On the other hand, those military detectives who have been tasked with maintaining social stability will not watch helplessly as they bring crises to the citizens.

The A-level butei who died at the hands of [Butei Killer] was not because he couldn't escape from the trap he designed.

But because of their sense of responsibility as Butei, they had to face the [Butei Killer] head-on.

There were so many serious explosions in the news reports, but there were very few civilian casualties. Most of them were powerful military detectives who chose to sacrifice themselves before those destructive weapons went to crowded places.

I don’t know whether it was due to the bad taste of the [Butei Killer] or something else, but he never took action when those Butei were among the dense crowds.

Without external help, those military detectives would definitely fall into such a dilemma.

Emiya Shirou was not impulsive. After experiencing so many things, he was no longer the stupid young man he was before who only wanted to rush in and save people.

It's not that he's become selfish.

However, the hostage is still in the hands of [Butei Killer].

If the bomb was detonated in advance because of his own impulse.

Emiya Shirou couldn't even imagine it.

At least now, I definitely can't rush into the building like this.

The butei killer must be able to monitor the situation here.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and kept looking around, trying to find the suspect.

But it was all in vain. On this street, except for the bleak sound of the wind, there was no sound or living things.

Even the crows no longer hover over the streets.

"Start counting from the time you step onto this street. In five minutes, two explosives will explode at the same time!"

"And when you dismantle one of the explosives, the other explosive will explode in an instant!"

"There will be no chance of support coming, so S-class Butei, I wish you good luck!"

The moment the call ended, Emiya Shirou turned into a phantom, and [Evil Ghost Haunting] also covered his whole body at this moment.

He rushed towards the nearest building as fast as he could.

five minutes——

The clock started counting from the moment Emiya Shirou stepped into this street.

After he answered the phone, there was less than three minutes left.

But he had to listen to all the information on the phone. Shirou Emiya did not dare to make any guarantee whether [Butei Killer] would detonate the bomb in advance.

Emiya Shirou could only try his best to fly towards the inside of the building.

In five minutes, even if the public security agency intercepted the verbal message of [Butei Killer], there would be no time to support Emiya Shirou.

Even Butei High School would not be able to provide support to Emiya Shirou in such a short period of time.

From the beginning, Shirou Emiya had no way of asking anyone for help.

This is a conspiracy against Shirou Emiya and the S-class military detective.

It can be said that [Butei Killer] made a very big move.

You must know that threatening the citizens of two buildings in this way has a much higher chance of being exposed than just loading bombs on the vehicle.

Chapter 392 Choice

"How could Butei Killer move so fast!"

When Shirou Emiya received a call from [Butei Killer], the public security agency and Tokyo Butei Takaya quickly intercepted the message.

Emiya Shirou himself is the person they focus on and needs to monitor, so the electronic devices on his body are naturally monitored at all times.

All information stored in the mobile phone will be transmitted to the public security agencies and Tokyo Butei High School immediately.

Not to mention that Shirou Emiya was still cooperating with the public security agencies at this time.

Naturally, they have been paying attention to Emiya Shirou's movements.

They just didn't expect that [Butei Killer] would attack so quickly, and what he did also caught them off guard.

[Butei Killer] Not every action can successfully kill Butei.

The public security organs and the Tokyo Butei High School have been doing their best to rescue those butei and evacuate civilians.

After all, the most serious casualties were the students of Tokyo Butei High School.

It is impossible for the school to ignore the safety of students, and they have been doing their best to find out who is the [Butei Killer].

We have also been providing assistance to those persecuted by the [Butei Killer].丸

Thanks to the mutual cooperation between the public security agencies and the Tokyo Butei High School, many buteis have survived the traps of the "Butei Killer".

If there is another military detective in those agencies to interfere and assist, the military detective who falls into the trap will naturally be able to escape quickly.

It’s just that the [Butei Killer] has become more and more cunning recently, and the rescue time given to the Tokyo Butei High School and the public security agencies has become increasingly short.

Like now.

It was impossible for the public security agencies and the Tokyo Butei High School to provide any support to Emiya Shirou in less than three minutes.

Even if it was a helicopter, the bomb might have been detonated just as it arrived near Emiya Shirou.

