"Same effect————"

Wilhelmina finally understood why [Masquerade] wanted to kill Emiya Shirou, so that the ability to create fakes would be provided to the Fire Mist Warriors.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the Fire Mist Warriors will basically only have one Noble Phantasm at their disposal.

She saw her own Noble Phantasm projected by Emiya Shirou with her own eyes, which shows that Emiya Shirou's ability to imitate is not limited to Zero Hour Mystery.

That would be a devastating blow to the Red World Apostle.

The way she looked at Shirou Emiya also changed. Such a human being must be preserved. He could be said to be an existence that could change the status quo.

There are many powerful Noble Phantasms in this world, but because there is only one of them, so many Fire Mist Warriors and Red World Apostles flock to it.

The Zhidianzhe in Xia Na's hand was fiercely fought over by many Red World apostles.

However, Emiya Shirou was able to mass-produce these Noble Phantasms, and his importance is self-evident.

It's a pity that there is no contact person for the outside hotel in Misaki City, and Wilhelmina has no way to contact him————

No, there is actually a way to get in touch.

"Excuse me."

Wilhelmina already knew the importance of Emiya Shirou, so she naturally wanted to tell the outsiders this information as quickly as possible, so that they could find more Fire Mist warriors to come.

If [Masquerade] comes, it will be difficult to save Emiya Shirou with only three Fire Mist Warriors.

This is an extremely urgent situation. Wilhelmina believes that this matter cannot be delayed.

Wilhelmina jumped down from the window and ran towards the distance.

"By the way, prepare her meals as well."

Emiya Shirou said to himself, but he also wanted to tell Shana that although she didn't know what Wilhelmina was going to do now, she would definitely come back later.

Of course, Emiya Shirou couldn't treat Shana's friends badly. There were a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, and the beef he bought was enough for four people.

He originally planned to eat in two days, but making enough food for three people was not a big deal.

It's not impossible to save a portion of the beef as a side dish for tomorrow night.

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou started making today's dinner.

"Shirou, the number of Red Apostles that have appeared in these days is indeed premeditated. Now that you have decided to stay in this city, what are your plans?"

Shana sat at the table, recalling what Wilhelmina said, and she was constantly thinking in her heart.

Although staying in Misaki City is a better choice at this stage, staying here will only become a trapped beast.

Shana is not blindly arrogant. She knows how strong she is now. Facing a large number of Red World Apostles, Phosphorus, and multiple Red World Demon Kings, they will lose sooner or later.

"If there is any way to do it, it is to wait for support."

"With so many Red World Apostles heading towards Misaki City, it's impossible for the other Fire Mist Warriors to not notice them."

"And the outsiders will also contact more Fire Mist warriors."

Emiya Shirou shook his head. There was nothing he could do. Many of the Red World Apostles had very special abilities, and they might be caught if they were not careful.

Just like the previous Red Apostle with extremely low strength, he pulled Emiya Shirou and Shana directly into the dream.

Fortunately, Emiya Shirou and Shana were extremely determined, and the Red World Apostle did not have any powerful attack methods. It took them a few seconds to wake up from their dream.

If there was a red demon king at that time, then things would become more dangerous.

It's not that he doesn't dare to leave Misaki City to face the eagerly eyeing Red World Apostles, but a person's power is limited after all.

Shirou Emiya didn't dare to be too boastful. The transformation of the Zero Hour Mysteries in his hands had not yet been completed. Naturally, he understood the importance of his own life.

If it weren't for Lamy, Emiya Shirou wouldn't have been able to keep those torches.

If it hadn't been for Marion Lin's free spell, Emiya Shirou and Shana wouldn't have been able to quickly find the location of the Red World Apostles.


With a whistling sound, Wilhelmina jumped in from the window, squatted on the ground, and then slowly stood up.

Seeing this situation, Emiya Shirou wanted to say that he could actually go through the door, not the window.

What if he didn't open the window? That would break all the glass.

"I have told the outside world about the situation here. I believe they will soon contact the Fire Mist Warriors in Japan to come for support."

There is indeed nothing in Wilhelmina that can contact the outside world.

But now is a technological society, and long-distance communication is not a problem in the first place.

Wilhelmina found a phone booth on the street and told the outsiders everything about this place, and also explained to them the importance of Shirou Emiya himself.

After she finished speaking, her brows furrowed tightly and her nose suddenly twitched.

"What does it smell like? It smells so good!"

"You came just in time, dinner is ready."

Emiya Shirou put the food on the table and extended an invitation to the maid who had just arrived from the window.

Chapter 276 Emiya Shirou is entangled in resentment

The sunlight shone slightly through the gaps in the curtains, bringing an extremely bright beam of light to the entire slightly dark room.

Emiya Shirou adjusted his clothes and gently opened the curtains.

