The violent power carrying the roar appeared from the space at this moment.

With an extremely arrogant smile, he waved the extremely sharp battle ax in his hand and struck at Shirou Emiya's shoulder.


A faint sound broke through the air.


Amidst the clear sound of the clash, the battle ax stopped two or three centimeters in front of Emiya Shirou's shoulder.

Even if the muscles in the strong man's arms exploded, the battle ax could not move downwards at all.

"Drink aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

With an astonishing roar, the two men behind the strong man took out their weapons, stepped on the ground violently, and slashed in the direction of Emiya Shirou like a whirlwind.


The next second, the sword in Emiya Shirou's hand turned into a flash of light, like a ray of moonlight. With a sweet sword chant, he bounced the battle ax in front of his shoulder and swung it towards the two people who were rushing over. .


The sound of gold and iron clashing like a bell turned into waves of sound, echoing in all directions.

The powerful force at this moment bounced the three people in front of him away, and Emiya Shirou did not take a step back from the beginning to the end.

"As long as I'm still here——"




The next moment, amidst the slight trembling in the air, the reverse blade flashing with cold arc light cut through the space, turning into a storm of blades, directly covering the three people in front of him!

The severe pain made them scream out.

Under the precise control of Shirou Emiya's strength, he instantly became bruised and swollen under the blow of the reverse blade, fell to the ground, and lost the ability to move.

Emiya Shirou naturally spared it, as the injury looked serious.

But for these people with extraordinary physical fitness, it only takes a week to recover.

If you use healing magic, you will recover faster.

And what kind of healing magic is needed to cure the harm they caused to those people?

You might live in the shadows your whole life and never be able to get out.

Chapter 440: Somo Familia

This is not in the empire.

The moment he saw this happening, Emiya Shirou did not hesitate to lend a helping hand to those who were bullied.

When he was in the Empire, Emiya Shirou understood that no matter how much help he extended to the people below him, he could not change anything.

If the delinquents in Fuyuki City bully others like this because the national government specifically allows it, then it will be meaningless no matter how many delinquents Emiya Shirou deals with.

As long as the people at the top are not eliminated, the number of bad guys in Fuyuki City will only increase.

Shirou Emiya knew when he was in the Empire that the only way to save the people of the Empire from dire straits was to remove the cavities in the entire Empire.

But that's not easy.

The empire can become such a hell on earth because there are so many treacherous ministers in the palace.

In addition, Emiya Shirou was not strong enough at that time and could not protect them in such a situation.

If he took action himself, he would endanger their lives.

But it's different here.

The entire Orario is generally more positive. Although there are still many dark places, it is not like the imperial capital, where there is only hell.

There are a large number of people who have justice and a right heart in their hearts.

But don’t those gods, those superior adventurers who know right from wrong, know that what they are doing is a bad thing?

Of course they knew, they just chose to ignore it.

No one wants to get into trouble, and no one wants to waste their energy on those low-level adventurers.

What's more, if you haven't even taken care of your own affairs, how can you pay attention to other people's affairs?

The status gap between upper-level adventurers and lower-level adventurers is recognized by almost everyone.

As for the more humble people who have not received the gift, there is absolutely nothing they can do against those arrogant adventurers.

If their stall is smashed, what can they do and who can they appeal to?

Will God respond to them?

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

The young man with scars appearing all over his body quickly thanked Shirou Emiya, and then ran out of the alley on a rolling crawl.

Looking at the three people who were unconscious, Eina slowly appeared from behind Emiya Shirou.

"Are you okay!"

Eina asked extremely worriedly.


Emiya Shirou shook his head.

"You can knock them down so quickly, why do you want me to hide first!"

Eaina did not accuse Emiya Shirou of causing too much harm to those people, because she also felt extremely disgusted with these things in her heart, but she did not have any ability to do it.

But judging from the battle just now, Emiya Shirou was completely able to defeat them while protecting himself.

"If they see you and me together, they will definitely look for opportunities to retaliate against you. In this case, their main target of revenge will only be me."

Emiya Shirou spoke slowly. When he was in Fuyuki City, those bad boys did almost anything.

These bad guys often do things like revenge on their closest relatives.

But at that time, the only people with whom he had a good relationship in Fuyuki City were Fuji-san and Shinji.

When he and Shenji heard that those bad guys were attacking Sister Fuji, Emiya Shirou's pupils suddenly flashed.

After defeating the villains surrounding them, they ran towards Emiya's house.

