Emiya dragged his tired body on the battlefield.

The entire battlefield was silent. Except for a few crows flying down from the sky to eat, the entire snow field was filled with the thick smell of blood from corpses.

Even the heavy snow could not cover up such a strong smell of blood.

What is a river of blood? This is a river of blood.

Even the ground under Emiya's feet was sticky.

On the entire battlefield, Emiya did not see a single intact corpse.

Following the moonlight, Emiya wanted to escape from this area. He did not want to stay in such a place anymore. He was afraid that he would go crazy.

But, it was not as he wished.

Even after walking all night, Emiya was still in a sea of ​​corpses, except that the scope of this war was extremely wide.

Emiya found that no matter which direction he went, he would encounter tents of both sides.

There were hundreds of people on duty at each position.

It was impossible for Emiya to pass through the heavily guarded camp.

In desperation, Emiya found himself completely surrounded by the two armies like a trapped beast.

The places without interconnection were basically blocked by cliffs.

The cliff that reached the sky stood in front of Emiya.

Even if Emiya used breathing techniques to run on the wall, he could not reach such a high cliff.

And Emiya also witnessed the result of hundreds of thousands of troops fighting in such a snowy field.

The whole scene was horrible, with corpses everywhere.

He also found people wearing animal skins who were frozen like ice sculptures in many small battlefields.

And some people wearing light armor who were almost all cut in half in an instant.

It seemed that this was the result of the generals of both sides slaughtering everywhere.

Emiya did not make any comments on these murderers. This was war, not the peaceful era he lived in.

On the battlefield, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. There are also many things about war in history books.

All of this Emiya knew, he just couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart.

If he could kill people without changing his face or heart, would he still be himself?

Can I still be a partner of justice?

It seems that because the generals of both sides like to fight on the battlefield, they did not respond much to the appearance of a killing god like Emiya on the battlefield.

Emiya also found that the generals of the two sides had a huge difference in the number of deaths in the mutual killing.

The man who used ice ability almost killed tens of thousands of troops, while the other man who used swordsmanship only killed a few thousand.

With such a difference in casualties, it will not take long for the other side to be defeated quickly.

"When the time comes, put on armor and get away with it."

Emiya did not want to have blood on his hands, nor did he want to fight against other camps on behalf of another camp.

There is no justice in war, but both sides of the war have

If the side wearing armor has an extremely dark stance, such as a creature returning from hell, with the goal of destroying humans, then wouldn't Emiya's behavior be helping the evil?

After the battle, Emiya mixed in and could only be regarded as a villager fleeing for his life, but assisting the camp in killing, the meaning here is completely different.

He didn't know the purpose of the warring parties now. Even if he was targeted by both sides, Emiya didn't dare to change into the clothes of any camp.

He didn't want to become a demon in the hands of others.

Even if it was to survive.

Chapter 55 Esdeath


"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Accompanied by the first ray of sunshine in the morning, the surging drumbeats came from both sides, and the mighty armies collided and bit each other with extremely fierce postures.

Hundreds of thousands of troops fought each other, and the hundreds of people killed by Emiya were just a negligible number.

Almost every moment, hundreds of people died on the battlefield, and the people killed by Emiya did not even attract the attention of the people on both sides who conveyed the battle situation.

He had thought about disguising himself as a corpse, but it was meaningless.

These armies were fighting on the pile of corpses. Their feet were no longer snow-covered snow, but a road made up of one piece of enemy or compatriot corpses.

If Emiya pretended to be a corpse, he would only be trampled to death.

However, this meaningless killing just for survival did not last long.

An extremely cold breath came from behind Emiya.

It was a woman with long blue hair and an excellent figure, holding a Western sword and wearing a standard military uniform.

She suddenly kicked the ground and flew into the air. The air around her condensed into ice cones in an instant.

In just a blink of an eye, the entire snow fell into a shadow.

The dense ice cones completely blocked the entire sky.

"Are you kidding me?"

"How is it possible? How could someone have such a powerful force?"

"We have resisted for so long, what is it for!"

Before the ice cones fell from the sky, the hands of the warriors wearing animal skins holding their weapons began to tremble.


Along with the sound of the first weapon falling to the ground, more and more people threw their weapons to the ground and knelt down.

"Surrender! Surrender!"

"Sorry! Don't kill me!"

On the battlefield in this area, the group of warriors did not see any hope of winning. There was only deep regret and despair in their eyes.

They knew that even if they sacrificed their lives, they could not hurt the woman in front of them in the slightest.

But she did not hesitate at all. The ice cones denser than rain shot at the crowd under her feet with extremely fierce piercing sounds.


