It is to freeze the flame in the true sense.

Whether it is wind or thunder, everything is completely frozen.

Everything that exists in the world and can be perceived by Esdeath will be frozen.

This is the ultimate evolution of Mokobotamo.

All things in the world are born with directionality, not just magicians, but anyone and everything has its own origin.

From the perspective of magic, origin is the essence of the deep foundation of the soul.

And the origin of Esdeath is not just ice, but freezing.

It can even freeze the concept of time.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

Esdeath just walked forward slightly, and the countless swords scattered on the ground, like sandstone, turned into ice crystal dust and scattered on the ground just because of a slight vibration.


However, Esdeath frowned tightly at this moment. Shirou Emiya, who was supposed to be standing in front of her, was nowhere to be found at this time, leaving only swords all over the ground.

She tightly grasped the condensed Western sword in her hand and scanned the surroundings frantically, looking for the figure of Shirou Emiya.

With the support of magic power and Esdeath's continuous development of her magic, Mokobotamo was used to the extreme by her, but it still had weaknesses.

That was the same as the Mokobotamo used by Esdeath at the beginning, which could only last for a few seconds.

Of course, under this terrifying freezing situation, even for a few seconds, no creature in this range could survive.

This involves conceptual freezing, and the concept of life will also be frozen in this area.

There is almost no means to resist such an attack.


The sound of shattering came from this space.

Mokobotamo's domain was dissolved at this moment.

Esdeath tensed her nerves, surrounded the surroundings, and felt everything around her.

She knew how powerful her move was, and it was almost impossible for anyone to survive it.

However, Esdeath did not see Shirou Emiya who had been frozen, nor did he find any figure in this area.


The ground exploded at this moment.

Accompanied by several sentences, Shirou Emiya turned into a hard-to-see lightning and shot towards Esdeath's position.

"I am not the beginning of everything"

"I am not the end of everything"

"Standing on the top of the sword hill, I bear the long-cherished wish of all things"

"Forging a lot of swords alone"

"Therefore, this body is determined to be an infinite sword!"

In the frozen area, even sound cannot be transmitted.

The sentence that Shirou Emiya sang was also transmitted to Esdeath at this moment.

Esdeath never thought that Shirou Emiya was still in the same place.

As the releaser of Mokobotamo, Esdeath naturally understood that this ability still had some weaknesses.

The release of Mokobotamo is to freeze everything around Esdeath as the center.

If she had enough speed, she could have escaped before she finished chanting.

If Achilles was here, Esdeath would have no way to keep him here.

The first thing she thought of was that Shirou Emiya had left the area she was casting, not that he had resisted her attack.

She was also looking at a place farther away, preparing to dodge the sword shot by Shirou Emiya.

She never thought that he would not leave his original position.

But even so, Esdeath barely reacted, raised the rapier in her hand and prepared to block.

And with the sound of breaking through the air, the figure that turned into lightning appeared in front of Esdeath.



The two sounds fell in an instant, and blood also covered the entire frozen land at this moment.

The rapier in Esdeath's hand was picked up at this moment, and her heart was pierced very accurately by the knight's sword flashing with red lightning.

The breath of life drained away from Esdeath at a very fast speed.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Hahaha!"

The blood slowly soaked the entire ground, but Esdeath didn't care at all. Instead, she looked at Shirou Emiya who had already freed himself from the evil spirits in front of her, and laughed from the bottom of her heart.

"Why are you laughing?"

Shirou Emiya looked at Esdeath who had been pierced by the Brilliant King Sword in front of him, covered his head, and couldn't help asking.

Because he was able to resist Esdeath's move before, his brain was in extreme pain now, and it was a pain that he couldn't express in words.

"I lost! The loser must have the attitude of a loser!"

Esdeath laughed loudly, feeling her life constantly draining away, and answered Shirou Emiya.

She didn't intend to give it a try before her life was drained away. If she lost, she lost. In this battle, she exerted her full strength, but still lost to Shirou Emiya.

Knowing that he has already lost and cannot win, he still goes forward to fight his opponent. For Esdeath, this is no different from a rabid dog.

Although Shirou Emiya is an enemy that she must kill, Esdeath does not really hate him.

She didn't just regard Emiya Shirou as an enemy, she also regarded him as her biggest opponent.

