Despair enveloped their hearts.

They could only place their little hope on the revolutionary army and night attacks.

Some Emiya androids placed food in the homes of civilians, but did not choose to leave immediately.

Some of them seemed to have seen a miracle, with almost dry tears flowing from the corners of their eyes. They knelt on the ground with gratitude and ate piously.

Some of them cut up the food and put it into jars in batches, calculating the daily usage and praying that they could survive.

Some of them suppressed their hunger and fed food to smaller children or their own mothers.

It's obviously just some ordinary food, but they cherish it so much.

Emiya artificial people can see that many civilians are still surviving tenaciously even in such a twisted empire.

Without any blame, use all your strength to survive.

For the first time, they felt a different kind of spirit from these civilians.

"Captain Emiya!"

After Shirou Emiya washed up, he walked downstairs of the hotel and bumped into a guard who looked extremely hurried.

He did not stay at the base of the night attack, but returned to the imperial capital.

After Shirou Emiya provided some weapons, Shirou Emiya was only given a rough idea of ​​what they needed to do next.

Basically, the revolutionary army decided to capture the thief first and captured the king first. They chose to cross Esdeath and capture the imperial capital first.

But the detailed information, such as when to attack and what the attack plan was, was not told to him.

After all, Emiya Shirou is not a member of Night Raid, nor will he join the revolutionary army.

He is not from this country, and what happens in this country should have nothing to do with Emiya Shirou.

It's just that Shirou Emiya couldn't stand by and watch the civilians suffer like this, so he extended a helping hand.

After a brief exchange, Emiya Shirou decided to return to the Imperial Capital and quickly evacuate the civilians when they attacked.

Emiya Shirou didn't think the Imperial Guard would choose to evacuate civilians.

He had also persuaded those Emiya androids not to continue serving the empire. They had become so rotten that Shirou Emiya, who had little talent and little knowledge, could not imagine a non-revolutionary way to revive the country.

Emiya Shirou didn't even have contact with high-ranking people in the empire.

"What's the matter?"

Emiya Shirou asked aloud.

The guard didn't hesitate. After saying hello to Emiya Shirou, he quickly relayed the message he wanted to convey to Emiya Shirou.

"The other captains of the Imperial Palace said that you can temporarily put down your mission and return to the Imperial Guard. It seems that there are some new missions that need you to complete."

After all, Shirou Emiya's face is basically very familiar to everyone in the empire. If there is an Imperial Guard member, Emiya does not live in the Imperial Guard, but in a hotel.

Although this is not a big problem, others will think about why Emiya chose to leave the Imperial Guard and live alone.

Therefore, those Emiya artificial people claimed that Emiya Shirou was on a special mission.

The guards also accepted Emiya's artificial words and did not pursue the matter.

After all, he is the omnipotent Emiya-sama, and he is also afraid that they will send him to prison because of too many questions.

You must know that many guards were imprisoned directly for contradicting Captain Emiya.

For insiders like them, if they were thrown into prison, it would be better to just let Captain Emiya kill him.

At least death at the hands of Captain Emiya wouldn't be that painful.

"What happened?"

Emiya Shirou frowned tightly, considering that the sun had only risen not long ago, it must be a very important thing to call him over now.

"I know, I'll be there later."

Emiya Shirou nodded, ordered breakfast in the hotel, and then prepared to go to the Imperial Guard.

The night attack also gave Emiya Shirou some funds, otherwise he would not be able to live in the hotel.

Of course, all this money was exchanged by Emiya Shirou through projection weapons.

Chapter 360 Magician Dr Fashion

"You are saying that Dr. Fashion has left the laboratory?"

When Emiya Shirou heard the news, he suddenly felt bad in his heart. He didn't know if he had sensed him when he went to the prison that time.

In the current empire, apart from these Emiya androids, only Dr. Fashion, who possesses magic circuits, can sense the strange magic fluctuations in his body.

If he came to the imperial capital from the laboratory, he would undoubtedly find himself, and it would be impossible for him to stay in the imperial capital peacefully with him.

Conflict was inevitable. Shirou Emiya couldn't just sit back and watch Dr. Fashion arrest those civilians for those cruel and inhumane experiments just to hide himself.

Emiya Shirou would not think that this kind of thing was the fault of those Emiya androids, because in the end, they were just another victim in the hands of Dr. Fashion.

You must know that tragic experiments have been happening to these artificial humans. Coupled with their spiritual network, they all understand what happened to other artificial humans, but they just hide it deep in their hearts.

Emiya Shirou wanted to rescue those in the laboratory, but was stopped by these artificial humans.

There are no living civilians in the laboratory, only those who are used as experimental materials.

After all, those civilians were mainly used to provide him with debugging the body of the Emiya Android. Regarding magic circuits and magic, it was naturally more convenient to directly use the Emiya Android.

Emiya Shirou did not stop wanting to rescue the homunculus who had been treated miserably without their words.

But all of them quickly armed themselves, saying that if Emiya Shirou wanted to destroy the laboratory, he would have to walk over their corpses.

The Emiya androids did not want Emiya Shirou to become a wanted object of the empire, in which case they would have to be hostile to Emiya Shirou.

They learned many things from Emiya Shirou that they could not learn by staying in the empire.

Whether it's projection technology, or Emiya Shirou's experience, Emiya Shirou's thoughts.

After seeing the various behaviors of civilians, they somehow wanted to do something for others from the bottom of their hearts.

