"A wish for the Holy Grail?"

"It should be to end the Holy Grail War forever and allow those who participated in the Holy Grail War to live again."

Emiya Shirou just thought for a moment before giving his answer.

This Holy Grail War is not so much a fight caused by people on the ground for survival, but rather a fight caused by pure desire.

According to what Leo and Tohsaka Rin know, this Holy Grail is not that omnipotent, and it still cannot solve the difficulties faced by human beings on the earth today.

Even Leo, who embarked on the Holy Grail War for the future of mankind and the survival of mankind, never placed his hope on the Holy Grail.

It is even said that rather than gaining the power to unite mankind, Leo hopes to seal such a Holy Grail that will shake the stability of mankind.

Therefore, if the Holy Grail War continues, more people will only lose their lives.

Shirou Emiya clearly understood that with his own strength, he could only save his opponents at most, and he was powerless against those masters in other duels.

The only thing you can rely on is the Holy Grail.

"As expected of you, I can probably guess what you will do if you get the Holy Grail."

Tohsaka Rin looked at the slightly bright sky in the distance, as if he had expected it, and smiled slightly at Emiya Shirou.

"Although I hope you can think about yourself, such as your current soul condition."

"If it's possible, I'll try it."

Emiya Shirou nodded slightly. If there was still a chance after the previous two wishes came true, he would choose to let the Holy Grail heal him.

He didn't want to live with such severe pain every day.

Being able to endure it does not mean that you are willing to endure it.

"What are your chances of winning against them?"

Tohsaka Rin didn't really want the atmosphere to become so heavy, but in such a world, before a life-and-death battle, the atmosphere would become heavy anyway.

Both Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou were constantly thinking about what to do next.

"Less than 10%."

Emiya Shirou shook his head with a wry smile. To be precise, he thought that the probability of his defeat at the hands of Kishinami Hakuno was extremely high, and it was almost impossible to turn defeat into victory.

It is even said that the current situation is worse than when facing Gawain.

If you really want to defeat Archer, unless Avalon can continue to play its powerful role, or a miracle really happens.

Nowadays, both Emiya Shirou and Archer have a large number of Noble Phantasms left unused.

Unlike the previous situation, after knowing the local servant's real name, job description, legend, and having fought against him, it is almost easy to determine what the opponent's Noble Phantasm is.

Some even use Noble Phantasms before the final battle.

With sufficient information, Emiya Shirou can formulate a response plan based on the Noble Phantasm in his Unlimited Sword System.

But now, facing Archer, even if he knew his true identity, Emiya Shirou couldn't think of a good way to deal with it.

Because the two are essentially the same character but different existences.


"In other words, can we only pin everything on miracles?"

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou looked at each other. At this time, she had no way to assist Emiya Shirou. The only thing she could do now was to continuously provide Emiya Shirou with sufficient magic power and wait for the final result.

She was unable to interfere in the decisive battle field like Matou Shinji, and Matou Shinji also refused to provide support because his opponent was Kishinami Hakuno.

"I'm afraid so."

Shirou Emiya could only reply helplessly. His Infinity Sword System was now extremely empty except for a few important treasures.

Perhaps, the fifth round of battle might really be his last battle.

Even if he really won, without that strong recovery ability, he would not be able to win six or seven battles in a row.

Looking at Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin spoke slowly as if he had made a decision.

"Can you come closer?"

"What's wrong?"

Emiya Shirou was full of doubts, but he still listened to Tohsaka Rin's words and approached him.

"It's too far, come closer!"

Looking at Emiya Shirou who was not getting very close, Tohsaka Rin made some hasty noises.

"Still getting closer?"

Emiya Shirou was a little confused, but he walked forward step by step.

Then, at the moment Emiya Shirou came closer, Tohsaka Rin moved his face forward.

She doesn't want to regret it. If she can, she will remember the experience of this month in her mind forever.


Following a faint sound, at the moment Emiya Shirou didn't react at all, a soft touch touched his lips.

Until that soft touch left, Emiya Shirou didn't come back to his senses, and could only look at Tohsaka Rin in a daze.

Seeing Emiya Shirou's expression, Tohsaka Rin's face immediately turned red, fierce steam rose from his head, and he ran towards the rooftop entrance without looking back.

Then, as if he remembered something, he stopped, turned around, and shouted in the direction of Emiya Shirou.

"Emiya! We must win!!"

Chapter 658: You are also my best friends.

"Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!"

The crisp knocking on the door echoed in the corridor. The corridor, which was originally filled with various student interactions, was now extremely silent.

Except for Kotomine Kirei standing at the door of the decisive battlefield, there was no sign of any strangers.

Even the sound of the passing breeze sounded very clearly in Shirou Emiya's ears.


An impatient voice came from the multimedia classroom in front of Emiya Shirou.

Ever since Matou Shinji captured the multimedia classroom, he has always regarded it as his own room and basically stayed in it during the day.

Previously, during the fourth round of battle, Matou Shinji would occasionally come out to exchange tactics with Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin, and talk about how to develop his ambitions after getting the multimedia classroom.

But after learning that Emiya Shirou's teammate for the fifth battle was Kishinami Hakuno, Emiya Shirou basically never saw Matou Shinji again this week.

As a friend, Emiya Shirou is very worried about Matou Shinji's current situation.