Looking at the sun that had just risen from the horizon, he rubbed his eyes slightly.

Pushing open the closed window, the warm breeze caressed Emiya Shirou's face.

Emiya Shirou took a quick breath, arranged all the blankets, pillows and beddings on the floor and put them into the cabinet.

After washing up, Emiya Shirou began to prepare for today's breakfast.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

The knock on the door also sounded when Shirou Emiya was thinking about how to make breakfast today.

"Excuse me-"

"Good morning--"

Wilhelmina bowed slightly to Shirou Emiya with the etiquette of a maid, and Shana also greeted Shirou Emiya from the side.

As Shana's guardian, it was naturally impossible for Wilemina to continue to let Shana and Emiya Shirou live together.

So after dinner, I took Shana and left to look for other places to stay.

Of course, Emiya Shirou would not stop her. As for retaining her, it was not like he would never see her again, and he would not feel any regret that he would not be living with the beautiful girl anymore.

To Emiya Shirou, there is not much difference between Sakura living in his own home and living in Matou's house. It's just that there is a big difference for Sakura.

After all, Sakura does not live in the Emiya residence, and the first thing Emiya Shirou sees every day when he opens his eyes is basically Sakura.

However, the knock on the door in the morning still surprised Emiya Shirou.

"Come in and sit down."

Shirou Emiya opened the door and was only slightly surprised before inviting them in.

It's not polite to leave a guest standing at the door.

"During this period, we will be your neighbors."

Wilhelmina nodded and talked without any fluctuation in her tone.


Emiya Shirou tilted his head in confusion.

"Baga, we live in the room next to you now."

Shana took off her shoes very skillfully and walked in. Listening to Emiya Shirou's confused tone, she turned back to explain.

"But, isn't there a warehouse next to it?"

The house that Emiya Shirou rented had three rooms on the second floor. Originally, these three rooms were planned to be used as warehouses, but he was lucky. When the last room was to be converted into a warehouse, he got it from the landlord. Rented on hand.

This is one of the reasons why this rental is so cheap.

But other rooms on the second floor of this house have been converted into warehouses. Those rooms are full of items and there is no way to move in there.

"It's been sorted out."

Wilhelmina answered without any emotion.


"It's been sorted out."

Wilhelmina didn't seem to intend to have too many answers to this question.

"All right."

Emiya Shirou could only nodded with a smile and walked towards the house.

In fact, when the landlord heard that Wilhelmina wanted to rent the room next to Emiya Shirou, he refused.

Because there were a lot of things stored in it, it was extremely inconvenient to organize them, and he only made a few dollars, so he didn't want things to become so troublesome.

Seeing that Shirou Emiya had gone out to work at a young age and was friendly to others, making people feel like they were having a refreshing conversation, he felt compassion and rented out the room that was originally going to be converted into a warehouse.

But now we want to convert the house that has been converted into a warehouse into a rental house, and we will do nothing!

That’s what the landlord thought at the time.

But Wilemina really gave too much.

Wilemina is not like Shana. As a Fire Mist Warrior who travels around the world, she is quite wealthy, whether it is the funds provided by outsiders or the property left behind by their own activities.

After all, many times the Fire Mist Warrior can choose to live instead of a torch, and it doesn't require too much expense.

When Marionne came to Misaki City, she rented the most expensive hotel as soon as possible, which shows that these Fire Mist Warriors are very wealthy.

For Wilhelmina, those piles of objects only took a little effort to sort out.

Unlike Emiya Shirou, Wilemina also often uses free methods to help clean up.

Shana sat skillfully at the table and began to feel the power contained in Alastair. During the time when Shirou Emiya was making breakfast, Shana would not waste it, but chose to seize the time so that she could better understand it. The power of Alastair.

At least she wanted to master the power of Alastair without using Zhimian Zana.

And Wilhelmina also sat at the table obediently, without saying a word.

It actually made Shirou Emiya feel a little embarrassed.

But he also understood the reason why Shana and the others came.

Isn't that just a simple breakfast?

Emiya Shirou also quickly thought of the reason. If he lived next door, even if he finished organizing the things, he would not have much time to buy kitchen utensils and ingredients so late.

With this thought in mind, Emiya Shirou started making today's breakfast at the chopping board.


Feeling some kind of resentful gaze, Emiya Shirou looked back sharply.

Shana was seen practicing her own practice, while Wilhelmina looked at Shana in front of her with a cold expression.

"Maybe it's my imagination."

Emiya Shirou rubbed his head and continued cutting vegetables.


That gaze once again surrounded Shirou Emiya.


This time, Shirou Emiya’s turn even brought with it the sound of whistling wind.

But the other side was still very calm, without any unusual movement.

“What’s the matter?”

Seeing Shirou Emiya always turning back, Wilhelmina asked.

“No, no, nothing, it must be my illusion.”

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