The projected Brilliant King Sword was unable to withstand her slash and shattered.

Shirou Emiya gritted his teeth and turned to the side.


With a sharp shriek, Edwards' slash slashed across Shirou Emiya's face like a steel knife.

The terrifying swing split the atmosphere and stirred up turbulence. As the air trembled, the hard floor was cut like paper wherever it passed, turning into a thrilling knife mark, causing gravel to fly and gravel to spread.

With Edwards as the center, in front of her, the entire street shattered as if an earthquake had occurred.

"Am I really a swordsman?"

Esdeath comprehended the Ice Breath on her own, and Emiya Shirou had only comprehended a little bit of Arthur's sword skills. Shana learned it almost just by listening to her description, and Kurogane Ikki copied it just by taking a look.

What they learned was not just a simple breathing method, but also the force-generating technique, which was mastered in a very short time.

Chapter 337 This body is made of swords

It took me almost a month to learn the wind breathing after I was able to project.

It was only with the guidance of Mr. Purgatory that I realized my own breathing method.

And the sword moves I use now are more convenient for fighting, not like those real swordsmen, who have a special school.

If there is really a school, Shirou Emiya can only be called the battlefield style.

If I am not a swordsman, why, why can I cheat and get the sword skills of those people like this.

What am I?


The sword in Shirou Emiya's hand was knocked away again, spinning in the sky and inserted into the ground beside him.

The white slash passed in front of him, and a wide and long knife mark appeared on Shirou Emiya's chest.

Blood was spilled all over the ground.

Shirou Emiya covered his chest and retreated backwards with difficulty.

At this time, the entire battlefield was like a sword tomb. The entire street was in ruins, and the ground was covered with all kinds of swords.

He had already used all the fighting skills he could use.

Even with all the skills, Shirou Emiya could not hurt Edwards.

As the world's strongest swordsman, Edwards's strength is well deserved!

That was a gully that Shirou Emiya could not cross.

In the sky, a white full moon hung in the sky, and under the full moon was Edwards with a cold face.

Time passed quickly. During the time the two fought, dusk had quietly left.

Shirou Emiya was the first student who could hold on to Edwards for ten minutes.


Blood flowed from the corner of Shirou Emiya's mouth. He tightly grasped the reverse blade in his hand and inserted it into the ground, slowly adjusting his breathing that had become a little disordered due to the battle.

"I am not a swordsman————!"

The heart of a swordsman, the way of a swordsman, he had never had.

He would not be discouraged by his shortcomings in kendo, nor would he feel superior because of his victory in kendo.

He swung the sword only because it could make him stronger.

He did not know why he swung the sword, he only knew that he fought for more people to be happy.

Shirou Emiya understood the meaning of his fight, but he did not know the meaning of his swinging the sword.


Shirou Emiya swung the reverse blade in his hand almost reflexively, letting the wind-like slash pass in front of him.


Before it was heard, the white slash collided with the greatsword in Shirou Emiya's hand again, and under the red lightning, the air vibrated extremely violently.

Brilliant sparks also burst out in it.


It seemed that a new round of fighting had taken place at Pojun Academy, and more violent explosions sounded from inside Pojun Academy.

Just as Emiya Shiri was fighting fiercely with Edwards, the people who invaded Pojun Academy seemed to have found their target.

That was the contestant of Pojun Academy participating in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.

"Be careful————!"

At the gate of Pojun Academy, Kurogane Ikki seemed to have noticed something and warned Arisuin Nagi in front of him.

But it was too late. More than ten silver swords pierced Arisuin Nagi, and he fell heavily to the ground.

The contestants of the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival saw this sudden situation and gasped, looking at the situation in front of them in confusion.

"What's going on?"

The space that was originally empty suddenly had some distortions.

The invader who should have been defeated by them just now suddenly walked out of the transparent smoke without suffering any harm.

"〈Trick Art. The artworks I draw are more like real people than real people."

A woman in a nude apron said lightly.

"Sarah Labdlily"

Kurogatsu Ikki slowly said her name.

He didn't know the woman in front of him, but this woman was one of the powerful enemies challenged by Shirou Emiya.

At this moment, the top contestants of the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival from the other six academies appeared in front of everyone at Pojun Academy.

They were all defeated by Shirou Emiya.

But at this moment, he had no time to care about what happened in Pojun Academy.

"call out----!"

The two swords in Edwys' hands turned into countless phantoms, and slashes struck from all directions, shrouding Emiya Shirou's body.

