It took a long time for Shirou Emiya to finally lock on to the name.

Originally, he had doubts about the real name of the cherry-haired woman being Francis Drake, after all, Francis Drake was recorded as a man in history.

But he remembered that Mordred he met was a woman, and it seemed that the historical records of gender were not accurate, so Shirou Emiya quickly confirmed it.

Indeed, Shirou Emiya did not find any books introducing Francis Drake and her series of related books.

There was no way to find out which books were taken away by Matou Shinji through librarians and search machines.

But Shirou Emiya only needed to find the statistical books that recorded all the pirates in the country.

Then list all the pirates who have their own ships.

Then list the famous ships and pirates.

Then compare the information of those pirates with the detailed information books in the library one by one.

In addition to the information of Francis Drake, the information of other pirates is basically there, so it can be easily judged that the servant of Matou Shinji should be Francis Drake.

Shirou Emiya did not expect that he could get the real name of Matou Shinji's servant so easily.

If it were not for Matou Shinji's unnecessary action, it would be difficult to connect the cherry-haired woman with Francis Drake.

Just like normal people would not think that King Arthur is a woman.

At first, Shirou Emiya subdivided male pirates and female pirates, but found that there was no information about the cherry-haired woman among the female pirates.

Then he thought about the problem of Mordred, classified the male pirates among them, and finally found the real name of Matou Shinji's servant.

However, Shirou Emiya only got the real name of Francis Drake.

He did not particularly know the first person who created the feat of completing the circumnavigation of the world alive.

Because Magellan is obviously more famous than her, and the history books she studied often mentioned Magellan, not Francis Drake.

Basically, history books only take up a small space on the page. If you want to learn more, you must go to the library.

And Emiya Shirou mainly knows about King Arthur and some stories in mythology.

After all, Emiya Shirou has been in other worlds most of the time. When he returned to Fuyuki City, he fell into an academic crisis and had little time to look up information.

There are too many histories in the world, and textbooks tell you about these histories in a simple way. If you really want to learn more, you can only go through other breakthroughs.

"Sure enough, if you want to know Francis Drake in such detail, you still have to go to the arena?"

With this, Emiya Shirou left the library and looked towards the arena.

Matou Shinji seemed to have walked towards the arena a long time ago.

"I'm afraid they will set a trap for this-"

This is almost something that Emiya Shirou can be sure of.

If he didn't know something about Francis Drake, he would have to take this risk to get her information.

The second code key had been generated for a while.

Now there were only two days left before the final battle.

Whether it was to obtain the key to the final battle site or the information about Matou Shinji's servant, Shirou Emiya needed to go to the arena.

I'm afraid the second conflict will come soon.

And it's a completely expected conflict.

However, compared to facing this trap head-on, Shirou Emiya thought of a better way to get this information from Matou Shinji.

But the premise of all this is to find the place where Matou Shinji hid the information first.

Once again, Shirou Emiya came to the arena called Ichi no Tsuki Xianghai.

The evil spirit also covered his whole body the moment he stepped into the arena.

His figure quickly hid.

A cross-like rapier appeared in Shirou Emiya's hand, although he couldn't have the ability to make his wishes come true like Tianyin Shinomiya.

It is even much inferior.

But it can also affect one's own [luck], making things smoother for oneself.

If it is to be expressed numerically, it is to change Shirou Emiya's luck - E, to luck - A+.

Of course, Shirou Emiya does not know how his luck changes.

He only knows that when he holds this sword, he can save himself a lot of meaningless things that depend on luck.

For example, when finding a way or something, Shirou Emiya usually chooses to project this weapon.

Along with the second code key being found, Shirou Emiya also discovered the wooden box hidden in the canyon.

And the treasures scattered all over the island.

These treasures did not exist when he first came to the arena.

It seems that they were generated in the arena in some way.

Chapter 550: From Another Angle

"Pseudo-Spiral Sword (Caladbolg II)——!"

As a deep voice sounded from above, the figure of Shirou Emiya wearing a red cloak slowly emerged from the cliff under the illumination of azure light.

With these words, the sound of the bowstring being tightly stretched also occurred in front of Shirou Emiya.

That was the sound of the golden bow being pulled very steadily.

And under the sky where only seagulls were howling, only one sound could be heard.


The sword arrow shot out at this moment, bringing a violent hurricane to echo, tearing the air and the sea breeze, turning into a silver lightning, and flying down.


The sword arrow, without any surprise, hit the wooden box hidden in the canyon on the coast.

The extremely powerful impact destroyed the entire wooden box in this moment.

A large number of books scattered out of the wooden box.

It was also the moment when it was confirmed that the wooden box contained the books hidden by Matou Shinji.


