"Don't underestimate me, I'm the Asian gaming champion!!!!!!"

With an extremely angry voice, Shinji Matou stood under the treacherous pole in the distance with a keyboard appearing in front of him, facing the storm that even opening his eyes was a difficult task.

Matou Shinji did not retreat at all, and tried his best to provide the support within his ability to the field.

"Thank you! Master!!!!"

Drake also raised his remaining left hand to express his gratitude to Matou Shinji.

Although he had the support of a floating cannon, he was not that good at melee combat and even lost an arm, which made the original sentence even worse.

Perhaps the only thing worth celebrating is that Emiya Shirou no longer has the blessing of [Evil Ghost Haunting].

This gave me, who should have been at an absolute disadvantage in the conflict, a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

Because what makes Shirou Emiya so powerful is not the [haunting of evil spirits] but the skills he has learned along the way.

[Haunted by evil spirits] is just the icing on the cake.

However, if Emiya Shirou was still wearing the [Evil Ghost Haunting] as before, and losing an arm, he would probably be blown away at the moment of collision.

But now, he would still be shaken away by Emiya Shirou's powerful power.

Although Emiya Shirou also suffered from extremely serious injuries, it seemed as if they could not affect him at all.

Shirou Emiya's pace and strength showed no decrease at all.

But if we continue fighting like this, there will only be one ending.


Amidst the crackling sound of the air, the double blades, one black and one white, turned into violent slashes, like lightning and thunder, striking out overwhelmingly.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Amidst the howling of the strong wind, shelling and gunfire were mixed together, spraying out golden flashes of light, which continued to pour towards Shirou Emiya's position, shrouding the front like a violent storm.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

The next moment, the double blades and the flintlocks collided fiercely, causing crisp clashing sounds and waves of turbulent impact air.

Under the cover of artillery fire, Emiya Shirou's offensive body shape and direction were severely restricted.

Not only did he have to confront Drake head-on, he also had to constantly dodge the incoming bombardment.

He is not wearing [Evil Ghost Haunting] on him now. If he is directly hit by such a bombardment, his life may be at stake here.

Therefore, even though Drake was at an absolute disadvantage in melee combat, he still had a good fight with Emiya Shirou.

Whether it was Drake, who had experienced hundreds of battles, or Emiya Shirou, who was constantly walking on the edge of death, an unspeakable offensive and defensive battle broke out at the end of the battle.


With another fierce collision, Emiya Shirou and Drake collided together again under a storm-like shock wave.

"it's over--!"

Following Derek's words, the blade aimed at her neck bounced off as if it hit something extremely hard.

It was something that Matou Shinji used his own electronic technology to create at the last moment by exploiting system vulnerabilities.

But it only exists for a moment.

However, for being able to exploit the loopholes of the system to such an extent, Matou Shinji is worthy of the name of genius.

Sure enough, only at this critical moment can a person's potential be maximized.

At the moment when the blade that Shirou Emiya swung at was bounced away, Drake quickly seized this opportunity and used the flintlock gun in his left hand to push away Shirou Emiya's other blade.

Aiming at the defenseless Emiya Shirou's heart, he pulled the trigger in his hand.


Gunshots rang out from the air at this moment, and another, although somewhat immature, but extremely calm voice came from in front of him.

"It's indeed over————!"

Severe pain instantly spread throughout Drake's body.

I saw that the blade that was deflected by me had penetrated my heart, and the spiritual core was shattered at the moment of being penetrated.

At this moment, the flintlock gun in her hand was bounced to nowhere.

A light blue light curtain surrounded Shirou Emiya.

Drake saw that at the moment he pulled the trigger, a blue ring appeared on Shirou Emiya's side.

The moment he pulled the trigger and the flintlock gun burst into flames, the blue ring erupted with powerful light to form a shield, instantly deflecting the flintlock gun in his hand.

Although bullets and gunpowder are both made of magical energy, the flames produced are also real.

At this last moment, when Drake pulled the trigger to generate flames, Shirou Emiya deployed a barrier called the [Azure] Ring to block the flames and the flintlock.

Chapter 560 Unwilling to admit defeat

"Really, I lost!"

Drake looked at the blade that had pierced his heart and soul core, and slowly stepped back, then half-knelt on the ground, raising his head to look at Shirou Emiya in front of him.

The outcome was decided, and he was truly defeated at the hands of Emiya Shirou.

The magical connection between himself and Matou Shinji is also gradually weakening.

Perhaps it was because of the special reason of the spirit world constructed by Mooncell that he, who should not have the ability to continue fighting, still had the power to continue fighting.

Even if his spirit core was broken, Drake did not disappear immediately.

He even had a certain degree of fighting power.

However, if he lost, he lost. Drake himself was not a person who would not admit the fact that he lost.

Moreover, in Mooncell's judgment, this battle was over.

It might not take long for Mooncell to delete Shinji Matou and himself.

As a servant, Drake also knew the rules of this Holy Grail very well.

Looking at the young face of Shirou Emiya in front of him, which seemed to have experienced a lot of things, Drake could not help but sigh.

