The sound of flesh tearing resounded throughout the night sky.

A trace of blood also fell to the ground at this moment.

"Not bad! It seems that I can play for a little longer!"

He stretched out his snake-like forked tongue to lick the blood on the edge of his lips, and the corner of his mouth showed a smile like a child seeing a new toy.

Shirou Emiya was panting heavily. At the moment of the opponent's attack, the brick first touched the opponent's claws, so Shirou Emiya had time to react and dodged to the side very reluctantly.

Feeling the claws directly rubbing his cheek, Shirou Emiya's pupils suddenly shrank, and the wall behind him was directly smashed by the opponent. A big hole.

He could imagine that if his head was hit by such a punch, it would definitely burst like a watermelon hit by a mallet, and make his own contribution to the blood river here.


This was Shirou Emiya's judgment on the situation in front of him at this moment.

He would not be the opponent of this monster at this time!


A sweet fishy smell emanated from Shirou Emiya's mouth. He bit off the tip of his tongue without hesitation, and quickly woke himself up from the state of panic that made his body unable to move. While the other party had not launched a second attack, he ran towards the door.

"Hehehe! Run, keep running, I just like to see the terrified expression of my prey!"


While running, Shirou Emiya covered his mouth to prevent himself from vomiting.

The entire hotel lobby was covered with blood, and countless limbs, swords, and heads of various people full of fear and despair were scattered all over the ground.

There was no other color on the ground except scarlet.

Presumably they must have fought hard against the monster, but the final result had told Shirou Emiya everything.

This was a scene like hell.

His whole face turned pale at this moment.

"So many lives, that monster!"

Shirou Emiya cursed the other party, and anger rose again in his heart, but the current situation did not allow him to avenge these dead people.


Shirou Emiya saw the swords scattered at the door and quickly reached out to pick them up.

"Are you still not leaving? Are you waiting for me, dear?"

A low and disgusting voice sounded again from behind Shirou Emiya.

He pressed down with his whole body without any hesitation.


The sound of air tearing came from above his head, letting Shirou Emiya know that he had escaped again.

But how many times can this good luck come?

Because he was running and leaning forward, Shirou Emiya fell to the ground again, but this time because the hotel was built on a higher ground, Shirou Emiya rolled directly into the woods below.


With a dull collision, Shirou Emiya hit a big tree.

But he didn't dare to stop at all. He just looked back slightly to know the location of the evil ghost, and then immediately fled into the forest.

"Did you get rid of it?"

In the silent woods, there was no other sound except for Emiya's constant panting and the rustling of leaves in the wind.

The silence was a little scary.

Emiya didn't have the ability to think so much at this time.

The extreme fear and high-intensity exercise made Emiya feel extremely tired, and he felt that he could fall asleep at any time.

Emiya, who got a chance to catch his breath, certainly didn't naively think that he had escaped the monster's pursuit.

Although he didn't know why the monster didn't catch up, but with the speed of the previous attack, Emiya knew that he couldn't escape its pursuit at all.

He had to hurry up now and couldn't let himself be in a situation where he was helpless.

The samurai sword on the ground was not taken away before, and now he could only use whatever was nearby.

Emiya picked up a branch that looked quite thick standing on the ground.

"Synchronize, start"

As Emiya's voice fell, the originally ordinary branch was instantly covered with stripes flashing emerald green light.

"Although it's not very useful, at least it won't be like before when it's powerless to resist."

Under the strengthening magic, the wooden stick that could be easily broken now has the hardness of a steel pipe. Of course, Shirou also knows that such a steel pipe will not be very useful in the face of such a monster.

"You are so slow!"

Holding the wooden stick and walking cautiously to where he thought he was going, Shirou saw the incredible scene.

The hotel he had escaped from appeared in front of him again.

And the monster with a human body was holding a human arm and gnawing on it while looking at Shirou standing at the door of the hotel with a playful look.

"Damn it!"

Shirou held the wooden stick in his hand tighter, and looked at the monster in front of him who was devouring the human arm.

At this time, his stomach was still churning. Even though he was holding the wooden pipe strengthened by the strengthening magic, Shirou Shirou's eyes were still full of fear when facing the bloody monster in front of him.

Chapter 3: Strange Ability (Remake)

However, given the current situation, even if Shirou Emiya does not choose to fight the opponent, he cannot leave this area.

Even if Emiya Shirou's direction was not straight, he would not be able to circle around the same place in such a short period of time.

Coupled with the other party's words, it can basically be judged that the other party did it when he returned to the hotel. If he continued to waste his energy like this, he might really die here.

"Wooden stick? Jie Jie Jie! What a look of survival consciousness!"

In just the blink of an eye, the monster appeared in front of Emiya like a flash.

The sharp claw in his hand struck Emiya Shirou in the face without hesitation.


jiu 1his

Emiya's pupils shrank sharply, and his body reacted in advance at this moment.


The sound of collision like gold and iron came from in front of Emiya Shirou.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying force that could not be ignored was shaken from his hand, and the strong impact knocked Emiya Shirou and the soil under his feet away.