Esdeath has no regrets. Perhaps in the hands of Emiya Shirou, this is her final outcome.

For some reason, when he signed the contract with that weird ball of light, Esdeath could feel that he might pass away soon.

However, Esdeath was also sincerely happy for Shirou Emiya after seeing her recognized opponent grow to such an extent.

Although she did not recognize Shirou Emiya's ideals, she respected Shirou Emiya for having such ideals.

Perhaps the only thing she regrets is that she has not found her lover.

Emiya Shirou released the knight sword in his hand and hugged Esdeath who was about to fall to the ground.

Although Shirou Emiya would never tolerate Esdeath's actions, she was still an enemy worthy of his respect.

Shirou Emiya slowly lowered Esdeath to the ground.

Pieces of ice appeared from her feet and began to gradually surround her body.

Emiya Shirou could feel that this was the death she chose.

And at the moment he slowly placed Esdeath on the ground.

Esdeath's arm suddenly swung up, and the thrust was so powerful that Shirou Emiya didn't even react, and his head was held down.

He was suddenly startled, and a reverse blade was instantly projected in his hand to chop off Esdeath's head.

But the next second——

A soft, full and elastic touch appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 375 On the way here


Chi Tong dragged Tazmi, who had fainted, and rushed towards that location as quickly as possible.

I saw that almost half of the forest turned into extremely stunning frozen crystals at this moment.

The entire area was completely frozen.

Looking around, you can only see a patch of ice blue.

There wasn't any snow, just frozen.

"It's so cold! It's so cold!"

Leonai rubbed her arms, she couldn't bear it even when she had turned into a beast.

"Frost is already starting to form on my body."

Chi Tong exhaled. After stepping into this frozen world, the terrifying low temperature kept attacking her body.

Even though she kept adjusting her breathing, she couldn't completely resist it.

Perhaps the only one who can remain unaffected in this frozen world is Tazmi, who is wearing a ghost-ridden body.

Ma Yin and the others were now almost unable to move, and most of their bodies were covered in frost.

If it weren't for Mayin, Lubbock and the others who had never slackened on the breathing technique that Emiya Shirou had given them, they would have lost consciousness and been unable to walk on.

"Leone, take Mayin and the others out of here."

As a former imperial general, Najiexitan naturally returned to the imperial capital immediately to prepare for the battle, so the command of the battle naturally fell into Chitong's hands.

She knew very well that in this frozen world, even if Mayin and the others could get to Esdeath, they would basically lose their ability to fight.

Emmain and Lubbock were physically unable to wear the evil spirit that Emiya Shirou projected at the beginning.

However, even wearing the evil ghost's body can't resist the cold invasion.

Shirou Emiya didn't project much of Tatsumi's version of the demonic haunting for Night Raid.

The haunting of evil spirits that have turned into dragons has exceeded the standard that Chitong and the others can bear.

It's not that Chitong is incapable of wearing it, it's just that like Chelsea wearing an ordinary evil spirit, the body will suffer irreparable damage.

"No, I, I can still walk!"

Ma Yin replied tremblingly, she was so cold that she could hardly speak.

"I see!"

Leonai nodded solemnly. She naturally understood that now was not the time to be stubborn. This was already the case. Even in the past, it was impossible to help, and it might even be a hindrance.

Rather than doing this, it is better to take it away from here and retain some of its combat power.

"Chitong, what about you?"

Leonai turned around and asked Chitong. There was no need to speculate on the current situation. Shirou Emiya was probably facing a head-on confrontation with Esdeath.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Esdeath to freeze such a vast area without any warning.

"I'm going to investigate."

Chi Hitomi replied coldly to Leone, no matter what the situation of the battle between Emiya Shirou and Esdeath was, Chi Hitomi must accurately report what happened here.

If they are still fighting, Chitong will look for opportunities to assist Emiya Shirou.

"I'll go too—"

A weak voice came from behind Chi Tong.

Tazmi, who had fainted, woke up at some point.

"Tazmi, how are you now?"

Leonai looked excitedly at Tazmi who walked off Chitong's back.

For unknown reasons, when they were rushing towards Shirou Emiya's position like crazy, the dragon-turned-Tazmi fell into a violent state and attacked the red pupil closest to him.

It was as if the body was controlled by the soul that existed in the armored dragon, revealing the aura of a beast, and attacked Chitong crazily.

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