"So, Lanlu-kun, now, I am very, very, happy!"

"Finally, after three years, I can eat delicious food."

"Three years?"

Looking at the thin body of Lanlu-kun in front of him, Shirou Emiya couldn't help swallowing his saliva, with surprise in his heart.

Three years——

Shirou Emiya didn't know whether this woman had really eaten humans three years ago, but he only knew that it took a strong willpower to suppress such a desire for three years.

Standing next to Lanlu-kun, Shirou Emiya could feel how strong this hunger was.

This was a desire that ordinary people had no way to resist, even just a few minutes was enough to make people mentally collapse.

And what kind of willpower could allow it to persist for three years.

The skinny body had already shown everything.

Shirou Emiya also slightly understood the suffering that the woman in front of him had experienced.

But it was only a slight understanding, because Shirou Emiya had never experienced such pain as hers, and didn't know what this woman had been facing all these years.

However, Shirou Emiya was trying to understand, trying to understand her pain.

And Vlad III, who was standing by, also saw that Shirou Emiya, who was obviously an enemy, understood them as monsters.

At this moment, Vlad III was so confused as to wish someone could understand the nobility of his Master and his own nobility.

Because he didn't understand why Shirou Emiya would do this, why a war that risked his life would have someone trying to understand the enemy.

If it were in his own country, he would have pierced a person like Shirou Emiya with a steel gun without hesitation.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, which is a truth even new recruits understand.

People who let down their guard against the enemy will die in the hands of others sooner or later.

But why, he didn't feel disgusted with such a person.

"How miserable this is, why would the Lord allow such a fate, such a bad fate——!"

Standing next to Lanlu Jun, Vlad III's eyes were also filled with sadness, and he passionately rebuked what happened to Lanlu Jun.

"You can only eat what you love, but you still maintain your faith! This is the true love that I pursue without caring about gains and losses and without hypocrisy!!!!"

"In front of such a noble person, I am willing to bet all the blessings of faith that I have endured!"

Vlad III's words were full of confidence, full of recognition of his master, and full of accusations against others.

Afterwards, looking at Shirou Emiya who seemed to be defenseless, he gently said a sentence that he felt he would never say.

"Thank you——!"

Vlad III suddenly understood why his Master had such a strong appetite for Shirou Emiya.

Only Shirou Emiya, as an enemy, did not regard himself and his Master as monsters.

Only Shirou Emiya, who was his enemy, understood the nobility of his Master, the pain he had experienced, and everything he had dedicated.

And how could he hate such a person?

No matter how angry he was at the world, he could not be angry at him.

Because he was also an extremely noble person and an extremely noble hero, just like his Master.

"But next time, you will become food in my wife's stomach!!!!"

With such vicious words, Vlad III left here with Blue Road-kun, who had consumed a lot of physical strength because of his rapid suppression of his appetite.

Shirou Emiya also quickly went to the cafeteria. Although he could indeed go without food for a long time with his current physical fitness, it did not mean that Shirou Emiya was willing to starve.

It was just that he forgot the time because he was addicted to forging.

Now, Shirou Emiya found that he only had one day left before the decisive battle.

If he did not quickly find the code key, he would not even be qualified to participate in the decisive battle.

Those who are not qualified to participate in the final battle will be deleted from Mooncell along with their servants.

So for Shirou Emiya, time is very tight now. He must race against time to go to the arena and find a way to find the code key.

Shirou Emiya even has to face the aggressive Rin Tohsaka.

And for Shirou Emiya, who has a weapon that can increase his luck value, it only took him a few hours to find the second code key.

The day of the second battle came soon.

Of course, Shirou Emiya naturally knew the best way to deal with Vlad III, which was to set fire to the grass of the entire February Plain.

Let Vlad, a vampire, be exposed to the sun, so that Shirou Emiya can get rid of Vlad without even spending too much energy.

But out of respect for Vlad III, Shirou Emiya did not choose such a method to fight him. Instead, like Vlad III who was a warrior, Shirou Emiya also challenged him as a warrior.

Shirou Emiya could also feel that Vlad III here also felt extremely disgusted with the identity of a vampire.

Chapter 578 Innocent Monster

As usual, Kotomine Kirei stood in front of the door that seemed to be locked by a chain, looking at Shirou Emiya who was walking towards him with that meaningful smile.

"Welcome to the place of decisive battle, are you ready?"

"There is only one door, and only one group can return to the school building again. If you are ready, open the door to the decisive battlefield."

With these words, Kotomine Kirei, who was standing in front of the door, stepped aside slightly.

These words were almost exactly the same as before. Shirou Emiya no longer needed to confirm them again. He took out two code keys from his hand and placed them on the door.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The low mechanical sound sounded again, as if something was being pulled up heavily. The door that originally looked very ordinary began to gradually turn into a machine the moment the code key was inserted.

The door opened slowly, and it was still dark when looking from the outside to the inside.

Without any hesitation, Emiya Shirou stepped into the darkness again.