The terrifying roar resounded throughout the island in just a moment.

All the masters and servants could see a huge mushroom cloud rising slowly when they felt this impact.

The indescribable explosion swallowed up the wooden box and everything around it in an instant.

Countless pieces of rubble also flew everywhere with this terrifying explosion.

The entire island also trembled under this terrifying explosion.

With the explosion as the center, the powerful impact force set off a powerful storm and rushed towards the surroundings.

Many masters were affected by this powerful impact force, and some even fell to the ground without standing firmly.

And Matou Shinji was at the bottom between the cliffs of the entire island at this time, and was also the closest to the explosion.

Under the violent shaking of the ground and the sudden impact force, Matou Shinji's body, which had not experienced any training, quickly became extremely unstable and fell behind him.

Drake also quickly appeared behind Matou Shinji, and at the moment when he was about to fall, he caught him steadily.


"What are you going to do, you brainless woman!!!!!!!!!!"

Drake ignored the impact and carried Matou Shinji steadily on his shoulders.

"Don't panic, Master. We have to find out what happened over there!"

With a hearty laugh, Drake carried Matou Shinji and stepped on the thick stone pillars standing beside him, and jumped towards the height.

"That is————"

Standing on the height, the scene that seemed to be bombed by missiles appeared in front of Matou Shinji.

If they had not left that area long ago, they would have been swept by such a terrifying explosion.

"Why did the explosion occur?"

At this time, Matou Shinji's mind was a little confused, because there was no servant fighting in front of him. If this explosion was caused by the servants fighting, then Matou Shinji would naturally be able to make a very simple judgment.

"Haven't you figured it out yet? That's where you hide information about me"

"But isn't the place where I hide the books a canyon-valley?"

Under such a strong impact, the canyon could not maintain its integrity at all, and the cliffs lined up next to the coast collapsed with this violent explosion.

Now, there is no trace of the canyon at all. The whole area is covered by rubble and smoke.

"No, why should we go to————"

Before he finished speaking, Matou Shinji figured it out.

Why did he hide Drake's information in the arena? It was because he couldn't bring it into his room and couldn't really destroy it, so he resorted to this desperate measure.

If Mooncell set these books as indestructible, Matou Shinji's first thought would be to use the books as defensive equipment.

Unfortunately, Mooncell's settings are very strict. Everything he encounters can be destroyed just like in real life, and at most they will be restored after being destroyed.

But he didn't expect that Shirou Emiya would use such a simple and crude way to get the information he had hidden with great difficulty.

Whether it was finding all of Drake's information or modifying the logic of those electronic devices and NPCs through hacking methods, it took him a lot of energy.

Matou Shinji even expected that Shirou Emiya would be able to find the books he had hidden, and set up many traps near the wooden box through hacking.

He even set up distorted data around the wooden box.

If Shirou Emiya stepped into it, he would be sealed inside by these distorted data and there would be no way out.

These were all things he designed in one day through his hacking skills.

"I thought you were just a bad guy who had accomplished nothing, but I didn't expect you to have such a talent that could be called a genius--"

"But, I am the Asian game champion, these things are nothing, and I am not a bad guy, don't confuse me with you, you woman who only thinks about treasures and drinks--!"

Facing Drake's praise, Matou Shinji also showed a proud expression.

Matching his behavior of being able to despise others is enough to support his talent that many people can't even reach.


Looking at Matou Shinji's proud expression, Drake laughed very loudly.

"It's really interesting. He's just a minor character, but he has such talent."

"Wait a minute!!! Stop it! Don't touch my head with your drunken hand!!!!!!!"

With an extremely unwilling voice, Matou Shinji resisted the big hand full of alcohol.

But facing the power of the servant, all his resistance was in vain.

And facing everything he had racked his brains and designed with great effort, Shirou Emiya destroyed it all with the simplest method.

Shirou Emiya was also glad that he had studied at Tokyo Butei High School and that he had confronted the [Butei Killer] head-on.

He jumped out of the rules designed by the enemy at the first time and thought from other aspects.

And as the Asian game champion, Matou Shinji's brain was working fast under Drake's reminder, and he immediately understood what Shirou Emiya was thinking.

Just as he would use the game mechanism to quickly pass the game, Shirou Emiya also used the rules of this world to break through the rules he set.

Regardless of whether he set a trap at the place where the books were hidden, Shirou Emiya did not need to go to confirm.

It was enough to destroy the trap along with the books.

Because the destroyed books would appear in the library again, Shirou Emiya did not even need to take any risks, and could return to the library quickly after destroying the books.

No matter how fast he moved, he could not stop Shirou Emiya from getting information about Drake from the library.

Chapter 551: The Golden Deer

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