The powerful impact force caused it to fly backwards.

Blood could not help but spurt out from the corner of its mouth.

Even if being injured can make it stronger, being injured is still being injured, and Tione cannot completely ignore these injuries.

With the injuries accumulating, Tione is about to reach her limit.

In just a few minutes, the monsters that were originally wiped out by Lefiya and Livilia suddenly filled the entire 58th floor again.

Infinite and endless.

This is not something that can be solved by a few range magics.

What's more, there are more powerful monsters that have been locking on them.

"Captain, the monsters on the 57th floor have come down, and the supporters and those adventurers have no way to resist. If they continue, they will probably be pushed back to the 58th floor by those monsters!"

In the passage, an adventurer ran down panting, and his body was already covered with various injuries.

Facing the surging group of monsters, without the help of the first-level adventurers, they could not rush up at all.

They just stayed in the passage, waiting for Finn and the others to arrive, but they didn't expect the monsters on the 57th floor to take the lead and attack the adventurers below.

They couldn't hesitate any longer.

Interrupt this super long chant.

This is almost impossible at this stage.

The person who chanted is on the 59th floor, and they are now on the 58th floor.

To interrupt the chant, they must break the ground and break into the lower floor, or go down through the pit opened by the fallen fairy.

But both of these situations are impossible.

Not to mention how impossible it is to defeat the fallen fairy in such a short time.

Now it's not as wide as the 59th floor.

When Shirou Emiya shoots the spiral sword, those monsters and the fallen fairy themselves will resist violently.

What's more, it takes five shots to defeat a fallen fairy.

And they need to defeat the fallen fairy from the 58th floor before the chanting time ends, and then go to the 59th floor to stop its chanting.

It's impossible to do this without thinking.

After a slight pause, Finn gave the order without hesitation.

"Everyone, don't fight, move to the upper level as fast as possible!!"

Finn bit his thumb tightly.

He knew very well that this was a desperate situation, and there was almost no possibility of escaping the dungeon now.

As adventurers, their physical strength was not infinite, and their magic power was even more limited.

However, the monsters were endless.

Even if they killed thousands of monsters, so what.

There were still tens of thousands of monsters waiting for them.

All their supplies had been destroyed by these monsters.

Now they had no supplies, healing potions? Elixirs?

Except for the weapons in their hands, nothing was left.

Want to hold on and wait for others to rescue.

Don't joke!

Now only their family is exploring the deep dungeon.

Expecting someone to save them is nothing but a fantasy.

Even if they can reach the 57th floor now, so what.

The monsters on the 58th floor can penetrate the floor and attack the upper floors.

With such a large number of people, they could only face these terrifying dragon flames head-on when they fled to the 57th floor.

Moreover, wouldn't that super-long chant have the same power to penetrate the ground as those dragon flames?

There would be no hope of survival if they stayed on the 58th floor.

It would just make the tombstones of all the members closer to the 59th floor.

The fallen fairy spirit that their own family members could not defeat even if they used all their strength was still chasing them.

This was when all the members were in full condition.

And now almost everyone was exhausted, and everyone had various injuries.

The injuries of Tiona and Tione were even more serious.

Because they were Amazons, it didn't look obvious.

But in fact, they had reached the limit of what they could bear.

It wouldn't take long for them to fall into exhaustion and lose their fighting power.

Rely on Shirou Emiya to face those fallen fairy spirits.

He can now continue to shoot a few more [Pseudo-Spiral Sword (CaladbolgⅡ)].

Shirou Emiya's magic power is not infinite.

Who can know how many such monsters are chasing them?


In addition to despair, Finn can't imagine any word to describe his current mood.

But he can't show it.

He is the leader, and he needs to provide a stable and reliable back for his members at any time.

Provide everyone with a glimmer of hope, so that the members can firmly believe and fight on.

Now he can only do his best and take one step at a time.


Bert quickly dodged the dragon flame and rushed towards the passage.