Only a bang could be heard, and leaves rustled down from above.

The severe pain made Emiya Shirou couldn't help but close his eyes, but thinking of the monster in front of him, he quickly opened them and stared at him.

"Are you dead? If you're not dead, just scream!"

The humanoid monster grinned, and two rows of sharp and scarlet teeth neatly tore open his lip, and blood continued to flow from it, but he didn't seem to care at all.

Although he didn't seem to know whether Emiya was alive or dead, his body was speeding towards the place where Emiya fell.

“It’s really an unexpected surprise that that wooden stick is so hard!”

He didn't seem to care at all how Emiya Shirou could make an ordinary stick become so hard.

In its eyes, Shirou Emiya was no different than a dead person.

"Ahem! This power! It's really unfriendly to magicians."

Emiya Shirou teased himself a little haggardly, but his body still rolled away to the side.

A fierce crashing sound came from Emiya's side again, and the big tree behind him was directly penetrated by the monster in front of him, which was enough to show the power of this monster.

Emiya also noticed that his wooden stick was severely bent at this time. If he hadn't blocked the wooden stick in front of him just now and used his left hand to support it, I'm afraid the monster in front of him could have punched this as tough as steel. The wooden stick was broken.

"Hide! Hide! Keep hiding! Let me see how long you can hide! Hehehehe!!!"

The monster took out his hand that had penetrated the tree and looked at Emiya, who rolled around and stood up, with a wild smile on his face.

"Whether it's strength or speed, I'm no match for that monster."

Emiya was very anxious at this time. He could clearly feel that if this monster wanted to kill him, it would be like trampling a mouse to death, and it did not require much effort.

Fortunately, in this forest, sticks are completely negligible consumables.

My own magic power is enough to strengthen the magic several times.

After rolling over, Emiya quickly stabilized his body and grabbed a wooden stick on the ground with his left hand.

Perhaps Shirou Emiya had already had the idea of ​​using the dual-sword style, or maybe he forgot that he still held a wooden stick in his right hand.

Shirou Emiya suddenly stepped on the ground and rushed towards the evil ghost's position.

The distance between him and the monster was not far. Emiya, who had not received any professional training, could only roll two or three meters away.

Such a distance, for a human being who has been exercising all year round and is in a critical moment of life and death, can rush in front of the monster in just the blink of an eye.

But for non-human beings, the blink of an eye might be enough to kill him several times.

call out!

The wind was cut open by the wooden stick that Emiya was currently holding in his right hand.

The sound of slight friction shows its great strength.

But the monster in front of him didn't make any movement. This speed was more than enough for him to dodge, block, or counterattack.

But it just stood there blankly, and the smile on the corner of its mouth became more ferocious.


The half wooden stick in the hand of the Self-Defense Palace flew towards the sky like a meteor, losing the support of magic power, and the light covering it gradually became fainter.

Emiya's pupils shrank again, and the wooden stick he swung at its head suddenly appeared on the side of the monster's head as if it had changed its position.

Unable to restrain his strength, Emiya suddenly fell to the ground under the strong inertia, and the wooden stick in his hand was broken at this time.

"I understand clearly!"

Emiya did not feel any force involved when he swung, nor did he see any movement from the monster.

It was as if the position where he originally attacked was the side of the monster's head.

Seeing him in such a state of embarrassment, the smile on the monster's mouth became even wider. The nails on his hands suddenly became one section longer, and they were as sharp as ice picks, and they stabbed towards Emiya's head.


An expected sound came from the ground, but the splash was not blood, but sawdust everywhere.

Just as the monster was about to stab him, Emiya quickly turned around on the ground, holding the wooden stick he picked up before with both hands, and struggled against the sharp claws that had pierced the stick but did not break it.

The wooden stick was also constantly flashing with green magic light. Of course, in the eyes of the monster, it would not see such a magical image. It was just an ordinary wooden stick, which blocked his attack.

The monster's hand suddenly shook, and immediately increased its strength. The sharp claws almost instantly reached the center of Emiya's eyebrows, and blood flowed from his forehead to the ground.

"Hah ah ah!!!!!!"

Emiya had to struggle to support it. He could clearly feel that his arms were beginning to ache under such continuous force.

"I can't go on like this!"

Emiya suddenly shifted his hands, and the sharp claws also scratched a mark on his forehead, like a nail being hammered deeply into the ground.

At this time, the monster standing above Emiya did not seem to react. The whole body followed his strength, just like Emiya who had no way to retract his strength just now, and fell towards Emiya.

Emiya would naturally not let down such a good opportunity, waving the wooden stick in his hand and hitting his head.

However, the stick drew a strange arc in front of the monster's head and went around it without hitting it at all.

"It's like this again!"

After failing to hit the monster, Emiya did not just lie there and wait for its next move. He rolled to the side with the force of his swinging stick, and the monster just stretched out his hand to stabilize his body that was about to fall.

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