As if to put Emiya Shirou to death, the high-speed slashes like heavy rain were always aimed at the vital points of these human bodies, and each move was fatal.

"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!"

A series of crisp clashing sounds reached the ears of others present at Night Raid.

Even Esdeath in the past would have found it a bit difficult to achieve Chitomi's extremely superb swordsmanship, but it was so easily resisted by Emiya Shirou.

Emiya Shirou frowned and waved the reverse blade in his hand with great confusion. The rhythm was constantly accelerating, and the sword, sword, shadow, and sparks continued to explode among the bursting sparks.

"He's not one of those————!"

Tazmi just wanted Chitong to stop, but was quickly interrupted by Najiexitan on the side.

"If Dr. Fashion spent a lot of energy to create a more sophisticated Emiya android, isn't this a trap?"

Yes, they did meet the real Shirou Emiya, but Night Raid only spent a few days with Shirou Emiya in total.

A few days were not enough for them to truly understand everything about Emiya Shirou. They did not understand where those Emiya androids came from.

What's more, Emiya Shirou's disappearance was also due to the battle with Esdeath. They didn't believe that Esdeath would let Emiya Shirou go.

In fact, in their hearts, Emiya Shirou was dead, and the existence of those artificial humans was also a product created by them using Emiya Shirou's corpse.

Tazmi would be a little surprised, but she would still believe that Shirou Emiya was not dead, but Najexitan was different. She knew Esdeath very well, and Shirou Emiya had no chance of surviving.

Unless he could really defeat Esdeath at that time, Shirou Emiya would never survive unless he surrendered to Esdeath.

There are only two ways to fall into the hands of that woman. One is to become her loyal subordinate, and the other is to die miserably.

Moreover, the base was exposed due to Tazmi's carelessness. Naturally, Najexitan looked at things with extreme vigilance.

Just being haunted by a demon would not prove Emiya Shirou's identity.

Tazmi had been frozen in prison for so long, and Najexitan didn't believe that those Emiya androids didn't have the ability to project evil spirits.

However, those Emiya cyborgs can indeed project the evil spirit haunting them, but under the cover of the Night Raid crowd, they have never seen the evil spirit haunting dagger form, and the mana cost of directly projecting the armor is slightly higher.

What the night attack returned now was not their new base, but a stronghold established by the revolutionary army near the empire. This stronghold was related to their success or failure.

Najexitan must be extremely careful, otherwise, everything they have done for the people of the empire will be in vain.

If Shirou Emiya in front of them is really a new type of artificial human created by Dr. Fashion in seclusion in the laboratory, then all the preparations they have made in the Revolutionary Army stronghold will be known to the empire.

In Night Raid, Tazmi is the easiest to be passively reasoned with and understand emotionally. Of course Dr. Fashion can create a more perfect Emiya android to gain Tazmi's trust and win Night Raid's trust. Trust, thereby stealing the movements of the revolutionary army.

She must nip this risk in the bud.

Najexitan and Chitong would not have any sympathy for this. You must know that a considerable number of Emiya's androids died at the hands of Chitong.

As a leader, Najexitan naturally has to give up this useless compassion. She does not want to cause the death of others in Night Raid because of her temporary compassion.

What's more, Emiya Shirou is not a member of Night Raid, and his relationship with Night Raid is not that deep. In this case, it is better to kill him by mistake than let him go.

“Can someone please explain to me!!!”

Emiya Shirou shouted loudly to the demon-haunted Akito in front of him.

There was no stagnation in the movements of his hands, and he continued to resist her attacks.

Red Eye's attacks were extremely fast and deadly, but for Shirou Emiya, who had been fighting swordsmen with special powers, it was not that difficult.

No matter how poor Emiya Shirou's sword skills were, under such endless indoctrination of sword skills, his sword skills would naturally be of a considerable standard.

What's more, at this time, Emiya Shirou's physical fitness was much higher than that of Chi Hitomi.

Although the markings on his head did not appear due to Avalon, Emiya Shirou actually showed the markings.

