But generally speaking, as a senior AI in the health room, Matou Sakura will not leave the health room at will.

It was also the first time that Rin Tohsaka saw Matou Sakura leaving the health room.

"I'm here to find Senior Emiya--!"

Matou Sakura looked past Rin Tohsaka in front of her and looked at Shirou Emiya standing behind her.

"Sakura, is there anything?"

Hearing Sakura calling him, Shirou Emiya also walked forward and asked her out loud.

"No, nothing, it's just that Senior didn't receive the healing supplements provided to the Master today--"

As she said that, Matou Sakura slowly took out the things on her back, which were the bento she made by her own hands.


Shirou Emiya also nodded and took the slightly heavy bento that Matou Sakura handed to him.

Then he watched her leave.

Surprised (one_one)————————

At this time, Rin Tousaka, who was standing behind Shirou Emiya, opened her eyes wide and stared at Shirou Emiya who was watching Matou Sakura leave.

"What did you do to that AI?"

"I didn't do anything——"

Shirou Emiya shook his head honestly. He thought about it carefully. He really didn't do anything to Sakura. The day when she kept resetting was also what Sakura did.

He just saw Sakura lying on the ground and took her to the infirmary.

He didn't know why Sakura fell to the ground so weakly at that time.

"Huh? You didn't do anything to her, how could she come to give you the lunch box in person!"

Rin Tousaka said that she didn't believe Shirou Emiya's words at all.

Although Sakura's reason was that Shirou Emiya didn't go to collect the supplements given to all Masters in the health room, she didn't go to collect them now.

Why would the advanced AI in the health room only give Shirou Emiya a lunch box, but not herself?

With such doubts, Rin Tohsaka touched her chin, looked at the place where Matou Sakura left, and looked at Shirou Emiya who seemed to know nothing.

Chapter 555 Decisive Battle

As time passed by quickly, the day of the decisive battle had arrived.

Looking at the door that he had been unable to open before, where the priest named Kotomine Kirei stood, Shirou Emiya understood that it might be the passage to the decisive battle.

"Welcome to the decisive battle, are you ready?"

With a very happy voice, Kotomine Kirei smiled and looked at Shirou Emiya and Shinji Matou who came here.

The final battle is about to start.

"There is only one door, and only one group can return to the school building again. If you are ready, open the door of the arena."

"Humph, the final winner will only be me!!!"

Pointing at Shirou Emiya, Shinji Matou standing aside spoke to Shirou Emiya with great confidence and without hesitation.

"Open the door, Father!!!!"

With a surging fighting spirit, Matou Shinji took out his code key and placed it on the door.

With the sound of a lock being opened, Matou Shinji pushed open the door to the arena without hesitation.

With a look of extreme disdain, he mocked Emiya Shirou.

Emiya Shirou ignored him, or rather, he had long been accustomed to Matou Shinji's attitude.

Whether it was Matou Shinji here or Matou Shinji in his own world.

It's just that Matou Shinji in this world doesn't seem to be so bad in character.

Looking at Matou Shinji who stepped into the door, Emiya Shirou also took out his code key without hesitation and placed it on the door.

Under Kotomine Kirei's meaningless smile, Emiya Shirou also stepped into the door.

"I would have thought you would be too timid to come in? You, a guy who doesn't even have a Servant-"

A confident voice came from the other side of this small space.

That was Matou Shinji who had stepped into the door earlier, and next to him was the Servant he had been fighting with, Francis Drake.

It was easy to feel that this should be the elevator to the final arena, and the surrounding things were constantly rising upwards.

It was not because those things really moved, but just that the elevator was constantly descending.

And between Shirou Emiya and Matou Shinji, it was as if there was some kind of barrier, and the azure transparent wall completely separated the two.

"You can never beat me. Humph! In order to completely crush you, Rider and I have been fighting in the arena almost without a break these days--!"

Matou Shinji was also complacently telling Shirou Emiya about his efforts in these days to suppress Shirou Emiya.

Whether it was grinding his battle with Drake in the arena day after day, or constantly modifying the data to obtain treasures from the arena.

After becoming the Asian gaming champion, Matou Shinji hadn't worked so hard to defeat an opponent for a long time.

He himself didn't expect that he would care so much about a stranger he didn't even know.

He didn't need to prove anything, but he still tried his best.

Matou Shinji was like a child who wanted to get something, and kept explaining his efforts these days to Emiya Shirou.

Emiya Shirou did not refute Matou Shinji's words, nor did he say anything harsh to Matou Shinji's attitude. Instead, he quietly listened to everything he said.

"My Rider and I are the strongest. This is a battle you can never win. It's better to give up as soon as possible--!"

Matou Shinji glanced at Drake standing behind him, pointed at Emiya Shirou, and declared victory with great confidence.

Although Emiya Shirou seemed to have heard such words before.

