"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Accompanied by the roars that continued like hell, the ground was also surging wildly at this moment, as if some kind of creatures were running in groups.

It was a group of black rhinos with extremely large bodies, rushing forward like a chariot.

The roars of groups of black rhinos shook the eardrums, and the heavy footsteps shook the earth.

They were panicking, they were afraid.

Countless larvae-like huge creatures rushed towards the group of rhino-like monsters.

Although they were so big, their speed was not slow. The running rhinos were devoured by the larvae in just a few breaths.

"So many!"

Lefiya couldn't help covering her mouth.

The whole maze was now full of those terrifying larvae.

Almost every monster with a LV4 rhino was born and would be devoured by it in the next second.

"If we had come one day later, I'm afraid these monsters would have rushed out of the 51st floor and come to the 50th floor."

Finn looked at the dense creatures in front of him and couldn't help but marvel.

Now the larvae have not devoured all the rhinos, and there are still a large number of monsters running freely in the maze.

As they moved forward, they also destroyed a considerable number of monsters.

But with the devouring speed of these larvae-like monsters, I'm afraid that on the third day, their devouring speed will exceed the recovery speed of the monsters on this floor, and they will rush to the 50th floor.

If it takes two days to reach the 50th floor according to the original plan, then on the third day, they may need to face these monsters in the camp.

However, before Finn and his team made any move, the monsters that crawled all over the wall and blocked the entire passage began to wriggle their bodies like a piece of meat.

Such a large number of sticky monsters like larvae make people feel extremely disgusted just by looking at them.

At this moment, their mouths were torn open, revealing their mouthparts.

Without any thought, just seeing such an action will tell you what it will do next.

Immediately, Finn quickly issued an order at the moment when the group of monsters attacked.

"Get out of the way, rush to another road!"

As Finn's voice fell, everyone rushed to the road that didn't seem so crowded without any hesitation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Gunshots also rang at this moment, and the monsters blocking the other road suddenly turned into purple liquid and fell to the ground, and then disappeared without a trace.

Almost at the moment when everyone reacted, the larvae monsters in the other passage opened their mouths and sprayed purple liquid with extremely terrifying corrosiveness like arrows from a string.


At this critical moment, Lefiya was too nervous and her body suddenly stopped and fell down.

Grace, who was walking at the end, reacted quickly, picked up the clothes on the back of Lefiya's neck, grabbed her steadily, and then rushed to the location of another passage.

But because of this slight pause, the opportunity to rush into the passage on the side was missed.


Accompanied by a creepy sound, the purple-black liquid gushed out by hundreds of monsters at the same time, turning into a torrent, and the passages touched, whether it was the ground, the rock wall or the ceiling, were all corroded and dissolved by half.

This wave of water has now surged in front of Grace and Lefiya.

It is definitely in time, but they will definitely be touched by this extremely corrosive liquid.

Grace is fine. As a heavy armor unit, both the armor on his body and his body's own endurance can withstand this corrosive liquid for a while.

But Lefiya, as a magician, does not have such a good body. I am afraid that the moment she touches this corrosive liquid, she will turn into blood.

Just a little thought, Grace suddenly threw Lefiya in his hand towards Ai Si and the others.


Lefiya was held steadily in Ais's arms.

At this moment, the shield in Grace's hand was also blocked in front of her. It seemed that Grace was ready to resist the torrent.

At this moment, everyone leaned forward and stretched out their hands to pull Grace in from outside the passage.


"Seven Rings of Blazing Sky——"

Accompanied by a steady voice, the cherry-like shields blocked Grace layer by layer, and the purple torrent was completely cut off at this moment.

The sizzling sound rang wildly on this six-layer cherry-like shield.

"Come in!!!"

Finn also shouted to Grace nervously.

He also reacted quickly and jumped into the passage.

Emiya Shirou also turned around immediately and blocked the shield in front of himself to prevent the torrent from rushing towards their location.

The black rhinos that were charging behind them were instantly swept into the torrent, without even having time to scream. They began to corrode at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing their white bones, and then turned into nothingness, which made people's scalps numb.

"Lefiya, Grace, are you all right?"

Tione asked with concern.

"Really, you are a good piece of trash who can't even walk!"

Bert's mouth still showed no mercy at all.

"I'm sorry, everyone, me!"

Lefiya didn't know what expression to make at this moment, because she had put Grace into such a crisis, and her heart was filled with self-blame and regret.

"Don't apologize! If you want to apologize, then aim the magic you have at those monsters and pour them away. Don't let the leader down!"

Riveria also scolded Lefia at this moment. No one could predict what would happen in the dungeon. Wouldn't they make mistakes due to certain things?

Precisely because there are so many special situations that can easily occur in dungeons, teammates are even more important.

