Tazmi, who was flying in the sky, looked at Shirou Emiya, who was still in place, and couldn't help but ask.

With the help of Emiya Shirou, guarding the imperial capital would become much easier.

"I'm staying here."

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Shirou Emiya just raised his head slightly and looked at Tazumi, who had already hidden her figure and was flying in the sky.

This was just pure invisibility, not a mask similar to Assassin's aura. At least Emiya Shirou could still feel Tazmi's approximate location.

"No, the boss said that Emiya-senpai cannot be left alone here."

Tazmi did not rush towards the imperial capital, because Najiexitan had already guessed the message that Esdeath was not taking action, but it was only if Tazmi could pass the message on.

Everyone in the revolutionary army can feel less psychological pressure.

"Then you go notify Chi Tong and be ready to take action. I will continue to monitor Esdeath's movements here."

Unless Esdeath is defeated, no matter how tenacious the revolutionary army resists, it will be useless.

The biggest problem is not the hundreds of thousands of troops under Esdeath, but Esdeath himself.

Regardless of whether Esdeath has this army in hand, he has the ability to destroy the imperial capital and wipe out the revolutionary army.

Everyone understood that Esdeath was the one they needed to deal with.

But the revolutionary army had to send men to confront her troops head-on.

And this was despite Najeishitan's strenuous efforts to allow some powerful members to stay with Emiya Shirou and assist Emiya Shirou and Akito to kill Esdeath.

Without one Teigu user, the time the Imperial City can hold on will become even shorter.

What's more, there are only a few of them who are extremely powerful Teigu users. Now the revolutionary army places all its hopes on Emiya Shirou and Akahomi.


Tazmi nodded heavily and flew towards the depths of the forest where they were hiding.

The moment he felt Tazmi leaving, the golden bow appeared in Emiya Shirou's hand.

"Pseudo Spiral Sword (CaladbolgⅡ)"

A spiral-like sword arrow appeared on the bow in Shirou Emiya's hand.

Chitong's current strength is not at the same level as his own.

Emiya Shirou didn't know how strong Esdeath was now.

After that battle, Shirou Emiya got all the information about Esdeath's strength from other people's words.

Just from their descriptions, Emiya Shirou could feel Esdeath's extraordinary strength.

Plus, when he saw her in the army, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

Even if Shirou Emiya assumes that Esdeath is slightly weaker than him, the battle between them is not one that Akohime and the others can participate in.

Chapter 370 Five battles! Esdeath

I saw a ray of light streaking across the sky, and Esdeath suddenly felt a sense of threat to my life.


A terrifying explosion broke out in an instant.

The crimson flame formed an exploding flame tornado, rubbing against the air and sweeping through the atmosphere amidst the buzzing sound.

Just like the explosion of a nuclear bomb, an extremely powerful mushroom cloud rose from the distant camp.

The soldiers responsible for patrolling and guarding had no chance to react. They only saw a flickering light at the last moment of their lives.

The ground was penetrated.

Trees were burned.

Rocks were shattered.

The sand and soil were blown apart.

The terrifying air wave was raging like this.

The earth is constantly shattering, collapsing, and disintegrating, and it becomes completely unrecognizable in an instant.

"Sure enough, it's you who's back——"

Esdeath muttered to himself, being able to cause such destructive power.

No, apart from Emiya Shirou, Esdeath could not imagine anyone else who could make the sword collapse and cause such destructive power.

Those Emiya androids?

The weapons they created can be said to be weakened versions, and the explosion damage they can produce is minimal, so they can only deal with enemies who have no defense means.

That kind of explosion couldn't even break through the defense of the ice blocks she created at random.

"Click, click, click, click!"

One after another, crisp sounds came from all around Esdeath.

It can be heard very clearly that the ice cubes are constantly starting to break.


The next second, the ice immediately froze the ground in the center of Esdeath.

Just a moment ago, it seemed as if magma had flowed through it, and the ground that was flashing with red flames was covered by ice-blue ice.

An icy blue figure emerged from the smoke, his eyes tightly knitted together, looking around, looking for a certain red-haired boy.

At this moment, the entire camp was filled with panic. The soldiers had no idea what was happening. The powerful shock wave generated by the explosion lifted up all those around them.

Many soldiers were hit by the violent shock wave without even reacting, and were knocked flying, falling heavily to the ground, or hitting rocks.

Esdeath's condition at the moment was not much better, and his body was full of scars caused by the explosion.

Her clothes were stained with blood, and her face was covered with dust and mud.

Such a violent explosion enveloped her almost instantly.

If Esdeath hadn't used "Mokobotemo" at the moment when the sword was about to explode, it would have frozen the entire time and space.

