You know, these people have never acted so openly when facing the goddess of justice, Astraea.

Chapter 446 Apollo is invincible

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

In a burst of chaotic and loud gunshots, hot bullets shot out from the dark muzzle, turning into flashes of light in the night sky. Under the moonlight, magic patterns appeared on the bullets.

The bullet turned into bright red in an instant, exuding unbearable heat, and flew towards Shirou Emiya.

The bullet that enveloped Emiya Shirou like a violent storm was not just an ordinary bullet like the ones in Tokyo Butei High School.

Those bullets were made of special metal by blacksmiths and infused with magic patterns. Their power was simply not comparable to that of ordinary bullets.

Seeing the bullets that were shot continuously and suddenly, Emiya Shirou did not stand still and raised the reverse blade in his hand to block.

Instead, his body trembled slightly and he suddenly retreated.

The threats he encountered were not just adventurers holding guns in the distance.


The moment the bullet touched the ground, a rich firelight quickly appeared, blooming as if it was about to swallow everything, and then quickly dissipated.

If Shirou Emiya, who is not a member of the Hephaestus family, wants to learn the art of forging from her, he needs to have enough chips for exchange.

And Hephaestus happened to be a god who was extremely interested in unknown weapons.

Naturally, the firearms had been handed over to Hephaestus a long time ago.

She also completed the analysis of this firearm in a very short period of time and forged it through forging.

There are even further expansions for pistols.

In just a few hours, Shirou Emiya saw Hephaestus forge all types of firearms such as machine guns, sniper rifles, rifles, etc. just by using a pistol.

Moreover, its functional properties are almost the same as the pistol in Emiya Shirou's hand, except that there is no blade installed on the front end of the gun.

After all, Emiya Shirou may be the only one who can fight like this with a pistol.

Those firearms can not only be loaded with various special bullets, but can also be fired by gathering the magic power in the body.

That is to say, when there are bullets, those firearms will shoot bullets, and when there are no bullets, they will shoot bullets made of magic power.

Once it was forged, all the blacksmiths in the clan began to develop and study it.

And imitate the firearms.

Although the quality is not as high as that forged by Hephaestus, it is still loved by many adventurers.

It can be said that the Hephaestus Familia made a lot of money.

Even within the clan, a person with the skill to forge a magic sword was once again recognized by adventurers.

After all, although the magic sword is powerful and can release a variety of powerful forces, the weapon will be damaged as the number of times it is used increases.

In the view of the blacksmith, this was a forging process that did not respect weapons at all.

However, there is no possibility of recovering the bullets fired. They are provided as consumables.

The forging process of the magic sword is suitable for it.

The bullets fired by the guns in the hands of adventurers were forged using magic sword craftsmanship.

But he didn't expect that the purpose of forging it was to deal with the monsters in the dungeon.

As a result, the bullets were fired at humans.

"Give me some respect for the god Apollo!!!!!!!!"

With an astonishing roar, Hyacintos, who was standing behind Apollo, stepped on the ground violently. His whole body turned into a whirlwind and suddenly rushed towards Shirou Emiya.

Almost at the moment when the bullet disappeared, Jacintos appeared in front of Shirou Emiya, holding the flaming sword of the sun.

The light of the sword suddenly appeared in the space.

A crimson arc of light swung out from his hand, along with the burning breath, cut through the air and swept towards the direction of Emiya Shirou.

But when faced with Jacintos' incoming slashing attack, it was Emiya Shirou's extremely calm eyes.

A hint of coldness suddenly flashed through.


That was the sound of the sword shining.


What followed was a heavy collision.

The crimson sun-shaped flame-shaped sword drew a perfect arc in the night sky——

"Smelly brat!!!!"

A roar came from his twisted face.

His reaction reached its limit at this moment, and his other hand suddenly grabbed the other dagger at his waist.



The second sword light appeared in front of Jacintos at this moment.


A huge impact exploded from Jacintos's abdomen at this moment.

The reverse blade can be a sharp weapon to kill enemies, or it can be used as a blunt weapon to just knock people away!

He is no longer the person who was unable to fully master the strength of his sword swing on the battlefield and could only survive by killing the enemy.

Even if what Shirou Emiya is holding is not a reverse blade, but a normal katana, Shirou Emiya can still make him incapable of fighting without hurting his life.

The moment he was hit, Jacintos shot out like a missile behind him and hit the crowd rushing towards him heavily.


A large group of people were crushed by the people who fell in front of them without even reacting.

"Lord Hyacintos, how could-!"

The people of the Apollo Familia felt extremely unreal.

Jacintos is a LV3 adventurer.

Their deductions predicted that Shirou Emiya's strength should only be at the peak level of Level 2. After all, Shirou Emiya has only reached the sixteenth level at this stage.

