"Your opponent for the second round was determined so quickly?"

Rin Tousaka could of course figure out why Shirou Emiya would look up information. It was because he knew the information of the enemy Servant, and she told Shirou Emiya that.

If she didn't say that, Shirou Emiya might not know that the school library could do such things.

"You haven't?"

"I haven't received the information yet."

Rin Tousaka shook her head. Not all magicians fight at the same time. Each magician has a different rest time.

"What is the real name of your opponent's Servant?"

As if she felt that it was wrong to ask this, Rin Tousaka quickly added another sentence before Shirou Emiya answered.

"Don't get me wrong. I just think you might be eliminated in the second round. That person might be my opponent. I just want to collect some information."

Shirou Emiya was absolutely fine. Rather than working alone, sharing intelligence and communicating with others was what he wanted to do.

"Vlad III."

"That Dracula?"

"It's better not to call him Dracula."


"Because I hate this reputation."

"Okay, I understand--"

Tousaka Rin readily agreed to Shirou Emiya's request.

Although they are enemies, but when she thinks carefully, her life has been covered up by a novelist who didn't know where he came from, leaving a reputation that has almost nothing to do with her or even negative, she will also feel disgusted and resist this name.

"But you seem to be very familiar with the opponent's Servant?"

Tousaka Rin originally wanted to help Shirou Emiya analyze, but she didn't expect that on the third day, Shirou Emiya had already learned the real name of the opponent's Servant, and he seemed to be confident, so he must have a countermeasure.

But Rin Tousaka still couldn't think of any countermeasures for Shirou Emiya, nor could she think of how Shirou Emiya defeated Matou Shinji's Servant.

You know, that was the woman who defeated the Spanish Invincible Armada, and her strength was not weak.

At least according to Matou Shinji's description, it was not so easy to defeat him.

But when asked Matou Shinji how Emiya Shirou defeated Drake, Matou Shinji suddenly shut up and refused to say a word, as if he wanted to hide something.

Rin Toosaka couldn't do anything to Matou Shinji, because even private fights between magicians were forbidden in the academy.

She could only grit her teeth in hatred and think about how Emiya Shirou won the first battle.

Then the second battle shocked her even more. If she had to say it, Emiya Shirou had already figured out the bottom of his opponent in just one battle.

"Uh, I know more about the history of Vlad III————"

Shirou Emiya could only answer Rin Toosaka like this.

He did know more about the history of Vlad III than most people, but that was all, because when he was on the black side, Shirou Emiya didn't have much contact with Vlad III.

It's just that Shirou Emiya has done some homework on the servants who participated in the Holy Grail War.

Compared with the commander of the black side, Shirou Emiya is more familiar with Chiron, who taught him archery skills.

In that Holy Grail War, besides Arthur, the only two people who spent the longest time with him were Jeanne and Chiron.

Chapter 574 Current situation (modified)

Although they have experienced a round of battle, there are still many magicians communicating in the corridor of the school building where Shirou Emiya is.

There is only one winner in the Holy Grail War, but no one can guarantee that they can survive to the end, and even many times they are not sure whether they can survive this battle.

A considerable number of magicians will choose to join forces with others and exchange information with each other when the two are not opponents.

If they are in the same arena, there will even be a situation where two servants fight against one servant.

This is a Holy Grail War where life is at stake, not a video game. Everyone who participates in the Holy Grail War has his own wishes, and no one is willing to sacrifice his life.

Everyone is not only trying to obtain the Holy Grail that can fulfill wishes, but also to survive such a cruel war.

As for why it feels like the number of people in this school has not decreased, but has even increased.

That's because there is not only one school building in this Holy Grail War.

In the first battle of the Holy Grail War, Mooncell will operate seven school buildings at the same time.

The 128 contestants are evenly distributed in the seven school buildings, and the average number of contestants in each school building is only about 17.

In the second battle, the seven school buildings began to merge, leaving only two.

The 64 contestants are evenly distributed, and each school building has as many as 32 people, which is why it feels like there are more magicians in the school building than in the first battle.

Under the clear sunlight, students and magicians also began to become active.

Some magicians decided to continue to enter the arena, train themselves and the servants' fit, find the case number key to participate in the finals, or design a way to solve their opponents in the arena.

Some magicians spend their time in the library, looking for information about their opponent's servants and finding their weaknesses.

Some magicians discussed with magicians who were not their opponents, discussing how to cooperate and win this battle.

Other magicians were running around the campus to complete the tasks assigned to them by the NPCs.

In order to survive in this academy, money is also indispensable. Not everyone has lunch boxes provided by Matou Sakura in the health room.

Most of them got the simplest potion that can be restored from Sakura, and the effect is almost the same as the simplest recovery magic.

So in order to survive in this world, they still need to get money from NPCs and go to the school cafeteria to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Not everyone can set treasures directly in the arena like Matou Shinji, through their own hacking skills, and many people do not realize that many things in the arena can be taken out and handed over to the store in exchange for money.

And why Matou Shinji did not directly modify the amount of his own money, it is naturally that he cannot do this, otherwise he will naturally choose to modify his money to infinity.

After all, the power of Drake's Noble Phantasm is also linked to money. If Matou Shinji could do this, he would have done it long ago.

As for Shirou Emiya, he has already completed all the tasks given by the NPCs in the academy.

He was even complained by Rin Tohsaka.

She said that Shirou Emiya was really like a student here, completely integrated into it. If she didn't know that Shirou Emiya was a Master, she would probably think he was an NPC when she saw him cleaning.