Gina had previously locked herself in the warehouse and not communicated with others, so she had mental problems. Shirou Emiya was also worried about what kind of problems would arise if Shinji Matou locked himself in the multimedia classroom. .

He did not regard the Matou Shinji of this world as the Matou Shinji of his own world.

"Shenji, it's me."

"Emiya? What can you do?"

The door was slowly pushed open.

What Shirou Emiya didn't expect was that the person in front of him was not what he imagined.

Matou Shinji's clothes were extremely clean, and his mental state was also very good.

Emiya Shirou didn't even see the dark circles on Matou Shinji's eyes.

The seaweed head is also slightly swaying in the breeze outside the door.

"Tsk! I don't know why, but I feel a little unhappy when I see that look in your eyes!"

Seeing Emiya Shirou's somewhat surprised look, Matou Shinji revealed his feelings at the moment without any concealment.

He was originally an extremely outstanding person. Although he faced blows from people like Tohsaka Rin, Emiya Shirou, Leo, and Gina, he still maintained that he was an extremely outstanding person.

If you want to talk about why, Matou Shinji's current real age is only eight years old. When he is the same age as Emiya Shirou, Tohsaka Rin, and Leo, his achievements and strength will definitely far surpass them.

They just have had it longer than themselves, that's why they look so good.

"No, I'm just saying that I haven't seen any trace of you for a while, so I'm a little worried."

Emiya Shirou shook his head in embarrassment, he underestimated Matou Shinji's will.

"Huh ↑ Do you need to worry? I am a genius. Compared to me, there will be a decisive battle soon. This is what you have to worry about."

After hearing Shirou Emiya's words, Shinji Matou's tone obviously took a step upwards.

"Could it be that you are planning to seek help from me because you have no way to deal with Anami and the others?"

"As long as you call Master Matou and ask for help, I will definitely help you without hesitation."

Looking at the smug Matou Shinji, non-existent beads of sweat suddenly appeared on Emiya Shirou's forehead. Sure enough, it was still Shinji, and he really hadn't changed at all.

"No, no need."

Seeing that Matou Shinji was in extremely good mental and physical condition, Emiya Shirou had no intention of staying here. He just rejected Matou Shinji with a smile, and then prepared to turn around and leave.

"Ha!? Stop, you two are like this, are you looking down on me?"

Upon hearing Shirou Emiya's rejection, Shinji Matou immediately became dissatisfied and grabbed Shirou Emiya's shoulders.


Turning his head and seeing the ferocious face of Matou Shinji, Emiya Shirou also stopped in his tracks.

"No, we have never looked down on you. Your talent is at the top and is recognized by all of us."

Emiya Shirou looked into Shinji Matou's eyes without even the slightest dodge.

Because this is indeed what he really feels.

"Without your help, I would have been eliminated in the fourth round."

Although Tohsaka Rin also had the reason to invade the Mooncell lighting system, she was not able to always pay attention to Emiya Shirou's fighting situation at this time.

If Emiya Shirou had a follower, he would naturally be able to transmit information to Tohsaka Rin through the terminal while his follower was fighting Gawain, asking him to turn off the lighting system.

However, Emiya Shirou did not have his own followers, so he could only fight in person.

In the middle of the battle, it was impossible for Emiya Shirou to have time to use the terminal to send messages.

Therefore, in the four rounds of battle, if it were not for the help of Matou Shinji, Ginako, and Tohsaka Rin, he would never have been able to defeat Leo and Gawain.

"I am very grateful to you. If it weren't for you, I would have faced even more terrifying pressure during the decisive battle."

Because of Matou Shinji, the injured Emiya Shirou was relieved of a considerable amount of pressure when fighting Gawain, allowing him to have time to display his inherent barrier when facing Gawain's Noble Phantasm.

Seeing Emiya Shirou's sincere eyes and expression, Matou Shinji couldn't help but fall silent. Sincerity is an absolute must-kill skill.

Matou Shinji wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. He slowly put his hand down and then looked at Shirou Emiya.

"Why are you unwilling to accept my help at this time? You have been fighting so hard and never asked me for help. You should know that with your current physical condition, you have a low chance of winning against Kishiba."

Matou Shinji has completely cracked the system of the multimedia classroom.

Now this classroom can not only observe the battle in the final battlefield, but also the battle in the arena.

It can even be said that with Matou Shinji's unparalleled talent, he can already interfere with the battle in the arena through his computer spell.

"Your emotions are not false. Both I and Tosaka know that Shirou Kishinami is your best friend. As your friends, how could we let you do such a painful thing."

The reason why Tosaka Rin and Shirou Emiya did not ask Matou Shinji for help is also because of this, although for magicians, the memories of the preliminaries are all false.

But they could feel that Matou Shinji's feelings for Kishinami Hakuno were real, and he truly regarded her as his best friend.

Emiya Shirou and Toosaka Rin would not be such a villain for the sake of victory. Although they often teased Matou Shinji, they had already regarded him as their friend.

Looking at Emiya Shirou walking away, Matou Shinji stood there in a daze, and then muttered to himself.

"You are also my best friends--"

Chapter 659 I am an excellent adult

After saying goodbye to Matou Shinji, Emiya Shirou walked towards the health room without hesitation.

There was not much time left before the decisive battle.

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