Matou Sakura didn't know what happened to Emiya Shirou, but as a high-level AI responsible for the health of all masters, she felt it was necessary to continue to review it, although there might be a little selfishness in it.

"Is that so? Then I will go to the health room to visit Emiya-kun first." Leo said on the radio with a tone that would not allow him to refuse.

"But, Emiya-senpai is still very weak——!" Matou Sakura looked at the broadcast with some excitement.

"I'm very sorry, we don't have that kind of margin, the situation cannot be delayed." Obviously, Leo seems to be very heartless, but it also means another thing, that is, there is no need to delay at this stage.

Otherwise, Leo wouldn't have set off immediately as soon as Shirou Emiya woke up.

"No, I'll go to your side——!" Emiya Shirou stood up and responded to Leo towards the broadcast position.

"The Shirou Emiya I know is not a character who will just stay put. Even if I don't tell him, he will stand up without hesitation——"

As if he heard his answer, Emiya Shirou could clearly hear a slight smile in Leo's words, as if he had anticipated his choice.

"Senior——!" Matou Sakura looked at Emiya Shirou with some worry.

"Don't worry, I know my physical condition well and I won't show off."

Having said that, Emiya Shirou has always been trying to show off his strength, and his purpose is good, but this makes people even more worried.

Whether it was Matou Sakura who was far away in Fuyuki in another world or Matou Sakura who was standing in front of him now, they all discovered Emiya Shirou's lies very easily.

"I understand, Leo-kun is waiting for you at the student union, in the classroom on the left behind the second floor." Matou Sakura also put away her worried look and pointed out the location of the student union to Emiya Shirou.

Just like Emiya Shirou didn't want Sakura to worry, Matou Sakura didn't want Emiya Shirou to worry about her.

"Also, Miss Jeanne is in the classroom on the right after going up to the second floor. Remember to meet Miss Jeanne. If you misremember Miss Jeanne's job description, you still need to confirm your Servant status. "

Emiya Shirou nodded and left the health room under Matou Sakura's gaze.

"Senpai——!" Looking at Shirou Emiya's leaving figure, Matou Sakura once again showed a worried look and muttered to herself.

Pushing open the door of the health room, sunlight shines in through the wooden mesh window.

The entire surrounding floor and walls are made of wood, and they will make a squeaking sound if you step on them lightly.

A slight puff of smoke will rise from the floor,

It can be clearly judged that this academy seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

But even so, the place still exudes an antique flavor, especially under the golden sunlight, the entire corridor looks extremely simple.

Old but without losing charm.

In fact, Shirou Emiya felt that this place was very similar to the mansion where he lived.

I just want to say that my house is still standing here because I regularly maintain it.

Seeing the sunlight shining through the window, Emiya Shirou thought he had returned to the dojo of the mansion.

After all, he had been training himself there before and often sparred with Sister Teng, but he was always the one who failed in the end.

In such a corridor, the only thing that surprises people is the extremely modern canteen at the entrance of the stairs.

Likewise, in this canteen, stood an even more surprising being.

But it didn't seem that surprising, because Emiya Shirou had seen such a scene before.

"Hey, Emiya-san, you finally woke up——"

The sound of joy penetrated Emiya Shirou's mind like thunder.

"Father Kotomine——? What are you doing here again?"

"Huh, you have an expression of disapproval. I can also understand your mood at this time. After all, my mood is the same."

When Kirei Kotomine heard Shirou Emiya's question, he just smiled slightly and explained to Shirou Emiya in a pleasant voice.

"Not only you Masters, but us NPCs were also involved in this disaster. At that time, my original position was also rewritten, and now I am just an ordinary canteen clerk."

Listening to his explanation and looking at the tall and imposing Kotomine Kirei in church attire, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Was it because of this that I was able to see Kotomine Kirei in the canteen that time?

It’s really dumbfounding.

Emiya Shirou only hoped that Mapo Tofu should not be included in the products.

Because he had tried it once before, and that was the first time he finished making it and packaged it without even trying the taste.

From that moment on, Emiya Shirou decided to stay away from Mapo Tofu.


"Mapo Tofu, I think someone mentioned the newly launched products in the canteen, is it you? Emiya-san, I didn't expect that we would be so in tune with each other -!"

I don't know whether it was because he was too obsessed with Mapo Tofu, or because he secretly used his authority as a high-level AI, but he seemed to hear Shirou Emiya's thoughts.

It should be said that he heard Emiya Shirou's heart calling for Mapo Tofu.


Before Shirou Emiya could even speak, a bowl of steaming mapo tofu was brought out from behind by Kotomine Kirei.

Isn't this really something he used his authority to create? Obviously there is no equipment to make mapo tofu in the canteen.

Seeing the bright red coat spreading around like lava erupting, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of fluid.

At this time, there seemed to be a voice speaking in his ear.

"Hey, it's hell ahead."

Chapter 684: Become the spear in my hand

In the end, Emiya Shirou escaped the punishment of Mapo Tofu.

Emiya Shirou did not run away directly, but refused by saying that Leo was currently looking for something to do with him.