But that doesn't mean they won't do anything.

He was still providing support to Emiya Shirou as much as possible.

But they can only beg for a miracle.

They could also clearly hear the call coming from Emiya Shirou's mobile phone.

S-class Butei only means that he has the ability to wipe out a squadron by himself, and it does not mean that being an S-class Butei is outstanding in other aspects.

The last S-class Butei was still rated as E-class Butei in the detective department——

It can be said that in this situation, the S-class Butei may be able to save his life, but it is almost impossible to solve this problem.

Even if the public security agency and the Tokyo Butei High School all arrived when Shirou Emiya answered the phone, it would be difficult to dismantle the bomb within three minutes.

It will take time to confirm the location of the bomb.

What's more, there are dozens of electric automatic shooting guns in each of the two buildings.

In such a short time, it is impossible to solve those automatic attack guns and find the location of the bomb.

At least, three minutes is definitely not enough.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

That was the sound of the wall being smashed, and Shirou Emiya had no time to go up the stairs to the upper floor.

He could only wave his [Devil Haunted] wings and shuttle through the floors.

Inside the building, most of the citizens were shot and fell to the ground.

They did not lose their lives because of the shooting.

But they lost the ability to escape the building.

The vehicles loaded with guns wandering in the building did not shoot fatal wounds to the citizens.

They only made those who wanted to escape lose their ability to move.

After all, only living hostages can be considered hostages.

Looking at the citizens gasping in pain on the ground, Shirou Emiya's heart sank.

The anger went further.

But he had no way to stay. The bomb was still inside the building. If Shirou Emiya did not find it, everyone would lose their lives.

"Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!"

In just a few seconds, the sound of objects falling was heard in the building.

It was an illusion, an illusion that could hardly be seen by the naked eye, passing through the mechanically controlled guns.

They couldn't even lock onto Shirou Emiya.

It was like the power was cut off, and they stood there in a daze.

After a few seconds, the upper part slid diagonally to the ground.

At the interface between the upper and lower parts, there was an extremely round scratch.

The wires sizzled in it.

Those guns loaded on the vehicles that gave countless martial arts detectives a headache were like nothing to Shirou Emiya.


Although this is one of the more prosperous areas in the entire city, it is not a commercial street, and the floors of the building are not as high as those of the business buildings.

It's just a few dozen floors.

Shirou Emiya almost solved those vehicles at the fastest speed, directly breaking through the ceilings of one floor after another, and rushed to the top floor of the building.

He didn't rush straight to the top floor. On each floor, Shirou Emiya searched roughly at the fastest speed.

The tight time made it difficult for Shirou Emiya to have extra time for a detailed search.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

On the top floor of the building, dozens of citizens were tied to a large table, all of them had their eyes covered and their mouths stuffed with cloth.

They could only make the sound of "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

The instinct of life made them twist their bodies, trying to escape from the objects behind them.

But it was all in vain, they had no way to escape at all.

In the middle of them, a white package was fixed.

You can clearly hear the sound of "Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!".

That is the sound of the bomb countdown.

And on that bomb, the final countdown was displayed.

There are nearly two minutes left.

It took Shirou Emiya only one minute to solve all the vehicles loaded with guns on the floor and found the bomb.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is amazing.

But now is not the time to praise Shirou Emiya.

The bomb has been found, so how to solve it.

Through the top floor window, Shirou Emiya could easily see that there were also several citizens tied up beside a large table in the building opposite.

There was also a piece of explosives fixed on it.

If there was a difference between the two, it was that the number of citizens on the roof of the building opposite was far less than the number of people Shirou Emiya was on now.

You could count how many people there were at a glance.

As long as one of the explosives was moved, the other would explode.

What Shirou Emiya was facing was not the same situation as those targeted by the [Butei Killer].

What they needed was to choose between their own lives and the lives of the masses.

And what Shirou Emiya needed to do was to save the people in which building.

Chapter 393: One Minute of Thinking

Time passed second by second.

Shirou Emiya still stood there, staring at the bomb in front of him whose time was constantly running out.

The more urgent the situation, the more you need to think calmly.

Things are not as simple as they seem.

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