"Yes, the doctor had left the laboratory not long ago."

The Emiya androids nodded. Their purpose in reminding Shirou Emiya was that they naturally did not want him to meet Dr. Fashion.

"But what? It's too late."

A familiar voice came from the door. It was a man in a white coat with eyes that gave off the air of a scholar.

He looked at Emiya Shirou in front of him with melancholy eyes.


Emiya Shirou recognized at a glance the man who imprisoned him, drugged himself, and stood beside Esdeath when he destroyed the night attack base.

He held his hands tightly and looked at the cold man in front of him with anger on his face.

Shirou Emiya has lived in the empire for so many days, how much blood has been stained on Dr. Fashion's hands, and how many civilians have died.

Nowadays, Doctor Fashion is almost a forbidden word among civilians. They will feel scared when they mention Captain Emiya, but when they mention Doctor Fashion, there is only boundless despair in their hearts.

The Empire didn't care about the lives of civilians. In order to have enough experimental materials, Dr. Fashion asked the Imperial Guard to carry out many large-scale arrests.

He is not powerless, and the transformed people under him are simply impossible for civilians to deal with.

In just a few days, thousands of people were arrested, and even a street in the imperial capital was deserted. This is what the devil Dr. Fashion has done.

But at this time, his expression was just like the orthodox magician described by Tohsaka Rin to Emiya Shirou, cold and ruthless, with only the pursuit of the truth of magic in his heart.

"Doctor! Where is he?"

But the android next to Shirou Emiya looked towards the door as if he hadn't seen Doctor Fashion at all. He was standing at the door without any obstruction or using any magic.

He didn't see it at all.

"What did you do?"

Emiya Shirou frowned, and the reverse blade emerged from his hand.

"You should be able to understand that "consciousness" is the human brain's awareness of the internal and external images of the brain. If part of the consciousness is covered up, or one's own existence is directly included in the consciousness that they cannot detect."

"They can't detect your presence, can they?"

Emiya Shirou accepted Dr. Fashion's words. He knew it very well, because this was the principle he was constantly practicing, called "Sneaking Foot", to incorporate his own existence into the enemy's unconsciousness, making it impossible for him to receive it. this part of the information.

When fighting, it looks like teleporting.

However, [Creepy Foot] only reaches the realm of unconsciousness in an instant, and cannot be fully incorporated into it, because it itself does indeed exist.

This technique just prevents the enemy from processing so much information in an instant, so that it looks like teleportation.

"That's right. I didn't expect you to actually understand this kind of information. You know, no matter how I explain the things I have researched to those people, they can't understand it."

Dr. Fashion covered his forehead and spoke loudly to Emiya Shirou with a smile. He didn't seem to worry that he would be killed by Emiya Shirou here.

"So, why did you appear in front of me like this?"

Shirou Emiya raised the reverse blade in his hand and pointed it at Dr. Fashion. He was ready to use the sword, and the gravity on his body had been lifted. He planned to kill Dr. Fashion in an instant and make him lose his fighting ability. .

"Of course, I invite you to join the empire, Your Majesty Emiya."

"The empire's resources can be said to be quite abundant, and they can help us find the truth of magic."

Doctor Fashion rotated his hands, bowed to Shirou Emiya with extremely standard etiquette, and extended an invitation to Shirou Emiya with great respect.

He really respected Emiya Shirou. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid he would never have the opportunity to come into contact with such magical things. He was extremely grateful to Emiya Shirou for leading him on such a path.

Now in his heart, everything is false, and the truth without magic is everything he deserves to pursue.

He doesn't need any wealth or fame anymore.

"Stop joking!"

Emiya Shirou tightly grasped the reverse blade in his hand, and a thunderous sound came out of his mouth.


Blood flowed out from Emiya Shirou's abdomen.

It was a cross-like rapier that pierced his abdomen.

This is a weapon that represents the ability to obtain [Goddess's Excessive Grace].

"What a pity, what a pity."

Faced with such a scene, Dr. Fashion just sighed slightly, looking extremely regretful.

Chapter 361 Gathering the Combat Power of Emiya Homunculi

Emiya Shirou looked at the Emiya Homunculi holding a cross-like rapier beside him in great surprise. In his impression, he had never projected this weapon in front of them.

How could they project this weapon full of luck?

But Emiya Shirou's reaction was still sensitive. Before the Emiya Homunculi could make the next move, his body spun around and kicked it away with one foot.


A violent collision sound came from the position of the Imperial Guard. Behind the Emiya android, spider-web-like cracks shattered with him as the center.

If it was a normal situation, with the technology of the Emiya android, even if Shirou Emiya relaxed his vigilance, it would be impossible to hurt him so easily.

Shirou Emiya's perception of the surrounding environment is now extremely strong, and it is easy to observe his movements.

But the [Azure] made Shirou Emiya subconsciously ignore the Emiya android next to him.

This ability called "Excessive Grace of the Goddess" only needs the user's mind to think, and everything will operate without the user's knowledge. After a lot of events, the goal is finally achieved.

And the strength of this ability, the degree that can be achieved is different.

Although the ability of the weapon used by the Emiya android cannot even reach the one projected by Shirou Emiya.

But it is enough to affect Shirou Emiya to a certain extent.

He already trusted the Emiya android beside him and did not set up any defenses against him. Then, with the ability of [Azure], it would be almost easy for him to launch a sneak attack on Emiya Shirou.

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