The surrounding dragons seemed to be aware of the threat to their lives and rushed toward the passage.

"The horn of war is sounding loudly, and the war that surrounds all violence is coming. The flames of the red lotus, the fierce fire without mercy, you are the incarnation of the fire of karma and sweep away thousands of troops."

Riveria walked slowly down the passage, singing without any pause.

The dragons that poured into the past and the dragon flames that fired the bombardment were all blocked by Lefiya's defensive magic and Tiona and Tione.

Riveria's eyes were extremely determined, and she was not worried at all that those terrifying attacks would hit her.

I'm afraid, even if those attacks can hit, she will finish the chant with great determination when she is hit.

"Bringing an end to the great war and burning everything, the Sword of Shirter - My name is Alf"

At the moment Riveria finished singing, flames rose from under the dragons.

It was an unimaginable high temperature, and it was a flame that could burn everything.

No dragon could escape the fate of annihilation the moment Riveria finished her chant.

In just the blink of an eye, half of the remaining dragons were swallowed up by the flames.

The swarm of insects seemed to understand that Emiya Shirou and his group were not easy to mess with, so they quickly turned back and headed towards the passage to the 59th floor as quickly as possible.

The entire 58th floor quickly fell into deathly silence.

This is the strength of the most powerful magician in the city.


Lefia's face was full of excitement and she clutched the wand in her hand and flew towards Ais.

"Are you okay!"

She looked at Ais, who was unharmed, with great concern.

And Aisi also shook her head in a silly manner, indicating that she was fine.

However, the people around her seemed to be accustomed to Lefiya's attitude.

After all, Ais is Leife's admirer.

"It looks like all the monsters on the 58th floor have been cleared!"

Finn looked at the ground where only the magic crystal was left, and looked at Shirou Emiya, who was wearing armor, with an expression of relief.

"Fortunately, nothing happened to you!"

After all, even if Shirou Emiya is capable of resisting those artillery fires alone, Finn will still be worried.

After just three days of getting along, Emiya Shirou and everyone in the Loki Familia could already be trusted with their lives.

Finn didn't understand why he could make such a judgment about someone he had only been with for three days.

But now that he saw that Shirou Emiya didn't have any accidents, Finn also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't have anything to do, but the next step should be the 59th floor that you have never reached before -"

Emiya Shirou, who had removed his armor, responded to Finn and looked back at the passage leading to the 59th floor.

The countless swarms of insects also surged towards the 59th floor.

"Are those new monsters coming from deeper floors? No wonder they are more difficult to deal with than ordinary monsters——"

Finn looked at the swarm of insects and kept thinking. The tingling pain in his right thumb also told him that they would encounter something terrible next.

Chapter 486: Advantages of Archers

"The 59th floor, we are finally almost there——\

,"After resting for a while, Fiona looked at the passage leading to the 59th floor and couldn't help but murmured.

Everyone around them looked towards the 59th floor and smiled.

Arriving at unreached areas will prove that the Loki Familia is truly one of the strongest Familiars in Orario.

After all, that floor has only been reached by Zeus and Hera, who have climbed to the top.

Entering that floor means that the Loki Familia has finally caught up with the Familia that was once praised as the strongest in the exploration of the dungeon.

This is undoubtedly an honor for the Loki Familia.

Not only for the Loki Familia, but also for everyone who participated in this expedition, even if they did not participate in the deeper team, it was an unparalleled honor.

Perhaps because of the addition of Shirou Emiya, they broke into the 58th floor from the 51st floor. Basically no one was injured, and their physical strength and magic power were not consumed too much.

Basically, you can get through the 58th floor with full status.

If you don't seize this opportunity, maybe you won't be able to reach the 58th floor so easily next time.

Shirou Emiya is not a member of the Loki Familia, and it is impossible for Shirou Emiya to have time to explore deeper places with the Loki Familia during every expedition.

What's more, it's still very early in terms of time. If they rush back now, they should be able to barely eat lunch on the 50th floor.

So Finn has no reason to give up exploring the 59th floor now.

What's more, everyone present looked at the passage leading to the 59th floor eagerly.

Even Emiya Shirou was very interested in the next exploration.

"According to the records left by the Zeus family, the terrain on the 59th floor is no longer a labyrinth like a dragon pot, but a glacier zone with extremely low temperatures."

Finn stood at the entrance of the passage, mumbling to himself.

"In other words, if we don't have the equipment to withstand the extreme cold, will our expedition just stop here?"

After hearing Finn's words, Tiona responded with some discomfort.

After all, we have already reached the 58th floor, but because we do not have the equipment to withstand the extreme cold, we are unable to explore the 59th floor. We have no way to get such glory and can only go back like this and wait for the next expedition. Everyone will feel regretful.

