Four swords shot down from the sky like missiles, like bright flashes, interweaving and sweeping out.

They shot forward with a sharp sound that penetrated the air.

As if in response to the attack from Shirou Emiya, the petite [Matou Sakura] showed a very disdainful smile.

"It's really different from those tiny Masters. Such eyes, such strength, and the spirit of not giving up fighting even in such a desperate moment, really makes people feel happy————!"

With such words, she seemed to not care about the threat of the flying swords at all. At this moment, on the wall, she was like an extremely good dancer.

Her feet like blades slid on the wall, and the ballet posture was very lifelike at this moment.

The four flying swords just brushed her body and fell down.


At this moment, a strong wind came.

The powerful impact instantly set off a terrifying airflow, and the air burst like a storm and caused an explosion.

At this moment, the petite [Matou Sakura] was like a sharp blade, tearing the space apart again, cutting through the atmosphere, and coming violently with a strong gust of wind.

The speed was not something that human eyes could easily capture.

Even the air was wailing under this amazingly fast slash.

If it were a normal magician, facing this attack, he would be cut in half in an instant.

At this moment, Jeanne was holding Sesshōin Kiara with one hand, and holding the flag with the other hand, fighting against the larger [Matou Sakura] falling from above, and there was no way to provide corresponding support for Shirou Emiya.

There was only one Command Seal left in Shirou Emiya's hand. In this world, losing the last Command Seal does not mean that you cannot restrain your servants, but directly lose the qualification to participate in the Holy Grail War. The result given by Mooncell is direct annihilation.

However, Shirou Emiya did something that no one present could imagine.

"Sakura! Hold on tight!!"

As soon as the words fell, Shirou Emiya loosened his hand that was clenched tightly against the wall, and his whole body fell directly towards the petite [Sakura Matou] below.

"Projection Start (Trace on)"


Amid the clear chanting sound that turned into an echo, a cold sword light shot out from the sky like a white beam, turning into a sword light falling from the sky, and fell fiercely on the attacking blade.


At this moment, the collision between the slash and the slash caused a neat sound of metal clashing.

Chaos The two pieces of steel produced an extremely violent conflict, and the sound of the bell-like collision turned into a shock wave, which completely shook between Shirou Emiya and that [Sakura Matou].


The storm exploded like this, turning into a shocking shock wave, sweeping around.


Jeanne wanted to leap over to support, but the mechanical claws that could crush everything completely broke the path she could fly.

"Please, please don't go——!"

During such a rapid fall, Shirou Emiya, who was holding Sakura Matou in his arms, disappeared from Jeanne's sight in an instant under such an impact.

"Now, I'm starting to like you a little bit——!!!!"

Looking at Shirou Emiya, who was holding Sakura Matou in his arms with one hand without any fear and fighting with his feet heavily, she felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

Such a will and such a look made her extremely addicted.

Violent sparks collided from the confrontation between the two.

His hand had begun to burst because of such a violent collision, and blood kept splashing from it, falling on the grinning face of [Sakura Matou], making it look even more bloody.

At this moment, what Shirou Emiya held in his hand was a knight sword with a silver blade and a hilt that seemed to be inlaid with gemstones. It was filled with the colors of miracles.

Durandal, also known as the Indestructible Saint.

The immortal and indestructible holy sword, which is as famous as the Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur), has an indestructible blade, which means "the blade of immortality".

Even under such a terrifying collision, this weapon did not break at all.

"It's a pity that our collision is about to end! It seems that the woman has dealt with her affairs!"

The moment she finished speaking, a soft and tender hand gently brushed Shirou Emiya's face from the side.

His consciousness seemed to be suddenly restricted, and a very strong sleepiness swept over him at this moment, and a moist breath blew out from his ears.

"Senior, just sleep peacefully, I will arrange everything for you——!"

Resisting the last glimpse of his eyes that were about to fall, Shirou Emiya slowly turned his head and looked to the side.

It was a face that was exactly the same as Matou Sakura's.

Chapter 691 [Prison]

Consciousness was restored.

Shirou Emiya felt as if he had slept for a long, long time.

He had never slept so deeply before, and the accumulated fatigue in his body was instantly swept away.

Whether it was the never-ending pain in his body or soul, or the fact that as he continued to grow, he began to be wary of his surroundings when sleeping, Emiya Shirou was unable to sleep as defenselessly as before. past.

But this time's sleep made Emiya Shirou feel more comfortable than ever before, as if someone had endured such pain and uneasiness for him.

However, now is not the time to feel comfortable.

Emiya Shirou slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

Here is a room.

A wooden room.

The room was extremely simple, so simple that it seemed familiar to Shirou Emiya.

"This is my own bedroom?"

The layout of this room was too familiar to Shirou Emiya, and he could tell at just a glance that it was decorated according to the bedroom in his memory.

Let's talk about why Shirou Emiya didn't think that he had returned to his original world at the first time.

On the one hand.

The door has been calling me, pulling at me to get out of here.

From another perspective.


Matou Sakura was currently sitting on a chair, lying on Emiya Shirou's body and also fell asleep deeply, still muttering something softly in her mouth.

