You should know that the Sword of Saint Catherine was burned to ashes along with Joan of Arc's burning at the stake.

Under such circumstances, it was already extremely difficult to save Joan of Arc and replace her with a substitute.

Not to mention taking out the weapons under such layers of defense.

The intensity of guarding Joan of Arc was different from that of other criminals.

Even the shift change was seamless, and it was almost impossible to rescue Joan of Arc quietly.

"Do you know where the [Butei Killer] is?"

Shirou Emiya asked Joan of Arc again.

Although Shirou Emiya could not force and interrogate Joan of Arc through various means, he suddenly remembered that he had another way to make her tell the information about the [Butei Killer].

That is bribery.

Although I don't know how magical the history here is, most of the history is still similar. At least the sword and flag of Joan of Arc should not have changed.

At least Shirou Emiya thought so, otherwise he could only look for the traces of the [Butei Killer] in the ship like a headless fly.

Not to mention that she herself was not good at searching for intelligence and reasoning, she was a student of the Assault Department, and she was confronting the criminals head-on, not looking for the criminals through clues.

Moreover, the ship was so big, and the communication department could not be contacted at all, so she might not be able to find the [Martial Detective Killer] on the ship.

As for why she was so sure that the [Martial Detective Killer] was on the ship.

On the one hand, the ship had indeed been checked inside and out.

If there was another bomb, it could only be set by the [Martial Detective Killer] on the ship.

On the other hand, the information revealed by Jeanne also told Shirou Emiya that the [Martial Detective Killer] was on the ship.

Otherwise, she would not have needed to delay her time.

"- No, it's just a fake, just a fake!"

Jeanne stared at the Saint Catherine's Sword in Shirou Emiya's hand, and the expression on her face was full of two words.

But she kept muttering fake, fake.

But she was right.

After all, this is a projection, not a real prototype.

But it is not much different, at least it is more real than what is produced by the current industry.

The mysterious power is still running on it.

Shirou Emiya looked at Jeanne d'Arc who was trying her best to restrain herself in front of him.

A ray of light appeared in his hand again.

It was a flag with irises on a white background.

It was also the flag that Jeanne led the army and encouraged the army to fight.

"No? No?"

The girl who called herself Jeanne d'Arc stepped back in disbelief.

Compared with the Sword of Saint Catherine, this flag with irises on a white background is extremely common in modern society.

In France, many people will collect such a flag with irises on a white background to commemorate Jeanne d'Arc.

In her home, there are naturally imitations of the Sword of Saint Catherine and flags with irises on a white background.

But the two items in Shirou Emiya's hand are different.

Perhaps it is the surge from the blood, or the intuition that goes deep into the soul.

She could feel that these two items were deeply connected to Jeanne.

The holy aura and the uplifting pattern coming from them were all real and could be felt, not because of psychological effects.

And Shirou Emiya did not notice that the red mark on the back of his hand, which had been so faint that it could not be heard, began to return to its original color after he projected these two items.

"Over there!"

Jeanne hesitated and immediately pointed to a direction.

She didn't betray her partner like that.

Anyway, according to her plan, she was supposed to lead Shirou Emiya to the position of [Butei Killer].

It was just because of special reasons that Shirou Emiya was able to arrive early.

It was definitely not because she wanted the Sword of Saint Catherine and the flag with white irises projected by Shirou Emiya.

Absolutely not!

Absolutely not!

Important things should be said three times.


Emiya Shirou put the two items in his night hat. Now that the [Martial Detective Killer] has not been found, of course he cannot give them to her.

Moreover, it is impossible for Emiya Shirou to open the handcuffs on her hands, and Jeanne has no way to carry the two items on her body now.

But to a certain extent, Emiya Shirou is just a blank check.

Because even if he really catches the [Martial Detective Killer], Emiya Shirou will not let Jeanne go, but hand her over to the public security organs for handling.

He will not give her the weapons at that time.

Unless Jeanne is released after serving her sentence, Emiya Shirou will fulfill his promise.

But at that time, Emiya Shirou himself did not know which world he would wander in.

After a little thought, he put on [Devil Haunted] and carried Jeanne on his back.