Everyone came from the novice stage, and they would not blame Lefia. Although Lefia has reached LV3, she still needs more training in terms of exploring dungeons.

But if Lefia still hasn't grown up after this adventure, she will be severely punished.

"Lefia, you should know your specialness, and understand why I brought you into the team, chanted magic, and waited until the torrent ended, then rushed out to kill all those monsters! "

Finn looked at the six-layered shield in front of Shirou Emiya and quickly spoke to Lefia beside him.

They are not just trying to break into deeper layers. If these monsters are not dealt with, if they head towards the 50th floor, the LV4 and LV3 adventurers in the camp will not be able to resist them.

Their supplies will also be completely destroyed.

Whether it is to explore the next floors more safely, or for the adventurers on the 50th floor, they must now find a way to get rid of all those monsters!

Chapter 482: Monsters from Deeper Levels

Why would Lefia, a LV3 adventurer, be brought to such a deep place?

You must know that only first-level adventurers can explore the places after the 50th floor.

There is no difference between LV3 and LV4 adventurers in such a deep dungeon.

In fact, everyone except Emiya Shirou understood why Finn brought Lefia here.乥

On the one hand, he really wanted to cultivate Lefia.

On the other hand, that is Lefiya's specialness.

Everyone's title is not chosen randomly, it contains the gods' judgment on the adventurer's special characteristics.

Lefiya's title is [Thousand Spirits].

Its representative meaning is that Lefiya can use more than a thousand kinds of magic.

It's not that Lefiya herself possesses such a quantity of magic.

The amount of magic that each person can hold under God's favor is fixed, with at least one field and a maximum of three fields.

But because of a special magic, Lefiya has the possibility to use thousands of magics.

The name of the magic is the Ring of Spirits.

It was a summoning magic.

What is summoned is not monsters and monsters, but magic itself.

As long as the magic belongs to the elves, Lefiya can cast it after she fully masters the target magic effects and chants.

Even the magic of Riveria, who is known as the most powerful mage, can be used after Lefiya masters it.

It can be said that as long as Lefiya masters more magic, she can deal with more situations.

The magician himself is a kind of adventurer with high attack and low defense. As a LV3 level Lefiya, the magic she can unleash can easily destroy LV4 level monsters.

Don't be afraid, because you have a partner who will protect you.

"Proud warriors, archers of the forest"

Don't worry, because the person you admire most is by your side.

"Facing the swarming invaders, pick up the long bow, answer the call of your compatriots, and unstring the arrow."

We cannot continue to be weak like this, and we cannot hold everyone back like this.

"The torrent is over! Lefia!!!!"

Finn shouted to Lefiya beside him.

The cherry blossom-shaped shield in front of Emiya Shirou quickly disintegrated.

Without any words, Ais seized the opportunity and a strong gust of wind erupted beside her. She jumped up with Lefiya in her hand and appeared in front of the dense group of larva-like monsters.

"[Heavy Rain Fire Arrow]!!!!!!"

The last chant ended, and dozens of flaming red magic arrays appeared in front of Ais at this moment, aiming at the swarm of insects that didn't react at all.

Countless flame beams shot out from the magic circle at this moment, pouring madly at the insect swarm.

Each red light beam hits each insect swarm with incomparable accuracy.

If there is any difference between Orario's magician and Emiya Shirou's range explosion.

That is, these powerful and large-scale magics, under the control of those magicians, can accurately destroy every monster.

Unlike Shirou Emiya, who attacked indiscriminately.

If you are not careful, you may be swept into it.

"Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!"

The painful wails echoed throughout the dark maze at this moment.

In just a few seconds, under the outpouring of magic, the dense swarm of insects was wiped out, turning into ashes and dispersing in the air.

At this time, Emiya Shirou finally understood why Finn insisted on bringing Lefia with LV3 level.

"Not bad!"

Tione patted Lefiya on the shoulder and praised loudly.

"No, if it wasn't for Ais, I wouldn't be able to shoot magic so accurately!"

Lefiya was very embarrassed to thank Ais for taking her out of the passage, and then seemed to think of something.

"By the way, I also want to thank Grace. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid I would have died in this torrent!"

"Ha, rookie, you should calm down first. I don't want to have such an exciting experience again!"

Grace accepted Lefiya's thanks and thanked Shirou Emiya who rushed out to save her.

From the 51st floor, the dungeon finally looked like an "underground maze", and the structure was a regular maze.

After all, the further you go, the larger the space occupied by the dungeon floor.

The types and numbers of monsters that can appear will increase, and the maze will become more complicated.

Even with a map, if you accidentally take the wrong path, you will immediately be dizzy and then be swallowed up by the groups of monsters that keep breaking out of the walls. Eventually, you will be exhausted of your strength and props and end up being eaten by the monsters.

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