Almost at the same time, behind her, an extremely angry roar sounded. A man wearing light armor, holding a long sword in his hand, stood up like a spring.


The next moment, with a trembling sound of kicking the ground, he turned into a meteor, cutting through the space, like the sun rushing forward, carrying a force of ten thousand kilograms, and rushed out violently.

"Crack, crack————!"

Where the golden meteor passed, the ground broke inch by inch, and even the space seemed to be overwhelmed and produced a sharp buzzing sound like grinding teeth, with a terrifying power.

In the blink of an eye, the long sword reached the chest of the woman.

She seemed to be unconcerned about the sudden attack and put her finger in front of her lips.


If it weren't for her extremely powerful fighting ability, anyone would be moved by her posture.

"The good show hasn't started yet?"

As her words fell, a very strong murderous aura burst out from her body, like a sudden cold ice, rising into the sky, and the surroundings of her body were suddenly covered by blue light, illuminating the entire space around her.

A very transparent ice cage appeared in front of her.

The man's hand was stuck in the gap of the cage, and the long sword in his hand stopped at her chest, unable to move forward.

The whole person was completely locked in such an ice cage.

"Just watch your people die!"

As she said, a wicked smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"Uh! No!"

"Run! Run!"

"Prince! No!"

Seeing the man in front of them being captured alive, the soldiers seemed to have their faith collapsed.

Previously, under the pressure of death, they chose to surrender and live in shame.

Because they believed that their prince could win the war and save them from captivity.

But at this time, except for a few people, most of them just knelt on the ground, staring blankly at the ice cone falling from the sky and piercing their chests, without any movement of escape or resistance.

Countless soldiers were easily pierced by such ice cones.

Nu Masaka watched all this, his eyes were bloodshot, his sharp nails pierced the skin of his palms, and blood dripped down, leaving a series of bright red marks on the white snow. But he was powerless. After all, now, even he became a prisoner and could not turn the tide.

Ambush! This was the only way he could imagine to have a chance to kill the great general of the empire.

As the prince of a northern foreign nation, he was known to have never lost a battle with a gun in his hand, and he had a terrible situation strategy. He was deeply trusted by the people, and used his own fortress city as a base to strengthen the invasion of the empire. His strategy can be said to be very feasible, but he missed a point.

Although the southern empire was on the decline, the powerful military force brought by the 48 "Imperial Equipment" that could not be replicated developed by the founder of the empire became the cornerstone of supporting this decadent empire.

People who possessed the Imperial Equipment basically had the strength of a one-man army.

The isolated northern foreign nation, like the southern states, rashly raised the banner of rebellion. Even with Numasaka's command and step-by-step strategy, there was no way to close any combat power with the Imperial Equipment users.

In the three days after the Imperial Equipment users of the empire died, more than 100,000 deaths in the army were caused by the Imperial Equipment users. He was overwhelmed, but he could not think of an effective strategy to deal with these Imperial Equipment users.

If it was against the three beast warriors, Numasaka, there would be some strategies to fight against them.

But the imperial general was not a problem that could be solved by numbers.

If all his troops were sent up, they might not be enough for her to kill.

So Numa Seka disguised himself as a member of the imperial army, followed her all the time, and arranged his own staff to create the illusion that he was still in command at the base camp.

These days, the imperial general fought from the east to the west, from the south to the north, and from day to night.

Even if both sides withdrew their troops, she rushed into their camp alone and killed them.

Numa Seka suddenly rushed out and wanted to kill her. On the one hand, after such a long battle, he had seen the exhaustion of this vicious woman.

On the other hand, he could no longer bear his soldiers being killed like this without any resistance.

These days, he has been telling himself to be patient and look for opportunities to make a fatal blow.

But his soldiers were almost slaughtered, and he had no way to sit back and watch.

However, the imperial general seemed to have known Numa Seka's plan a long time ago.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to react immediately when Numaseca attacked and look at him with contempt.

Romaseka stared at his enemy, the leader of the empire in this war and the strongest man in the empire, Esdeath, with a hateful look.

As if sensing Romaseka's hateful gaze, Esdeath also turned her head to look over, but immediately looked away, as if Romaseka was just an inconspicuous stone on the roadside.

She looked at the one-sided battlefield again.

But she saw something that slightly interested her.

"Sword Breathing, Thunder Type, Lightning!"



A young man with red hair like golden lightning appeared on the battlefield. He waved the Sun Wheel Sword in his hand and kept shooting down the ice cones shot at the soldiers.


Emiya shouted angrily at the frightened soldiers behind him, and the whole person turned into lightning again and shuttled wildly on the battlefield.

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