The more he spoke, the higher Fujimura Taiga got, holding the wooden sword in his hand and swinging towards Emiya Shirou.

"Ah!!!! Sister Teng, I didn't mean it!!!"

Emiya Shirou shouted and quickly dodged the attack of Fujimura Taiga who was in anger.

"What's not intentional? Please tell me where you went and why you were on vacation every time you came back. I think you are itchy!!!"

Fujimura Taiga didn't believe that Emiya Shirou did it on purpose. Until now, she had not found out where Emiya Shirou had gone. He seemed to disappear out of thin air. He would not be seen for two months at a time, and then suddenly appear again. return.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a supernatural event. Although her grandfather Fujimura Raika told her that she did not need to pay special attention to where Shirou Emiya went, but how could she not care.

When Fujimura Raiga met Kiritsugu, he understood that not only was he not an ordinary person, he was not from the same world as them.

As the adopted son of that man, Emiya Shirou might have something special. Fujimura Raika has always taken care of him, but for some unknown reason, it was only because of that man that he paid so much attention to Emiya Shirou.

But he didn't expect that he really regarded Emiya Shirou as a family member, and he also liked Emiya Shirou very much.

However, he knew very well in his heart that he should not be involved in such a world.

What's more, Shirou Emiya showed up every two months without any special problems.

Fujimura Raiga also gave up trying to find out where Emiya Shirou went for Fujimura Taiga.

Before, Shirou Emiya was under surveillance, but he was soon discovered by Shirou Emiya. After that, Fujimura Raiga no longer continued to investigate Shirou Emiya's whereabouts in the past two months.

In order to express his apology for spying on Shirou Emiya, students like Shirou Emiya who did not attend classes or take exams should have repeated the grade even if they did not drop out, but now they are promoted to the second grade as normal.

Of course, Emiya Shirou himself doesn't know this. He only understands one thing now. If he doesn't continue to study hard, on the one hand, he will be scolded by Sister Fuji, and on the other hand, Emiya Shirou still wants to Completely spend a normal high school.

Although he is now a student in three high schools.

Emiya Shirou could only sigh, put all his experiences into studying, and constantly consulted teachers in various subjects, as well as some classmates who were willing to help him.

Such as Yanagi Kazunari, Mizu Ayako, and of course Sakura and Tohsaka Rin.

Sakura also entered the high school of the private Hogunhara Academy this year.

After the study session at home, Sakura quickly became friends with Ayako Mizu, making Tohsaka Rin jealous.

Sakura could only comfort Tohsaka Rin with a smile.

But things are not that simple.

Because the daytime was occupied, it was not until night that Emiya Shirou remembered that he still had not learned what happened in the last Holy Grail War.

However, if you want to know what happened in the last Holy Grail War, you can only find Kirei Kotomine or El-Melloi II who is far away in London.

He now has no time to go to London to look for the El-Melloi II whom he doesn't know at all. If he wants to go, he can only go when Tohsaka Rin also has time.

After all, Tohsaka Rin still had some understanding of the situation there, and could take him there to meet El-Melloi II.

After all, it is not a secret in the magic world that El-Melloi II participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

However, when Emiya Shirou went to the church at night, he wanted to learn more about what happened in the last Holy Grail War.


It was a scream that came from the depths of the church and resounded throughout the night.

Without any hesitation, Emiya Shirou ran towards the church as fast as he could.

This voice did not belong to Kotomine Kirei in the church, but more like the screams of a child.

Chapter 517 Sin


Without any hesitation, Emiya Shirou kicked the ground with his right foot. His figure turned into a phantom under the illumination of the moonlight, and flew away in the direction of the sound as fast as possible.


Accompanied by a violent collision, the door that was originally tightly closed was pushed open by Emiya Shirou's brute force at this moment.

The depressing and heavy aura coiled around Emiya Shirou's body like a poisonous snake.

Endless darkness shrouded the entire interior of the church, and the bright moonlight seemed to be blocked by something, unable to shine through the windows.

Only the candlelight that was constantly swaying in the wind allowed people to barely see the scene inside the church clearly.

As usual, the man named Kotomine Kirei was holding the prayer book in his hand tightly, as if praying for something, with his back to Emiya Shirou.

"Father Kotomine——!"

Emiya Shirou frowned, slowed down his pace, and spoke slowly.

"Young man Emiya Shirou, do you come to the church so late to pray for the future?"

A calm and emotionless voice echoed through the quiet church.

Kotomine turned around slowly and then closed the book in his hand.

Those eyes without any brilliance looked towards Shirou Emiya like a dark cave.

"Father Kotomine, have you heard any strange sounds——"

Emiya Shirou shook his head, and under the flickering candlelight, he asked Kotomine.

"No, it's been quiet here all the time. If you are troubled by a certain sound, I can perform a baptismal chant for you——!"

Kotomine didn't pause at all. The moment he heard Shirou Emiya's question, he quickly answered Shirou Emiya and slowly put down the book in his hand.

After the rapid questions and answers, the church once again fell into silence.

Shirou Emiya could even hear the burning sound of the candle very clearly.