However, this time was obviously completely different from the previous ones.

This time, Matou Shinji's tone was more calm and more confident.

If there is any difference.

That is, the previous victory declaration was his absolute confidence in his talent.

And this time, it was his absolute confidence in his servant.

He believed that his servant could bring him the victory he wanted.

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

Facing Matou Shinji with a strong desire to fight, Emiya Shirou also responded to him with his firm eyes.

Nothing is absolute. Shirou Emiya has faced this situation countless times.

"Hmph! Just stick to your beliefs. The result will be clear when the time comes. Don't feel sad because you lost to me, because it is inevitable!"

"Right, Rider!"

"Of course, I am your adjutant. I take money from others to help them get rid of disasters. What's more, I will not waste the treasures that you have spent so much energy to collect these days--!"

Drake also responded to Matou Shinji with a hearty laugh.

She really saw Matou Shinji's efforts to win.

Originally, Drake thought that her master was just a bad person who did nothing and was self-centered.

Although she didn't care who her master was, whether he was a villain or a good person, she was just a resolute hedonist.

But after seeing Matou Shinji's idea of ​​wanting to win no matter what, Drake's attitude also changed a little.

Perhaps she didn't expect that a self-centered guy who looked like a gangster could make such an effort for victory.

Whether it was the in-depth exploration of the arena every day to practice his compatibility with him, or the continuous use of his own technology to make all kinds of treasures appear in the arena day and night because he needed treasures to enhance his strength.

All made Drake feel the desire to win this battle from the bottom of Matou Shinji's heart.

What's more, Shirou Emiya is also an opponent she deserves to take seriously.

For some reason, she was also excited.

Nothing can make people more excited than fighting.

"Use your full strength, magician, only fighting with all your strength can make people happy!"

Under the influence of Matou Shinji, Drake also changed his previous attitude and invited Shirou Emiya to fight with a surging fighting intention.

Since the end of the second fight, Drake's attitude towards Shirou Emiya has changed.

She did not regard Shirou Emiya as a Master who participated in this Holy Grail War, but as a Servant who had the power to fight against her.

As a resolute hedonist, in addition to money, women, and drinks, of course, she also wanted to have a hearty and life-threatening battle!

Chapter 556: Above the Ocean

The door slowly opened to both sides, revealing the dark and lightning-shining space outside.

And similarly, the same scene appeared inside the door next to Matou Shinji.

After a few minutes of conversation, they also arrived at the decisive battle site.

The extremely confident Matou Shinji left the door before Emiya Shirou, and Emiya Shirou followed closely.

Just like a space transfer, the moment Emiya Shirou stepped out, the elevator disappeared.

The only ones left were Matou Shinji and Drake beside him, who looked into each other's eyes.

At the moment when Shirou Emiya began to observe his surroundings, a dazzling flash of lightning illuminated the sky and the earth.

It was as if a god was holding a sharp sword, wielding it and tearing the entire sky in half.

Then, there was a sound like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth.


This extremely loud sound was like an order, and violent rain poured down from the sky at this moment.

The ground under his feet also shook.

No, the creaking sound was definitely not the land. This shaking feeling was more like a sail sailing on the sea.

The waves roared like a beast and kept hitting the sails where Shirou Emiya and Shinji Matou were.

The powerful impact made Shinji Matou, who had just stood firm, fall to the side again, but was pulled back by Drake with a mocking voice.

"The ocean, I have to say, has drawn the best hand, Master——"

Feeling the oncoming storm, Drake couldn't help but let out a very hearty smile.

Such a scene made her think back to her past. As a captain, Drake had encountered this kind of extreme weather countless times.

As a pirate, as a sailor on the sea, the biggest enemy is not other sailors, nor other pirates.

It is the ocean that is always uncertain and will turn into a black hole that eats people without leaving any bones.

On the sea, she can almost be said to be able to fully exert her full strength.

"Since we have such a unique condition, we must go all out to defeat the enemy in front of us--!"

Shinji also quickly adjusted his body shape, stabilized his body shape on the extremely shaking deck, and looked at Shirou Emiya with a fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Of course, as a pirate, whether it is life, bullets, or treasure, it is refreshing to use as much as you have. Only by fighting with all your strength can you have fun."

"So, prepare to go bankrupt, Master--!"

With a hearty smile, under the roaring thunder, Drake quickly appeared in his hand with two flintlock rifles, and looked at Shirou Emiya with the same fighting spirit as Matou Shinji.

Shirou Emiya also responded to the fighting spirit shown by Matou Shinji and Drake, and two guns, one black and one white, appeared in his hands.

A strong wind blew from the distant sky, sweeping the sails of the ship and making a sound.

The surging waves kept hitting the side of the sails from the side.

Angry thunders struck from the sky one after another, like golden guns thrown down and sinking into the ocean.

On the deck, Shirou Emiya and Drake stood facing each other.

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