Emiya Shirou felt like he was back in the dungeon, and the surroundings suddenly became full of dangers.

"Is this the trial?"

Emiya Shirou slowly stopped.

"Welcome, the new Master candidate——"

A familiar voice also came from the surrounding space at this moment.

Emiya Shirou almost instantly determined whose voice it was.

"Kotomine Kirei!?"

And as if hearing Emiya Shirou's address, the voice also paused slightly.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there would be a magician who could remember my voice as an AI. It's really surprising——!"

A pleasant voice sounded again from the space. He really didn't expect that he, a high-level AI that almost no one would care about, would be remembered by Emiya Shirou.

The AI ​​named Kotomine Kirei was indeed surprised, but more happy and puzzled.

"Although I am surprised that you can remember me as an AI, I will not provide you with any assistance. If you want to successfully summon a Servant, then please reach the end first——"

The voice slowly disappeared in the space.

The monsters gradually emerged from the maze-like scene in front of Shirou Emiya, and the puppet behind him also showed a fighting posture at this moment.


"Projection starts——!"

A pair of guns, one black and one white, appeared in Shirou Emiya's hands.

The sound of gunfire rained down on the monsters that kept appearing from the walls or the ground.

Shirou Emiya had plenty of experience in dealing with these monsters that kept appearing from the surroundings.

In less than a minute, Shirou Emiya destroyed all the monsters that emerged, and the puppets returned to their original posture of following Shirou Emiya without any emotion and followed him.

Shirou Emiya also gently pushed open the door that looked extremely solemn at the end of this short maze.

"Really, it's amazing——!"

Even AI couldn't help but exclaim in the face of Shirou Emiya's powerful combat power. I'm afraid that in this Holy Grail War, no magician can have such combat ability.

Chapter 536 Unable to summon a new Servant

Once again, in the moment of pushing open the solemn door, Shirou Emiya could clearly feel that his position had changed again.

The puppet followed him to a solemn space that made people almost breathless.

This place was like a temple, and the ground was filled with countless spells that Shirou Emiya could not understand at all.

The surroundings were filled with a holy atmosphere.

In this square-like space, there were countless tall and solemn huge doors standing around.

"Congratulations, candidate Master, this is the place to summon Servant. When you obtain a Servant, you will officially step into the battle called the Holy Grail War."

A low voice slowly came from the surroundings. Although the language was full of blessings for Shirou Emiya to break through the many obstacles, from his tone, there was no sense of his kindness to Shirou Emiya.


Standing in the entire venue, in this extremely depressing atmosphere, Shirou Emiya slowly exhaled.

Holy Grail War——

This word is very familiar to Shirou Emiya.

Whether it is the Fourth Holy Grail War that caused the fire, or the Holy Grail War that he participated in, which almost destroyed the entire city.

The Holy Grail War has never brought any good results.

Even now, Shirou Emiya still resists the Holy Grail, even though it has the legendary power to fulfill wishes.

"Your body is under my command, and my fate is attached to your sword."

According to his memory, Shirou Emiya once again chanted the spell that he had not chanted for a long time.

The spell array on the ground also emitted a very dazzling light at this moment.

The star-like light continued to shine around Shirou Emiya when he turned his magic power.





The tall doors surrounding this space shattered after Shirou Emiya finished chanting the summoning spell.

No new Command Seals appeared on the back of Shirou Emiya's hand, nor did he feel any new contract being created.

Just as if the summoning of a Servant had failed, the surrounding space suddenly fell into silence.

"Wait a minute--!"

The voice of the advanced AI named Kotomine Kirei came from the void.

He didn't know what the situation was in front of him. Even a magician with a very bad personality could summon a Servant. This kind of summoning failure was almost impossible to happen here.

However, Shirou Emiya's expression did not change. Instead, he looked at the back of his hand, where there was only one Command Seal left like a sword blade.

It's not that he didn't know that there was a Command Seal on the back of his hand.

It's just that after leaving the Holy Grail War, the traces of the Command Seals on the back of his hand became fainter and fainter, and he couldn't feel the existence of any contract.

The traces of the Command Seals also began to disappear as he continued to move to the next world, almost to the point where it was difficult to see with the naked eye.

But I don't know when it started. Although I still didn't feel the existence of any contract, the traces of this Command Spell began to gradually appear again.

Shirou Emiya also didn't pay too much attention, because whether this Command Spell reappeared or not, it didn't have much impact on him, and he didn't know what the impact would be.

He couldn't tell Rin Tosaka that he had the Command Spell. He had no way to explain to Rin why he had the Command Spell.

"Found it--!"

After just a pause, the low voice came again from the space.

"Mooncell believes that you already have a Servant and refuses to provide a second chance to summon a Servant--"

Shirou Emiya nodded in understanding. He just felt the faint contract from the Command Spell when he was about to summon the Servant.

It seems that his contract with Jeanne d'Arc has not been broken.

But at this moment, he didn't dare to make Jeanne d'Arc appear here directly through the Command Spell. He didn't think that he could no longer control the Servant after losing the last Command Spell like those magicians.

Just because the contract was too weak, Shirou Emiya was worried that even if he used the Command Spell, he would not be able to summon Jeanne to this place.