Especially since Shirou Emiya didn't have a Servant around him, and basically no one knew that he was a magician. Thinking of this, Shirou Emiya was more like an NPC.

And these things were things that Shirou Emiya was very good at, and he often did them in junior high school.

If it weren't for the appearance of the door, Shirou Emiya felt that he should do these things in Hokunhara Academy High School.

It was even said that Kazunari Yanagi always stockpiled two months of electrical appliances waiting for Shirou Emiya to repair them.

After all, it can save a lot of expenses for the student union, so Yanagi Kazunari naturally chose to ask Shirou Emiya to repair these appliances.

Of course, Yanagi Kazunari will also provide Shirou Emiya with class notes unconditionally.

When Shirou Emiya is not in school, Yanagi Kazunari takes notes in two books every time he attends class.

Although it is okay to ask Sakura for this kind of thing, Shirou Emiya feels that he has already troubled Sakura so much, so he doesn't want to continue to trouble Sakura.

For Yanagi Kazunari, it can be regarded as a mutual benefit, just like Shirou Emiya thinks that repairing appliances is a side job.

Yanagi Kazunari also thinks that helping Shirou Emiya take notes is also a side job.

Most of the tasks proposed by these NPCs are trivial things such as tidying up warehouses, repairing appliances, cleaning, etc.

Only a small part is the exploration of the arena, such as Sister Fuji, she always loses things in the arena, although after returning them to Sister Fuji, she gets some decorations in the room.

But it can also be sold directly to the store in exchange for money.

As for the shops in the school, in addition to the normal things like bread and bento sold in the school, they also sell some magic gifts with certain effects.

Of course, except for some people whose magic skills are not high and who have basically not built their own computer spells to participate in this Holy Grail War, others don't care about it.

The magic gifts in the shop only play a partial auxiliary role, and in many cases they are completely useless.

For example, Shinji Matou, who is only eight years old, has a computer spell called [shock] that can reduce the enemy's ability.

In the battle with Drake, Shirou Emiya felt that the stagnation of his movement and the weakness of his strength came from Shinji Matou's computer spell.

And the void blocks that suddenly appeared to resist Shirou Emiya's attack were the interference made by Shinji Matou through his genius hacking skills to invade the computer.

It can be said that hacking to this level is almost a talent that ordinary people can only look up to.

Basically, except for servants like Drake who need money to enhance the power of their treasures, other magicians only do their best to live.

They come to participate in the Holy Grail War, not to experience campus life. Every day, they think about how to win the Holy Grail War and how to survive such a cruel Holy Grail War. This is a question that many magicians have been thinking about.

Each battle is given seven days of thinking time, and there are even several days of rest after seven days, but for many magicians, it is a torment, a torment of watching their lives pass away.

Chapter 575 The disappearance of Shirou Emiya

Under the reddish sunlight, with curly orange short hair and a white smiling clown mask. Like a disabled rag doll, the person is walking in the corridor in a very funny way.

He seems to be constantly muttering something in his mouth.

"I'm so hungry!"

"I'm so hungry!"

"Where's the food? Where's the food?"

With eyes as sticky as a venomous snake and an extremely thin body, the woman named Lan Lujun twisted her limbs and looked around, looking for someone.

Everyone around looked at Lan Lujun who was walking with extremely panic eyes.

Even the NPC's eyes couldn't help but reveal fear.

Although theoretically speaking, this academy has not been around for a long time, but at the time of the preliminaries, there were some things similar to urban legends, known as campus legends, circulating in the academy.

Biru [The murderer after school]

Biru【Electronic ghost wandering in the corridor】

Biru [The cannibal who eats the corpses of defeated masters]

And Mr. Lanlu is the true form of the campus legend "The Ogre who eats the corpses of defeated masters".

Just from the weird clown costume and the unabashed words of hunger whispered in his mouth, it is easy to deduce what kind of legend it represents.

At this moment, a woman with twin ponytails, red clothes, a black miniskirt, and black over-the-knee high-heeled leather boots stood in front of the clown.

She was Tohsaka Rin who had not seen Emiya Shirou in the past three days.

"Are you Emiya's opponent?"

Tohsaka Rin stood in front of Lan Lujun. Although it was a question, there was no doubt in his tone.

"So hungry, so hungry, food, where's the food?"

However, Lan Lujun completely ignored Tohsaka Rin who was standing in front of him, still mumbling, and walked forward.

"Hey! Am I talking to you!?"

Seeing Lan Lujun paying no attention to him, Tohsaka Rin immediately stretched out his hand to stop him.

However, a dark figure suddenly appeared in front of her, reaching out to grab Rin Tohsaka's arm that was blocking Lan Lujun's way.

At this moment, a blue figure also emerged from the sky, and fiercely grasped the stretched out hand.

Under the strong strength of the two, you can see the veins on the back of your hands popping up.

"I'm telling you, it's not good to treat a beautiful lady with such an attitude!"

A slightly frivolous voice came from the azure figure that appeared.

"Huh! She was the one who was rude first!"

Vlad looked at Tohsaka Rin who was standing aside with a look of disdain.

Then he quickly released his hand.

The two didn't intend to fight here, they just shook hands with a little force.

After all, everyone knows how much punishment there is for a private fight in the academy. Unless necessary, anything that needs to be resolved will basically be done in the arena.

Lan Lujun is still looking for the whereabouts of his food. As a servant, Vlad III obeys Lan Lujun's instructions in all his actions. It won't be long before he will confront Shirou Emiya head-on. He doesn't know Can branch out from this section.

It is impossible for Rin Tosaka to choose to bear such a high price to launch an attack against an enemy who is not yet a rival to each other.

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