And in this case,

The sharp sword energy coming from all directions forced Emiya Shirou to once again wear a second set of evil spirits.

Emiya Shirou knew that even if he put on the second set of the Demonic Haunting, he would not be able to compete with it, so he only wore the second set of the Demonic Haunting to fight at critical moments.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

In the sound of fighting, with Shirou Emiya's body covered with wounds, one slash after another mercilessly clashed with the sword in Shirou Emiya's hand, exploding sparks while building up his energy.

Sword, Shirou Emiya did not reject it.

On the contrary, I liked it unexpectedly.

Shirou Emiya recalled the feeling of forging his own weapons for the first time in the Empire.

That is so addictive and joyful.

Stroking the sword body of the weapon he forged, he felt the throbbing coming from his soul.

Emiya Genshiro has a desire for swords from deep in his heart. Not only the forging of swords, he also likes those excellent swords.

This was one of the reasons why Shirou Emiya went to find Siegfried and projected his weapon even though he had a splitting headache.

This is also one of the reasons why Emiya Shirou wants to analyze all the unique spiritual equipment of the students in the seven schools in this world.

It was also at this moment that Emiya Shirou's thoughts became clear.

He felt as if something had been opened all over his body.


Amidst the tearing sound like a piece of cloth, Edwys added a scar to Emiya Shirou's body.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

The two swords in Edwys' hands were still slashing at Shirou Emiya like phantoms, and they were slashing towards Shirou Emiya in a continuous manner.

Loud noises soaring into the sky continued on the streets, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The two figures passed each other like two flashes of light, constantly fighting among them.


An all-round slash like a moon wheel, accompanied by the passing of a pure white lightsaber, suddenly appeared around Emiya Shirou.


Emiya Shirou once again turned into a cannonball and fell to the ground.

Just when Edwys was about to rush forward again, a faint sense of crisis surrounded his whole heart.

That is an extremely plain statement.

"This body is made of sword——————!"

Chapter 338 The World’s Strongest Swordsman—Defeated

Just like Democritus's atomic theory, the power of existence in Shana's world is a basic component of the present world.

Everything is supported by the power of existence.

The huge power of existence can produce extremely powerful distortions of the world, and can even swallow an entire city and make it disappear from the world.

Although Emiya Shirou cannot mobilize the power of existence like the Fire Mist Warrior, no matter what existence it is, it will become different if it is infused with the power of existence as huge as a city.

If Shirou Emiya was just an ordinary human in that world, the simplest result would be to transform directly from a human into a torch.

After all, the only being that can carry the power of existence, apart from the Red Demon King and the Fire Mist Warrior, is the Torch.

But Emiya Shirou has a special quality that no one in the world has - magic power.

Under such indoctrination and output, magic power was forcibly intertwined with the power of existence. Even if it was not known whether it was compatible, it was forced to be compatible because of the situation at the time.

This is why after the incident with Shirou Emiya, returning to Fuyuki City had such a powerful magic power that it attracted the attention of magicians all over the city.

It is precisely because of the blending of the power of existence and Emiya Shirou's magic power that his mental world becomes even more bizarre.

At this moment, the terrain of the entire street seemed to begin to change, and the ground that was originally made of extremely hard material began to change.

Emiya Shirou's chant did not pull the enemy into his inherent barrier.

But under the interference of the power of existence, the inherent barrier began to invade and replace the outside world with Emiya Shirou as the center.


This is the sound of footsteps caused by a person's soles landing heavily on the ground.

The sound of footsteps was as loud as an exploding nuclear bomb, making the heavily stepped earth seem to collapse, shattering into pieces and turning into rubble all over the sky.

Shirou Emiya's whole body seemed to have turned into a real thunder, raising a storm, raising his energy, and rushed towards Edwys's position with unspeakable terror.

At the same time, the entire street seemed to be assimilated by something, or was being replaced by something.

In addition to the swords that had been scattered on the ground before, more and more swords gradually appeared in the form of being inserted into the ground.

Before Shirou Emiya burst out, those swords were difficult to track with the naked eye. They burst out from the ground at a speed that was several times faster than the sound, and shot towards Edwys's position.

The densely packed sword arrows swarmed towards Edwys like wasps.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!"

Sounds like iron being struck were constantly aroused in the air, and white figures kept hovering in the air.

The phantom-like swinging speed knocked away all the flying sword arrows.

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