"Shua——! Shua——! Shua——!"

Several more figures came from in front of them. They were another team of Emiya Shirou's androids. They said hello to No. 88 and quickly left the place.

And their speed is faster than the speed of No. 88 and No. 124.

Emiya Shirou could clearly feel that their feet were covered with a layer of magic waves.

It's enhanced magic.

This familiar aura allowed Shirou Emiya to immediately judge that these androids could actually use enhanced magic that he had never been able to use on the human body.

"That's another team. Now in such a serious confrontation between the Empire and the Revolutionary Army, there are basically three teams patrolling here in one area."

Number 124 is still explaining carefully to Shirou Emiya. After all, in their eyes, Shirou Emiya has not yet joined the spiritual network, so a lot of information can only be communicated through words.

Although they themselves communicate more directly verbally when they get along.

"It's those guys from No. 287!"

No. 97 also waved in response. They were all very familiar with each other.

"There are more than two hundred. How many do you have?"

Shirou Emiya felt a headache when he heard No. 97 calling the other team of Emiyas. How many androids were there in the empire now?

"There are more than 500 in total, but now there are only more than 300 in the empire. Some of them provide weapons for soldiers in factories, some patrol the empire like us, and some serve as guards in the palace to protect those important minister"

"The remaining part is in the doctor's laboratory. On the one hand, it is to protect Dr. Fashion and prevent his experiments from being disturbed. On the other hand, it is to assist the doctor in his experiments and provide him with experimental data."

"I heard that Esdeath didn't lead the army to attack the revolutionary army? Did the remaining two hundred or so people go to help?"

Emiya Shirou scratched his cheek and asked, feeling that it would not be good for him to rely on their trust in him to obtain information.

He still felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Don't mention that woman, she is simply a pervert. Hundreds of us died at her hands. She also said she was too weak and nothing like her!! We have had nightmares about that death for a long time, and now she It’s our nightmare.”

Before No. 124 could answer, No. 97 quickly straightened his face, and with his body trembling, fear showed on his face.

Number 124 on the side had the same expression as Number 97 when Shirou Emiya mentioned Esdeath, and his expression was also full of fear.

"Those two hundred of us didn't go to the battlefield ahead to help, but were all massacred by that woman and died meaninglessly."

No. 124's tone was trembling when he mentioned Esdeath, and her terror had been deeply engraved in their hearts.

"When that woman returns victoriously, remember not to provoke her. She is too scary."

No. 97 also echoed, even with his arrogant character, he was unwilling to provoke Esdeath.

"Can't we beat them together?"

You must know that their strength is not much weaker than when they first came to the empire. Although they do not have the blessing of breathing method and some technical skills, their physical fitness is much higher than that of myself who used breathing method at that time.

Coupled with the ability to use the [Noble Chariot] imitating the [Evil Haunting] to fight, even I at the time would have had to struggle for a long time to defeat it.

"Number has no meaning at all in front of that woman. During that period of time, she was already the strongest in the empire, but her strength still increased by leaps and bounds, and she had to try her hand at us every day."

No. 124 didn't seem to want to recall the memories of that period at all.

"Dozens of people die almost every day, and they all die from various forms of torture."

"There was even a time when the doctor asked fifty of us to deal with her together. She just killed them all in an instant. All of them were pierced by ice picks."

A look of despair appeared on the face of No. 124.

"The ice cone did not appear in the air, and the injuries on our dead people were not penetrated by force. The [Noble Chariot] can't even provide any defense."

"Her attack comes directly from her body. Within a hundred meters of her body, all creatures, whether they are trees, insects, or birds and beasts, are directly hit by the ice pick from her body in a split second. If it is penetrated, there is no way to defend it.”

Chapter 345 Conflict and Birth

"Trace on!"

While Emiya Shirou was talking to No. 124 and No. 97, No. 88, who was patrolling on the roof, seemed to have discovered the situation.

I saw extremely standard imperial bows appearing in the hands of No. 88. Without any hesitation, he quickly set up the bow in his hand, and a sword arrow appeared on the bow string.

Only a sound could be heard penetrating the air, and the sword flew out at a speed as fast as a whirlwind.


An arrow was faster and more powerful, and it flew out like lightning, and it was shot down very accurately just when it was about to hit the target.

Another arrow tore the arrow shot by No. 88 into pieces and inserted it steadily into the ground.

"It's Captain Emiya! It's Captain Emiya's punishment!!"

The people who seemed to be chasing something on the street immediately understood what was going on when they saw the arrow rushing towards them, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

They retreated in horror.

In front of those people, there was a very thin boy who was shaking with fear when he saw the arrow being torn into pieces in front of his eyes.

In his hand, he held a pancake tightly, and his hand was shaking constantly. In addition to fear, there was only despair on his face.

The target of the No. 88 arrow was not the adults who were chasing the boy, but the boy. The arrow was aimed at the head of the boy who looked a little weak.

At that moment, the boy felt that his whole body seemed to become cold, and he felt the approach of death. If the second sword arrow had not been shot to intercept it, he would have been pierced directly by the sword arrow and nailed to the wall.

Sora was left with a look of horror, and then he was divided up by those who lived in the dark depths of the alley at night.

"What are you doing!?"

No. 88 asked Shirou Emiya in front of him with an angry tone.

No. 124 and No. 97 were also stunned at this moment. Shirou Emiya's speed of attack and shooting speed can be said to be unprecedented in their lives.

You must know that their current shooting skills have reached the top of the empire. If they claim that their bow skills are second, no one in the entire empire dares to claim to be first.

But now, Shirou Emiya is far superior in terms of accuracy and strength, and has even reached the level of crushing.

