Shinguji Kurono waved his hand. The appearance of Emiya Shirou was an accident in itself. Regardless of whether Emiya Shirou was involved or not, it would not affect her arrangement in any way.

"But there's one more thing——"

After all, it’s winter vacation, and I still have a lot of time to spend on coding every day.

I have never issued a bounty before.

One of the reasons is of course not paying off the outstanding updates.

Now that I have paid off my debt, I can finally open the reward with peace of mind.

Then, because I am very busy, I adjusted the bounty based on the ratio between my collection and the boss’s collection, dividing the boss’s bounty by 2.5.

[By the way, the bounty created by the author himself can be adjusted, right?]

That’s probably it————

Recommended votes 1200+1

80 monthly ticket +1

60 blades +1

4000 reward +1

Silver Chest +12

Gold Chest +45

Then the two updates every day are basic updates, and the updates based on the two updates are considered additional updates.

The calculation starts from the time this chapter is released and ends when the new chapter is released on Friday next week.

The bounty lasts for one week with no upper limit.

The author of Poujie probably doesn't want anyone to add more updates.

During this period of time, I will still update twice a day. I will wait until Friday next week to finish updating the two updates for the day before calculating how much more to add.

Then during this period, after the two updates are completed every day, the data will be released below.

By the way, let’s take a look at the book club group. The management said that if the number of people in the group reaches 50, we will wear women’s clothing. I am very excited————671408119

Chapter 316 Prototype

"Feel sorry."

Emiya Shirou half-bowed and expressed his apology to Shinguji Kurono.

Then he slowly exited the office and closed the door.

"After Xiao Hei was rejected, he cried and made trouble."


Shinguji Kurono, who was originally sitting in his seat, appeared in front of Nishikyo Neine in the blink of an eye, aiming his fist at her head and hitting her.

"Xiao Hei, so violent!"

Nishikyo Neine covered her head, squeezed out two tears from her face, and looked at Shinguji Kurono with a reproachful tone.

"What do you know? Or have you already made arrangements for Emiya Shirou's itinerary?"

Shinguji Kurono frowned and looked at Nishikyo Neine. In fact, Emiya Shirou originally planned to agree to him.

However, because of Xijing Neiyin, Emiya Shirou did not agree to this request.

"When I heard that Shirou didn't plan to participate in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival, I went to ask him."

Nishikyo Neine covered her lips with a folding fan and answered Shinguji Kurono with a slight smile.

"Oh, so you already communicated this matter with Emiya Shirou but didn't tell me. You knew that I would definitely ask him about this matter."

Shinguji Kurono felt that he should take time to have a friendly conversation with her. If this was always the case, he, the chairman of the board, would be very passive.

"I didn't expect you to want Shirou Emiya to train Ikki Kurotetsu and Stella Familion."

Nishikyo Neine spread her hands helplessly, saying that she really did not expect Shinguji Kurono to make such a decision.

"It wasn't because you told me that Shirou Emiya is also very skilled in swordsmanship that I came up with this idea."

After all, after that battle, Shinguji Kurono asked Nishikyo Neine in detail about Emiya Shirou's strength.

Nishikyo Neine also told Shinguji Kurono that she suppressed her physical strength to the level of Emiya Shirou and relied on her sword skills to fight Emiya Shirou. She was no match for Emiya Shirou.

Although when she was fighting Emiya Shirou, what Emiya Shirou was holding was not a katana, but a knight's sword with a golden guard that she felt was extremely holy.

At that time, when Shinguji Kurono heard Nishikyo Neine's comments about Emiya Shirou, it could be said that his pupils were shocked.

In addition to being ranked third in KOF, the largest league in the world, Nishikyo Neine is also the disciple of the only Japanese who has ever won the world's top Chinese "God of Fighting Cup", known as [God of Fighting] Nango Torajiro.

The sword skills of Todoka Toka and Nishikyo Neine all came from Nango Torajiro.

Nango Torajiro's sword-slicing skill [Zhan Yin] can kill ten A-level swordsmen in an instant.

Moreover, Shinguji Kurono, as the former No. 3 in the world, knew very well the strength of Nishikyo Neine. Even if she suppressed herself, her sword skills alone were enough to reach the level of an A-level knight.

To be able to defeat Nishikyo Neine in swordsmanship at this age, Emiya Shirou's swordsmanship must have reached a very high level.

When she heard that Emiya Shirou did not plan to participate in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival, Shinguji Kurono also felt very sorry, but since he really did not want to participate, she would not force him to do so. This was not in line with her teachings. idea.

Since Emiya Shirou no longer plans to participate, Shinguji Kurono cannot leave such a high combat power unused, so he plans to ask Emiya Shirou to help improve the strength of his school's seed players.

However, he was rejected by Emiya Shirou.

In fact, Emiya Shirou originally did not intend to refuse. After all, he could not refuse others' requests for help, and Shinguji Kurono also helped him solve the identity problem.

She had done him such a great favor, and it was impossible for Emiya Shirou to refuse Shinguji Kurono's request.

But Nishikyo Neine saw that Emiya Shirou was about to agree, so she immediately stepped forward and made a joke.

In short, the final result was that Emiya Shirou refused Shinguji Kurono to let him train Kurogane Ikki and Stella Familion.

"If there is anything you haven't said yet, say it now."

Shinguji Kurono put his hands on his chest, leaned his back on his desk, and looked at Nishikyo Neine with a scrutinizing attitude.

She could only scratch her head and talk with some embarrassment.

After Emiya Shirou left the office, he returned to his dormitory and started to pack some belongings.