A faint blue light also began to glow the moment Emiya Shirou stepped in.

In just a few seconds, the surroundings returned to normal brightness.

Vlad III and Lanlu-kun were already standing in the blue barrier in front of Shirou Emiya, scanning themselves.

The surrounding blue light continued to swim upwards, and the elevator started running the moment Emiya Shirou stepped in.

Lan Lujun was still like that, staring at him with extremely hungry and sticky eyes, shaking his body and muttering something in his mouth.

"What do you taste like? I really want to bite it!"

She made no secret of her desire to eat Shirou Emiya. Such words filled such a small space with an extremely strong sense of oppression.

"Now, if I beat you, can I eat you?"

Lan Lujun also seemed to be asking something, asking questions at Emiya Shirou like a barrage, but she answered alone, unable to conceal her strong desire to eat.

"It's just that all the people who fought so far have disappeared, and you have to disappear too. What a pity!"

At the moment when Mr. Lan Lu finished his words, Vlad III, who was standing next to him, also looked extremely confused.

"Let me tell you, the master opposite, where are your servants?"

Looking at Shirou Emiya standing alone across from him, even Vlad III, who was a little crazy, felt something strange.

This is already a decisive battlefield, a place where servants fight each other to determine the winner.

Not bringing the followers in is just an act seeking death.

But even so, Vlad III still didn't feel the slightest trace of a servant's presence around Emiya Shirou.

It was as if the man in front of him had no followers of his own.

Emiya Shirou could only smile bitterly and shake his head.

On the decisive battlefield, there is basically no need to hide.

Even if he lied and said his follower was Assassin, the other party would be able to infer the fact that he had no follower at all.

If Assassin can really cover up his aura to almost nothing, and even in such a small space, a servant cannot detect it, then Assassin may be the strongest job agent in the Holy Grail War.

With such aura covering up, the servant can even protect his master behind him, but Assassin can kill the master silently.

A servant's protection for his master is close to nothing in front of Assassin.

What's more, if Emiya Shirou really had such a powerful aura to cover Assassin, Lan Lujun would have died here long ago, and there would be no chance of coming to the decisive battlefield.

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility, that is, Emiya Shirou has no followers at all.

With this judgment in mind, when Vlad looked at Shirou Emiya again, what he got was indeed his extremely determined look.

The next second——————

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!!!!"

Crazy laughter came from Vlad III's mouth.

"Such a look, such a look, I really didn't see it wrong, I really didn't see it wrong!!!!!!"

He felt it, he felt Emiya Shirou's unyielding spirit, his indomitable will, and his fighting spirit that soared into the sky.

He didn't care if Shirou Emiya had any followers of his own. No matter how Shirou Emiya understood them as monsters, he was still his enemy and the one his Master wanted to eat.

You can praise and be grateful, but Vlad III will never be merciful to his enemies.

"Just imagining impaling such a noble enemy and bathing in blood, my heartbeat is already beating like a bell."

Vlad III was half-pressed, his crazy expression releasing a strong fighting spirit and murderous intention surrounding Shirou Emiya.

He couldn't wait to fight with Emiya Shirou, and wanted to impale someone like Emiya Shirou.

"Once you think about the moment that is approaching, the pace of the elevator that makes you anxious also makes you feel loving!"

The rising speed of the surrounding blue light began to slow down, and the elevator soon stopped.

The clown standing next to Vlad shrugged in an extremely funny and exaggerated way.

From the two cracked holes in the mask, she stared at Shirou Emiya tightly and stickyly with her dark eyes.

"I'm starving. I want to eat delicious food soon!!!!"

The decisive battle officially begins————————————

The originally small and closed environment is changing rapidly. The steel plate ground and the space with blue light disappear in an instant.

The emerald green figure instantly fills Shirou Emiya's eyes.

Everything around is covered by the emerald green grass several meters high.

Even if the sun tries its best, it can only slightly illuminate the world under the grass.

It's like the arena of Ichirzuki Xianghai is on an island, and the decisive battlefield is on the sails of a ship sailing in the ocean storm.

The location of the arena and the decisive battlefield is different.

It just gives you a reference for the situation of the decisive battlefield.

The entire decisive battlefield is covered by endless grass several meters high.

Everything around is extremely dark, and there is no vacant land at all.

Shirou Emiya can only fight with Vlad III on such a plain, but actually extremely complex ground.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, my wife. It's finally lunchtime, and the food this time will undoubtedly be delicious!!!"

A familiar voice came from in front of Shirou Emiya.

It was Vlad III holding a dark golden spear and showing his sharp teeth.

Chapter 579 Kazikli Bey

He raised his gun and pointed it at Shirou Emiya with overwhelming fighting spirit.

The surrounding grass couldn't help but sway under this fighting spirit.

"I'm already starving, so, Blue Road-kun, I feel very sad."

At this time, Blue Road-kun was sitting on the ground, shaking his body like a rag doll, responding to Vlad III.

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