"Ha ha--!"

Gasps leaked out of his mouth involuntarily.

Blood also continued to seep out from the body.

The armor on his body has also disappeared.

Emiya Shirou slowly projected the reverse blade, inserted it into the ground, and supported his body.

Then, he looked into the distance.

At the last moment, Leo was thrown out by Gawain and left the range of the infinite sword. He fell to the ground several hundred meters away, dying.

Chapter 643: The health room full of peaceful atmosphere

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Tohsaka Rin sat up from the bed weakly. She looked at Leo lying unconscious on another bed with some disbelief.

In fact, Tohsaka Rin has a pessimistic attitude towards Emiya Shirou being able to defeat Leo.

Even though she made a plan for Emiya Shirou and risked her life to assist Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin still did not think that Emiya Shirou could defeat Leo.

At this time, Emiya Shirou was sitting at the desk in front of Tohsaka Rin. Matou Sakura slowly removed the bandages from Emiya Shirou's body, revealing the shocking injuries.

These injuries, even if they are just one type, are not acceptable to ordinary people.

Matou Sakura was carefully changing Emiya Shirou's dressing, for fear of hurting Emiya Shirou.

However, Emiya Shirou didn't care about this kind of thing. He was already used to pain.

Looking at the golden cracks that had covered Shirou Emiya's body, Tohsaka Rin's eyes revealed worry.

However, Emiya Shirou didn't seem to care about his serious condition at all. Instead, he looked at Tohsaka Rin, who had not yet woken up, with a worried expression.

"Are you okay now?"

Listening to Emiya Shirou's concerned tone, Tohsaka Rin felt warmth and anger rising in his heart.

"You fool! You don't even look at how serious your injuries are, and you still care about other people!"

Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but lecture Emiya Shirou in a scolding tone.

But Tohsaka Rin actually knew very well that Emiya Shirou had always had such a character, putting others in a more important position than himself.

Even if she had the intention to correct his somewhat distorted thoughts, it would be of no use. At least in such a compact and rare time as the Holy Grail War, Tohsaka Rin felt that she could not correct him.

If Shirou Emiya could win the Holy Grail and return to the surface alive, she would be willing to spend several years correcting Shirou Emiya.

Although it may not necessarily be successful.

"Well, as long as it's okay——!"

Listening to Tohsaka Rin's scolding, Emiya Shirou did not refute, but looked at her energetic look and finally let go of his worries.

"You guy!"

Tohsaka Rin wanted to continue scolding Emiya Shirou, but at this time, the door of the health room was pushed open.

"Wow!! Shinji is simply a vicious capitalist!!!!"

With an extremely distressed voice and tearful eyes, Gina cried towards Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin.

"Ha! If you want to play games, you can just go back to the ground and play. Now, of course, you will do your best to invade the Mooncell system and gain more advantages."

"Besides, knowing the various settings of Mooncell and drilling into the roofs of various buildings will also help us participate in the Holy Grail War for the second time!"

Listening to Ginako's cry, Shinji Matou walked from the door of the health room with a dissatisfied look on his face.

It's just analyzing Mooncell's operating data for dozens of hours every day, and trying to find ways to change the internal programs through the defense system.

Wouldn't it be enough to treat this matter as a game?

Anyway, Matou Shinji was not bored by this.

"No, who would participate in this Holy Grail War for the second time! This kind of experience is enough once!"

Gina quickly ran to Tohsaka Rin's side, shaking her head wildly to reject Matou Shinji's statement.

She will definitely live a good life after returning to the ground and will never participate in such a strange game.

If it weren't for Shirou Emiya, she would have suffered a mental breakdown.

She never wanted to experience that mental breakdown feeling again, it was so uncomfortable.

"It's up to you! Don't participate in the Holy Grail War for the second time. If you suffer from vomiting and diarrhea again, you will be sent to the health room by others!"

Matou Shinji also vented his anger on him like a child.

Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin could only look at each other and smiled helplessly.

"Your body has recovered so well now. The fifth round of battle is about to begin. Although the biggest enemy should have been eliminated, we still cannot take it lightly!"

Tohsaka Rin took another look at Leo, who was still awake in the hospital bed next to him, and his eyes became serious as he looked at Emiya Shirou.

Although Emiya Shirou defeated Gawain, he also paid a heavy price.

At least there was no way to bring out the strength that he had in fighting those servants before.

If he were on the ground, it would take at least ten days and a half for Shirou Emiya to recover from these injuries.

But in this Holy Grail War, the only time that Shirou Emiya can really recover is the rest time that Mooncell gives to each contestant after each decisive battle.

Now, out of the original 128 contestants, only 8 are left.

Because of this, not only the number of magicians, but also the number of NPCs in Tsukikaihara Academy has been greatly reduced.

Now there are not many students in the corridors of the academy.

