"What's wrong, Sakura!"

Emiya Shirou, who was walking in the corridor, heard Sakura's call and quickly looked back. He suddenly understood something.

"Sorry, Sakura, I didn't notice."

Emiya Shirou hurriedly walked over and helped Sakura up. He thought he was just lying on Sakura's lap for a short time.

Unexpectedly, he had already laid down until Sakura's legs were numb.

"No, senior, I didn't wake you up early."

Sakura shook her head slightly, not blaming Emiya Shirou.

In fact, if I hadn't been worried about Shirou Emiya catching a cold, I might have been sitting here like this.

She also liked it very much, and just sat in the courtyard and stared blankly at Shirou Emiya.

However, for some unknown reason, during the two months that he stayed at the Wei Palace Residence, his grandfather never came to him, and even the marking bug in his body remained stable.

My brother will only meet at school.

In order to maintain a good image in the school, he basically didn't do anything to himself.

The daily life spent here is like a dream to Sakura, but Sakura just hopes that this dream can last longer.

After all, Sakura knew clearly that she would wake up from this dream sooner or later, so she kept her thoughts in her heart.

While Sakura was thinking, Emiya Shirou supported her and took her to the bedroom.

"Good night, Sakura."

"Good night, senior!"

Sakura fell into a deep sleep with a smile on her face.

Emiya Shirou also returned to his room.

Only the boundless starry sky shines brightly.

————I am the dividing line of time——————

"Shirou, even though you have been gone for so long, I still want to remind you of something."

In the morning, after Shirou Emiya and Sakura made breakfast together for the first time in a long time, Sister Fuji said this to Shirou Emiya with a hard-working expression on her face.

"What's wrong?"

Emiya Shirou felt a little strange. Although he had been away for so long, there shouldn't be anything particularly big.

After all, in terms of interpersonal relationships, the closest ones to me are Sakura, Shinji and Fuji-san.

"It seems so, senior, are you ready?"

Sakura looked at Shirou Emiya in surprise as if something suddenly occurred to her.


Emiya Shirou looked at Sakura in confusion.

"I discussed it with the school last night, but it still didn't work out."

Sister Teng shook her head and planned to drink the beer in front of her in one gulp.

However, Shirou Emiya snatched the beer from her hand with lightning speed and walked to the refrigerator door.

"Ah! Shirou, beer!!!!"

Sister Fuji shouted and rushed towards the beer in Emiya Shirou's hand, but was blocked by Emiya Shirou's hand.

"Drinking in the morning is not good for your health."

Emiya Shirou put the beer in the refrigerator with a dark look on his face.

"Today is Sunday, a day off, what's wrong!"

Fujimura Dahe sat down in his seat with a helpless expression.

"So, what is it?"

"Hmph! I won't tell you, but let Sakura tell you. I went to catch up on my sleep. It's a shame that I spent so much time communicating with the school yesterday."

Fujimura Taiga pouted and finished his breakfast.

"Senior, there is an exam next week!"

Sakura didn't hide anything and told Emiya Shirou about the school's arrangements.


Well, it looks like life won’t be peaceful even after returning.

Chapter 292: Emiya Shirou lives in poverty

"take an exam!"

Emiya Shirou covered his forehead, he forgot, forgot that he was still in school.

Maybe it was because too many things happened at the end, and it had been a long time since I went to school, and I also found a job.

Emiya Shirou had forgotten that he was actually a 16-year-old first-year high school student.

"Senior, don't worry, even though it's only for a few days, I will help you!"

Sakura stretched out her hand and clenched her fist tightly, saying that she would definitely help Emiya Shirou.

"Thanks, Sakura"

Emiya Shirou knew his own level. It would be good to pass this exam.

Although Shana's knowledge reserve is very rich, on the one hand, Shana has holistic knowledge. Her knowledge is very broad and covers many things.

And Shana doesn't know what she will learn in high school, but what she learns contains high school knowledge.

What's more, Emiya Shirou didn't have Shinji's level of study. Even if he studied hard every day, Emiya Shirou's grades in junior high school were only at the middle level.

And during the time Emiya Shirou spent with Shana, it was only half a month, and he could only learn some superficial knowledge.

Not everyone has the same photographic memory as Shana. Although Emiya Shirou has very good eyes, he can only see farther and more accurately.

There is no photographic memory.

However, world history may get high marks. After all, during the Holy Grail War, Emiya Shirou made up for a lot of history.


Shirou Emiya himself was not sure, he only knew the history of the servants of that Holy Grail War, such as King Arthur, Jeanne d'Arc and so on.

Well, it seems that there is no need to think about it. Shirou Emiya, who has only attended school for one day, is almost always failing the class.

