Of course, there are still two questions.

The first one is about how long Matou Shinji and Gina can turn off the lighting system.

The second one is whether Shirou Emiya has the ability to severely injure Gawain with one blow.

Chapter 618: Unable to cross the pure white wall

The towering pure white city wall stands above the deserted desert.

Even if you just look at it from a distance, you can feel the majesty contained in it.

Not to mention touching the city wall at such a close distance.

Standing in the yellow sand, Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin could only feel their own insignificance.

Like frogs at the bottom of a well, they could only see the sky between the two city walls.

“This kind of terrain is really unheard of—!”

Tohsaka Rin, who was standing behind Emiya Shirou, couldn't help but sigh.

If monsters do not emerge from the surrounding city walls, then it will give the people inside them a very strong sense of security.

"Emiya, you fly up there first and see what the situation is like around here."

After being slightly shocked, Tohsaka Rin immediately returned to his normal form as a magician.

Emiya Shirou also quickly dealt with several monsters that were pouring in around him at this time.

Since he decided to assist Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin naturally asked Emiya Shirou a lot of questions with the idea of ​​knowing more about Emiya Shirou's combat effectiveness.

Naturally, she also knew that Emiya Shirou's evil spirit could fly.

Of course, even if Tohsaka Rin didn't know, she would immediately ask Emiya Shirou to judge the situation of the maze in the arena this time.

Only by first understanding the environment you are in can you better formulate a strategy against the enemy. You can even find a retreat route for yourself in advance.

Tohsaka Rin was able to escape from Gawain's hands so quickly precisely because he and Cu Chulainn investigated the surrounding environment.

Moreover, Tohsaka Rin had a bad feeling.

The distance between the towering and strong city walls is not wide.

Allowing two cars to travel at the same time is already the limit of this road distance.

There is only a road paved with yellow sand between the city walls. On this road, there are no obstacles at all.

It's like returning to the most classic maze, with countless walls forming intricate paths.

Tohsaka Rin slowly walked to the pure white city wall and touched it gently with her hand. Magic power danced on her arm covered by the dark deletion program.

Then, she slowly stepped back, her right hand turned into a gun shape, and a red beam of light appeared on her finger.


Magic bullets like bullets exploded instantly, hitting the wall accurately.


Only a crisp sound could be heard. The magic bullet that hit the wall quickly dissipated, but the wall was still intact.

Seeing this scene, Tohsaka Rin frowned slightly, took out a crimson gemstone from his pocket, and threw it towards the far wall with a slight pain on his face.


A violent explosion exploded on the wall dozens of meters away from Tosaka Rin, and red flames rushed towards the surroundings with an all-devouring momentum in an instant.

But it only lasted a few seconds before the flames disappeared, leaving only the charred wall.

"The defense is so strong——!"

Looking at the city wall with almost no special damage, Tohsaka Rin's eyes began to fluctuate. With this level of defense, if there is an emergency, it is almost unnecessary to consider blasting open the city wall, or choose to blast open the city wall to attack. opponent.

After Tohsaka Rin casually tested the defensive power of the surrounding city walls, Emiya Shirou, who was flying through the sky wearing a demonic suit, suddenly fell down, and then landed firmly on the ground.

"How about it, is there any vantage point around where we can observe what's going on underneath—!"

Since Emiya Shirou has an extremely excellent level in archery, the first thing Tohsaka Rin should do is to find a commanding height that allows Emiya Shirou to easily observe the overall situation.

Only in this way can Shirou Emiya exert his full power.

Rin Tohsaka still vividly remembers the image of Cú Chulainn being unable to get close to Shirou Emiya no matter what.

However, Emiya Shirou sighed helplessly when he heard Tohsaka Rin's question.

"The height of each city wall is the same. There is no commanding height that can be occupied."

"And the entire world, with the open space in the center, presents intricate roads that continue to extend around until there is no end in sight."

"Of course, maybe that's not very accurate. The sky is constantly surrounded by yellow sand. From very far away, I can only see the yellow sand rolled into a storm."

Emiya Shirou also told Tohsaka Rin everything he saw.

"It's become a hell of a difficulty——!"

Listening to Emiya Shirou's description, Tohsaka Rin held her forehead and sighed in her heart.

How could he be so unlucky that he ended up in a world where it was difficult to display his long-range combat power?

In such a maze, if you encounter an opponent, the only option is to fight head-on.

The distance between the two walls was so close that even if Emiya Shirou was walking on the wall, it would be difficult to cross the other wall and see what was going on underneath.

It has basically cut off Emiya Shirou's ability to fight at super long distances.

Rin Tousaka followed Shirou Emiya for no other reason.

On the one hand, Shirou Emiya's preparations before the war were too simple, and Rin Tousaka couldn't stand it.

On the other hand, and the most important aspect, even if Shinji Matou's hacking skills were amazing, it was impossible to permanently close the sun.

Then the time to extinguish the sun was very critical. Shinji Matou and Ginako outside the arena had no idea what the situation was like inside the arena.

When Shirou Emiya would fight with Gawain, or how long he could hold on, these were all unknown.

Under uncertain circumstances, Shinji Matou and Ginako could not accurately extinguish the sun when Gawain and Shirou Emiya were fighting.