Not only the back, but also the front requires them, the first-level adventurers, to get through.

If they continue to stay here, they will only end up dead here.

Lefiya and Livilia also turned around and rushed towards the passage.

Now it's a race against time, and there is no time for them to waste.

Ais, Diona and Dione also left the battle state at the fastest speed and rushed towards the passage.

Only Grace and Shirou Emiya and Finn, who had strong defense, were left behind.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of vine piercing and dragon flame cannon fire, like music, fell on the cherry blossom-like shield in front of Shirou Emiya without any interval.

Under such a high-frequency and high-explosive attack, the cherry blossom shield in front of Shirou Emiya began to shatter at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One layer, two layers, three layers, four layers, five layers.

I'm afraid that after holding on for dozens of seconds, this shield will shatter.

Grace gradually retreated, and under the fierce attack, she also entered the passage.


Finn seemed to have noticed something and looked at Shirou Emiya who still hadn't retreated.

Shirou Emiya looked back slightly at Finn and walked forward slowly.

"This body is made of swords——!"

The chanting sound came out slowly from Shirou Emiya's mouth.

Looking at Shirou Emiya walking forward, looking at Shirou Emiya facing countless monsters, Finn's expression became extremely excited at this moment.

Why Finn hopes that Shirou Emiya can join the Loki family.

In addition to Shirou Emiya's great role in combat, he also observes many things very carefully.

Shirou Emiya assists Finn just like he assists Issei Ryudo.

Naturally, Finn can see many things, and Shirou Emiya can also see them.

The moment Finn saw Shirou Emiya walking forward, he understood what he wanted to do.

It is precisely because of this that his expression became so excited.

"Emiya——! Come back!!!!!!"

Finn grabbed the spear in his hand tightly and shouted at Shirou Emiya.

Chapter 492 Captain - Finn

However, Shirou Emiya seemed to have not heard anything, holding up the cherry blossom-shaped round shield in front of him, and looking at the thousands of monsters in front of him with a firm look.

"As the captain, I order you, Shirou Emiya, to retreat!"

"The Loki Familia will never abandon any companion!"

Finn tightly grasped the gun in his hand, with an unquestionable tone, and looked at Shirou Emiya in front of him with an extremely firm look.

It was not for glory, nor was it the dignity from the Loki Familia.

It was just that Shirou Emiya was a companion they recognized.

Even though Shirou Emiya was not a member of the Loki Familia, they had already regarded Shirou Emiya as an extremely important companion.

The more you know Shirou Emiya, the more you find him incredible.

Not only because of his powerful strength, but also because of his great and unattainable ideals.

The name and ideal are unattainable, but they move forward step by step.

After just three days together, Shirou Emiya was like an old friend of theirs, getting along very well with everyone.

After just three days together, Shirou Emiya truly became a member of the entire team and an extremely important partner in their minds.

After just three days together, Shirou Emiya's back was firmly stationed in their minds, the one who was busy running around every day, helping others without receiving any rewards.

After just three days together, Shirou Emiya was willing to sacrifice his life for everyone, just for them to have a chance to leave the dungeon.

The dungeon now is a real hell, and there is no possibility of surviving in such a hell by one's own strength.

Even if everyone works together, the probability of being able to leave the dungeon is almost negligible.

Shirou Emiya, he did not look back.

He did not even retreat.

He stood straight like a pillar, resisting the flying artillery fire and steel-gun-like vines in a few seconds.

"Finn, you are the leader!"

"This is your responsibility, this is your mission!"

"You have to take all of them out of here alive, out of the dungeon!"

"Emiya Shirou! You are also a member of the expedition team!"

"Then don't treat me as a member of the expedition team!"

"If you continue like this, no one will be able to leave here alive!"

"Do you want to see everyone die in the dungeon?"

A blood mark appeared on Finn's palm.

That was the blood mark that appeared when he kept suppressing his emotions and tightly grasped the spear in his hand.

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