Then he saw the bad guy lying on the ground whining continuously, and Fujimura Taiga laughing with a wooden sword in his hand.

Then those bad guys were dragged away by the underworld to start a new life.

At that time, Emiya Shirou could only be grateful that the people with whom he had a close relationship were Fuji-san and Shinji.

If he and Sakura had gotten closer at that time, he didn't know what those bad guys would do to Sakura.

And he has always been wary of these people.

If they want to deal with their acquaintances, then the main one is [The Mistress of Plenty].

It was like a big river in Fujimura, with Mia protecting them.

As for those gods, unless they really want to die, how can they attack the gods.

And Eina, at least from the outside, was just an ordinary guild receptionist who came into contact with Emiya Shirou.

I didn’t think too much about it.

After all, Emiya Shirou didn't just go to Eina's window to handle business.

Aegina also often has a lot of matters that are not at the front desk of the guild.

What's more, every time Emiya Shirou returned to Orario was at night, and only a few people saw Emiya Shirou coming into contact with Eina.

Aina nodded with some understanding and walked towards the person who fell on the ground.

"They are members of the Somo clan"

After looking at the family marks on these people, Eina turned back and told Emiya Shirou.

"Maybe you won't be like those people you punished before. If you choose to be rejected because of your fame, the people of the Somo Family will definitely take revenge on you."


Emiya Shirou said that he had no impression, and his impression of the gods was only those extremely famous gods.

"Doesn't he also manage his own clan?"

This was not the first time he had done something like this. Over the past few days, Emiya Shirou had beaten countless adventurers.

Whether it was LV1 or LV2, Emiya Shirou violently beat aside all the adventurers who bullied others.

Emiya Shirou doesn't like to fight violence with violence. If Shinji helps him in Fuyuki City, he can only stay in this world for a while.

He couldn't spend a long time rectifying this place. Emiya Shirou had a clear understanding of his ability to educate people.

At that time, many things were settled by Shen Er.

What's more, compared to preaching, fists can make those bad people have a deep memory.

As long as he was still in Fuyuki City, those bad guys would not dare to take action.

And as time goes by, those delinquents gradually get used to a life without fear of becoming delinquents.

Only then did Fuyuki City stabilize.

And Emiya Shirou basically saw the bullying incident, and stepped forward to judge whether it was really what he saw. If it was really that kind of social scum, Emiya Shirou would take action without hesitation.

Beat it up and it will take at least a week to recover.

And that kind of pain is something none of their adventurers want to experience again.

Otherwise, how could Shirou Emiya suppress the bad guys in Fuyuki City?

Emiya Shirou has studied how to make a beating more painful without causing more serious injuries.

And Emiya Shirou also discovered that most of these Familia who bully others are not managed by their own gods at all, leaving everything to the Familia themselves.

Either the gods themselves are not very good, and they follow their own desires in everything they do to people and things, without caring about the impact.

Soma belongs to the first category

"Yes, it seems that after the adventurers of the Familia drank the divine wine, they could no longer break away from the shackles of the divine wine, which made Somo extremely disappointed. So he immersed himself in brewing the divine wine and never interfered in the internal affairs of the Familia again."

Eina adjusted her glasses and answered Emiya Shirou.

Chapter 441 Argo

"From now on, I will open up a new era! - Because I am the original hero [Argo]"

"The hero Argo is blinded in the face of terrifying enemies, and Zhan Keke wields his sword desperately."

"Let the fire of life burn, the original hero defeated his original opponent - [Minotaur]"

"And in the next adventure, Argo died easily -"

With Eina's words, the story also comes to an end.

Although the ending is a bit strange, as the original hero, his story is widely circulated among Orario.

"I just prefer [The Argonauts] to [The Argonauts]"

Sitting at a table at the door of a drink stall next to the street, Eina slowly put the book in her hand on the table, while Shirou Emiya frowned and thought about something.

It was not because there was anything wrong with the content of the story, or because Emiya Shirou was suspicious of the story of the original hero told thousands of years ago.


Emiya Shirou felt that he had seen this name when he was browsing information in Fuyuki City.

But this name didn't seem to be important compared to the rest of the content. It was only mentioned slightly. Shirou Emiya only remembered that he glanced at it slightly, but what did the name Argo actually mean?

Emiya Shirou forgot.

He himself did not know much about these mythological histories, and what he learned in class was orthodox history, without the blessing of mythological factors.

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