Just one hit like this will kill Esdeath.

She didn't hesitate in the frozen time and space. Thick ice blocks covered her one after another, but even so, the explosion still penetrated Esdeath's defense.

However, after breaking through multiple layers of defense, the explosion was no longer as powerful as before.


The threat of death once again loomed over Esdeath's head.

The beam of light flashed across the sky again. She gritted her teeth and dodged to the side with great difficulty.

The spiral sword blade grazed Esdeath's cheek and hit the ground heavily.

Ice blue stripes enveloped Esdeath's body at this moment.

An extremely cold light appeared on the tip of her hand.


Following Esdeath's words, the spiral sword glowed with ice-blue light the moment it brushed against Esdeath's cheek.


Emiya Shirou also felt at this moment that the connection between himself and the Spiral Sword was completely disconnected, and he could not let it proceed [Fantasy Collapse].

Previously, Esdeath was under a sneak attack, and it could almost be said that there was no time to reflect, if "Mokobotemo" hadn't frozen the entire time and space.

Even if the spiral sword does not explode, it can still penetrate Esdeath directly.

She had no time to react and dodge.

He could only use the power of freezing time and space to dodge when the spiral sword was only a few meters away from him.

Because Esdeath often fought Emiya Androids, the first thing he thought of when he saw the sword flying over was that it would explode.

After reacting, Esdeath used her ability without any hesitation, but the duration of "Mokobotemo" was about to end, so she could only build an ice wall for defense.

But it's not like this now. After dodging, the incoming sword arrow will even be frozen.

Because at this time, Esdeath was full of vigilance. The moment the sword shot out, she noticed the hidden hostility coming from a distance.

"Found it!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Esdeath's mouth, and she suddenly kicked the ground with her right foot, and her figure turned into an ice-blue phantom in an instant.

The ground exploded instantly.

Cold breath came out of her mouth very regularly, and ice-blue lines appeared on her forehead.

Esdeath flew towards Shirou Emiya's position, which was nearly a kilometer away, at a speed that could not be seen by normal eyes.

Apart from excitement, there was no other emotion in her expression.

Even though she almost died twice just now, she didn't feel angry at all.

On the contrary, I think it is a matter of course.

Since he is constantly getting stronger, isn't it natural that Emiya Shirou should also become stronger?

You must know that Shirou Emiya has grown to the point where he can defeat himself with just one hand in just over half a month.

If Emiya Shirou's strength was still at the same level as before, she would be very disappointed.

He was so disappointed that he even gave up on torturing Shirou Emiya and killed him directly.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

It was a sword arrow that turned into a beam of light from the horizon like rain.

They tore up the air and shot towards Esdeath with an unstoppable attitude.

These sword arrows were not only aimed at Esdeath, but also took into account all possible directions in which Esdeath could dodge.

This is Emiya Shirou's powerful archery. Even Esdeath, who is as strong as a ghost in front of Chitomi and the others, even with the blessing of ice breath, markings and strengthening magic, Esdeath has no The method can dodge the speeding sword arrows.

She had no way to dodge and had to take such an attack head on.

Esdeath does not have a tool like [Haunted by Evil Ghosts]. No matter how powerful she is, even an ordinary iron sword can tear her neck into pieces and cut her off.

Chapter 371 Exchange

"Intensive freezerung (give the world absolute coldness!)"

Chanting sounded from Esdeath's lips, and ice-blue magic burst out of her body in an instant.

It was absolute cold, enough power to freeze everything.

A blue light instantly swallowed up the sword that blocked all Esdeath's escape routes.

"What is that!"

Emiya Shirou's expression suddenly froze, and before the unbelievable thing happened in front of him, a crimson knight's sword quickly appeared in his hand.

I saw the sword arrows that were about to approach Esdeath, frozen in the air.

It was as if the impact of Shirou Emiya's shot disappeared at that moment, and the sword fell heavily to the ground under the influence of gravity.

Emiya Shirou couldn't even cause it to have disillusionment through his own connection with it.

Everything will be frozen, whether it is the sword itself or other things attached to the sword.

Esdeath did not stop at all. The moment the sword arrow froze, she turned into a blue figure and disappeared on the spot.

Without any disguise or pause, she rushed towards Shirou Emiya with overwhelming fighting spirit.

At this terrifying speed, she would appear in front of Shirou Emiya within a few seconds.


A sound like a dragon’s roar erupted from the red sword arrow in Shirou Emiya’s hand, and scorching flames appeared from the red sword arrow.

The ground under Shirou Emiya’s feet cracked because of the terrifying flames, and waves of heat even made the surrounding air begin to distort.

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