After all, it is not good for a girl to run around in the cruise ship with Jeanne directly.

And if he carries her on his back, then Emiya Shirou needs to guard against her unexpected sneak attack.

At such a close distance, Shirou Emiya had no way to dodge the attack.

And Jeanne could also directly freeze Shirou Emiya's organs.

After a little thought, Shirou Emiya put on the [Devil Haunting] which had a strong ability to resist cold.

You know, it is an armor that can move in a space where time is frozen.

Jeanne's freezing ability has no way to penetrate it.

Unless she can reach the level of Esdeath, who can directly freeze evolution.


Kinji Toyama asked uncertainly.

After all, this is the first time he has seen Shirou Emiya wearing this armor so closely.

The beast-like shape and hot breath.

It makes people feel an indescribable sense of oppression.

"It's me!"

A familiar voice came from inside the armor.

Shirou Emiya put Jeanne on his back on the ground, and [Devil Haunted] quickly turned into a short sword in Shirou Emiya's hand.

"Where is [Butei Killer]?"

Shirou Emiya looked around and looked at Kinji Toyama, Aria and Riko.

Then he looked at Jeanne behind him with an extremely puzzled expression.

Chapter 411: Teacher Koyame appeared in time

The scene suddenly became cold, and Riko looked at Jeanne, whose hands were handcuffed, with a puzzled look on her face.

Wasn't the original plan to let Jeanne hold back Shirou Emiya?

Why did they bring him here directly?

Facing the combination of Kinji Toyama and Aria, Riko thought she still had a chance of winning.

But if Shirou Emiya was added.

No, it would be better to say that even if Shirou Emiya was alone, Riko thought she had no chance of winning.

When Shirou Emiya was fighting Kinji Toyama and Aria, after a little careful thinking, she found that Shirou Emiya did not use his full strength.

You should know that before Shirou Emiya entered the assault department, he did not know any gun skills and was a complete gun novice.

In their eyes, Shirou Emiya's strength was the swordsmanship that could easily deflect bullets.

However, in the battle, Shirou Emiya ended the battle with gun skills as the main method and swordsmanship as the auxiliary method.

It can be said that he defeated Aria and Kinji Toyama, who were also S-rank martial detectives, in a fighting style that he was not good at.

"It's over, Riko, now Emiya is here too, your plan can't continue!"

Kinji Toyama walked forward and looked at Riko, who was slightly stunned.

He didn't know what Riko wanted to do next.

But it was obvious that the appearance of Shirou Emiya was not in her plan.

And everyone can see the strength of Shirou Emiya, and his appearance here gave them a great sense of security.

Unless Riko has other back-ups, otherwise, with Shirou Emiya here, it would be difficult for her to make other moves.

"Do you think I will surrender like this?"

As if she remembered something, Riko's expression became extremely painful and crazy, and a crazy smile appeared from the corner of her mouth, and her golden hair was covered with red light at this moment.

Without any hesitation, Riko tightly grasped the double guns in her hands, and used her right foot to kick the ground with her greatest strength.

At the limit of the speed she could reach, she rushed towards Aria's position.

It was the speed of a cheetah.

Almost no one reacted to Riko's sudden attack.

For some reason, Toyama Kinji seemed to feel some strong emotions coming from Riko.

It was the madness of wanting to rush out of the cage desperately.

Even if it meant giving up her own life, even if she gave up everything————

Aria didn't expect the sudden change. Before she could react, Riko appeared in front of Aria.


Toyama Kinji exclaimed to Aria beside him. He didn't expect Riko to be able to burst out at such a speed at this moment.

At this distance, he couldn't provide any support to Aria.

As for Shirou Emiya, when no one noticed, a Japanese fan appeared in his hand.



A gunshot from nowhere sounded in the warehouse.

Accompanied by the heavy sound of the bullet hitting the bulletproof uniform.


A pain sound came from Riko's mouth. After such a gunshot, Riko fell to the ground by inertia.


No one reacted to the sudden change and tried to find the source of the gunshot.

"It's over, [Butei Killer], don't make any more meaningless struggles!"

An elegant voice sounded from behind Aria.

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