She did not feel unwilling because she lost to Shirou Emiya.

Rather, this battle made her extremely happy. Even if she became the loser, she did not feel regretful.

However, Drake was sighing and regretting.

He sighed that Shirou Emiya had the power to fight the servants head-on at such an age.

He regretted that Shirou Emiya was in his youth, but he was like an adult who had experienced many things, mature, but also regrettable.

At this moment, a shout came from behind Drake.

"Rider! You can still continue to fight! This young master will never lose in the first round of the battle, and will never lose to him!!!"

At some point, Shinji Matou also dragged his extremely painful body to the side of Drake who was half-kneeling on the ground.

His face was full of unwillingness.

Shinji Matou couldn't believe that a magician actually had the power to defeat the servant head-on.

He couldn't believe that as a game champion, he was eliminated in the first round of this Holy Grail War.

He couldn't believe that Drake, who had the strength he could only look up to, fell in front of him.

I can't believe that I actually lost to Shirou Emiya.

Countless emotions rushed into Shinji Matou's mind at this moment.

For some reason, Shinji Matou was extremely resistant to losing to Shirou Emiya. He would rather lose to his best friend who was given false memories by Mooncell than to a man who had only met Shirou Emiya a few times.

He didn't understand what kind of emotion this was.

In short, Shinji Matou was extremely angry and unwilling in his heart.

Countless insults wanted to come out of his mouth, and he wanted to blame Drake.

He was a Servant, but he couldn't even deal with a magician who didn't even have a Servant.

Even though he tried so hard to help him, Drake still fell in front of Shirou Emiya.

"Ah, that's impossible. My heart has been pierced, and this body is almost gone!"

However, looking at Matou Shinji's face full of unwillingness, Drake's tone was extremely relaxed, as if it was not him who left, and he stated it with a hearty smile and very carefree.

"Ha——, what are you talking about! Do you want to disappear alone without permission? I am your master! You can't disappear without my order, we haven't lost yet!!!!!!"

"Face the facts, Master, the loser is the loser. Although it seems that we are stronger, we have to admit that the man does have something that we can't compare with, so we will lose to him."

Drake slowly stood up, covering his heart that had been pierced, and patted Matou Shinji's shoulder very weakly, but heartily.

At the last moment, when he was about to win, a ring that could make the flintlock bullet in his hand fly out suddenly appeared.

It was not a coincidence, not because Shirou Emiya happened to be wearing this ring, and he didn't defeat him.

And it was indeed Shirou Emiya who had such strength and made the best judgment at that moment.

"Damn it! Damn it! You've stood up, why can't you continue to fight, you're such a useless guy——!"

Matou Shinji looked at Drake, who didn't intend to make any moves, and kept venting his emotions, but his body couldn't move much.

Being blown away by such a terrifying impact, hitting the strange pole heavily and then falling down, Matou Shinji was now full of pain all over his body.

Moreover, in that fierce battle, Matou Shinji used all his strength to provide support for his servants.

Under such high-intensity operation, Matou Shinji's body couldn't bear it, and his body was extremely weak after the battle.

But even so, Matou Shinji endured the pain and walked towards Drake with the biggest steps he could.

"Hahaha!!!!!! I'm afraid that's it!!! Maybe it's because of my weakness that I lost like this!!"

Faced with Matou Shinji's accusation, Drake didn't care, but laughed loudly, not intending to refute at all.

"Don't think this is the end!!!!"

Seeing that he couldn't win over Drake, Matou Shinji quickly pointed his spearhead at Shirou Emiya who was severely injured.

Even if he is wearing [Evil Haunted], even if he is projecting [Rho Aias], it is difficult to stop all the hundreds of cannons that are bombarding him.

Emiya Shirou even faced the artillery fire head-on.

And the figure covered in blood was enough to tell Matou Shinji how much pain Emiya Shirou was suffering right now.

This was something Shinji Matou couldn't even imagine.

But for Emiya Shirou, he had suffered injuries that were even ten times more serious.

He has long been accustomed to the injuries on his body.

"Next time, I will definitely be able to beat you next time! You can only beat me in this game!!!"

"I'm countless times better than you in reality! After you let me know your true identity in reality, I will definitely let you understand the value of being an Asian gaming champion!!!!"

Matou Shinji endured the severe pain all over his body and pointed at Shirou Emiya in front of him, extremely unwilling to do so.

"Master, I'm afraid there will be no next time——!"

Seeing Shinji Matou speaking so boldly, Drake stood weakly aside and reminded him.

"What, how come there isn't————!!!!"

Before he finished speaking, a crimson wall spread out in front of Emiya Shirou, just like in an elevator, separating the people from the two camps.

Chapter 561 The female pirate is still smiling at the end


Severe pain——!

It's the unbearable pain that makes you have to cry out————!


The painful wailing sound also came out the moment the crimson wall appeared.

"Whoa!? What, what's going on! My, my, what's wrong with my body!? I, I don't know how to get out like this!?"

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