A disdainful tone came from the girl's mouth.

She has seen existences that are dozens of times or even more powerful than these arrows.

Even if it was just a casual blow from him, she didn't dare to have any confidence that she could take it.

"Rush over!"

"She alone can't withstand the attacks from all of us!"

No "Shirou Emiya must explain here today!"

As time went by, more and more people took care of the lower-level adventurers around them. They roared, looked at Shirou Emiya with fierce eyes, brandished the weapons in their hands, and rushed towards him with claws and teeth.

It looks more like a monster from a dungeon than an adventurer.

“Really incorrigible!!!”

The girl's eyes were full of anger and displeasure. No matter it was then or now, such people will always exist in this world.

She fearlessly looked at the incoming adventurers, swung the wooden sword in her hand and made a sword flower, then rushed forward and faced the incoming adventurers head-on.

In the past, I never gave up on justice, and now I will continue to implement justice.

Countless sword lights suddenly appeared around the girl.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Like a gust of wind, the girl rushed into the crowd. Her dexterous figure swept directly towards the incoming adventurers. The wooden sword in her hand turned into countless slashes. In the constant collision, the oncoming adventurers were attacked one after another. One collapsed to the ground.




Screams began to resound among the crowd.

What followed was the adventurers who were sent flying backwards by the extremely strong impact.

The girl just rushed directly into the crowd, moving without any stagnation, and her eyes kept scanning the surrounding crowd.

While wielding the wooden sword to defeat the incoming crowd, he chased the arrows shot from all directions and bounced them away one after another.

"Damn it! Are you a second-level adventurer? Then don't blame us for using dirty tricks!"

After all, except for Emiya Shirou who cannot judge according to common sense, only adventurers of the second level and above can fight against such a number of adventurers at the same time.

Just as he finished speaking, the adventurer in front of the girl showed a ruthless look on his face, took out purple powder from his pocket, and swung it forward.

For these social worms, never overestimate their morality. As long as they can achieve their goals, they will use any despicable means.

Chapter 512 Difficult Surgery

The feeling of weakness spread all over the girl's body at this moment.

And the person in front of her fell down softly.

The adventurer himself used this poisonous mist with the idea of ​​perishing together.

Otherwise, the girl would not have had a chance to react to the adventurer's sneak attack.

In fact, when he scattered the powder in his hand, his whole body was already surrounded by a faint poisonous mist.

When he stood in front of the girl, the poisonous mist had already played a certain role.

The girl's judgment also declined due to the poisonous mist, and she ended up colliding head-on with the poisonous mist just like the adventurer.

The only good thing is that although they are the scum of the entire society, most people know the devastating impact that taking human lives will have on themselves.

Moreover, the main theme of Orario is conquering dungeons, not fighting between people.

Therefore, the vast majority of people did not carry any deadly tools with them. Most of them carried knives against monsters in dungeons.

They had ignored the rules and directly started a fight in Orario. Regardless of whether Shirou Emiya died as a result, they knew full well that

There is no way out.

It is impossible for the guild to let them leave after this battle is over.

Whether it was their own violation of Orario's laws or the negative impact it had on Orario, they could not escape.

Since this kind of large-scale battle can happen for the first time, it is bound to happen a second time and a third time.

Even the best result of punishment is to leave Orario.

Therefore, these people are also fighting with all their strength.


After fiercely absorbing the poisonous mist, the girl's bow and arrow quickly weakened. Both the cutting power and movement speed were greatly weakened. Injuries began to appear on her body under the frenzied attacks of these adventurers.

However, when they found that the girl was unable to stop them from heading in the direction of Emiya Shirou, they quickly changed their purpose.

They did not launch an attack to defeat the girl. Their main purpose was still Emiya Shirou, who was standing in the center of the street with his sword stuck on the ground.

The girl could only watch helplessly as those people rushed toward Emiya Shirou, and tried her best to stop some of them.

"Looks like we came just in time!"

As a steady voice sounded from behind the girl, emerald green light and silver arcs sounded at this moment. The adventurers who were rushing towards Shirou Emiya were eliminated in an instant and fell to the ground unconscious. .

"You people, who bully others all day long, when will you be able to become real adventurers on your own!!"

Grace also waved the shield in his hand, preaching while knocking those people away.

With the entry of the first-level adventurers, in just a blink of an eye, the adventurers who wanted to attack Shirou Emiya were quickly suppressed.

"You are finally here!"

The people in the guild breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the people of the Loki family coming. Facing such a battle, they could only curl up in the corner.

And the girl breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the people of the Loki family coming. She ran towards the alley on the side and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

The people of the Loki family also saw Shirou Emiya, who was full of injuries but still held the reverse blade tightly with his hands and inserted it into the ground to support his body.

That kind of injury was extremely shocking just from a distance.

"How is Shirou Emiya now!"

Finn looked at the guild members and doctors who came out from the side and asked hurriedly.

He naturally understood that Shirou Emiya's injuries were not optimistic, but he was not a doctor or a therapist. Finn naturally didn't understand what the specific situation was.

But what he wanted to hear was that Shirou Emiya's life had been stable.

You know, these days, because of Shirou Emiya, the entire Loki family was uneasy.

"It's not optimistic, because those who suddenly attacked and injured others, now the treatment time has been delayed for an unknown period of time, and they are already in a dying state, and they may lose consciousness at any time!"