It had been many days since I had continued walking towards the depths.

That's why they concluded that Shirou Emiya was at the peak of LV2.

After all, Shirou Emiya also taught some LV3 level adventurers a lesson when he was in Orario.

Naturally, LV3 adventurers will not only stay on the 16th floor.

You must know that LV2 level adventurers can easily go to the twenty-something floors if they cooperate with each other.

However, the Apollo Familia only paused slightly before rushing towards Shirou Emiya again.

There are currently three to four hundred people in the Somo family clan here.

All the members of his own family are out in full force, not to mention there are dozens of members of the family fighting together here.

In addition, when Emiya Shirou rushed to the Soma Familia, he consumed a lot of energy whether he was traveling or fighting.

No matter how you think about it, the advantage lies in their hands.

It can be said that there has been almost no such gathering of dozens of family members except for expeditions.

What's more, the opponent is just a human being who doesn't even have any gifts.

They never fought here with the thought of losing.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!"

The loud clashing sound was transmitted completely.

It was accompanied by sparks that kept exploding suddenly like fireworks.

Emiya Shirou moved at high speed among the crowd, waving the two swords in his hands constantly.

I saw the heroic brown-red woman wearing a military uniform and holding a dagger, pinpointing the position of Emiya Shirou who was surrounded by the group, seizing the right opportunity, and swung the dagger in her hand at Shirou Emiya.

However, an unpleasant thought lingered on her at this moment, but at this moment, she crossed her hands without any hesitation, so that the dagger in her hand was blocked in front of her.

A terrifying force that could not be ignored was shaken away from her hand. The terrifying force caused her to continuously move backwards. The soles of her feet slid hard on the ground, leaving two ravines on the ground.

She didn't realize it until she stopped.

The hand holding the sword was already numb.

Chapter 447 Hyacintos

"He is only one person. After such a long battle, his physical strength has long been exhausted. He is just holding on!"

"We still have hundreds of people, so we don't need to be afraid of him at all!"

"Just a person who has never received a gift!"

"Fight, fight! Don't let him stop, disrupt his breathing rhythm, disrupt the pace of his actions!!"

Commands and shouts continued to come from the crowd.

During this battle, more and more adventurers were knocked to the ground by Emiya Shirou.

Whether they were arrows fired from a distance or bullets with faster speed and higher power, they were either cut in half by Shirou Emiya with a single blow, or they were easily dodged by Shirou Emiya.

With the shooting skills of these people, it would probably be difficult to hit Shirou Emiya for decades.

What's more, those adventurers who have just used firearms for a short time will sometimes shoot bullets towards their teammates.

Emiya Shirou even had to distract these people from the bullets fired by their teammates.

"Souls from far away, please listen to my voice, please respond to my appeal, please save all lives, just to eliminate all injuries and diseases!"

An ethereal chant came from the mouth of a girl holding a staff in the distance and with long blue-black hair covering half of her left eye.

At this moment, the white light spread out around her with her as the center, and the white field enveloped the entire battlefield at this moment.

The sacred light covered the bodies of the adventurers at this moment.

The adventurers who had fallen to the ground due to pain got up one after another, holding the weapons in their hands tightly and staring at Shirou Emiya who was still waving the reverse blade in his hand.

"I'm really embarrassed. I was allowed to show such an ugly look in front of Lord Apollo. It's simply unforgivable!"

Jacintos slowly stood up from the ground using his dagger to support his body.

His eyes were filled with hatred for Emiya Shirou. He pulled out the sun-shaped flaming sword inserted at the side and stared at Emiya Shirou who was still fighting in the crowd.

Hyacinthus, in Greek mythology, was the son of the king of the city-state of Sparta. He was as beautiful as the gods on Mount Olympus, and was deeply loved by the sun god Apollo.

Apollo gave Hyacinthus all his love and passion, even forgetting that he was an immortal god.

His personality is also extremely lively and active, and he often takes his friends around to play.

In the end, he was hit in the head by the discus and died because he was trying to catch the discus thrown by Apollo.

Another meaning of his name, hyacinth, is a fragrant flower that grew from the blood of Hyacinthus.

But in this world, Hyacinthus was completely the opposite. He not only became calm and elegant, but also poured all his love and passion into Apollo.

In just a few seconds, the injuries on those knocked down by Shirou Emiya disappeared without a trace.

The damage Shirou Emiya caused to them was not serious.

At best, it could only be regarded as a flesh wound, which was not as bad as the damage they suffered during the battle in the dungeon.

Healing magic can also recover quickly.

Even so, the consumption of magic power in such a large-scale use of healing magic is also huge.

At the moment when this magic was cast, the girl holding the staff seemed to have exhausted her magic power and fell to the ground panting.


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