"No, I asked Lauder to carry the armor protected by the fire essence."

As he spoke, Finn looked in the direction of Lauder behind him.

I saw him slowly put down the huge backpack on his back and put the equipment on the ground.

As the leader of the group, and the purpose was to explore the 59th floor, how could he not consider what would happen.

"However, there is no need to wear these fire-spirited armors for the time being."

And just when Tiona was about to pick up one and put it on, Finn asked them not to put it on yet.

"Hey! Why?"

Diona's face was full of confusion.

"We are about to reach the 59th floor, but we don't feel the cold at all. Don't you think it's strange?"

"If it is true that the 59th floor is a glacier zone as reported by the Zeus Family, shouldn't we be able to feel the cold now?"

"Indeed, as the leader said, even if the floor above is a cannon dragon spitting dragon fire, if the 59th floor is really a glacier zone, we shouldn't be able to feel the cold at all."

Grace also vocally agreed with Finn's remarks.

"What will be revealed next is something that even the gods have never seen - [Unknown]!"

With a burst of brilliant light, everyone walked out of the passage and arrived at the 59th floor, which they had never reached before.

Here is an equally huge cave room.

The scale is more majestic than the 58th floor directly above, and the venue is also more spacious.

In the huge cave room, a dense green forest almost covers the entire space. The ground presents a green grassland with colorful flowers growing there. The environment is not unbeautiful.

At the edge of this sealed cave, on the surrounding rock walls, vines hung all over the high walls, forming a green wall.

On it, countless flower buds, large and small, hang like silkworm chrysalis, giving people the illusion that something is gestating inside.

“It’s like a 24-story [flower pot]”

Lefia, who held her wand tightly, stared blankly at the vibrant scenery that appeared in front of her eyes and made a sound.

"I should say they are exactly the same!"

Bert, who was walking in front of Lefia, also complained while circling around.

"Why does it feel like the information about the Zeus Familia is turned upside down? It feels like it's obviously a tropical rain forest!"

Grace felt the heat and humidity coming from the surroundings, and he couldn't help but make a sound of complaint.

"Stay alert and move forward!"

After just a brief glance, Finn gave these instructions.

After all, looking at it now, there is no trace of monsters on the entire 59th floor.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something in the forest!"

Emiya Shirou stopped Finn and squinted his eyes, seeming to see what was happening in the forest.

"Those larva-like monsters are swarming towards some kind of vegetation!"


Riveria also frowned. If we talk about vegetation, this layer is basically completely covered by vegetation.

No one doubted what Emiya Shirou said. You must know that as an archer, the most outstanding thing besides bow skills is his eyes.

Although I was a little surprised at first when I heard Shirou Emiya say that his best thing was bowing.

But because Loki was interested, he took the apple directly to the top of the Tower of Babel.

After all, as the strongest Familia in Orario, Loki has her own territory inside the Tower of Babel, but she doesn’t like the atmosphere of the Tower of Babel itself, so she sets her Familia stronghold in Orario. among.

What's more, as a god, Loki can go to the Tower of Babel at any time.

Then they witnessed an extremely shocking scene.

Emiya Shirou was almost at the edge of Orario, and struck through the apple thrown by Loki from high altitude with one sword.

At that time, except for Finn, Riveria and other busy adventurers, most of the Loki Familia witnessed this scene with their own eyes under the Tower of Babel.

Then Aisi caught the apple that fell and was torn into two halves.

After all, being thrown from this tall tower can easily cause unnecessary damage.

"Is it the floor owner?"

"It's unclear, but it's very likely that all the monsters rushed towards that plant, turned into magic crystals and were absorbed by it."

Squinting his eyes, Emiya Shirou described the information with great accuracy.

“Even if it’s really the floor owner, we have to move on——”

Bert looked at Shirou Emiya beside him with a fearless expression.

As a veteran adventurer, how could he be afraid of a mere floor master?

However, looking at Shirou Emiya who came to the front, Finn seemed to have thought of something.

Under such a vast world, the greatest advantage of being an archer is reflected at this moment.

"Pseudo Spiral Sword (CaladbolgⅡ)"

Chapter 487: Fallen Fairy Spirit


I could only feel a terrifying vibration coming from my feet, and a dazzling white light rose from the distance at this moment.

The terrifying explosion set off an extremely violent impact.

All the vegetation around the target was completely destroyed in such a blow.

You can clearly see the mushroom cloud rising at this moment.

All the larvae that were heading towards the plant that looked like some kind of flower were reduced to ashes under such a blow.


The next second, a sound like a baby crying echoed throughout the world, as if he had suffered a great grievance.

At this moment, the invisible sound waves shook the surroundings with the plant as the center.

This scream is full of pain, holiness, and filth. While people feel contradictory, their brains are also shaking violently because of this scream.

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