"Let's start from now, senior! Let's step into the ocean of learning right away!"

Seeing Sakura being so positive, Emiya Shirou could only smile bitterly.

It's not that he doesn't want to study, it's just that with such intense study, it's better to let him face the [Bad Blade] again. Emiya Shirou thinks he might be a little good at it.

After eating a semester's knowledge in a few days, Emiya Shirou said that he really couldn't do it.


Although you can't do it, you still have to do it. It's better than staying at home and doing nothing.

After all, Emiya Shirou no longer needs to go out to work during the holidays. The place of work has been changed, and it is still compulsory to work. Emiya Shirou does not even have the right to refuse.

After several days of frantic review and Sakura's careful teaching, Emiya Shirou still failed the exam.

Sitting in his seat, looking at the almost passing scores in his hand, Emiya Shirou sighed.

At least the study these days and the study with Shana were not in vain.

Although he only got such a small score in the exam, Emiya Shirou was not too surprised. It was as if he had only studied for a few days and his scores were comparable to those of those who had studied in school for four months.

Only Emiya Shirou would find it strange.

Although from a practical point of view, Shirou Emiya was not the only one in the school who failed.

"Is Emiya-san here?"

A man wearing standard college clothes, with short purple hair and round glasses asked aloud in the noisy classroom.

The entire classroom fell silent instantly, and everyone looked towards the door.

"Yes, yes."

Emiya Shirou quickly stood up and responded.

The boy standing at the door slightly moved the eyes on his face. Under the light from the window, a slight white light was reflected. Just looking at it made people feel extremely cold.

"The student union has something to ask you. Can you come to the student union after school?"

The steady voice came from this boy's mouth, and just listening to it made people feel safe.


After hearing Shirou Emiya's response, the boy immediately retreated.

The moment he exited, the entire classroom suddenly erupted into an extremely intense discussion.

"Is that the student council president? He's so imposing and masculine!"

"He seems to be a gentle and gentle person. I didn't expect him to speak with such force. I heard that he is very strict in the student union."

The heated discussion fell into Emiya Shirou's ears word for word. He didn't know why the student union was looking for him. After all, he was never in the school and had no chance to meet the student union.

Well, Emiya Shirou covered his forehead and discovered something that he had been ignoring. The fact that he had been absent from school should be the reason why the student union was looking for him.

Emiya Shirou also realized that the fact that he did not go to school to learn would cause a lot of reactions.

Fortunately, Fuji sister works as a teacher at Suizunhara Academy and seems to have a certain say. Otherwise, Emiya Shirou could imagine that he might have been expelled from the school.

Emiya Shirou didn't have any complaints about these things. This was because he didn't go to school, which caused such a chain reaction.

There are many things that Sister Fuji even helped him do. Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou once again thanked Sister Fuji.

Time soon came to afternoon.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

"Please come in!"

Emiya Shirou pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as you enter the door, you can see a large table made up of four long tables, and chairs neatly arranged around it.

"Sit wherever you like."

A steady voice came from the farthest side, close to the white blackboard.

The man who came to see Shirou Emiya before was sitting under the whiteboard, sorting out documents, and on that whiteboard was densely written the student council's next plan.

Emiya Shirou pushed aside a chair with some restraint and sat down.

"I haven't introduced myself to you yet, my name is Yanagi Kazunari."

Seeing Emiya Shirou sit down, Yanado Kazunari quickly stopped what he was doing, held on to his glasses, and looked in the direction of Emiya Shirou.

"You should know why I came to find you."

"Well, that's right."

Emiya Shirou touched the back of his head and replied to Yanagi Kazunari that he had never come to school. No matter what angle he came from, the student union would come looking for him.

"I heard from Sister Teng that you seem to be working outside. Do you have great difficulties?"

Yanagi Kazunari lowered his voice as much as possible and talked to Emiya Shirou in a softer tone.

Fujimura Taiga didn't ask anything from Emiya Shirou at all, so she could only express ignorance to Yanado Kazunari's question. She only knew that Emiya Shirou said that he was working outside, so he had no way to come back to school.

At least this was Shirou Emiya's external reason.

Naturally, Yanagi Kazunari wanted to help the poor student who could only go out to work and could not come to school - Emiya Shirou.

After all, according to his inquiries, Emiya Shirou was a very cheerful and helpful person, but he had lived alone since early on.

In his opinion, Emiya Shirou might be living in a very poor life, or he might have offended some big boss that he should not mess with, so he had no choice but to leave Fuyuki and seek refuge.

Yakido Kazunari naturally knew that if even Fuji-nee couldn't help Emiya Shirou, he would still have no choice but to go and work like this.

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