His originally purple hair has begun to turn slightly white, making people even more worried about his physical condition.

However, Emiya Shirou himself does not seem to have the right to worry about others, because he turned from red hair to white hair because of excessive consumption of his own life.

As if sensing Emiya Shirou's awakening, Sakura, who had fallen asleep with her head on Emiya Shirou's body, woke up immediately.

"Yes, I'm sorry, senior——! He is obviously an advanced AI, but he fell asleep like this!"

Looking at Shirou Emiya who woke up, Matou Sakura looked a little flustered.

"I'm fine, but Sakura, your hair-?"

"Senior, don't worry, I, I am just an advanced AI responsible for managing the master's health. If there is a problem, Mooncell will replace me and can perfectly replace my functions -"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's concern, Matou Sakura felt a warm current flowing through her heart for some reason.

And just like before, there was an extremely familiar feeling coming over me.

But as if thinking of her identity, Matou Sakura lowered her head sadly.

"How come it doesn't matter-!"

Seeing Matou Sakura's sad look and sneer at him, Emiya Shirou immediately turned around, patted her shoulders with both hands, scolded her sternly, and stared at Matou Sakura with his eyes.

Matou Sakura was also frightened by Emiya Shirou's sudden change of attitude. Her whole body straightened up, and she looked into his unshakable eyes under the breeze of the early morning.

"Sakura is Sakura, no one can replace you, and no one will replace you—!"

"But, but, at that time, if it wasn't for protecting me, senior probably wouldn't have fallen into such a passive situation—!"

Matou Sakura knew very well that when she fell downwards, it was because of herself as a burden and because Emiya Shirou wanted to protect herself and fell into that position when facing the petite [Matou Sakura]. Such a suppressed situation.

It's just that all of this is Matou Sakura's own self-blame. Especially when she heard the girl named BB call herself a prototype, Matou Sakura even more blamed herself.

There will be such a disaster now, and the source of everything comes from ourselves.

"Don't bear all the responsibility for this on yourself. This is what I want to do. Even if I fall into such a disadvantage again, I will protect you without hesitation-"

The words Emiya Shirou spoke were not intense, nor did they need to be so intense. The uncaring and wavering look in his eyes had already shown his determination to Matou Sakura.

"Senior, thank you——"

For some reason, looking at Shirou Emiya like this and being so close to him, the feeling of panic disappears and makes people feel extremely at ease.

[I want to stay with Emiya Shirou forever]

As soon as such an idea appeared, Matou Sakura's heart was immediately shaken, as if she had had such an idea before.

But Mooncell will not allow such emotions to continue. If she wants to keep this emotion and extend this time, then there is only one thing she can do——————

No, Matou Sakura didn't dare to think about it any more.

"Senior, let me make you a cup of tea——!"

Matou Sakura suddenly became a little flustered, immediately stood up from her seat, opened the door, and left the bedroom.

Emiya Shirou also touched the back of his head and left the very familiar bed.

When I opened the door, I saw a lush green courtyard.

Sometimes, he practiced kendo and archery in the courtyard.

Although under normal circumstances he would go to the dojo in his mansion for training, and he also sparred with Sister Fuji in that dojo.

"Did it read my memory, or did it really use Mooncell to simulate the appearance of my house in my world?"

Emiya Shirou just said it casually, after all, this kind of thing is not important to him now.

There was nothing hidden in his memory. Whether the other party read his memory or deduced his former residence through Mooncell's computing power, it had no effect on him.

Shirou Emiya's current goal is to find the mastermind and solve all this.

But his current goal is to find a way to leave this mansion.

Thinking of this, Shirou Emiya raised his head slightly. At this time, his mansion was like a prison, surrounded by the red walls on all sides, and he could not see any situation outside.

This is the defense built by Mooncell. Its level has reached the A level in the Noble Phantasm level. Its strong defense can resist the attacks of various Noble Phantasms.

It even has a counter-attack effect. Whether it is the Master's attack or the Servant's attack, it can transmit the magic power of the attack and counter it to the Master.

The Master's brain was burned in an instant.

Only when he had Avalon's healing at the time, Shirou Emiya could survive safely after attacking this barrier.

Now, Shirou Emiya has no way to deal with such a barrier.

He can certainly break this barrier regardless of his life as before.

But what about Sakura afterwards?

The world outside will definitely not be so peaceful.

Shirou Emiya stood in front of the barrier for a long time and could not think of an answer.

He did not notice at all that purple and black, like garbage, like a discarded doll, continued to diffuse in and enter his body.

Chapter 692 Cowardly [Sakura Matou]

"Senior, let's eat first." Sakura Matou walked out of the living room and spoke to Shirou Emiya who was standing in front of the red wall in the distance.

"Come right away--!"

Shirou Emiya responded to Sakura who was calling him. It felt like he was back in Fuyuki. When he was training in the dojo, or practicing projection magic and strengthening magic in the warehouse, Sakura would call him like this.

However, at this moment, Emiya Shirou was standing in front of the wall, not only thinking about how to leave here, but he could feel that through this wall, there seemed to be someone outside watching here.

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