The growth of overdraft vitality not only directly improved Emiya Shirou's physical fitness by a large margin, but also allowed Emiya Shirou to easily surpass those who had been trained in such a short period of just a few months. Exercise is one of the reasons why many people exercise.

This is the power gained from overdrawing the future.

It's just that Emiya Shirou didn't really intend to conflict with the night attack, so he stayed on the defensive and didn't choose to take the initiative to attack.

Chapter 356 Gravity is a good group control skill

However, Chitomi could not always choose to be entangled with Emiya Shirou.

Now that the Imperial Guard Legion has not come over, it does not mean that they will never catch up.

If Shirou Emiya is indeed one of those artificial beings, then their location has been exposed, and soon the empire will send people to encircle and suppress them.


Najesita called out in a deep voice. Susanoo, who was also wearing [Devil Haunted], stomped his right foot on the ground and rushed towards Shirou Emiya like a cannonball.

The heavy hammer in his hand drew a perfect arc in the air and swung it heavily at Shirou Emiya's head.


The heavy hammer that shook the air just brushed past Shirou Emiya's side and hit the ground heavily.

With a violent impact, the ground broke apart and the gravel splashed in all directions.


The golden beam of light also burst out behind Shirou Emiya very accurately at the moment when he dodged Susanoo's heavy hammer.

The continuous attacks were overwhelming and it was difficult for normal people to stop them.

However, Shirou Emiya did not want to continue to entangle like this. Such a battle would not have any results.

"Gravity - release!"

At this moment, a bright red fan was taken out from his black and red night hat by Shirou Emiya, accompanied by a faint red light flashing.

The several times gravity exerted on Shirou Emiya was released in an instant at this moment, and he stomped on the ground suddenly, and his speed exploded at this moment.

With the airflow surging on his body, Shirou Emiya disappeared on the spot.

The golden light also fell into the air, piercing through Shirou Emiya's previous position, passing by the sides of Susanoo and Akahime, and piercing through the trees behind them without any obstruction.

Main calculated her attack accurately, even if it penetrated Shirou Emiya from behind, it would not hurt Akahime and Susanoo who were fighting with Shirou Emiya in front.

However, the battle is over!


At this moment, the pressure like a mountain was blessed on all the night raiders present except Tatsumi.

Rabbock, who was secretly controlling the silk thread, was instantly pressed to the ground.

During the battle, Shirou Emiya had been observing the surrounding situation. He had not only seen Maine preparing to shoot.

He also saw Rabbock secretly controlling the silk thread around him.

Not far away, Maine could not bear the strong pressure. She held the weapon tightly in her hand and was pressed to the ground, unable to stand up again.

Leone and Najeshitan also half-knelt under this gravity.

Only Akame and Susanoo barely supported their bodies under this sudden surge in gravity. They stood up and held their weapons tightly, staring at Shirou Emiya, revealing a very strong killing intent.

Shirou Emiya did not increase the gravity around too much, because the gravity intensity that each person can bear is different, and he is not going to deal with the people who attacked at night.

He just hopes that they can listen to him carefully and resolve this misunderstanding.

Feeling the increased gravity around him, Akahime's hand holding the hilt trembled slightly, and he took a big step towards Shirou Emiya's position, but his speed obviously dropped by more than double.

Under such gravity, Akahime and Susanoo's mobility was greatly affected. If it weren't for the blessing of [Devil Haunting], they would be unable to move under this force.

At least, they wouldn't be able to run so easily.

It will take some time to get familiar with it before they can stabilize their bodies and not fall because they can't control the power.

Now, it is difficult for them to pose an effective threat to Shirou Emiya.

No, from the beginning, they had nothing that could threaten Shirou Emiya, unless the weapon in Akahime's hand was [Murasame], or Shirou Emiya really wanted to kill Myne and give her an extremely strong sense of crisis.

After all, Shirou Emiya was not wearing Devil Haunting when he fought with them just now.

He didn't know if he could withstand the terrible poison of [Murasame]. Avalon in his body might be able to easily solve the poison.

But Shirou Emiya didn't dare to bet on whether Avalon would heal faster or the poison of [Murasame] would kill him first.

