickly looked forward.

A fiery red meteor approached from a distance at a very fast speed. In just a few breaths, a petite figure appeared in front of the woman.

"The killer with flaming hair and burning eyes!"

"The reciter of the eulogy?"

Both parties who met at this time were extremely surprised.

After all, both parties were very famous in the Fire Mist Warriors. It was indeed a very surprising thing to be able to meet in this small city like this.

The book under Marjorine's feet suddenly broke away from her control and flew to the side, making a vulgar and harsh laugh.

"I didn't expect it to be a Fire Mist Warrior of the Heavenly Tribulation Fire. It's really great to be an opponent!"


Alastor in front of Shana made a disgusted sound. He really didn't want to deal with that book, the Red World King Marcosias who was called "the claw of ravage".

Because he was a battle maniac, the reason for contracting a Fire Mist Warrior was different from that of other Red World Demon Kings.

Most of the Red World Demon Kings who chose to contract humans to become Fire Mist Warriors did so to maintain the stability of the present world, while Marcosias did so to pursue more exciting battles.

Most of the Fire Mist Warriors could not reach the level of the Red World Demon Kings, and their strength was relatively weak overall, while his strength was very strong and could not appear in the present world at will.

But he wanted to fight, so he chose to contract humans and help them become Fire Mist Warriors.

And Marjolin, who became a Fire Mist Warrior, was also a well-known existence among the Fire Mist Warriors, but most of the Fire Mist Warriors were unwilling to contact her.

The reason is that she has a very good affinity with Marcosias, and she is also a battle maniac. She will not only kill the Red World Apostles who maintain the stability of the world, but also fight with the Fire Mist Warriors.

Most of the Fire Mist Warriors are there to maintain the stability of the world. Many people can't resist an unreasonable battle maniac like her, not to mention that her strength is also very strong, and not many Fire Mist Warriors can stop her.

"What do you want to do in this city?"

Chapter 244 Unspeakable Battle

"Isn't he an ordinary human kid?"

It was a tall man with platinum-colored hair, a suit, and sunglasses.

He leaned against the wall beside him, and a cigarette burning with turbid purple fire was lit at his mouth. Circles of smoke floated up from his mouth.

He watched the battle in front of him with great interest.

"When can I get the Zhidian Zana? I want to hold the knife right now, want to touch it, want to feel its coldness."

"Don't worry, brother. Soon, we will be able to find the [Killer with Flaming Hair and Burning Eyes]."

A blond boy in a suit had an impatient look on his face. Unlike the man smoking, he had no interest in the battle in front of him. If it weren't for the sweet blond girl next to him, he would have left here long ago.


After the boy complained, the sweet blond girl moved her face forward without any hesitation, and their lips embraced passionately at this moment.

She didn't care that there was a middle-aged man smoking next to her.

However, the man didn't seem to care about their kissing without paying attention to anyone else. It's better to say that he seemed to have gotten used to the way they got along.

Anyway, his job was just an ordinary guard job.

"No wonder you paid such a price to ask [Bad Blade] to deal with that human, but it is rare to find a human who can fight against the Red World Demon King. No, it should be said that this is the first time I have seen a human who can fight back and forth with that guy [Bad Blade]."

"Being feared by the top five Red World Demon Kings in modern times is indeed not to be underestimated."

The tall man wearing sunglasses exhaled a puff of smoke and teased Fariagni, who had just recovered by using the power of existence.

Fariagni did not refute the man's words. As a Red World Demon King, his strength has undoubtedly reached the realm that a Red World Demon King should have. He did not become a Red World Demon King because of those treasures.

And it is precisely because he is a Red World Demon King that he can obtain so many treasures.

But for this man, or the [Bad Blade] he invited, his strength can be described as weak. In Alastor's words, he is among the top five Red World Demon Kings in modern times.

He was just a modern Red World Demon King. Compared with those Red World Demon Kings who had lived for who knows how many years, Fariagni's strength was not enough.

Although he felt very unhappy, he did not express his anger. After all, his heart was all on the person he loved the most.

Even if he paid such a price, as long as his goal was achieved, he was willing to pay any price.

This is love, this is the deep love he has for his lover.


A terrifying explosion erupted in the air in front of them, and a violent dark red flame turned into a raging wave, mixed with countless sharp swords, carrying flames like a tornado, evaporating all the surrounding air.

The scale of the raging dark red flame was so large that it was unimaginable.

In just a moment, the human in armor was completely surrounded.

Countless swords mixed with terrifying flames, like a meat grinder, constantly spinning and shrinking, not giving the human any chance to resist.

You must know that this kind of attack can cause fatal damage not only to those swords, but more to the terrifying flames that make people feel like falling into magma.

Just a slight touch will turn them into ashes.

And the buildings around the human were turned into rubble in the raging waves of flames and fell to the ground.

Debris flew in the air, and those immobile humans turned into one after another existence force dissipated in the air under such an attack.

A big man with a scarf-like cloth wrapped around his face, long straight hair and a cloak, exuding a dead breath, emerged from the thick fog with two swords in hand, and appeared above the encirclement gathered by the flames.

Judging from the damage to his clothes, the human had obviously caused him a lot of damage.

The whole person was covered with dust, and looked even darker.

"Being able to cause this degree of damage to [Bad Blade], even I have to be tempted by the treasure on him."

The man with a cigarette looked at [Bad Blade] who rushed out of the smoke with a little surprise. His strength can be called the top existence among all the Red World Demon Kings who can move in the world.

Even he couldn't get any benefits from him, and the human was able to fight with such a powerful Red World Demon King and hurt him.

How could this not make the Red World Demon Kings tempted by the treasure on him?

This treasure, which can allow a human to fight against [Bad Blade] and injure him, can be regarded as a top-level treasure to some extent.

They dare not imagine how powerful such a treasure would be when held by the Red World Demon King.

No Red World Demon King would think that a human has the power to fight against the Red World Demon King.

In their minds, humans are just livestock, a carrier provided by the power of existence, a kind of food that is within reach and will not resist.

Only the Fire Mist Warrior can make them look up to him.


When the flame mixed with swords was about to shrink, a violent explosion sounded from the air.

A figure fell from the thick fog, stabilizing his body with great difficulty, standing on the street that was already in ruins, gasping for breath.

The armor on his body also peeled off layer by layer and fell to the ground. A young man with red hair and a red cloak looked at the red world demons in front of him in a very embarrassed manner. There was no fear in his eyes, only incomparable determination.

A ball of crimson flames fell from the sky and fell towards the position of the red-haired boy, and he seemed to feel nothing and didn't care about the terrifying flames that were about to swallow him.


A blue light came from Shirou Emiya's fingers, and the flame turned into nothingness when it was about to touch Shirou Emiya.

"Deep blue!!!!"


The man holding the cigarette looked at Fariagni beside him with great surprise, and Fariagni also frowned and looked at his right hand.

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