Moreover, Jeanne did not belong to this world. Did the Command Spell really have the ability to teleport across worlds?

Shirou Emiya was not sure about this.

In fact, Shirou Emiya was very surprised that he could feel the weak contract between him and Jeanne.

Logically, after the Holy Grail War, Jeanne would return to the Throne of Heroes, and his contract with her would be broken.

Not to mention that this place was not the same world as the Holy Grail War. From any perspective, the contract between Jeanne and himself should not continue.

However, the advanced AI in the void seemed to have guessed what Shirou Emiya was thinking at this time, and slowly sent out a reminder from the air with a pleasant tone.

This word completely cut off Shirou Emiya's idea of ​​using the Command Spell.

"The Command Seals are your entry ticket to the Holy Grail War. Although I don't know why you only have one Command Seal left in your hand, if you lose all of them during the Holy Grail War, you will die as a Master. You need to be careful."

If the Holy Grail will really kill you after using the Command Seals, then the existence of this Command Seal is just as Kotomine Kirei said.

It is just a ticket to the Holy Grail War, and you have no way to use it.

"Kara! Kara! Kara! Kara!"

At this moment, the sound of the trembling shell came from behind Emiya Shirou.

The puppet that had been staying behind Emiya Shirou quickly took a fighting stance, without any hesitation, waving his fists and shooting towards Emiya Shirou's position.

"Although you, as a Master, have not summoned a Servant here, according to the rules, you are now a Master who has officially participated in the Holy Grail War."

"I don't know why Mooncell decided that you have summoned a Servant, but the puppet itself is a test given to you by a magician who summoned a Servant to adapt to becoming a true Master, but for you, it should be very simple————"

A low voice came from the air, and Shirou Emiya slightly turned his body, and the fist that was swung in slightly brushed his face.


It sounded in front of Shirou Emiya, as if steel and steel collided with each other.

A black pistol with a blade that turned into a waning moon appeared out of thin air in Shirou Emiya's left hand, blocking the attack that was attacking his abdomen.

It was obviously just a puppet, but its defense level was extremely excellent.

At this moment, a white pistol with a blade appeared in his right hand and chopped fiercely at the neck of the puppet who had no reaction at all.

The violent sparks that burst out instantly illuminated Shirou Emiya's profile.

Although the puppet's strength is extremely weak, it is mainly to test the adaptability of the Master's magician and the Servant. In terms of defense, it can only be defeated by a single blow from the Servant.

But it can't last too long————

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang——!"

Before the puppet has any chance to stabilize its body, the bullets in Shirou Emiya's hand poured towards it like rain.

Chapter 537 The upcoming main election

"Congratulations, you have successfully passed the preliminary election and participated in the main election of this Holy Grail War————"

A familiar voice came from Shirou Emiya.

In the corridor where students were walking, a man with long brown hair, brown pupils, a dark purple long windbreaker and a cross pendant outside his robes celebrated to Shirou Emiya in a low voice.

Three days have passed since I went to that space.

The preliminaries for the Holy Grail War also ended at this moment. All the magicians who were unaware of their abnormalities had been eliminated by the Holy Grail, or Mooncell.

Originally, 999 people participated in the Holy Grail War, but now only 128 people are left.

They will fight for the Holy Grail on the moon and fight an extremely tragic Holy Grail War.

"I am the NPC who supervises this Holy Grail War. I am also responsible for guiding most of the magicians to summon Servants."

As if he understood the doubts in Shirou Emiya's mind at this time, Kotomine Kirei also talked about his responsibilities in this Holy Grail War.

Shirou Emiya did not refute it. After all, the Holy Church itself is responsible for supervising the Holy Grail War and maintaining the normal operation of the Holy Grail War.

If the Holy Grail War happened again on his side, I am afraid that Kotomine Kirei would also be responsible for supervising the Holy Grail War.

But even so, Shirou Emiya still looked at him with a vigilant expression.

Whether in appearance or personality, the Kotomine Kirei in front of him is too similar to the one he knows.

After all, whether in appearance or personality, there is not much difference from the Kotomine Kirei he knows. Even Shirou Emiya can feel the bad taste of this advanced AI in front of him.

That's right, it's exactly the same. Shirou Emiya really doesn't want to get along with such a person.

"From today on, you magicians are destined to fight in the arena ahead."

"This war is conducted in the form of an elimination tournament. From the first battle to the seventh battle, the last person left will be awarded the Holy Grail."

"The battle will be held every seven days, and each Master will have the hesitation time from the first to the sixth day to prepare for the battle with the opponent."

"Then on the seventh day of the final day, the final battle will be fought with the opponent's Master. The winner will survive and the loser will leave. That's it."

"In other words, 128 Masters will continue to fight each week, and only the last person left can get the Holy Grail."

What a simple and easy-to-understand rule.

It is even simpler and more direct than the regular Holy Grail War, especially in terms of fighting.

A normal Holy Grail War usually involves seven masters and seven servants, and everyone fights on their own.

Just like a microcosm of a real war, seven groups of different forces are intertwined in various ways, and unimaginable collisions occur. Strategies, assassinations, or frontal attacks will all appear in this battle.

Even the weakest Assassin has a very high chance of winning in this kind of Holy Grail War.

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