Although he lives in a dormitory, he has no roommates.

After Pojun Academy has a new chairman, there will be no restrictions on men and women in the dormitory. Men and women can live in the same dormitory.

But Emiya Shirou did not enjoy such benefits. After all, he did not enroll through formal channels, and the dormitories for freshmen or transfer students had already been allocated, so the dormitory where Emiya Shirou lived was a single person.

Except for a certain older loli who often came to Emiya Shirou's dormitory to get food, Emiya Shirou lived alone in this dormitory.

When Nishikyo Neine found Emiya Shirou and asked him what he wanted to do next, Emiya Shirou answered her like this.

"I want to go to other academies to meet more swordsmen."

In these days, Shirou Emiya has analyzed and recorded the weapons of all the cold weapon swordsmen in the entire Pojun Academy.

Not everyone in Pojun Academy had used their own unique spiritual equipment in front of Emiya Shirou.

However, after Shirou Emiya stayed in the arena for a few days, he felt that such an analysis speed was too slow. There were thousands of swordsmen in the entire academy, and each swordsman had different abilities and weapons.

There are only dozens of fights in an arena a day, and there are many repeated fights. Most people come here to exercise their abilities.

There are several arenas in the entire academy, and it is impossible for Emiya Shirou to appear in three arenas at the same time.

This kind of analysis is very inefficient.

And as time went by, Wei Palace Shiri discovered that most of the people who came to the arena were those people.

There are many swordsmen whose abilities are actually not suitable for combat, or they are not trained in the arena so they are not here.

Just like Todou Touka, he doesn't train in the arena and rarely goes in and out of the arena.

After careful consideration, Emiya Shirou made a decision that even surprised him.

Since the soul of the swordsman is embodied as an inherent spiritual equipment, why can't the weapon be obtained directly by analyzing the soul.

Naturally, he cannot analyze the human body, and in fact, he cannot directly analyze the soul.

It's just that the soul of the swordsman is too special and exists in the form of a weapon.

Shirou Emiya wanted to reverse the situation and analyze the inherent spiritual equipment by directly analyzing the swordsman.

Since I can't analyze everything except the inherent spiritual equipment, then when I analyze the Swordsman, I can analyze it by myself. Isn't it just the inherent spiritual equipment?

So the plan was finalized, and Shirou Emiya quickly recorded the unique spiritual equipment of most of the swordsmen in the entire school.

Because I had recorded fewer weapons before, such as the Nichirin Sword, the Imperial Arms, and the Noble Phantasm. The total number of these weapons was only a few dozen.

Emiya Shirou had no feelings about this.

But after analyzing and recording hundreds or thousands of weapons this time, Emiya Shirou felt like he was inserting those weapons, one after another, one after another, into a certain place. On the barren ground.

Step by step, he inserted the weapons he had recorded until the surrounding ground was filled with these weapons.

But looking forward, it is a deserted place, waiting for more weapons to be filled.

Emiya Shirou felt like a hard-working farmer. He looked at the weapons behind him. Although he felt tired, he was also very satisfied.

Chapter 317 Delinquents will exist in any world

"Okay, let's go!"

He said he was going back to the dormitory to sort things. In fact, Emiya Shirou didn't need to sort out many things. He originally planned to take stock of the changes of clothes he needed.

But he suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have any change of clothes. The washing machines in this world had their own washing and drying functions.

Emiya Shirou's clothes were dried every time he took a bath, so he didn't need to buy new clothes.

If there is anything that must be brought, I am afraid it is only the Pojun Academy student ID card.

After all, in this technological world, all money is digitized. To spend money, Emiya Shirou only needs to scan his face and does not need to carry extra cash.

"Have you left already?"

When he saw the logo of Emiya Shirou on the computer showing that he had left school, Shinguji Kurono sighed slightly.

It wasn't that she installed a locator on Shirou Emiya, but the student ID card in Shirou Emiya's hand was a certificate. After all, only students authorized by the chairman could use the inherent spiritual equipment outside the school.

For example, when Kuroyuki Ikki met a robber at the bank before, he explained the situation to her first, and only used his inherent spiritual equipment after getting approval.

Shinguji Kurono also thought about Nishikyo Neine's words. With Shirou Emiya's ability, the first priority should indeed be to see more swordsmen with different abilities.

The more abilities that can be projected, the more means of coping will be available, and Shirou Emiya's own strength basically does not require guidance from teachers.

She would naturally not interrupt a student's growth plan in order to win a place in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.

Getting a good ranking is an important thing, but it is not that important. She can accept both good and bad.

Before leaving, Shirou Emiya also said hello to Kurono Shinguji, and it was with her consent that Shirou Emiya left.

There was not much noise when he left. Pojun Academy is not a closed management system, and students can enter and leave the academy at will.

Shirou Emiya did not tell others that he would be away for a while this time. In fact, the number of people who are familiar with him can be counted on one hand, except for those who ask for advice.

That is the student council.

After defeating Toudou Touka, Shirou Emiya also went to the school hospital to visit her. Although the body will not be hurt in the fantasy form, the damage suffered in the battle will be reflected in the spirit.

Later, Toudou Touka found Shirou Emiya and invited him to join the student council. Although Shirou Emiya refused, Shirou Emiya still helped the students in the student council to deal with some things.

Just like helping Issei Ryudo, he naturally became familiar with the members of the student council.

Toudou Touka also learned the Thunder Breathing taught by Shirou Emiya.

Shirou Emiya's talent in kendo is not as good as Toudou Touka, but he has projected Arthur and Siegfried's weapons and received Arthur's teachings, so he also has some insights in kendo.

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