It is basically empty.

Even walking in the corridor at sunset will make an extremely crisp sound.

Now only in the health room will there be a little bustle.


The door was pushed open again, and a woman with chestnut hair walked in.

"Hakuno! I didn't expect you to pass the fourth round of the war!!"

When Shinji Matou saw Shiranomi Shiranomi appear, his eyes revealed disbelief at first, then turned into joy, and then a little jealousy.

But what came out of his mouth was a mocking tone that he thought Shiranomi Shiranomi could not win the fourth round of the war.

Shinji Matou naturally knew the strength of his best friend very well, at least he didn't think Shiranomi Shiranomi was an excellent hacker or an excellent magician.

Being able to survive the first battle, Matou Shinji already felt that Kishinami Hakuno was very lucky.

He never thought that Kishinami Hakuno had come here victoriously.

But when he saw his best friend alive in front of him, Matou Shinji was excited, happy, and wanted to send him blessings.

At least he then remembered his blind self-confidence. It was obvious that he was far superior to Kishinami Hakuno in both talent and strength, but he was defeated by Emiya Shirou in the first battle.

He also felt a little unwilling and jealous.

"So many people!"

Kishinami Hakuno, who walked into the health room, was also suddenly shocked and stepped back.

She didn't expect that so many people would gather in a small health room.

Kishinami Hakuno would have thought that it was as quiet as the corridor outside, and only Matou Sakura was alone in the health room looking at the sun in the distance.

Chapter 644 The fifth battle, opening

Kishinami Hakuno stood at the door of the health room and counted the number of people in the health room at this time.

Excluding Matou Sakura, the number of contestants in the health room has reached 5, even more than half of the existing contestants.

Looking at Leo lying on the bed and not waking up, Kishinami Hakuno's heart is constantly rippling.

Shirou Emiya, what kind of existence is he?

Kishinami Hakuno couldn't help thinking in her heart.

Although she often saw Shirou Emiya in the academy, she didn't have much contact with him.

It can even be said that there were only a few direct contacts.

There were only two meetings with exchanges.

Most of the time, Kishinami Hakuno would see Shirou Emiya in a hurry in the corridor.

Basically, Kishinami Hakuno didn't have any chance to talk to Shirou Emiya.

What's more, she didn't know what she wanted to talk to Shirou Emiya about.

So many times, she could only look at Shirou Emiya running around in the academy with a question mark on her face, completing the tasks given by the NPC that the magician was unwilling to complete.

"How did you do it?"

Hakuno Kishinami looked at everyone in the health room, and her pupils couldn't help but tremble.

Especially when she saw Leo lying on the hospital bed, Hakuno Kishinami also felt incredible.

How powerful is Shirou Emiya to be able to defeat Leo!

To be honest, when she stood in front of Leo, she didn't feel the slightest possibility of winning.

"Ding ding ding!!!!"

However, just when Shirou Emiya was about to answer Shirou Kishinami, the sound came from Shirou Emiya and Shirou Kishinami at the same time.

The air in the entire health room suddenly condensed.

This situation seemed familiar.

During the third battle, Shirou Emiya and Rin Tosaka's terminals rang at the same time.

At this moment, everyone in the health room had the answer in their hearts.

Shirou Kishinami also understood something at this time, and left the health room and headed towards the bulletin board on the second floor.

Shirou Emiya did not follow Shirou Kishinami away.

Because at this time, Matou Sakura was still carefully bandaging him, and he had no way to leave.

Matou Shinji, who was originally in high spirits, seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and his expression became a little gloomy.

Kishinami Hakuno is Matou Shinji's close friend.

Emiya Shirou and Tosaka Rin did not talk to Matou Shinji.

The health room also fell into silence very abruptly.

In front of the bulletin board, Kishinami Hakuno looked at the message on the bulletin board, and his eyes became solemn.

Master: Emiya Shirou

Master: Kishinami Hakuno

Battlefield: May Moon Castle

There was no surprise. The moment their terminals rang at the same time, Kishinami Hakuno and Emiya Shirou had already realized that this would be the result.

After all, with the current number of contestants so small, receiving the message at the same time, it is almost 100% certain that each other is the opponent in this game.

"I didn't expect to meet so soon--"

A red figure slowly appeared beside Kishinami Hakuno.

He looked at the notice with a heavy face, and a sigh escaped from the corner of his mouth.

"What's wrong? Archer?"

It was the first time that Hakuno Kishiba saw Archer show such an attitude. No matter how strong the enemy was before, Archer always showed an indifferent attitude.

This time, Hakuno Kishiba saw seriousness in Archer's eyes

It was not like the previous battle, where he showed seriousness for himself, but it came from deep in his heart, as if he was serious about not admitting defeat.

"No, it's nothing——!"

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