Seeing his best friend who was also lying on the hospital bed, Matou Shinji's first words were not concern, but surprise that Kishinami Hakuno could appear here intact.

And he was in such an ugly state.

Thinking of this, Matou Shinji quickly buried his already black hands in the quilt.

Kishinami Hakuno, who was awakened, did not blame his friend, but rubbed his sleepy eyes. She seemed to have long been accustomed to Matou Shinji's contemptuous words, and responded weakly.

"Well, I almost lost————"

"You guy——!!!"

Hearing Kishinami Hakuno's answer, Matou Shinji was angry and relieved.

He was angry that Kishinami Hakuno, who knew nothing and even had no memory, passed the first round of the game, while he, as the Asian game champion, failed in such an ugly state.

He was relieved, relieved that his only best friend survived, relieved that she could pass the first round of the game like this, and could walk on from such a cruel game.

Chapter 563: Rin Toosaka's reprimand

"Why are you doing this!? This is the Holy Grail War. Mercy for the enemy is cruelty to yourself. Sooner or later, you will lose your life because of this!!! Do you know!!!"

On the other side, on the rooftop of the Tsukimihara Academy building, Rin Toosaka loudly rebuked Shirou Emiya who seemed to be listening humbly in front of her.

When she returned to the school building after winning the final battle, Rin Toosaka was ready to never see Shirou Emiya again.

It's incredible.

Even though they had only been together for a few days, they were like old friends who had been together for months.

Although she had made such preparations, Rin Toosaka was still filled with sadness when she thought about never seeing someone who could make her not care about her image and talk freely.

At this time, Rin Toosaka couldn't help but sigh when she thought of this.

No matter how powerful Shirou Emiya is, it is unlikely that he will be an opponent in Rin Toosaka's opinion, not to mention that the opponent is the Asian game champion - Shinji Matou.

His servant is also an extremely difficult existence, a legendary figure in the history of world navigation, the famous "sea devil" of 16th century England - Francis Drake.

Rin Toosaka is very clear about this information.

Not only because Rin Toosaka regards Shinji Matou as a potential opponent, but also because Shirou Emiya once looked for her to discuss Drake's affairs and wanted to seek some advice from her.

But at that time, Rin Toosaka righteously rejected Shirou Emiya, saying that how could she help her enemy analyze.

But she couldn't help but discuss with Shirou Emiya some possibilities of the Noble Phantasm held by Drake after becoming a Heroic Spirit.

Although Drake is a Rider, it is almost certain that her Noble Phantasm is the extremely famous [Golden Deer].

But Rin Tohsaka still proposed some other possibilities, such as Biru being able to summon the fleet that she had defeated the famous Spanish "Invincible Armada".

And Shirou Emiya also asked Rin Tohsaka very seriously, which made her a little too proud, and she talked a lot to Shirou Emiya without realizing it.

Rin Tohsaka comforted herself in this way afterwards.

She was just preparing for a head-on battle with Shinji Matou, and discussing how to better defeat her possible opponents in the future.

Shirou Emiya also listened to Rin Tohsaka's analysis and decided to replace the bullets that he had projected in advance in his night hat with [pseudo*Small World Surrounding the Sky].

The originally forged shield, along with his night hat and body, was destroyed under the data turbulence.

Perhaps it still exists because of its special nature, but it is not in his hands now.

With a windbreaker that can store items, Shirou Emiya cannot fail to use it.

If you can prepare in advance, you can save more magic power in battle to deal with more situations.

Although the magic power required for projection is not much under normal circumstances, it takes a lot of magic power to release the true name of a powerful weapon and to release the inherent barrier that one has.

So if you can save a little magic power, save a little.

Shirou Emiya often thinks about the situations he may encounter, and then stores the items he projects in the night hat.

Although a large number of things can be placed in the night hat, if there are more than two items, it is easy to not get the items you want.

If you don't get the things you want at the critical moment of the battle, it is easy to lose your life.

So in most cases, Shirou Emiya only stores one item in the night hat.

At the beginning, Shirou Emiya usually put the [Devil Haunting] projected in his spare time in the night hat.

In addition to the reverse blade he uses, the most versatile one is the Devil Haunting.

It can quickly turn into armor for defense at close range, and can be detonated by imagining collapse at a distance. It is a very versatile weapon.

After that, they would place weapons such as [Eternal Distant Golden Sword] according to the situations they might encounter.

But most of them would place [Evil Ghost Haunting].

After he also learned to use dual guns, what Shirou Emiya stored the most in Yikasa was bullets.

Although Emiya Shirou's pistol can still shoot without bullets, it will lack a lot of power, and it will consume mental power and magic power, so Emiya Shirou will prepare a lot of bullets for himself in the night.

When exploring the dungeon, dozens or even hundreds of kilograms of bullets were placed in the night jacket.

Because there are too many monsters in the dungeon, if bullets are not used, it will be difficult for Emiya Shirou to have the magic power to explore so many floors, and it will also be difficult to have the magic power to deal with unexpected situations.

Preparing bullets is also one of the reasons why Emiya Shirou needs several days to explore the dungeon, and it is also a reason why Emiya Shirou's expenses are high.

After that, the demand for bullets decreased, and Emiya Shirou decided to decide what to store in the yagasa again.

When Tohsaka Rin was standing in the corridor with a sad mood, he was about to return to his room.

