"Ugh, ah ah ah ah!"

As if she felt the threat of death, she began to howl in fear, tears constantly flowing from the corners of her eyes.

Just when the two knives were about to touch.

Asakusa Kae's head suddenly jumped up and the area of ​​her neck that was originally slashed instantly turned into a pink silk.

The blade that had absorbed most of the force was no longer able to cut such soft silk!


Rengoku Kyojuro only had time to shout this sentence.

One after another, pink silk burst out from her body and cut around in all directions without leaving any dead ends.

"Blood Demon Art·Yaezan"

The surrounding buildings were instantly cut into pieces, shattered into ruins, and fell to the ground.

If the residents in this area had not been evacuated in advance, then this place would be a river of blood.

This attack almost reached the level of Upper String.

"I didn't expect that she could really use it."

In the distance, Daki, who had been observing with her blood demon arts hidden underground, showed a rare look of shock on her face.

Before leaving, Lord Muzan asked her to find nearby demons with blood demon arts, take a piece of flesh and blood from them and herself and give it to Asakusa Xianghui to eat.

She didn't know what Lord Muzan's purpose was, but since it was Lord Muzan's request, she would act like this.

And now, she knew the deep meaning of Lord Muzan.

The demons devour and kill each other, and it can only be said that the difference in how much blood of Muzan is obtained can increase their own hard power.

It will not happen that I will have the ability of a demon after devouring it.

If there is such an ability, Muzan will definitely find ways to frantically create demons with blood demon arts and then devour them.

And once such a demon that can obtain the blood demon arts of other demons exists, it is indeed enough to have the power of the upper strings.

It is completely unimaginable how powerful a demon with the blood demon arts of all the upper strings of demons can be.

Is this the Demon Eater? No wonder one of the Upper Ranks thought that the Demon Eater should be eliminated.

Daki knew that if she was allowed to develop, she would most likely grow to the level of Muzan-sama.

After all, she also ate a part of Muzan-sama's flesh and blood.

But all this is just a possibility. It is not only blood demon arts that can be promoted to the Upper Rank, but more of their combat experience, consciousness, and skills.

Then why not worry about her threatening Muzan-sama? With Muzan-sama's blood, life and death are just a matter of a year for Muzan-sama.

Not everyone is called Nezuko and Tamayo, and it is difficult for them to get rid of Muzan's control like them.

"Cough! Cough!"

"Are you okay, Emiya boy!"

Rengoku Kyojuro put Emiya Shirou, who was tucked under his armpit, aside and asked if Emiya was hit.

Emiya shook his head in shock, indicating that he was fine.

At such a close distance, Emiya had almost no reaction time. He only saw a white dress suddenly appear in front of him.

When he opened his eyes again, he was caught under the armpit by Mr. Rengoku.

When Emiya came to his senses, he saw that there was a very deep wound on Mr. Rengoku's chest.

Emiya could clearly see the flesh and blood inside reacting and bleeding.

But it only lasted for a few seconds, and the blood stopped flowing.

"Breathing can effectively suppress bleeding from wounds."

Emiya nodded somewhat confusedly.

But his eyes were full of worry and gratitude.

Mr. Rengoku suffered such serious injuries to save me.

Suddenly, Emiya blamed himself even more, and held the Nichirin Sword in his hand even tighter.

At this time, Asakusa Kae would not wait for Rengoku Kyojuro and Emiya to attack again.

One after another, pink silk rose from the ground, dancing around Emiya and Rengoku Kyojuro like a blade.

It seemed that he was going to drag them in and strangle them.

But without the strange black snake that could absorb power, this level of attack is equivalent to non-existence for the pillars.

"Breath of Flame Type 5 Flame Tiger"

Rengoku Kyojuro suddenly thrust forward and swung a giant slash like a burning tiger, and the entire silk attack instantly collapsed.

This was the third time he appeared in front of Asakusa Kae.

The knife flashed soft and bright red again, and slashed towards the neck without any mercy.

However, a blue-green light emanated from Asakusa Kae's body, and in an instant, she retreated dozens of meters away.

Her speed suddenly increased by three times.

However, no matter how fast she was, these abilities were not her true strength.

Even if she really had the same blood demon art as the upper strings, would she not necessarily have the same combat power as the upper strings?

And she felt that the Sun Wheel Sword had cut into the center of her neck.

"Breath of Sword Type Flame Flame Demon"

An extremely strong hot wind surrounded Emiya, and the terrifying air wave was attached to the Sun Wheel Sword.

There was no flame, but it was still so blazing.

When on the roof, Emiya saw the Sun Blade next to Mr. Rengoku.

Out of a desire to explore, and because he was stuck in learning the breathing method, when he was preparing to organize the evacuation of residents, Emiya projected it and experienced the breathing of fire.

A round of Half Moon Slash flashed by, and Asakusa Koe's head was chopped off by Emiya without any surprise.


Chapter 31 The man wearing the boar hood

"Do you really want to leave?"

Looking at Emiya who had already prepared his luggage, the restaurant owner issued a request to stay.

