Esdeath may have received the news that the imperial capital was occupied by the revolutionary army, and is now heading in their direction.

Because according to the informant there, Esdeath went down in person and killed more than 100,000 people by herself, ending the war in the shortest possible time.

Najeshitan is now unable to estimate Esdeath's strength, and even an army of 200,000 can hardly hold her back.

And it is precisely because of Esdeath's strong strength that Najeshitan, who knows her, made this unspeakable decision after constant consultation with the top leaders of the revolutionary army.

Use 200,000 troops as abandoned pawns.

Esdeath has no interest in the weak. Instead of killing the weak, she prefers to challenge those who are stronger, but there is no one stronger than her in this world.

Najeshitan concluded that as long as the information from the imperial capital is not passed to Esdeath, the battle line there will continue for a long time.

Leading the army in battle is also one of Esdeath's few hobbies.

An army of 200,000 will not be killed so easily, and the location they chose is also a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

If Esdeath does not take action personally, the battle there will last at least a month.

So they did not choose to attack immediately after Esdeath left the imperial capital, but kept formulating and optimizing plans.

It was not until half a month after Esdeath left the imperial capital that Shirou Emiya killed the biggest threat to the revolutionary army.

They decided to capture the imperial capital before Esdeath learned that the imperial capital had lost its defense.

But even if they have most of the imperial tools in the entire empire, their chances of defeating Esdeath are still slim.

This time, Najeshitan came here to negotiate with Shirou Emiya.

You know, now Shirou Emiya is the strongest combat force they know.

The only chance of winning is probably really on a non-imperial person.

In fact, after the revolutionary army successfully occupied the imperial capital, Shirou Emiya was ready to set off to the front line where Esdeath fought.

However, he was not familiar with the route of the Empire, nor did he know where Esdeath was fighting, so he went to ask Najeshitan.

Najeshitan naturally stopped Shirou Emiya at the first time and did not tell him the information about Esdeath.

One aspect is that the information has not yet been passed to Esdeath, and the Revolutionary Army in the Imperial Capital does not want to give up this hard-earned breathing time.

If Shirou Emiya went to fight Esdeath immediately, the fact that the Imperial Capital was captured would soon be exposed.

Because of the Emiya android, the Revolutionary Army did not trust Shirou Emiya. Even if he provided the Revolutionary Army with the weapons he projected, the Revolutionary Army still did not trust Shirou Emiya.

Of course, the most important reason is that Shirou Emiya is not from the Empire.

You must know that with such strength, the Revolutionary Army could not have not collected information about Shirou Emiya.

Shirou Emiya first appeared on the battlefield in the north, and there was no information about Shirou Emiya in any village in the Empire.

He couldn't have appeared out of thin air. The only inference is that Shirou Emiya is not from the Empire, and the attitude of the Revolutionary Army or the Empire towards foreigners can be said to be very bad.

If it weren't for Shirou Emiya's extremely strong strength, the Revolutionary Army would probably order Night Raid to capture Shirou Emiya and let him provide weapons to the Revolutionary Army continuously.

The Night Raid members are not hostile to Shirou Emiya, but they have not accumulated a deep friendship with Shirou Emiya. If it is for the people of the Empire, I am afraid that Night Raid will carry out the tasks of the Revolutionary Army.

As long as the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army do not reveal their true thoughts to Night Raid.

If the Night Raid members understand that the Revolutionary Army wants to capture Shirou Emiya as a coolie, they will probably choose to communicate with Shirou Emiya secretly and finally report to the Revolutionary Army that Shirou Emiya has been killed by them.

"Esdeath, I'm afraid we will arrive in the imperial capital soon."

Walking into the house, Najeshitan slowly sat down beside the wooden table and stated slightly weakly.

Anyone who has not slept for days and nights, and is constantly working and discussing, will not be in a good mental state.

Moreover, because she had opened [Evil Spirit Appearance] twice before, her physical condition was not as good as before.

"How long will it take?"

"According to the army's pace, Esdeath will probably take three days to reach the imperial capital."

{If Esdeath chooses to let the army attack}

Najesita thought so in her heart.

All this is based on the premise that Esdeath is still not interested in them.

If Esdeath abandons his army in anger and kills directly to the imperial capital, then they have no way to stop him.

Although Esdeath is a person who cares about his subordinates and is loved by his subordinates, no one can guarantee that her mood will not suddenly change and make people overwhelmed.

"We can't let the war spread here again."

Shirou Emiya responded in a deep voice. The residents of the imperial capital have suffered the disaster of war once, and Shirou Emiya does not want them to suffer this disaster that should have been avoided again.

What's more, if he really fought with Esdeath, he might not have the energy to rescue them again.

"I think the same thing. We can't just stay where we are. We must take the initiative to attack."

Najesita nodded, agreeing with Shirou Emiya's idea. The imperial capital has already endured too much. Under the little emperor's [National Guardian Mecha "Supreme Throne\

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