He saw Shirou Emiya, who was seriously injured, walking out carrying Shinji who was unconscious but whose limbs were covered with a dark substance.

At that time, Tohsaka Rin was extremely surprised at first and couldn't believe what appeared in front of him.

Shirou Emiya actually came out of the decisive battle alive. It was a one-on-one confrontation where there was almost no conspiracy.

Then came another wave of doubt.

According to the rules of the Mooncell Holy Grail War, when two people fight, one person will definitely be eliminated. However, as two people on both sides of the battle, Emiya Shirou and Matou Shinji both came out alive.

This is completely against the rules of the Holy Grail War.

But it did appear in front of Tohsaka Rin.

Tohsaka Rin can also clearly see who is the winner of this battle.

Because her opponent, Hun Qian, gradually turned into darkness and finally disappeared.

Tohsaka Rin clearly understood that this was mooncell's deletion of the loser.

The dark marks on Matou Shinji's body were obviously much more than those on Emiya Shirou's body.

That's right, when Emiya Shirou came out carrying Matou Shinji, Emiya Shirou's body also had the same dark marks as Matou Shinji's body.

So what did he do to cause this situation, Tohsaka Rin didn't know.

Not to mention the unconscious Matou Shinji, just seeing Emiya Shirou who had become a bloody man and had shocking wounds, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help feeling worried in his heart.

Without any hesitation, Tohsaka Rin quickly made up his mind and walked forward, stretched out his hand to support Emiya Shirou, and helped him towards the infirmary.

After Emiya Shirou recovered and left the infirmary, Tohsaka Rin pulled him to the rooftop and gave him a scolding.

Chapter 564 The second round of battle begins!

"Ha! I don't care about him that much!"

It seemed that Tohsaka Rin's servant was making fun of her. She scolded Shirou Emiya. In the middle of the scolding, she quickly turned her head and answered in the air beside her with great anger.

"I just, I just-"

It seemed that he couldn't find any excuse. Tohsaka Rin's face was slightly flushed and he clenched his hands tightly.

Then, as he thought of something else, his expression became calmer.

No matter what happens, there will only be one winner in this Holy Grail War.

Her purpose in participating in this Holy Grail War was not for herself. She wanted to change, to change Lailai, who was being watched and had no hope under Harvey's control.

With this belief, even though she knew that this was a war that cost her life, Tohsaka Rin embarked on her journey without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Rin's eyes became firm.

"If you can survive until that time, I will defeat you with my own hands——!"

With such harsh words, Tohsaka Rin walked past Shirou Emiya in an extremely handsome manner and walked toward the rooftop entrance without looking back.




Collisions and shouts came one after another from the rooftop door.

Tohsaka Rin seemed to be preoccupied as he walked over, and his attention was not on the road in front of him at all.

The body walking forward was not aligned with the door at all, so it hit the wall next to it heavily.

How careless it takes to completely ignore the door in front of you and hit the wall next to you.

Tohsaka Rin covered the forehead he hit and squatted down.

Just when Emiya Shirou turned around and planned to walk towards Tohsaka Rin.

She half-crouched down and turned her head, looking at Shirou Emiya with resentment in her tearful eyes, as if she said that if you dare to come over, I will hit you to death.

Then he touched his forehead that he accidentally hit, stood up, turned around and backed away while staring at Shirou Emiya, for fear that Shirou Emiya would suddenly come towards him.

"Tohsaka, pay attention————"

Before Shirou Emiya could finish his words, Tohsaka Rin disappeared in the next second.

"Under your feet——!"

Emiya Shirou slightly wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and looked helplessly at Tohsaka Rin who suddenly disappeared.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of crashing sounds came from the stairwell in front of Emiya Shirou, and he had already thought about what Tohsaka Rin would encounter if he did not pay attention to the situation behind him.

But with her servant by her side, it shouldn't be a big deal.

The rules only state that private fights are not allowed in the academy, but servants can show up in the academy.

Leo has been walking around the school with his servant Gawain to say hello.

"Is she okay?"

Having said that, when he heard the crash and saw Rin Tohsaka fall down, Shirou Emiya was still extremely worried and ran to the stairs and looked down.

But at this time, Rin Tohsaka was no longer visible.

"Ding Dong!"

A sudden ring came from Shirou Emiya's pocket.

It was the sound from the terminal in his hand.

The first battle was over, so it was not to tell Shirou Emiya that the code key had been generated in the maze.

There was only one possibility for this sound to appear.

"The opponent for the second battle has been determined!"

Looking at the content of the text message on the terminal, Shirou Emiya quickly rushed to the second floor of the academy.

On the large white paper posted on the bulletin board, the name of the next opponent was written next to Shirou Emiya's name.

Master: Shirou Emiya

Master: Blue Road

Decisive Battleground: February Plains

"Blue Road?"

While Shirou Emiya was still extremely confused about the name, a chill ran down his spine.

It was not a simple killing intent or murderous aura, but more like a sticky sight that wanted to entangle people.

It was the first time that Shirou Emiya felt such a sight.

Under a chilly atmosphere, I saw a woman with curly orange short hair covering her right eye, wearing a white smiling clown mask, with orange pupils, green eyeshadow, a big red nose and big lips standing in the direction of the stairs where I came from, looking at me blankly.

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