Kirei Kirei also put away the Mapo Tofu with a look of regret at this time.

"It's so hard! Why does it get harder!!!!"

Before he could open the door, Emiya Shirou heard distressed sounds coming from inside.

In such an extremely quiet classroom, a girl with braided blond hair hanging down behind her like a ponytail was sitting on her seat, looking at the person in front of her with a puzzled face. textbook.

The pen in my hand is also shaking constantly.

Joan of Arc.

At this time, she was not as dashing as she was wearing armor and holding a flag as Shirou Emiya had first seen her.

Joan of Arc, holding a math textbook and sitting in the classroom studying the topics in it, was like a girl in high school, tilting her head slightly and still thinking about the topics in these textbooks at high speed.

But even if she transforms into a girl in terms of temperament, just from her back, you can still feel her extraordinary figure and the faint charm and beauty she carries.

Seemingly hearing the sound of the door opening, Jeanne stopped what she was doing and turned her head slightly, looking over with some joy.


At this moment, Joan of Arc's data also entered Emiya Shirou's eyes.

Real name: Joan of Arc

Job description: Lancer

Attribute: Order·Goodness

Ability value——————

Strength: C (B)

Durability: C(B)

Agility: B(A)

Magic: C(B)

Lucky: D(C)

Noble Phantasm: A++

"Ruler, how on earth did you get here?"

Although Jeanne d'Arc is now a Lancer, Emiya Shirou did see that Jeanne d'Arc's job bureau is a Lancer, but he still habitually calls Jeanne d'Arc a Ruler, which seems to be a form of Ruler being Jeanne d'Arc's exclusive title.

This may be considered a bad habit of Emiya Shirou.

"Well, because of various things-" Joan was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

She had thought that Emiya Shirou would definitely raise this question, but until now Jeanne had not thought of how to word it.

In the beginning, Jeanne actually started running to save Emiya Shirou from the Holy Grail.

She did not want Shirou Emiya to die, nor should she bear such a heavy responsibility.

It just means that I have been chasing such a long distance and such a long time without even realizing it.

Joan of Arc didn't understand why she was so persistent, but since she was already obsessed with it, she might as well persist to the end.

But when faced with Emiya Shirou's question, she still didn't know how to answer.

"It's okay if Ruler doesn't want to say it. It's just that I have some questions. It's not a big deal."

Seeing the somewhat hesitant Jeanne, Emiya Shirou did not force him to go over. What he wanted to say was just an insignificant matter. Jeanne had already come over, and that was enough.

At least, she had gone through so much trouble to come here, and he shouldn't have faced it with a questioning attitude.

"No, it's okay. It's just that I didn't think about how to say it. It's not a very important thing." Joan of Arc also waved her hands quickly. It wasn't that she didn't want to say it, but she really didn't think about how to say it.

"But Ruler, why did you become a Lancer when you were hired here?"

Emiya Shirou had more than just a few questions. He just said that if Jeanne didn't want to say anything, he wouldn't break the casserole and ask the truth.

"Because there is another me in SE.RA.PH————"

Having said this, Jeanne sighed.

In fact, to put it simply, there is another Joan of Arc in SE.RA.PH with the job of Ruler, and there is no way for her to live as a Ruler.

But she couldn't give up her current job as a Ruler servant.

Because this would immediately disconnect the already weak connection, and if she wanted to find Shirou Emiya, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

What's more, there is still obstruction from Mooncell.

So after a long confrontation with Mooncell, the two parties finally reached a compromise.

Mooncell provides Jeanne with Lancer's spiritual foundation, while Jeanne provides her chaotic records.

However, the only difference from Joan of Arc in this world is that she experienced a Holy Grail War.

Because of this, she lost the EX level anti-magic power that only Ruler has.

However, it did not have a particularly big impact on her in terms of combat, because Joan of Arc used her flag on the spot.

After transforming into the Lancer spirit base, the weapon form did not change much.

Of course, it's not that nothing has changed. After the transformation of the spiritual base, Jeanne's inherent skills and treasures have also undergone some changes.


Suddenly, Jeanne's expression became extremely serious, and she looked straight at Shirou Emiya.

"I'm still very sorry for what happened before. If it weren't for me, maybe you would be more relaxed during this Holy Grail War."

"I've already said that I don't care about this matter--"

"This is a mistake I made, and I must bear the corresponding punishment for it. If it weren't for the fact that Emiya-kun himself is extremely reliable, he might have died here because of me. I absolutely cannot forgive myself for making such a mistake!"

Looking at Jeanne's extremely serious eyes, Shirou Emiya's heart sank slightly, and then he showed the only remaining Command Seal on the back of his hand and pointed it at Jeanne.

At this time, looking at Shirou Emiya who seemed to be equally serious, Jeanne also became a little nervous, and couldn't help but close her eyes tightly, waiting for Shirou Emiya to speak.

"Then as a punishment, Ruler——————!"

A harsh voice sounded at this moment, as if Shirou Emiya really intended to punish Jeanne.


Only a crisp collision sound could be heard in this quiet classroom.

"It hurts——!"

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