The surroundings were really too quiet, almost abnormally quiet.

Under Kotomine Kirei's gaze, Emiya Shirou felt extremely uncomfortable all over his body, as if he was being stared at by a dead person.

"It's okay, Father Kotomine. I just happened to pass by here. I just heard some strange noises and came to check."

Emiya Shirou suppressed the discomfort, and his intuition told him step by step that Kotomine Kirei might be hiding something. He walked towards Kotomine Kirei's position.

He smelled the faint smell of blood coming from Kotomine Kirei.

However, there was no change in Kotomine Kirei's expression, or even any words, as he looked expressionlessly at Emiya Shirou who kept approaching.

"So did you find anything strange?"

As if nothing special happened, Kotomine Kirei spoke with a questioning tone.

"No, it's very quiet inside the church——"

Emiya Shirou's forward steps suddenly stopped, and his words paused here. A kind of playful gaze, as if he was watching a performance, came from the darkness on the side.

It was a young man with blond hair and red eyes, a slender build, and wearing a black motorcycle suit.

He watched everything that happened in front of him with interest.

"Who are you?"

Emiya Shirou remembered him as a young man who was dressed like a delinquent whom he had met on the street before, and reminded him that his magic power fluctuated abnormally.

Why did he show up at the church————

At this moment, Kotomine Kirei also looked to his side without leaving any trace.

"You look like you're in a good mood."

"Kirei, being able to watch such sideshows will naturally make you feel happy——"

The blond young man paid no attention to Emiya Shirou who was standing in front of Kotomine, but looked at Kotomine Kirei with ridicule.

"Why do you appear here at this time?"

Emiya Shirou's frown deepened. He knew that he and Kotomine Kirei should know each other. After all, the last time he came to the church, he met the blond young man at the door.

But I didn’t expect that he would appear inside the church at this time, or rather——————

Before Shirou Emiya could finish thinking about it, the blond young man spoke to Kotomine Kirei with a mocking look on his face.

"There's no need to hide it anymore, Kirei, you've been discovered——!"

Blood slowly seeped out from Kotomine Kirei's steps and flowed to the ground.

And under the steps, there was a young man who had long since lost the breath of life, his chest was violently penetrated, and his head was completely twisted. His face was full of longing for life.

When Kirei Kotomine was about to take the boy out of the basement, he noticed Shirou Emiya's approach through his familiar.

It's too late to bring it to the basement and convert it into magic through magic.

What's more, he seemed to understand what he needed to face, and he kept struggling in Kotomine Kirei's hands, trying to leave.

After all, this young man saw with his own eyes that after one of his friends left with Kotomine Kirei, they never came back again.

After just a moment's thought, Kirei covered the boy's mouth and penetrated his chest with his hands.

It muffles the voice so that it cannot scream, and penetrates the chest so that it cannot scream even after letting go.

After that, all he had to do was wash his palms before Shirou Emiya arrived.

Kotomine Kirei penetrated the young man's chest with incomparable precision without causing any blood to splash onto his body.

But I never thought that the boy's desire to survive would be so strong in the last moment.

The moment he let go, the boy let out a heart-breaking howl.

Emiya Shirou also flew towards the church at an extremely terrifying speed.

What used to be minutes turned into seconds at this moment.

He immediately twisted the boy's neck and threw it into the hole where the cross was placed behind him.

Along with the sound of the body falling to the ground, the sound of the door being slammed open sounded from behind Kotomine Kirei.

And along with the smell of blood on the shop floor, a sense of crisis crept up Emiya Shirou's spine at this moment.


When the indifferent sound of something being opened reverberated in the air, golden ripples began to ripple in the space beside the blond young man.

Weapons appeared slowly, as if they were rising from the water.

Those are weapons that look extremely luxurious at first glance.

Immediately afterwards, without even taking a breath, those weapons were like bullets coming out of the barrel, bringing up bursts of golden light, piercing the air, and shooting out.

Emiya Shirou's pupils suddenly shrank.

Noble Phantasms.

What emerged from those ripples were all Noble Phantasms without exception.


In the sound of strong wind, the swords and spears that came flying, carrying vortex-like airflow, tore the surrounding air apart without any reservation, and shot fiercely in the direction of Emiya Shirou.


The strong explosion bloomed like fireworks, carrying waves of fire, sweeping all around the small church.


At this moment, the blond young man with his hands in his trouser pockets showed an extremely disgusted expression.

As if he had seen the most disgusting thing in his life, the blond young man looked at the thick fog in front of him caused by the explosion, and slowly muttered.


Chapter 518 Only the result of the battle is needed (modified)

The battle started so simply and violently.

Kotomine Kirei didn't need to explain anything to Emiya Shirou. He only understood that at this moment, Emiya Shirou had become his enemy.

Then he only needed to defeat Emiya Shirou in the shortest possible time.

As for why Emiya Shirou came to the church at this moment.

And why did Gilgamesh call it the anchor point, and why, a boy who was obviously wrong to train magic circuits could have such a powerful power.

The man named Kotomine Kirei didn't care about these things.

Since the reason for the battle has been determined, then the next thing is to know the result of the battle.

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