Not only because of Emiya, he has increased a lot of sales for himself, but also because of Emiya's cheerful and cheerful personality, which makes the entire Youguo burst with vitality.

"Well, I also have things I need to do."

Emiya nodded and nodded to his boss. For the boss who took him in, Emiya has always maintained a grateful mood.

"Really? Then be safe and have a safe journey."

Seeing Emiya's resolute look, the boss didn't want to interfere too much. He also heard about what happened in the North District. The entire place where the battle was fought was completely turned into ruins. If it weren't for the timely evacuation, , I'm afraid many people will die due to this.

He actually knew in his heart that Shirou Emiya, who participated in such a battle, would not be willing to stay here for the sake of a stable life.

After receiving the boss's nod and blessing, Emiya also said goodbye to the people he met in Yuguo.

Emiya knew that if he left this time, he would most likely not come back to this place again.

He suddenly remembered Asakusa Koe, whom he had only met once.

The moment he cut off her neck, Emiya thought a lot, whether he was being too cruel. Such an innocent girl might be able to transform from a ghost into a human again.

She devours people not out of her own consciousness. If she could have taken a good look at Asakusa Koe next to her at that time, she would not have turned into a ghost-like creature, and she would not have killed so many people. human life.

But at that time, Emiya's blade had already touched Asakusa Koe's neck, and it was too late to stop at this time.

Emiya cut off her neck with a guilty feeling.

At this moment, Emiya's heart was very heavy. If this girl had been replaced by Sakura, would he have cut off her neck so decisively?

In the final analysis, Asakusa Koe is just a stranger who met Emiya by chance.

Of course, Emiya has no obligation to sacrifice everything for such a stranger whom he has only met once, just because he is Shirou Emiya.

Because of the fire, he thought that if it hadn't been for himself, other people seeking help might have been rescued, but just because he was rescued, other people's lives were lost.

He must live on behalf of those who were not saved because of him and help more people.

So he feels sad and guilty.


After being beheaded and regaining consciousness, Asakusa Koe also knew what happened during the period when she lost consciousness.

She also knew how many lives her hands had stained, and Asakusa Koe didn't want her hands to be stained with more blood.


Seeing the head that had begun to dissipate, Emiya walked over with apologies written all over his face.

"Don't blame yourself, this is what I expected, Shirou."

Asakusa Koe looked at Emiya, as if she had thought of something, and a smile appeared on her lips. After a while, her whole body turned into ashes and floated in the air.

She is very young in age, and she gained too much power at one time. Her consciousness basically collapsed under such a powerful consciousness, and she basically relied on her body's instinct to fight when fighting.

But how much fighting instinct can a child have?

This is also the reason why she has so much power but has no way to use it. The ability to make even a pillar unable to cut off his neck can already kill many members of the Demon Slayer Squad in her hands.

But if we just make a comprehensive estimate of her combat power, she only has the lower part of the upper part of the attack power.

The level of threat may not be as high as the string.

"Hey! Isn't that okay?"

Emiya thought Mr. Purgatory would take him away with him.

"I have to perform other tasks now and rush to the next place to annihilate the demons, so when it comes to Fujiuki Mountain, only Emiya-boy can go there alone. I'm looking forward to meeting you again as the Demon Slayer. Fight together! Delicious!”

Purgatory Anjuro patted Emiya on the shoulder, not concealing his favorable opinion of him at all. For a ghost as weak as Fujiukiyama, he really couldn't think of a reason why Emiya didn't pass.

"But you haven't told me where Fujigui Mountain is yet..."

In fact, Emiya also felt that Mr. Purgatory would not take him to Fujigui Mountain. The ghosts in the world were so careless about human life. He knew that Mr. Purgatory could not just come here and kill the ghosts once and then run back again.

After a long time, Mr. Purgatory still didn't tell Emiya about Fujikiyama and planned to leave.

How could he get there? He didn't know the way. . .

"Oh! Emiya boy, luckily you reminded me! If you keep walking along this road, you should be able to reach Fujiuki Mountain in two days. As long as you pass the test at Fujiuki Mountain, you can become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps It’s delicious!”

Purgatory Anjurou ate the bento made by Emiya, shouting "it's delicious" every time he took a bite.

All the customers in the store looked at Purgatory Anjurou who kept putting food into his mouth like he was looking at a mental patient.

He asked the logistics staff standing beside him to hand the map to Emiya and told him the exact location of Fujiki Mountain.

"We should take this road."

A day had passed in a trance.

Walking on the forest path, Emiya looked at the map in his hand, looking for the correct road to Fujiki Mountain.

The location of Fujiki Mountain is not like other villages, with a built road leading directly to the destination. Emiya needs to go through layers of woods to reach the foot of Fujiki Mountain.

If the road is really built like this, there will be many villagers who don't know the situation, or unrelated people may accidentally run to Fujiki Mountain.

Compared to searching for directions in the mountains, most people will definitely walk along a man-made path.

And just when Emiya was deciding which direction he should go.

"Trample! Trample! Trample! Trample!"

The sound of rapid and powerful running came from behind Emiya.

"What kind of beast is it?"

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