The doctor shook his head. To be honest, with such injuries, Shirou Emiya should have died.

But it was like a miracle that he persisted.

They also had no confidence that they could pull Shirou Emiya back from the brink of death.

"Rivilia, release the barrier————"

Rivilia nodded to Finn's instructions, stood in the middle of the street, and began to chant beside Shirou Emiya.

Although the situation has been controlled by Finn now, and as a first-level adventurer, the attacks of those third-level adventurers are almost impossible to pass them and reach Shirou Emiya's position.

But it is easy to avoid an open attack, but difficult to guard against a hidden arrow. Under the unscrupulous sneak attack of those people, who knows what will happen.

"Let's start--!"

After Livilia completed the barrier, the eyes of the doctor standing in the front gradually became firm.

No matter how serious the injuries on Shirou Emiya are now, as long as he has a breath left, he should pull him back from the brink of death without hesitation.

"【Nine Demon Princess】Your magic attainment is the highest among those present. We need you to strictly control the degree of treatment while casting healing magic on Shirou Emiya."

"Before we remove all the weapons on his body and some gravel venom in his body, slowly treat his injuries to ensure that Shirou Emiya will not lose his life because of our treatment!"

The most important thing now is not to cast healing magic directly to treat Shirou Emiya. This cannot solve the key to the problem, and it may even cause Shirou Emiya to die.

In addition to the obvious scars on Shirou Emiya's body, there are also many toxins in Shirou Emiya's body.

Moreover, they can't understand why Shirou Emiya is still alive despite such serious injuries.

They are not sure what kind of impact and sequelae will be caused by using healing magic directly for large-scale treatment.

It is impossible to use healing magic to treat the arrow that directly pierced Shirou Emiya's head without pulling it out.

Therefore, it is necessary to have people with a high degree of magic mastery, and continue to provide healing magic to Shirou Emiya under extremely delicate operations while accepting the operation of these doctors.

"Teacher, don't you need to anesthetize the patient first? In this way, while the healing magic is recovering, the weapon is pulled out and the wound is cut. The pain is not something that ordinary people can bear. If the patient shakes violently due to pain during the operation, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Chapter 513 Healing

The dark sky gradually became brighter.

Looking into the distance, a crimson glow was revealed in the thick clouds.

The sun had not yet risen from the east, but at this moment, a little light curtain had already descended from the horizon, telling people that dawn had arrived.

The cool air surrounded everyone at this moment.

The breath of fatigue also came out from their mouths.

Under the dripping of dewdrops, the flowers gradually opened their petals to welcome the arrival of a new day.

It has been twelve hours since Shirou Emiya left the dungeon.

The barrier cast by Livilia had long been lifted, and under this cool air, her expression was extremely tired.

Even as the strongest magician in the entire Orario, after continuously releasing healing magic for eleven hours, and requiring high concentration and delicate healing operations, she also felt mental deficiency and severe fatigue.

The area is now surrounded by Loki's Familia, Hephaestus' Familia, Soma's Familia, Hermes' Familia, Hestia's Familia and members of the guild, who are providing protection to prevent anyone from doing anything harmful to Shirou Emiya.

Those adventurers who took this opportunity to attack Shirou Emiya were now all arrested with the help of other clansmen, waiting for the final judgment.

The lower-level adventurers who came to protect Shirou Emiya also recovered quickly under the treatment of the healer.

Shirou Emiya was still very weak and almost didn't even have the strength to speak.

In the three days in the dungeon, let alone eating, Shirou Emiya had almost no time to rest.

Monsters rushed towards Shirou Emiya endlessly, like a surging ocean, trying to devour Shirou Emiya.

With his magic power completely exhausted, Shirou Emiya could only rely on his reverse blade to move upward layer by layer.

Even in the safe layer, monsters continued to pour in from the passage.

After Shirou Emiya reached the 49th floor, monsters were basically generated around Shirou Emiya, instead of the entire floor madly surging with monsters.

Perhaps it is because there is a big gap between the first 50 floors and the last 50 floors of the dungeon itself, which leads to such a difference.

Finn also said that after the 50th floor, the common sense of the first 49 floors cannot be used to judge the dungeon.

Perhaps for this reason, the other adventurers who explored the dungeon did not feel any abnormality.

The entire dungeon is extremely vast, and even the adventurers on the upper floors rarely meet each other.

Not to mention the deeper locations.

Not everyone has the ability to explore the dungeon alone and go back and forth like Shirou Emiya.

And Shirou Emiya did not choose to go to the base even after reaching the 18th floor. The dungeon has never given up attacking Shirou Emiya.

At the middle level, Shirou Emiya was already in a state where he would die if he only needed a slight blow.

It seemed that if he only needed to delay for a while, he would lose the strength to walk.

Fighting for three consecutive days, there was almost no time to rest in between. No one could withstand such a high-intensity battle.

However, no matter how many monsters attacked Shirou Emiya, even Shirou Emiya could hardly open his eyes. He

He still dragged his weak body, step by step, and walked towards the upper level with great determination.

The dungeon did not leave him behind.

He could only be thankful that Shirou Emiya had reached the middle level at this time.

If he was still in the lower level, or even in the deeper level, Shirou Emiya would probably have no chance to leave the dungeon.

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