You must know that the sword arrow was hit in the air, or in the same direction, it was caught up and hit by a sword arrow shot later. What a concept this is.

In short, they can't do it now. After the opening of the mind network, the gap between the first batch, the second batch, and the third batch gradually disappeared.

After all, Dr. Fashion, who was inactive at the beginning, was not proficient in making artificial people. There were always many defective products, such as being unable to use magic, the magic circuit could not be opened normally, or simply not in human form.

He made more artificial people. He had tried to make artificial people before, but the effort was not proportional to the reward, so he gave up.

During the period when Shirou Emiya was arrested and imprisoned, Dr. Fashion had already analyzed the essence of magic and what magic circuits were.

In the following period, hundreds of people died in Dr. Fashion's laboratory almost every day, and even thousands of people died when he was crazy.

Anyway, they were just civilians. Even if Dr. Fashion did not have these consumptions, the number of people who died every day in the empire was hundreds.

And after he transplanted some magic circuits, he was obsessed with magic all day long, and used magic crazily to do various human experiments.

Humans are nothing more than rare computing devices with motor functions. This is the conclusion Dr. Fashion came to after crazy experiments.

To put it simply, Dr. Fashion's thoughts at this moment are highly consistent with those of the alchemist in Type-Moon.

It was also from this moment that he began to study androids. The things used to make the androids of Shirou Emiya were not the cells in Shirou Emiya's body.

Dr. Fashion had tried this path from the beginning, and the final result was that he could only barely get a part of the magic circuit at most.

And he didn't have the technology that was strong enough to preserve cells for several months.

So with the help of God's Hand Perfector, he spent several months using magic circuits to create the first android of Shirou Emiya under his sleepless production day and night.

Part of it was because he did have talents that ordinary people could not reach, and the other aspect was that androids were not a very complicated technology.

After the Yugdomirenia clan obtained the technology, they were able to easily produce a large number of androids used as cannon fodder.

The Atlas Academy in the Magicians Association has always had the technology to create androids.

The android technology of the Einzbern family was the result of the efforts of many magicians.

But in fact, normal android technology did not take these magicians a lot of time.

It's just that what the Einzbern family needs is not an android that can provide magic power and use magic, but an android that can realize the ability of the third law.

They have been concentrating on researching and creating androids that can use the third law, and all their time has been spent on this.

But the birth of the Winter Saint is a "miracle" born from multiple coincidences, which cannot be replicated at all.

It has nothing to do with the painstaking research of magicians.

And the androids created with magic circuits as the core usually have many physical defects, but Dr. Fashion is originally a master of human body modification, and he can modify the problems of low physical quality of androids without spending any effort.

However, perhaps because of the lack of technical accumulation, the androids created by Dr. Fashion have independent consciousness, but are extremely weak in magic.

The projection magic and enhanced magic used are extremely weak, not to mention reaching the level of Shirou Emiya, even the level of normal magicians cannot be reached.

Some can't even perform magic.

Although these androids do not have the complete 27 magic circuits of Shirou Emiya, they are not so bad that they can't even perform magic.

You should know that the prisoners who transplanted magic circuits through his hands have never had such problems.

Enhanced magic or some other magic he developed himself are performed very well.

After using various drugs, the doctor found that the mental power of these androids is very weak. Although the physical fitness is very high, they will fall into a weak state after less than an hour of outdoor activities every day.

So he began to study drugs that increase mental power, or to be more precise, to modify them based on the original drugs that increase mental power in the empire.

Previously, the empire has trained many killers and used such mental power drugs.

However, this drug can easily cause the user to become insane and affect the killer's normal combat, so it was stopped and replaced with a milder drug that is mainly addictive on the body, although that drug also has a certain effect on the mind.

However, after being improved by Dr. Fashion and taken by the androids, strange sequelae occurred, which may not be called sequelae.

Perhaps because they are too similar, after everyone's mental power is improved, a mental network that only they can enter is inadvertently formed.

And all of these are formed by chance.

If the empire did not have so many drugs to tame its subordinates, the androids Shirou Emiya created by Dr. Fashion would not be able to live like normal people.

"Why kill him?"

Shirou Emiya slowly put down the bow in his hand and turned back to ask.

Of course, he understood what would happen if the sword arrow of No. 88 hit the boy.

"He violated the laws of the Empire."

No. 88 responded to Shirou Emiya calmly, as if it was not strange to be executed for violating the laws of the Empire.

"What did he do?"

"I stole a pancake"

Chapter 346 Conflict of Concepts


"This is the Empire."

No. 88 did not explain anything, but once again raised the Empire longbow in his hand, with a very cold face, and aimed at the boy.

The sword arrow once again turned into a gust of wind and flew towards the boy's position.


Without exception, the sword arrow shot by No. 88 was once again caught up by Shirou Emiya's sword arrow, and was directly penetrated, turning into magic power and dissipating in the air.

"Captain Emiya, what are they doing?"

The guards patrolling the streets, looking at the sword arrow that penetrated the sword arrow and inserted into the ground again, couldn't help but ask their friends beside them.

"Hey, Captain Emiya must have found patrolling too boring, so he found a civilian to have some fun. How come you don't even have this kind of vision?"

Another guard beside him knocked on his helmet hard and explained to him earnestly.

"Didn't we basically rest whenever we found an opportunity before? When Captain Ouka was here, we basically didn't go out on patrol much."

"Only Captain Seryu likes to do it himself. Every day he is either on patrol or on the way to patrol. Who would like such a boring job as patrolling!"

The guard complained to his friend who had asked him before.

"In my opinion, we should let these lowly people fend for themselves. It's a waste of the empire's resources anyway if they are alive."

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