You know, even if [Murasame] that he projected was basically deadly, unless it was a spirit like a Heroic Spirit, and there was resistance to magic, it could barely resist for a while.

He didn't have a physique called resistance to magic like a Heroic Spirit. The only thing on his body that had resistance to magic was this hat on his body.


Before Akahime rushed to Shirou Emiya with the Imperial Sword in hand, gravity was applied to Akahime again. This time, Akahime couldn't stand on the field anymore. He half-knelt down, and the sword in his hand supported the ground tightly, stabilizing his body with great difficulty.


“Crack! Crack! Crack!”

It was just an ordinary imperial sword, not sharp enough to cut the ground easily. The sword that supported Akame’s body like a cane was crushed into several pieces beside her.

Akame was also crushed to the ground by the strong gravity.


Susanoo, who was standing by, was also shocked. He ran towards Shirou Emiya with the heavy hammer in his hand, but without any exception, he was crushed to the ground under the increasing gravity.

At this moment, in the depths of the forest, only Shirou Emiya was standing in the middle of them.

"If I wanted to do something bad to you, I have done it now. If I were really from the empire, you would be dead by now, instead of being able to listen to my calm words."

Looking at the people who had been suppressed, Shirou Emiya slowly said that he had naturally heard what Najexitan and Tazmi said, but Shirou Emiya had no way to prove that he was not artificial. people.

You must know that those artificial humans are flesh and blood. Apart from looking exactly like themselves, they are basically the same as ordinary humans.

Shirou Emiya did not leave anything to prove his identity in Night Raid, not to mention that he did not join Night Raid, but only had a cooperative relationship with Night Raid.

The only way he can think of now is to suppress all of them and then explain slowly. This is the most stable way.

No matter how much he said, it would never be as real as this direct suppression to make them feel.

Seeing that Shirou Emiya had no further thoughts of taking action, Najiesitan temporarily stopped the [Disaster Soul Appearance] she had just wanted to activate.

Even if she risked her own life, she couldn't let everyone in Night Raid die here.

Chapter 357 Freeze, everything

"Are you really not dead?"

After a little explanation, Shirou Emiya and everyone in the Night Raid arrived at their newly established stronghold.

This stronghold does not have an entire extremely luxurious mansion like they did before, but only a few extremely simple wooden houses built from the surrounding trees.

Just like the small wooden house behind the Night Raid base, although the Night Raid people did not have any special construction talents, they had extraordinary skills.

It is entirely possible to build a log cabin that you can see through.

At this time, Shirou Emiya was sitting on the bonfire they had built, cooking their supper tonight under the eyes of everyone.

"Yes, I survived Esdeath's hands."

Emiya Shirou answered Nadezhitan's question directly.

"Where did you go after that? For three months, there was no news about you in the entire empire. Even if the Revolutionary Army sent people to detect your news, there was no way to find any trace."

Na Jieshitan frowned. When Shirou Emiya's evil spirit was handed over to the Revolutionary Army, they quickly understood how important Shirou Emiya was and sent people to find Na Jieshitan as quickly as possible. Jexitan wanted to talk to Shirou Emiya head-on.

But all they got was the news that Emiya Shirou disappeared after fighting Esdeath.

What was reported at that time was not that Emiya Shirou died at the hands of Esdeath, but that he disappeared.

In the empire, the wanted notice for Shirou Emiya was not torn down, but was spread even more intensively throughout the imperial capital.

He even surpassed the various members of Night Raid for a time and became the target of public criticism.

But no matter how many people searched, no one could find Shirou Emiya.

It wasn't until more than a month later that the Emiya Cyborg was born, and the wanted order for Shirou Emiya in the entire empire disappeared overnight.

It was as if there had never been such a person to fight against Esdeath.

"After the battle with Esdeath, I was almost on the verge of death. After using the invisibility state of [Haunted by Evil] to escape, I have been hiding in the depths of the forest to recuperate. It was not until recently that I fully recovered."

It was naturally impossible for Shirou Emiya to tell them that he was not from this world. This kind of thing was too shocking and too unbelievable.

What's more, Emiya Shirou did not fully recover from his injuries at that time and needed a long period of rest.

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