So Rin Tousaka decided to act as a communication. Shinji Matou and Ginako in the academy waited for Rin Tousaka's magic instructions.

As long as the gem in Ginako's hand lit up, Shinji Matou would immediately extinguish the sun.

Of course, it was still in the conceptual stage.

Shinji Matou is still trying to overcome the layers of protection designed by Mooncell.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the sun or Mooncell's lighting system is not an important program, and the protection designed is not top-notch.

As long as Shinji Matou is given a certain amount of time, he will be able to bypass the protection program designed by Mooncell and mobilize the lighting system.

Gina is responsible for using her hacking skills to resist the Mooncell that reacts when Shinji Matou mobilizes the lighting system, and to extend the darkness to the greatest extent.

No one has any opinions on the distribution of tasks, but Shirou Emiya is still a little worried about Rin Toosaka's physical condition.

"Don't worry about me, I'm not doing this for you, but for the purpose of participating in this Holy Grail War. Now all I can do is to entrust all my hopes to you!"

Looking at Rin Toosaka's extremely serious expression, unwilling to retreat at all, Shirou Emiya never mentioned the idea of ​​letting Rin Toosaka go back to the health room to rest.

Chapter 619 Negative emotions pouring in like the sea

"Gawain, you are a little dazed, what are you thinking about?"

Similarly, in this yellow sand-covered arena, Leo slowly asked Gawain who was looking at the wall in a daze.

"Nothing, Master, it's just that this pure white wall reminds me of Camelot--"

"The City of Chalk?"

Standing next to Gawain, Leo also nodded slightly. He had previously used magic to investigate this wall slightly. Its defense power might be able to easily block the enemy's treasures below B-level.

It is not something that can be broken by brute force. Basically, if there is a conflict, it will only be a head-on conflict.

As for the winning rate, is there any need to think about it?

Leo's expression did not fluctuate at all. In his eyes, there was only victory.

It was not simply due to absolute confidence in his own strength.

Leo, as an ideal person, has no human shortcomings and negative emotions, does not know what defeat is, does not know what fear is, and can't even imagine that he might lose.

"Keep going forward. According to the feedback from the magic, the first code key is just ahead."

With a gentle and elegant tone, Leo slowly looked at the road ahead, and couldn't help but sigh.

Emiya Shirou, you can obviously walk this road with me——————

"Only B-level and above anti-military treasures can destroy the city walls?"

On the other side, Toosaka Rin also quickly concluded the defense level of these surrounding walls.

And Emiya Shirou really stood beside Toosaka Rin like a servant, quietly listening to Toosaka Rin's analysis of the surrounding things.

In fact, he really didn't understand these things that well.

Every time he entered the arena, he basically took one step at a time, and even looked for the code key by luck.

I never thought that the code key was actually a part of testing the magician's level.

When Toosaka heard that Emiya Shirou was looking for the code key by luck, he was instantly furious and repeatedly reprimanded Emiya Shirou.

"Emiya, give me your terminal——!"

Glancing at Shirou Emiya who was following behind her silently, Rin Tousaka couldn't help but feel a headache.

Hasn't she been eliminated?

Why is she busying around like a master, really——!

The code key is not simply generated in the maze. The master can use his own hacking skills or magic to search for the traces of his own code key.

As for the clues about the code key, they are all in the terminal that sent the message.

Otherwise, in such a vast maze, finding such a card is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Unless you are really lucky, it is difficult to find it.

Only Shirou Emiya got his case number key in this simple and crude way.

If it weren't for the treasure that increased his luck, Shirou Emiya might have been eliminated in the first battle because he couldn't find the code key.

Seeing the accusing look of Rin Toosaka, Shirou Emiya could only scratch his forehead and respond with a wry smile. Apart from projection magic, Shirou Emiya didn't know much.

Being able to understand what Rin Toosaka was saying was the result of Shirou Emiya's desperate efforts in learning.


It was as if some electric current was passing through, and the surrounding air became heavy in an instant.

Tohsaka Rin, who was walking in front and continuing to explore the rules of the maze this time, also paused, slowly retreated behind Shirou Emiya, and looked around nervously.


As if something went wrong, the ground and even the walls turned an extremely strange red color.

It's like there is some kind of existence that is eroding this place.

Noises kept coming from the ears of Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin, as if they were cutting off their nerves, and huge negative emotions enveloped them instantly.

"What exactly is this breath?"

Rin Tosaka held the gem in his hand tightly. On the bulletin board, in this arena, there were clearly only Shirou Emiya and Leo.

Unless Emiya Shirou and Leo help them lock the arena here, other masters will have no way to come here.

Tohsaka Rin was also able to come here through Emiya Shirou, otherwise he would only go to the public arena used to familiarize magicians with the rules of the arena.

She also didn't think that any other Master would follow Leo to this arena.

The only Julius who might have followed him has been eliminated, and Tohsaka Rin really didn't know who would be here.

"Li Shuwen——"

Emiya Shirou closed his eyes, eliminating the negative emotions lingering in his mind, and simply felt the killing intent that came from nowhere.

This murderous intention made Emiya Shirou feel extremely familiar, as if he had faced it before, but with such sharpness and intensity, Emiya Shirou could only think of one person.

"Huh? Wasn't Julius eliminated?"

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