Isn't it because of the existence of the Emiya Homunculus Corps that the Empire can confidently send most of its troops to Esdeath to fight the Revolutionary Army?

Their individual strength is far beyond that of normal imperial weapon users, and there are hundreds of them, which can be said to be extremely difficult to deal with.

If only Emiya Shirou was still alive.

Najeshitan sighed in her heart. Except for Esdeath, almost everyone thought that Emiya Shirou died in that battle with her.

After all, since then, there has been no news of Emiya Shirou as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth.

"Get ready, Maine will provide long-range support, Leone will rescue Tatsumi from the prison as quickly as possible, Rabbock will set up defenses around and do his best to prevent the Emiya androids from providing reinforcements, [Susanoo] and Akame, you will hold back the nearby Emiya androids."

"Chelsey, your injuries from forcibly using the imperial weapon projected by Emiya Shirou to escape from Kurome's pursuit have not healed yet, so transform into an eagle and keep an eye on the surrounding situation!"

Najesita gave the order very calmly. There was no good opportunity now. If they continued to drag it out, everything they had to do would be in vain when the war in the distance ended.


Everyone nodded quickly and began to act.

Chapter 352 Night Raid Battle

"Something is happening!"

The Emiya androids with extremely sharp eyes quickly noticed the movement coming from the forest. Without any hesitation, the noble chariots wrapped around them in an instant.

The guard who was dozing beside them also heard the shouts, and quickly woke up, holding the weapon in his hand tightly, and looked around in panic.


A golden light also shot out from the distant cliff at the position of the Emiya android.

The android, who had already been alert, quickly rolled and dodged.

But the guard who had just woken up behind him did not have such good skills.

The golden light easily penetrated it without deflection, leaving only the guard with a big hole in his chest with a painful face falling to the ground.

Under this intense high temperature, there was not even blood flowing out of his chest.

And the other Emiya androids also quickly projected the [Romantic Turret] and shot at the position of the cliff.

Although they did not have the talent for using firearms like Maine, with their excellent eyesight and the experience training of hundreds of people, at least in terms of accuracy, the current Emiya androids are not much worse than Maine.

However, if they simply use the [Romantic Turret] to blast at close range, Maine, who is more proficient in firearms, should have the advantage, but the Emiya androids themselves have extremely powerful close combat capabilities.

"Qi! Missed it!!"

After watching her attack being dodged by the Emiya androids, Maine ran back without any hesitation.

Although the weapons projected by the androids were not powerful enough to match her own attack, if both sides used bullets to shoot at each other, Maine's mental bullets would definitely defeat them.

But that was also in a one-on-one situation. Now, there was more than just one Emiya android shooting at Maine's position.

It was not that Maine could not attack several directions quickly in a short period of time, but it would consume a lot of her mental power, but doing so would not cause them any loss. It would be completely useless to consume so much.

Maine would not choose to waste her mental power on such things just to prove herself. You know, they have more important things to do now.



Several explosions were heard from the cliff, and several rays of light were emitted, destroying the entire cliff. Even though they were not as powerful as the imperial weapon in Maine's hand, these projected weapons were not to be underestimated.


A black and red phantom appeared in the moonlight. In just a blink of an eye, Akame, holding the imperial sword, appeared behind one of the Emiya androids.


Under the witness of the moonlight, a silver and cold arc of light appeared in front of the Emiya android.


A faint sound of breaking through the air was heard, and the air was cut in an instant.

The cold blade just passed through his neck.


A sound of shattering came from his body.


Akame felt the touch of his sword, and was suddenly startled. He quickly turned around and raised the sword in his hand.

The figure mixed with strong wind appeared behind Akame, who was supposed to have completed the killing, in the blink of an eye.


With a crisp collision sound, the imperial sword with the power of thunder cut through the air, and like a flash, it collided heavily with Akame's weapon.

Amid the bursting sparks, Akame took a small step back, but immediately stabilized his body, tightened his feet, and rushed forward again.

At this moment, it can be clearly seen that there is a very deep crack at the neck of the Emiya android wearing the [Noble Chariot].

"It has become more solid--!"

Chitong was slightly surprised in her heart. If it were the inferior projection of the [Noble Chariot] before, her blow would be enough to cut open the armor and scratch the neck of Emiya's android inside.

If she had used the sharper [Murasame], she might have been able to kill it more easily.

Just to prevent them from projecting [Murasame], Chitong had to temporarily abandon the weapons she had been using and pick up a normal sword to fight.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Amidst the sound of breaking wind, the hammer in Susano'o's hand set off a continuous whirlwind, turning into meteors with full gravity, forming a violent storm and swinging at one of the Emiya androids with gravity.


In just a short moment, the huge impact knocked out an Emiya android who had not yet reacted.

Night attacks, but the killer organization, is what they are best at doing is taking out the enemy before they can react.

However, the Emiya android who was directly thrown into the air by the terrifying impact suddenly spread a pair of white wings behind him, trying his best to resist the powerful impact.

The other androids also reacted and quickly adjusted their weapons to shoot at Susano'o.


A violent explosion occurred at Susanoo's position.

The terrifying impact completely swallowed him up at this moment, and thick smoke rose from his position.

"call out----!"

It was an orange-yellow figure that sprang out from the thick smoke, turned into a flash of light at extreme speed, and sprinted towards the prison door.

The reaction speed of the people of Emiya's artificial people is also impeccable. They will not underestimate these Teigu users and always face them with a vigilant attitude.

The [Romantic Turret] in his hand immediately adjusted its position and aimed at Leonai, who was moving rapidly.

Although her speed is indeed not incredible, under their powerful dynamic vision, it can be said that hitting her is a piece of cake at such a close distance.

The Emiya androids had previously had conflicts with Night Raid individuals, no, rather, Night Raid's two-person team. This was the first time they had actually fought directly with all Night Raid members.

"I won't let you succeed!!!"

Ma Yin, who reappeared on the edge of the damaged cliff, roared angrily, and beams of light were fired from the [Romantic Turret] in her hand.

Before those Emiya androids fired, the beams of light covered them like raindrops.




Continuous bombing sounds erupted at the prison door, and Leonai took this opportunity to sneak directly into the prison.

Chapter 353 Rescue

"Is it possible to be frozen?"

Emiya Shirou looked at Tazmi who had turned into an ice sculpture and was wearing the [Evil Haunted] in front of him.

He has completely analyzed [Haunted by Evil Ghosts], so he naturally knows what kind of creature is inhabiting this weapon.

That is a creature with extremely perverted evolutionary abilities that is still alive even if it is made into a weapon.

How could it be possible to be frozen so easily and not be able to break free?

"Good ice!"

Emiya Shirou stretched out his hand and placed it on the ice sculpture, and bursts of biting coldness came from above.

With just a slight touch, his fingers were covered with a layer of ice.

Moreover, according to what Shirou Emiya learned from his artificial people, Tazmi had been in prison for four days, but there was no water stain next to the ice sculpture.

The ice cube that froze Tazmi never melted at all.


At this time, Emiya Shirou felt the vibration coming from the top of his head. I am afraid something happened outside the prison.

"Trace on"

A crimson knight's sword appeared in Emiya Shirou's hand.

"Fei Long's Sin Sword (L? v a t e i n n)"

This is the unique spiritual equipment of Stella Familion, the only A-level knight in Pojun Academy.

Although her strength has only reached the B-level level, her ability is a conceptual interference system that can manifest the power of the dragon at the apex of mythical creatures into herself.

However, when Shirou Emiya saw Kuroyuki Ikki before leaving, he randomly projected the magic sword Balmonk.

Stella Familion seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying, her whole body was trembling and she could not even move.

Although she carries the power of a giant dragon, she is too weak. Even the demon sword Balmonk projected by Emiya Shirou can severely suppress her.

In short, that incident caused a great psychological shadow on Stella Familion.

But having said that, the power of the dragon is a power that many people want to achieve but are difficult to touch.

Flames burst out from the knight's sword in Shirou Emiya's hand, and gradually wrapped around Tazmi, who was frozen into an ice sculpture. The raging flames burned ragingly on the ice.

Emiya Shirou tried his best to control the intensity of the flames to prevent Tatsumi from being burned inside the ice sculpture.

It took only a short while for the ice sculpture attached to Tatsumi to gradually turn into liquid and evaporate quickly by the flames.

That was a creature at the top of the fantasy species.

The ice created by a dangerous species living in the far north could not stop the flames of the dragon.

"Hu, ha————!"

The moment the ice thawed, the armor that turned into a dragon head gasped and fell to the ground in extreme exhaustion.

"Tatsumi, are you okay?"

Emiya Shirou quickly stopped the output of the flame in his hand and supported Tatsumi.

"You, are you Emiya senior?"

Tatsumi looked at the person who helped him up in front of him in a daze. He was extremely weak now.

Although not eating for four days was nothing to the people in this world, he had been in a frozen state and had to constantly consume a lot of energy to maintain his heat and prevent the cold from invading his body.

So at the moment he was released, Tatsumi was very weak.

The Emiya androids naturally look exactly like Emiya Shirou. Except for the slightly different hairstyles, there is no difference in appearance.

Tatsumi was fooled once and was surrounded by those androids, and even exposed his identity as a member of the Night Raid.

But Tatsumi has seen Emiya Shirou. In terms of temperament, there is a big gap between Emiya Shirou and his androids.

However, Tatsumi can't think so much now. The Emiya who freed him from the ice and was not his partner in the Night Raid could only be Emiya Shirou.

Of course, even if it wasn't Emiya Shirou, Tatsumi has no ability to resist now and can only be slaughtered.

"It's me, are you okay now?"

Emiya Shirou controlled the flames to control the distance to warm Tatsumi's body. Now that he had just escaped from the ice, the temperature on the surface of his body was still extremely low.

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